- Run TLS job on multinode env (5 nodes). - Run umbrella job on multinode env. Update openstack umbrella chart values to work on multiple nodes (deploy mariadb and rabbit with general storage class). Change-Id: I50eabc2e56646c2e75cc84aad2280a6bb1a44df0
78 lines
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Executable File
78 lines
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Executable File
set -ex
set -o pipefail
: ${OSH_HELM_REPO:="../openstack-helm"}
# This test case aims to prove that updating a subhcart's configuration for
# the OpenStack Umbrella Helm chart results in no other subcharts' components
# being updated.
# This test case is proven by:
# 1. getting the list of DaemonSets, Deployment, StatefulSets after an installation
# 2. performing a helm upgrade with modifying a config specific to one subchart
# 3. getting the list of DaemonSets, Deployment, StatefulSets after the upgrade
# 4. Verifying the expected subchart application changes
# 5. Verifying no other applications are changed
validate_only_expected_application_changes () {
local app_name="$1"
local config_change="$2"
kubectl get daemonsets,deployments,statefulsets \
--namespace openstack \
--no-headers \
--output custom-columns=Kind:.kind,Name:.metadata.name,Generation:.status.observedGeneration \
> "$before_apps_list"
kubectl delete jobs \
--namespace openstack \
-l "application=$app_name" \
helm upgrade openstack ${OSH_HELM_REPO}/openstack \
--namespace openstack \
--reuse-values \
${config_change} \
--timeout=600s \
helm osh wait-for-pods openstack
kubectl get daemonsets,deployments,statefulsets \
--namespace openstack \
--no-headers \
--output custom-columns=Kind:.kind,Name:.metadata.name,Generation:.status.observedGeneration \
> "$after_apps_list"
# get list of apps that exist in after list, but not in before list
changed_apps="$(comm -13 "$before_apps_list" "$after_apps_list")"
if ! echo "$changed_apps" | grep "$app_name" ; then
echo "Expected $app_name application to update"
exit 1
# use awk to find applications not matching app_name and pretty format as Kind/Name
unexpected_changed_apps="$(echo "$changed_apps" | awk -v appname="$app_name" '$0 !~ appname { print $1 "/" $2 }')"
if [ "x$unexpected_changed_apps" != "x" ]; then
echo "Applications changed unexpectedly: $unexpected_changed_apps"
exit 1
validate_only_expected_application_changes "glance" "--set glance.conf.logging.logger_glance.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "heat" "--set heat.conf.logging.logger_heat.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "keystone" "--set keystone.conf.logging.logger_keystone.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "libvirt" "--set libvirt.conf.libvirt.log_level=2"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "mariadb" "--set mariadb.conf.database.config_override=[mysqld]\nlog_warnings=3"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "memcached" "--set memcached.conf.memcached.stats_cachedump.enabled=false"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "neutron" "--set neutron.conf.logging.logger_neutron.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "nova" "--set nova.conf.logging.logger_nova.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "openvswitch" "--set openvswitch.pod.user.nova.uid=42425"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "placement" "--set placement.conf.logging.logger_placement.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "rabbitmq" "--set rabbitmq.conf.rabbitmq.log.file.level=info"