For more information about this automatic import see: https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/reviewing-translation-import.html Change-Id: Ied61e4760a8290220965332a15f0a03bab0de84c
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# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: openstack-helm\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-23 00:21+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-19 01:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid ":ref:`genindex`"
msgstr ":ref:`genindex`"
msgid ":ref:`search`"
msgstr ":ref:`search`"
msgid "Adding Services"
msgstr "Menambahkan Layanan"
msgid "Adding Tests"
msgstr "Menambahkan Tes"
msgid ""
"Any additional functions required for testing new charts or improving the "
"gate workflow should be placed in the appropriate location."
msgstr ""
"Setiap fungsi tambahan yang diperlukan untuk menguji chart baru atau "
"meningkatkan gate workflow harus ditempatkan di lokasi yang tepat."
msgid ""
"Any tests that do not use the Rally testing framework would need to be "
"handled in the appropriate manner in launch script. This would ideally "
"result in new functions that could be reused, or expansion of the gate "
"scripts to include scenarios beyond basic service launches."
msgstr ""
"Setiap tes yang tidak menggunakan kerangka pengujian Rally harus ditangani "
"dengan cara yang sesuai dalam skrip peluncuran. Ini idealnya menghasilkan "
"fungsi baru yang dapat digunakan kembali, atau perluasan skrip gate untuk "
"memasukkan skenario di luar peluncuran layanan dasar."
msgid ""
"As charts for additional services are added to OpenStack-Helm, they should "
"be included in the gates. Adding new services to the gates allows a chart "
"developer and the review team to identify any potential issues associated "
"with a new service. All services are currently launched in the gate via a "
"series of launch scripts of the format ``NNN-service-name.sh`` where ``NNN`` "
"dictates the order these scripts are launched. The script should contain an "
"installation command like:"
msgstr ""
"Karena chart untuk layanan tambahan ditambahkan ke OpenStack-Helm, mereka "
"harus dimasukkan ke dalam gate. Menambahkan layanan baru ke gate "
"memungkinkan pengembang chart dan tim peninjau untuk mengidentifikasi setiap "
"potensi masalah yang terkait dengan layanan baru. Semua layanan saat ini "
"diluncurkan di gate melalui serangkaian skrip peluncuran format ``NNN-"
"service-name.sh`` dimana ``NNN`` mendikte perintah skrip ini diluncurkan. "
"Skrip harus berisi perintah pemasangan seperti:"
msgid ""
"As new charts are developed and the services are added to the gate, an "
"associated Helm test should be introduced to the gates. The appropriate "
"place for executing these tests is in the respective service's launch "
"script, and must be placed after the entry for installing the service and "
"any associated overrides. Any tests that use the Rally testing framework "
"should leverage the helm_test_deployment function in the aforementioned "
"funcs/helm.sh file. For example, a Helm test for Mistral might look like:"
msgstr ""
"Ketika chart baru dikembangkan dan layanan ditambahkan ke gate, tes Helm "
"yang terkait harus diperkenalkan ke gate. Tempat yang tepat untuk "
"mengeksekusi tes ini adalah di skrip peluncuran layanan masing-masing, dan "
"harus ditempatkan setelah entri untuk menginstal layanan dan menimpa yang "
"terkait. Setiap tes yang menggunakan kerangka pengujian Rally harus "
"memanfaatkan fungsi helm_test_deployment di file funcs/helm.sh yang "
"disebutkan di atas. Misalnya, tes Helm untuk Mistral mungkin terlihat "
msgid ""
"Bugs and enhancements are tracked via OpenStack-Helm's `Storyboard <https://"
msgstr ""
"Bug dan perangkat tambahan dilacak via OpenStack-Helm's `Storyboard <https://"
msgid "Bugs should be filed as stories in Storyboard, not GitHub:"
msgstr "Bug harus diajukan sebagai cerita di Storyboard, bukan GitHub:"
msgid "Communication"
msgstr "Komunikasi"
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "Isi:"
msgid "Contributing"
msgstr "Berkontribusi"
msgid ""
"Developers wishing to work on the OpenStack-Helm project should always base "
"their work on the latest code, available from the OpenStack-Helm git "
msgstr ""
"Pengembang yang ingin bekerja pada proyek OpenStack-Helm harus selalu "
"mendasarkan pekerjaan mereka pada kode terbaru, tersedia dari repositori git "
msgid ""
"Functions for Helm specific operations, found in helm.sh. These functions "
"include: installing Helm, serving a Helm repository locally, linting and "
"building all Helm charts, running Helm tests on a release, installing the "
"helm template plugin, and running the helm template plugin against a chart."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi untuk operasi khusus Helm, ditemukan di helm.sh. Fungsi-fungsi ini "
"meliputi: memasang Helm, melayani repositori Helm secara lokal, membuat "
"linting dan membangun semua Helm chart, menjalankan tes Helm pada rilis, "
"menginstal plugin template kemudi, dan menjalankan plugin template helm "
"terhadap chart."
msgid ""
"Functions for Kubernetes specific operations, found in kube.sh. These "
"functions include: waiting for pods in a specific namespace to register as "
"ready, waiting for all nodes to register as ready, install the requirements "
"for the kubeadm-aio container used in the gates, building the kubeadm-aio "
"container, launching the kubeadm-aio container, and replacing the kube-"
"controller-manager with a specific image necessary for ceph functionality."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi untuk Kubernetes operasi spesifik, ditemukan di kube.sh. Fungsi-"
"fungsi ini meliputi: menunggu pod dalam namespace tertentu untuk mendaftar "
"sebagai siap (ready), menunggu semua node untuk mendaftar sebagai siap, "
"menginstal persyaratan untuk kontainer kubeadm-aio yang digunakan di gate, "
"membangun kontainer kubeadm-aio, meluncurkan kontainer kubeadm- aio, dan "
"mengganti kube-controller-manager dengan image spesifik yang diperlukan "
"untuk fungsi ceph."
msgid ""
"Functions for OpenStack specific operations, found in openstack.sh. These "
"functions include: waiting for a successful ping, and waiting for a booted "
"virtual machine's status to return as ACTIVE."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi untuk operasi spesifik OpenStack, ditemukan di openstack.sh. Fungsi-"
"fungsi ini meliputi: menunggu ping yang berhasil, dan menunggu status mesin "
"virtual boot untuk kembali sebagai AKTIF."
msgid "Functions for common host preparation operations, found in common.sh"
msgstr "Fungsi untuk operasi persiapan host umum, ditemukan di common.sh"
msgid ""
"Functions for network specific operations, found in network.sh. These "
"functions include: creating a backup of the host's resolv.conf file before "
"deploying the kubeadm environments, restoring the original resolv.conf "
"settings, creating a backup of the host's /etc/hosts file before adding the "
"hosts interface and address, and restoring the original /etc/hosts file."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi untuk operasi spesifik jaringan, ditemukan di network.sh. Fungsi-"
"fungsi ini meliputi: membuat cadangan file resolv.conf host sebelum "
"menyebarkan lingkungan kubeadm, memulihkan pengaturan resolv.conf asli, "
"membuat cadangan file /etc/hosts milik host sebelum menambahkan antarmuka "
"dan alamat host, dan memulihkan file /etc/hosts asli."
msgid "Gate Checks"
msgstr "Gate Checks (pemeriksaan gate)"
msgid "Gate Functions"
msgstr "Gate Functions (fungsi gate)"
msgid "Gate Output"
msgstr "Gate Output"
msgid ""
"If you would like to contribute to the development of OpenStack, you must "
"follow the steps in this page:"
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda ingin berkontribusi pada pengembangan OpenStack, Anda harus "
"mengikuti langkah-langkah di halaman ini:"
msgid "Indices and Tables"
msgstr "Indeks dan Tabel"
msgid "Installation and Development"
msgstr "Instalasi dan Pengembangan"
msgid ""
"Join us on `IRC <irc://chat.freenode.net:6697/openstack-helm>`_: #openstack-"
"helm on freenode"
msgstr ""
"Bergabunglah dengan kami `IRC <irc://chat.freenode.net:6697/openstack-"
"helm>`_: #openstack-helm di freenode"
msgid ""
"Join us on `Slack <https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/C3WERB7DE/>`_ - "
msgstr ""
"Bergabunglah dengan kami `Slack <https://kubernetes.slack.com/messages/"
"C3WERB7DE/>`_ - #openstack-helm"
msgid ""
"Meeting Agenda Items: `Agenda <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-"
msgstr ""
"Item Agenda Rapat: `Agenda <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-helm-"
msgid "Mission"
msgstr "Misi"
msgid ""
"Once those steps have been completed, changes to OpenStack should be "
"submitted for review via the Gerrit tool, following the workflow documented "
msgstr ""
"Setelah langkah-langkah tersebut selesai, perubahan OpenStack harus dikirim "
"untuk ditinjau melalui alat Gerrit, mengikuti alur kerja yang "
"didokumentasikan di:"
msgid "OpenStack-Helm"
msgstr "OpenStack-Helm"
msgid "OpenStack-Helm Gates"
msgstr "OpenStack-Helm Gates"
msgid "OpenStack-Helm currently checks the following scenarios:"
msgstr "OpenStack-Helm saat ini memeriksa skenario berikut:"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Helm's single node and multinode gates leverage the kubeadm-aio "
"environment created and maintained for use as a development environment. "
"All information regarding the kubeadm-aio environment can be found here_."
msgstr ""
"Node tunggal OpenStack-Helm dan gate multinode memanfaatkan lingkungan "
"kubeadm-aio yang dibuat dan dipelihara untuk digunakan sebagai lingkungan "
"pengembangan. Semua informasi mengenai lingkungan kubeadm-aio dapat "
"ditemukan di sini_."
msgid ""
"Please review our `documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/"
"latest/>`_. For quick installation, evaluation, and convenience, we have a "
"kubeadm based all-in-one solution that runs in a Docker container. The "
"Kubeadm-AIO set up can be found `here <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-"
msgstr ""
"Harap tinjau kami `documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/"
"latest/>`_. Untuk instalasi cepat, evaluasi, dan kenyamanan, kami memiliki "
"solusi all-in-one berbasis kubeadm yang berjalan dalam kontainer Docker. "
"Pengaturan Kubeadm-AIO dapat ditemukan `here <https://docs.openstack.org/"
msgid ""
"Provisioning a multi-node Ubuntu-1604 cluster and deploying the OpenStack "
"services. This check is provided for both a two node cluster and a three "
"node cluster."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan multi-node klaster Ubuntu-1604 dan menyebarkan layanan "
"OpenStack. Pemeriksaan ini disediakan untuk dua klaster node dan tiga "
"klaster node."
msgid ""
"Provisioning a single node cluster and deploying the OpenStack services. "
"This check is provided for: Ubuntu-1604, CentOS-7, and Fedora-25."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan satu klaster node dan menyebarkan layanan OpenStack. Pemeriksaan "
"ini disediakan untuk: Ubuntu-1604, CentOS-7, dan Fedora-25."
msgid "Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Permintaan tarik (pull request) yang dikirimkan melalui GitHub akan "
msgid "Repository"
msgstr "Repository (repositori)"
msgid ""
"Running Make on each chart, which lints and packages the charts. This gate "
"does not stand up a Kubernetes cluster."
msgstr ""
"Menjalankan Make pada setiap chart, yang lint dan package chart. Gate ini "
"tidak memiliki kluster Kubernetes."
msgid ""
"Some services in the gate require specific overrides to the default values "
"in the chart's values.yaml file. If a service requires multiple overrides "
"to function in the gate, the service should include a separate values.yaml "
"file placed in the tools/overrides/mvp directory. The <service>.yaml MVP "
"files provide a configuration file to use for overriding default "
"configuration values in the chart's values.yaml as an alternative to "
"overriding individual values during installation. A chart that requires a "
"MVP overrides file requires the following format:"
msgstr ""
"Beberapa layanan di gate memerlukan pengunggahan spesifik ke nilai default "
"di file values.yaml chart. Jika suatu layanan memerlukan beberapa override "
"untuk berfungsi di gate, layanan harus menyertakan file values.yaml yang "
"terpisah yang ditempatkan di direktori tools/overrides/mvp. File MVP "
"<service>.yaml menyediakan file konfigurasi yang digunakan untuk "
"mengesampingkan nilai konfigurasi default di values.yaml milik chart sebagai "
"alternatif untuk menimpa nilai individual selama instalasi. Sebuah chart "
"yang membutuhkan file menimpa MVP membutuhkan format berikut:"
msgid "Storyboard"
msgstr "Storyboard (papan cerita)"
msgid "Testing any documentation changes and impacts."
msgstr "Menguji perubahan dan dampak dokumentasi apa pun."
msgid ""
"The K8s directory contains the logs and output of the Kubernetes objects. "
"It includes: pods, nodes, secrets, services, namespaces, configmaps, "
"deployments, daemonsets, and statefulsets. Descriptions for the state of "
"all resources during execution are found here, and this information can "
"prove valuable when debugging issues raised during a check. When a single "
"node or multi-node check fails, this is the first place to look. The logs "
"found here are helpful when the templates render correctly, but the services "
"are not functioning correctly, whether due to service configuration issues "
"or issues with the pods themselves."
msgstr ""
"Direktori K8s berisi log dan output dari objek Kubernetes. Ini termasuk: "
"pod, node, rahasia, layanan, namespace, configaps, penyebaran, daemon, dan "
"statefulset. Deskripsi untuk keadaan semua sumber daya selama eksekusi "
"ditemukan di sini, dan informasi ini dapat terbukti bermanfaat ketika "
"masalah debug dinaikkan selama pemeriksaan. Ketika pemeriksaan node tunggal "
"atau multi-node gagal, ini adalah tempat pertama untuk melihat. Log yang "
"ditemukan di sini bermanfaat ketika template dirender dengan benar, tetapi "
"layanan tidak berfungsi dengan benar, baik karena masalah konfigurasi "
"layanan atau masalah dengan pod itu sendiri."
msgid ""
"The dry-runs directory contains the rendered output of Helm dry-run installs "
"on each of the OpenStack service charts. This gives visibility into the "
"manifests created by the templates with the supplied values. When the dry-"
"run gate fails, the reason should be apparent in the dry-runs output. The "
"logs found here are helpful in identifying issues resulting from using helm-"
"toolkit functions incorrectly or other rendering issues with gotpl."
msgstr ""
"Direktori dry-run berisi output yang diberikan dari pemasangan Helm dry-run "
"pada masing-masing chart layanan OpenStack. Ini memberikan visibilitas ke "
"manifes yang dibuat oleh template dengan nilai yang disediakan. Ketika gate "
"dry-run gagal, alasannya harus jelas dalam output dry-run. Log ditemukan di "
"sini sangat membantu dalam mengidentifikasi masalah yang dihasilkan dari "
"penggunaan fungsi-fungsi helm-toolkit yang salah atau masalah rendering "
"lainnya dengan gotpl."
msgid ""
"The goal of OpenStack-Helm is to provide a collection of Helm charts that "
"simply, resiliently, and flexibly deploy OpenStack and related services on "
msgstr ""
"Tujuan OpenStack-Helm adalah untuk menyediakan koleksi grafik Helm yang "
"sederhana, tangguh, dan secara fleksibel menggunakan OpenStack dan layanan "
"terkait di Kubernetes."
msgid ""
"The nodes directory contains information about the node the gate tests are "
"running on in openstack-infra. This includes: the network interfaces, the "
"contents of iptables, the host's resolv.conf, and the kernel IP routing "
"table. These logs can be helpful when trying to identify issues with host "
"networking or other issues at the node level."
msgstr ""
"Direktori node berisi informasi tentang node dimana gate test sedang "
"berjalan di openstack-infra. Ini termasuk: antarmuka jaringan, isi iptables, "
"resolv.conf host, dan tabel routing IP kernel. Log ini dapat membantu ketika "
"mencoba mengidentifikasi masalah dengan jaringan host atau masalah lain di "
"tingkat node."
msgid ""
"This project is under active development. We encourage anyone interested in "
"OpenStack-Helm to review our `Installation <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"openstack-helm/latest/install/index.html>`_ documentation. Feel free to ask "
"questions or check out our current `Storyboard backlog <https://storyboard."
msgstr ""
"Proyek ini sedang dalam pengembangan aktif. Kami mendorong siapa pun yang "
"tertarik dengan OpenStack-Helm untuk meninjau dokumentasi kami `Installation "
"<https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/install/index.html>`_. "
"Jangan ragu untuk bertanya atau memeriksa saat ini `Storyboard backlog "
msgid "This results in the gate running the following:"
msgstr "Ini menghasilkan gate menjalankan berikut:"
msgid ""
"To evaluate a multinode installation, follow the `Bare Metal <https://docs."
"openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/install/multinode.html>`_ install guide."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengevaluasi instalasi multinode, ikuti panduan pemasangan `Bare Metal "
"<https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/install/multinode.html>` _."
msgid ""
"To facilitate ease of testing and debugging, information regarding gates and "
"their functionality can be found here."
msgstr ""
"Untuk memfasilitasi kemudahan pengujian dan debugging, informasi mengenai "
"gate dan fungsinya dapat ditemukan di sini."
msgid ""
"To provide meaningful output from the gates, all information pertaining to "
"the components of the cluster and workflow are output to the logs directory "
"inside each gate. The contents of the log directory are as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memberikan output yang berarti dari gate, semua informasi yang "
"berkaitan dengan komponen cluster dan alur kerja adalah output ke direktori "
"log di dalam setiap gate. Isi dari direktori log adalah sebagai berikut:"
msgid ""
"To provide reusable components for gate functionality, functions have been "
"provided in the gates/funcs directory. These functions include:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menyediakan komponen yang dapat digunakan kembali untuk fungsi gate, "
"fungsi telah disediakan di direktori gates/funcs. Fungsi-fungsi ini termasuk:"
msgid "Welcome to OpenStack-Helm's documentation!"
msgstr "Selamat datang di dokumentasi OpenStack-Helm!"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack-Helm git repository <https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack-Helm git repository <https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/"
msgid "https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html"
msgstr "https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/886"
msgstr "https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/886"