2017-03-31 10:53:31 -05:00

905 B

Development Environment Setup


  • Hardware
    • 16GB RAM
    • 32GB HDD Space
  • Software
    • Vagrant >= 1.8.0
    • VirtualBox >= 5.1.0
    • Kubectl
    • Helm
    • Git


  • Make sure you are in the directory containing the Vagrantfile before running the following commands.

Create VM

vagrant up --provider virtualbox

Deploy NFS Provisioner for development PVCs

vagrant ssh --command "sudo docker exec kubeadm-aio kubectl create -R -f /opt/nfs-provisioner/"

Setup Clients and deploy Helm's tiller


Label VM node(s) for OpenStack-Helm Deployment

kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all --namespace=openstack
kubectl label nodes openvswitch=enabled --all --namespace=openstack
kubectl label nodes openstack-compute-node=enabled --all --namespace=openstack