For more information about this automatic import see: https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/reviewing-translation-import.html Change-Id: Iac98fdac67987eb1a21df31160476d1561def738
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# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2019. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: openstack-helm\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-22 16:53+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-20 03:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid "**Check Chart Status**"
msgstr "**Check Chart Status**"
msgid ""
"**First**, edit the ``values.yaml`` for Neutron, Glance, Horizon, Keystone, "
"and Nova."
msgstr ""
"**First**, edit ``values.yaml`` untuk Neutron, Glance, Horizon, Keystone, "
"dan Nova."
msgid "**Review the Ingress configuration.**"
msgstr "**Review the Ingress configuration.**"
msgid ""
"**Second** option would be as ``--set`` flags when calling ``helm install``"
msgstr ""
"Pilihan **Second** akan menjadi ``--set`` flags saat memanggil ``helm "
msgid ""
"**TaaS Agent, TaaS OVS Driver and TaaS SR-IOV Driver**: This forms the back-"
"end of TaaS which runs as a ML2 agent extension on compute nodes. It handles "
"the RPC calls made by TaaS Plugin and configures the mechanism driver, i.e. "
"OpenVSwitch or SR-IOV Nic Switch."
msgstr ""
"**TaaS Agent, TaaS OVS Driver and TaaS SR-IOV Driver**: Ini membentuk back-"
"end TaaS yang berjalan sebagai ekstensi agen ML2 pada node komputasi. Ini "
"menangani panggilan RPC yang dibuat oleh TaaS Plugin dan mengkonfigurasi "
"driver mekanisme, misal OpenVSwitch atau SR-IOV Nic Switch."
msgid ""
"**TaaS Dashboard Plugin**: Horizon Plugin which adds GUI panels for TaaS "
"resources in the Horizon Dashboard."
msgstr ""
"**TaaS Dashboard Plugin**: Horizon Plugin yang menambahkan panel GUI untuk "
"sumber daya TaaS di Horizon Dashboard."
msgid ""
"**TaaS Plugin**: This is the front-end of TaaS which runs on controller node "
"(Neutron server). This serves TaaS APIs and stores/retrieves TaaS "
"configuration state to/from Neutron TaaS DB."
msgstr ""
"**TaaS Plugin**: Ini adalah front-end dari TaaS yang berjalan pada node "
"pengontrol (server Neutron). Ini melayani TaaS API dan menyimpan/mengambil "
"status konfigurasi TaaS ke/dari Neutron TaaS DB."
msgid "16GB of RAM"
msgstr "RAM 16GB"
msgid "4 Cores"
msgstr "4 Cores"
msgid "48GB HDD"
msgstr "48GB HDD"
msgid "8 Cores"
msgstr "8 Cores"
msgid "8GB of RAM"
msgstr "RAM 8GB"
msgid ""
"A correct DPDK configuration depends heavily on the specific hardware "
"resources and its configuration. Before deploying Openvswitch with DPDK, "
"check the amount and type of available hugepages on the host OS."
msgstr ""
"Konfigurasi DPDK yang benar sangat bergantung pada sumber daya perangkat "
"keras spesifik dan konfigurasinya. Sebelum menggunakan Openvswitch dengan "
"DPDK, periksa jumlah dan jenis hugepage yang tersedia di OS host."
msgid "Activate the OpenStack namespace to be able to use Ceph"
msgstr "Aktifkan namespace OpenStack untuk dapat menggunakan Ceph"
msgid "Activate the openstack namespace to be able to use Ceph"
msgstr "Aktifkan namespace openstack untuk dapat menggunakan Ceph"
msgid ""
"Add TaaS Dashboard dependency in ``requirements.txt`` file in ``openstack/"
"horizon`` repo, i.e. https://opendev.org/openstack/horizon"
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan dependensi TaaS Dashboard dalam file ``requirement.txt`` di ``repo "
"openstack/horizon``, yaitu https://opendev.org/openstack/horizon"
msgid ""
"Add TaaS and TaaS dashboard dependencies in :code:`upper-constraints.txt` "
"file in :code:`openstack/requirements` repo, i.e. https://opendev.org/"
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan TaaS dan dependensi dashboard TaaS dalam file :code:`upper-"
"constraints.txt` dalam :code:`openstack/requirements` repo, i.e. https://"
msgid ""
"Add TaaS dependency in ``requirements.txt`` file in ``openstack/neutron`` "
"repo, i.e. https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron"
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan dependensi TaaS dalam file ``requirement.txt`` di repo ``openstack/"
"neutron``, yaitu https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron "
msgid "Add TaaS panel to Horizon Dashboard:"
msgstr "Tambahkan panel TaaS ke Horizon Dashboard:"
msgid ""
"Add the address of the Kubernetes API, ````, and ``.svc.cluster."
"local`` to your ``no_proxy`` and ``NO_PROXY`` environment variables."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan alamat API Kubernetes, ``172,17,0,1``, dan ``.svc.cluster.local`` "
"ke variabel lingkungan ``no_proxy`` dan ``NO_PROXY`` Anda."
msgid ""
"Add to the Install steps these flags - also adding a shell environment "
"variable to save on repeat code."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan ke langkah Instal flags ini - juga menambahkan variabel lingkungan "
"shell untuk menghemat kode ulang."
msgid "Adding a DPDK port to Openvswitch fails"
msgstr "Menambahkan port DPDK ke Openvswitch gagal"
msgid ""
"Additional configuration variables can be found `here <https://github.com/"
"defaults/main.yml>`_. In particular, ``kubernetes_cluster_pod_subnet`` can "
"be used to override the pod subnet set up by Calico (the default container "
"SDN), if you have a preexisting network that conflicts with the default pod "
"subnet of"
msgstr ""
"Variabel konfigurasi tambahan dapat ditemukan `here <https://github.com/"
"defaults/main.yml>`_. Khususnya, ``kubernetes_cluster_pod_subnet`` dapat "
"digunakan untuk mengganti subnet pod yang diatur oleh Calico (kontainer "
"default SDN), jika Anda memiliki jaringan yang sudah ada sebelumnya yang "
"bertentangan (conflict) dengan subnet pod default"
msgid ""
"Additional information on Kubernetes Ceph-based integration can be found in "
"the documentation for the `CephFS <https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/"
"external-storage/blob/master/ceph/cephfs/README.md>`_ and `RBD <https://"
"md>`_ storage provisioners, as well as for the alternative `NFS <https://"
"md>`_ provisioner."
msgstr ""
"Additional information on Kubernetes Ceph-based integration can be found in "
"the documentation for the `CephFS <https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/"
"external-storage/blob/master/ceph/cephfs/README.md>`_ dan `RBD <https://"
"md>` _ storage provisioners, serta untuk alternatif `NFS <https: // github."
"com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/blob/master/nfs/README.md>`_ "
msgid ""
"Additionally, the default configuration of the neutron chart must be adapted "
"according to the underlying hardware. The corresponding configuration "
"parameter is labeled with \"CHANGE-ME\" in the script \"values_overrides/"
"dpdk.yaml\". Specifically, the \"ovs_dpdk\" configuration section should "
"list all NICs which should be bound to DPDK with their corresponding PCI-"
"IDs. Moreover, the name of each NIC needs to be unique, e.g., dpdk0, dpdk1, "
msgstr ""
"Selain itu, konfigurasi default grafik neutron harus disesuaikan sesuai "
"dengan perangkat keras yang mendasarinya. Parameter konfigurasi yang sesuai "
"diberi label dengan \"CHANGE-ME\" dalam skrip \"values_overrides/dpdk.yaml"
"\". Khususnya, bagian konfigurasi \"ovs_dpdk\" harus mencantumkan semua NIC "
"yang harus terikat ke DPDK dengan PCI-ID yang sesuai. Selain itu, nama "
"setiap NIC harus unik, mis., dpdk0, dpdk1, dll."
msgid ""
"After making the configuration changes, run a ``make`` and then install as "
"you would from AIO or MultiNode instructions."
msgstr ""
"Setelah membuat perubahan konfigurasi, jalankan ``make`` dan kemudian instal "
"seperti yang Anda lakukan dari instruksi AIO atau MultiNode."
msgid ""
"All commands below should be run as a normal user, not as root. Appropriate "
"versions of Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm will be installed by the playbooks "
"used below, so there's no need to install them ahead of time."
msgstr ""
"Semua perintah di bawah ini harus dijalankan sebagai pengguna biasa, bukan "
"sebagai root. Versi Docker, Kubernetes, dan Helm yang sesuai akan dipasang "
"oleh playbook yang digunakan di bawah ini, jadi tidak perlu menginstalnya "
"terlebih dahulu."
msgid ""
"Alternatively, this step can be performed by running the script directly:"
msgstr ""
"Alternatifnya, langkah ini dapat dilakukan dengan menjalankan skrip secara "
msgid ""
"An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach "
"the cluster services."
msgstr ""
"Ingress adalah kumpulan aturan yang memungkinkan koneksi masuk untuk "
"menjangkau layanan kluster."
msgid ""
"Apart from the variables above with gerrit refspec values, additionally "
"export following environment variables with values as applicable:"
msgstr ""
"Terlepas dari variabel di atas dengan nilai gerrit refspec, ekspor tambahan "
"variabel lingkungan berikut dengan nilai yang berlaku:"
msgid ""
"As any other Neutron plugin, TaaS neutron plugin functionality consists of "
"following modules:"
msgstr ""
"Seperti plugin Neutron lainnya, fungsionalitas plugin neutron TaaS terdiri "
"dari modul berikut:"
msgid ""
"Before deploying TaaS and/or TaaS Dashboard, it needs to be added in Neutron "
"and/or Horizon LOCI images."
msgstr ""
"Sebelum menggunakan TaaS dan/atau TaaS Dashboard, perlu ditambahkan dalam "
"image Neutron dan/atau Horizon LOCI."
msgid ""
"Below are some instructions and suggestions to help you get started with a "
"Kubeadm All-in-One environment on Ubuntu 16.04. Other supported versions of "
"Linux can also be used, with the appropriate changes to package installation."
msgstr ""
"Di bawah ini adalah beberapa petunjuk dan saran untuk membantu Anda memulai "
"dengan lingkungan Kubeadm All-in-One di Ubuntu 16.04. Versi Linux lainnya "
"yang didukung juga dapat digunakan, dengan perubahan yang sesuai untuk "
"instalasi paket."
msgid "Build the requirements LOCI image using above commit"
msgstr "Buat persyaratan image LOCI menggunakan komit di atas"
msgid ""
"By default the Calico CNI will use ```` and Kubernetes "
"services will use ```` as the CIDR for services. Check that "
"these CIDRs are not in use on the development node before proceeding, or "
"adjust as required."
msgstr ""
"Secara default, Calico CNI akan menggunakan layanan ```` dan "
"Kubernetes akan menggunakan ```` sebagai CIDR untuk layanan. "
"Periksa apakah CIDR ini tidak digunakan pada node pengembangan sebelum "
"melanjutkan, atau sesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan."
msgid ""
"Cinder deployment is not tested in the OSH development environment community "
msgstr ""
"Cinder deployment tidak diuji di gate komunitas lingkungan pengembangan OSH"
msgid "Cleaning the Deployment"
msgstr "Membersihkan Deployment"
msgid "Clone the OpenStack-Helm Repos"
msgstr "Mengkloning OpenStack-Helm Repos"
msgid "Code examples below."
msgstr "Contoh kode di bawah ini."
msgid "Common Deployment Requirements"
msgstr "Persyaratan Penerapan Umum"
msgid "Configure OpenStack"
msgstr "Konfigurasikan OpenStack"
msgid "Configure TaaS in Neutron chart"
msgstr "Konfigurasikan TaaS dalam chart Neutron"
msgid ""
"Configuring OpenStack for a particular production use-case is beyond the "
"scope of this guide. Please refer to the OpenStack `Configuration <https://"
"docs.openstack.org/latest/configuration/>`_ documentation for your selected "
"version of OpenStack to determine what additional values overrides should be "
"provided to the OpenStack-Helm charts to ensure appropriate networking, "
"security, etc. is in place."
msgstr ""
"Mengonfigurasi OpenStack untuk kasus penggunaan produksi tertentu berada di "
"luar ruang lingkup panduan ini. Silakan merujuk ke OpenStack `Configuration "
"<https://docs.openstack.org/latest/configuration/>`_ dokumentasi untuk versi "
"OpenStack pilihan Anda untuk menentukan apa penggantian nilai tambahan harus "
"diberikan ke chart OpenStack-Helm untuk memastikan jaringan yang sesuai, "
"keamanan, dll. sudah ada."
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "Isi:"
msgid ""
"Copy the key: ``sudo cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa /etc/openstack-helm/deploy-key.pem``"
msgstr ""
"Salin kunci: ``sudo cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa /etc/openstack-helm/deploy-key.pem``"
msgid "Create a patchset for ``openstack/horizon`` repo"
msgstr "Buat patchset untuk repo ``openstack/horizon``"
msgid "Create a patchset for ``openstack/neutron`` repo"
msgstr "Buat patchset untuk repo ``openstack/neutron``"
msgid "Create a patchset for ``openstack/requirements`` repo"
msgstr "Buat patchset untuk repo ``openstack/requirements``"
msgid "Create an environment file"
msgstr "Buat file lingkungan"
msgid "Create an inventory file"
msgstr "Buat file inventaris"
msgid ""
"Create an ssh-key on the master node, and add the public key to each node "
"that you intend to join the cluster."
msgstr ""
"Buat ssh-key pada node master, dan tambahkan kunci publik ke setiap node "
"yang Anda inginkan untuk bergabung dengan cluster."
msgid ""
"Default log level for Neutron TaaS is :code:`INFO`. For changing it, "
"override following parameter:"
msgstr ""
"Tingkat log default untuk Neutron TaaS adalah :code:`INFO`. Untuk "
"mengubahnya, ganti parameter berikut:"
msgid "Deploy Barbican"
msgstr "Terapkan Barbican"
msgid "Deploy Ceph"
msgstr "Terapkan Ceph"
msgid "Deploy Cinder"
msgstr "Terapkan Cinder"
msgid "Deploy Compute Kit (Nova and Neutron)"
msgstr "Menyebarkan Compute Kit (Nova dan Neutron)"
msgid "Deploy Glance"
msgstr "Terapkan Glance"
msgid "Deploy Heat"
msgstr "Terapkan Heat"
msgid "Deploy Horizon"
msgstr "Terapkan Horizon"
msgid "Deploy Keystone"
msgstr "Terapkan Keystone"
msgid "Deploy Kubernetes & Helm"
msgstr "Menyebarkan Kubernetes & Helm"
msgid "Deploy Libvirt"
msgstr "Terapkan Libvirt"
msgid "Deploy MariaDB"
msgstr "Terapkan MariaDB"
msgid "Deploy Memcached"
msgstr "Terapkan Memcached"
msgid "Deploy NFS Provisioner"
msgstr "Menerapkan NFS Provisioner"
msgid "Deploy OVS-DPDK"
msgstr "Menyebarkan OVS-DPDK"
msgid "Deploy OpenStack-Helm"
msgstr "Gunakan OpenStack-Helm"
msgid "Deploy OpenvSwitch"
msgstr "Terapkan OpenvSwitch"
msgid "Deploy RabbitMQ"
msgstr "Terapkan RabbitMQ"
msgid "Deploy Rados Gateway for object store"
msgstr "Menerapkan Rados Gateway untuk menyimpan objek"
msgid "Deploy TaaS Dashboard Plugin"
msgstr "Deploy TaaS Dashboard Plugin"
msgid "Deploy TaaS Plugin"
msgstr "Deploy TaaS Plugin"
msgid "Deploy tap-as-a-service (TaaS) Neutron / Dashboard plugin"
msgstr "Penyebaran plugin Tap-as-a-service (TaaS) Neutron/Dashboard"
msgid "Deploy the ingress controller"
msgstr "Pasang ingress controller"
msgid "Deployment"
msgstr "Penyebaran"
msgid "Deployment With Ceph"
msgstr "Deployment Dengan Ceph"
msgid "Deployment With NFS"
msgstr "Deployment Dengan NFS"
msgid "Development"
msgstr "Pengembangan"
msgid "Environment tear-down"
msgstr "Environment tear-down (lingkungan meruntuhkan)"
msgid ""
"Essentially the use of Ingress for OpenStack-Helm is an Nginx proxy service. "
"Ingress (Nginx) is accessible by your cluster public IP - e.g. the IP "
"associated with ``kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces | grep ingress-"
"api`` Ingress/Nginx will be listening for server name requests of \"keystone"
"\" or \"keystone.openstack\" and will route those requests to the proper "
"internal K8s Services. These public listeners in Ingress must match the "
"external DNS that you will set up to access your OpenStack deployment. Note "
"each rule also has a Service that directs Ingress Controllers allow access "
"to the endpoints from within the cluster."
msgstr ""
"Pada dasarnya penggunaan Ingress for OpenStack-Helm adalah layanan proxy "
"Nginx. Ingress (Nginx) dapat diakses oleh IP publik kluster Anda - mis. IP "
"yang terkait dengan ``kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces | grep "
"ingress-api`` Ingress/Nginx akan mendengarkan permintaan nama server "
"\"keystone\" atau \"keystone.openstack\" dan akan mengarahkan permintaan "
"tersebut ke K8s Services internal yang tepat. Pendengar publik di Ingress "
"harus sesuai dengan DNS eksternal yang akan Anda siapkan untuk mengakses "
"penyebaran OpenStack Anda. Perhatikan setiap aturan (rule) juga memiliki "
"Service yang mengarahkan Ingress Controllers memungkinkan akses ke endpoints "
"dari dalam kluster."
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Contoh"
msgid "Exercise the Cloud"
msgstr "Latihlah Cloud"
msgid "External DNS and FQDN"
msgstr "External DNS dan FQDN"
msgid "External DNS to FQDN/Ingress"
msgstr "External DNS ke FQDN/Ingress"
msgid ""
"For ``identity`` and ``dashboard`` at ``host_fdqn_override.public`` replace "
"``null`` with the value as ``keystone.os.foo.org`` and ``horizon.os.foo.org``"
msgstr ""
"Untuk ``identity`` dan ``dashboard`` pada ``host_fdqn_override.public`` "
"menggantikan ``null`` dengan nilai sebagai ``keystone.os.foo.org`` dan "
msgid ""
"For a deployment without cinder and horizon the system requirements are:"
msgstr "Untuk penyebaran tanpa cinder dan horizon, persyaratan sistem adalah:"
msgid ""
"For a lab or proof-of-concept environment, the OpenStack-Helm gate scripts "
"can be used to quickly deploy a multinode Kubernetes cluster using KubeADM "
"and Ansible. Please refer to the deployment guide `here <./kubernetes-gate."
msgstr ""
"Untuk lingkungan lab atau proof-of-concept, skrip gerbang OpenStack-Helm "
"dapat digunakan untuk dengan cepat menyebarkan kluster Kombetes multinode "
"menggunakan KubeADM dan Ansible. Silakan lihat panduan penerapan `here <./"
msgid ""
"For example if gerrit refspec for this commit is \"refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x"
"\", so export the :code:`REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC` variable as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Misalnya jika gerrit refspec untuk commit ini adalah \"refs/changes/xx/"
"xxxxxx/x\", jadi ekspor variabel :code:`REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC` sebagai "
msgid ""
"For example if gerrit refspec for this commit is \"refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x"
"\"; so export the :code:`HORIZON_REF_SPEC` variable as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Sebagai contoh jika gerrit refspec untuk komit ini adalah \"refs/changes/xx/"
"xxxxxx/x\"; jadi ekspor variabel :code:`HORIZON_REF_SPEC` sebagai berikut:"
msgid ""
"For example if gerrit refspec for this commit is \"refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x"
"\"; so export the :code:`NEUTRON_REF_SPEC` variable as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Sebagai contoh jika gerrit refspec untuk komit ini adalah \"ref / "
"perubahan / xx / xxxxxx / x\"; jadi ekspor variabel :code:`NEUTRON_REF_SPEC` "
"sebagai berikut:"
msgid "For more details, refer to TaaS specification: Tap-as-a-service_."
msgstr "Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat spesifikasi TaaS: Tap-as-a-service_."
msgid ""
"For other deployment options, select appropriate ``Deployment with ...`` "
"option from `Index <../developer/index.html>`__ page."
msgstr ""
"Untuk opsi penerapan lainnya, pilih opsi ``Deployment with ...`` dari "
"halaman `Index <../developer/index.html>`__ ."
msgid "Gate-Based Kubernetes"
msgstr "Gate-Based Kubernetes"
msgid "Get the Nginx configuration from the Ingress Pod:"
msgstr "Dapatkan konfigurasi Nginx dari Ingress Pod:"
msgid "Get the ``helm status`` of your chart."
msgstr "Dapatkan ``helm status`` dari chart Anda."
msgid "Helm Chart Installation"
msgstr "Pemasangan Helm Chart"
msgid ""
"Horizon deployment is not tested in the OSH development environment "
"community gates"
msgstr ""
"Penyebaran Horizon tidak diuji di gate komunitas lingkungan pengembangan OSH"
msgid "Host Configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi Host"
msgid ""
"If OVS fails to start up because of no hugepages are available, check the "
"configuration of the OVS daemonset. Older versions of helm-toolkit were not "
"able to render hugepage configuration into the Kubernetes manifest and just "
"removed the hugepage attributes. If no hugepage configuration is defined for "
"the OVS daemonset, consider using a newer version of helm-toolkit."
msgstr ""
"Jika OVS gagal untuk memulai karena tidak ada hugepage yang tersedia, "
"periksa konfigurasi daemonset OVS. Versi helm-toolkit yang lebih lama tidak "
"dapat merender konfigurasi hugepage ke manifes Kubernetes dan hanya "
"menghapus atribut hugepage. Jika tidak ada konfigurasi hugepage yang "
"ditentukan untuk daemonset OVS, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan versi helm-"
"toolkit yang lebih baru."
msgid ""
"If doing an `AIO install <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/"
"install/developer/index.html>`__, all the ``--set`` flags"
msgstr ""
"Jika melakukan suatu `AIO install <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/"
"latest/install/developer/index.html>`__, semua flags ``--set``"
msgid ""
"Implementing the FQDN overrides **must** be done at install time. If you run "
"these as helm upgrades, Ingress will notice the updates though none of the "
"endpoint build-out jobs will run again, unless they are cleaned up manually "
"or using a tool like Armada."
msgstr ""
"Menerapkan FQDN mengesampingkan **must** dilakukan pada waktu instalasi. "
"Jika Anda menjalankan ini sebagai peningkatan helm, Ingress akan melihat "
"pembaruan meskipun tidak ada tugas build-out endpoint yang akan berjalan "
"lagi, kecuali mereka dibersihkan secara manual atau menggunakan alat seperti "
msgid ""
"In order to access your OpenStack deployment on Kubernetes we can use the "
"Ingress Controller or NodePorts to provide a pathway in. A background on "
"Ingress, OpenStack-Helm fully qualified domain name (FQDN) overrides, "
"installation, examples, and troubleshooting will be discussed here."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengakses penyebaran OpenStack Anda di Kubernetes kita dapat "
"menggunakan Ingress Controller atau NodePorts untuk menyediakan jalur masuk "
"(pathway in). Latar belakang tentang Ingress, OpenStack-Helm yang memenuhi "
"syarat nama domain lengkap (FQDN) menimpa, pemasangan, contoh, dan pemecahan "
"masalah akan dibahas di sini ."
msgid ""
"In order to allow OVS inside a pod to make use of hugepages, the "
"corresponding type and amount of hugepages must be specified in the resource "
"section of the OVS chart's values.yaml:"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memungkinkan OVS di dalam pod menggunakan hugepage, jenis dan jumlah "
"hugepage yang sesuai harus ditentukan di bagian sumber daya dari OVS chart's "
msgid ""
"In order to deploy OpenStack-Helm behind corporate proxy servers, add the "
"following entries to ``openstack-helm-infra/tools/gate/devel/local-vars."
msgstr ""
"Untuk menyebarkan OpenStack-Helm di belakang server proxy perusahaan, "
"tambahkan entri berikut ini ``openstack-helm-infra/tools/gate/devel/local-"
msgid ""
"In order to drive towards a production-ready OpenStack solution, our goal is "
"to provide containerized, yet stable `persistent volumes <https://kubernetes."
"io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/>`_ that Kubernetes can use to "
"schedule applications that require state, such as MariaDB (Galera). Although "
"we assume that the project should provide a \"batteries included\" approach "
"towards persistent storage, we want to allow operators to define their own "
"solution as well. Examples of this work will be documented in another "
"section, however evidence of this is found throughout the project. If you "
"find any issues or gaps, please create a `story <https://storyboard."
"openstack.org/#!/project/886>`_ to track what can be done to improve our "
msgstr ""
"Untuk menuju solusi OpenStack yang siap produksi, tujuan kami adalah "
"menyediakan paket kemas (containerized), namun stabil `persistent volumes "
"<https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/>`_ yang "
"dapat Kubernetes gunakan untuk menjadwalkan aplikasi yang membutuhkan "
"status, seperti MariaDB (Galera). Meskipun kami menganggap bahwa proyek "
"harus memberikan pendekatan \"batteries included\" terhadap penyimpanan "
"persisten, kami ingin mengizinkan operator untuk menentukan solusi mereka "
"sendiri juga. Contoh pekerjaan ini akan didokumentasikan di bagian lain, "
"namun bukti ini ditemukan di seluruh proyek. Jika Anda menemukan masalah "
"atau celah, silakan buat `story <https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/"
"project/886>`_ untuk melacak apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan "
"dokumentasi kami."
msgid ""
"In the example above, bonding isn't used and hence an empty list is passed "
"in the \"bonds\" section."
msgstr ""
"Dalam contoh di atas, ikatan tidak digunakan dan karenanya daftar kosong "
"dilewatkan di bagian \"bonds\"."
msgid ""
"In this example, 8 hugepages of 1G size have been allocated. 2 of those are "
"being used and 6 are still available."
msgstr ""
"Dalam contoh ini, 8 hugepage ukuran 1G telah dialokasikan. 2 dari mereka "
"sedang digunakan dan 6 masih tersedia."
msgid ""
"In this example, the NIC with PCI-ID 0000:00:04.0 is connected to NUMA "
"socket 1. As a result, this NIC can only be used by OVS if"
msgstr ""
"Dalam contoh ini, NIC dengan PCI-ID 0000:00:04.0 terhubung ke soket NUMA 1. "
"Akibatnya, NIC ini hanya dapat digunakan oleh OVS jika"
msgid "Ingress"
msgstr "Ingress"
msgid "Install OpenStack-Helm"
msgstr "Memasang OpenStack-Helm"
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "Instalasi"
msgid ""
"It can be configured to give services externally-reachable URLs, load "
"balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting, and more."
msgstr ""
"Ini dapat dikonfigurasi untuk memberikan layanan URL yang dapat dijangkau "
"secara eksternal, memuat keseimbangan lalu lintas (load balance traffic), "
"mengakhiri SSL, menawarkan virtual hosting berbasis nama, dan banyak lagi."
msgid "Kubernetes Preparation"
msgstr "Persiapan Kubernetes"
msgid "Kubernetes and Common Setup"
msgstr "Kubernetes dan Pengaturan Umum"
msgid "Latest Version Installs"
msgstr "Pemasangan Versi Terbaru"
msgid ""
"Look for *server* configuration with a *server_name* matching your desired "
msgstr ""
"Carilah konfigurasi *server* dengan *server_name* sesuai dengan FQDN yang "
"Anda inginkan"
msgid ""
"Managing and configuring a Kubernetes cluster is beyond the scope of "
"OpenStack-Helm and this guide."
msgstr ""
"Mengelola dan mengkonfigurasi kluster Kubernetes berada di luar lingkup "
"OpenStack-Helm dan panduan ini."
msgid ""
"Many of the default container images that are referenced across OpenStack-"
"Helm charts are not intended for production use; for example, while LOCI and "
"Kolla can be used to produce production-grade images, their public reference "
"images are not prod-grade. In addition, some of the default images use "
"``latest`` or ``master`` tags, which are moving targets and can lead to "
"unpredictable behavior. For production-like deployments, we recommend "
"building custom images, or at minimum caching a set of known images, and "
"incorporating them into OpenStack-Helm via values overrides."
msgstr ""
"Banyak image kontainer default yang direferensikan di chart OpenStack-Helm "
"tidak dimaksudkan untuk penggunaan produksi; misalnya, sementara LOCI dan "
"Kolla dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan image tingkat produksi, image "
"referensi publik mereka tidak bermutu (not prod-grade). Selain itu, beberapa "
"image default menggunakan tag ``latest`` atau ``master``, yang merupakan "
"target bergerak dan dapat menyebabkan perilaku yang tidak dapat diprediksi. "
"Untuk penyebaran seperti produksi, kami menyarankan Anda untuk membuat image "
"khusus, atau minimal cache satu set image yang dikenal, dan menggabungkannya "
"ke OpenStack-Helm melalui penggantian nilai."
msgid ""
"More information can be found in the `Openvswitch documentation <http://docs."
msgstr ""
"Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di `Openvswitch documentation <http://"
msgid ""
"More information on how to allocate and configure hugepages on the host OS "
"can be found in the `Openvswitch documentation <http://docs.openvswitch.org/"
msgstr ""
"Informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mengalokasikan dan mengonfigurasi "
"hugepage pada OS host dapat ditemukan di `Openvswitch documentation <http://"
msgid "Multinode"
msgstr "Multinode"
msgid "Neutron TaaS support in Openstack-Helm commits:"
msgstr "Dukungan Neutron TaaS di komit Openstack-Helm:"
msgid "Neutron and Horizon LOCI images"
msgstr "image Neutron dan Horizon LOCI"
msgid ""
"Note if you need to make a DNS change, you will have to do uninstall (``helm "
"delete <chart>``) and install again."
msgstr ""
"Catatan jika Anda perlu membuat perubahan DNS, Anda harus melakukan "
"uninstall (``helm delete <chart>``) dan instal lagi."
msgid ""
"Note that OVS-DPDK deployment has been tested with Openstack Rocky release "
"and Ubuntu Bionic container distributions. If the above variables aren't "
"set, the defaults (currently Openstack Ocata and Ubuntu Xenial) will be used."
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa penyebaran OVS-DPDK telah diuji dengan rilis Openstack "
"Rocky dan distribusi kontainer Ubuntu Bionic. Jika variabel di atas tidak "
"disetel, defaultnya (saat ini Openstack Ocata dan Ubuntu Xenial) akan "
msgid ""
"Note that this command will only enable you to auth successfully using the "
"``python-openstackclient`` CLI. To use legacy clients like the ``python-"
"novaclient`` from the CLI, reference the auth values in ``/etc/openstack/"
"clouds.yaml`` and run::"
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa perintah ini hanya akan memungkinkan Anda untuk auth "
"berhasil menggunakan ``python-openstackclient`` CLI. Untuk menggunakan klien "
"legacy seperti ``python-novaclient`` dari CLI, referensi nilai auth di ``/"
"etc/openstack/clouds.yaml`` dan jalankan ::"
msgid "OVS startup failure"
msgstr "Kegagalan startup OVS"
msgid ""
"On the host or master node, install the latest versions of Git, CA Certs & "
"Make if necessary"
msgstr ""
"Pada host atau node master, instal versi terbaru Git, CA Certs & Make jika "
msgid "On the master node create an environment file for the cluster:"
msgstr "Pada node master buat file lingkungan untuk kluster:"
msgid "On the master node create an inventory file for the cluster:"
msgstr "Pada node master buat file inventaris untuk kluster:"
msgid "On the master node run the playbooks:"
msgstr "Pada node master jalankan playbook:"
msgid "On the worker nodes:"
msgstr "Di worker nodes:"
msgid ""
"Once OpenStack-Helm has been deployed, the cloud can be exercised either "
"with the OpenStack client, or the same heat templates that are used in the "
"validation gates."
msgstr ""
"Setelah OpenStack-Helm dikerahkan, cloud dapat dijalankan baik dengan klien "
"OpenStack, atau heat template yang sama yang digunakan di gate validasi."
msgid ""
"Once installed, access the API's or Dashboard at `http://horizon.os.foo.org`"
msgstr "Setelah dipasang, akses API atau Dasbor di `http://horizon.os.foo.org`"
msgid ""
"Once the above requirements are met, start deploying Openstack Helm using "
"the deployment scripts under the dpdk directory in an increasing order"
msgstr ""
"Setelah persyaratan di atas terpenuhi, mulailah menggunakan Openstack Helm "
"menggunakan skrip deployment di bawah direktori dpdk dalam urutan yang "
msgid ""
"Once the host has been configured the repos containing the OpenStack-Helm "
"charts should be cloned onto each node in the cluster:"
msgstr ""
"Setelah host dikonfigurasi, repositori yang berisi chart OpenStack-Helm "
"harus dikloning ke setiap node dalam kluster:"
msgid ""
"Once the host has been configured the repos containing the OpenStack-Helm "
"charts should be cloned:"
msgstr ""
"Setelah host dikonfigurasi, repositori yang berisi chart OpenStack-Helm "
"harus dikloning:"
msgid ""
"One can also specify the name of Openstack release and container OS "
"distribution as overrides before running the deployment scripts, for "
msgstr ""
"Seseorang juga dapat menentukan nama rilis Openstack dan distribusi OS "
"kontainer sebagai penggantian sebelum menjalankan skrip penyebaran, misalnya,"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Helm uses the hosts networking namespace for many pods including, "
"Ceph, Neutron and Nova components. For this, to function, as expected pods "
"need to be able to resolve DNS requests correctly. Ubuntu Desktop and some "
"other distributions make use of ``mdns4_minimal`` which does not operate as "
"Kubernetes expects with its default TLD of ``.local``. To operate at "
"expected either change the ``hosts`` line in the ``/etc/nsswitch.conf``, or "
"confirm that it matches:"
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Helm menggunakan namespace jaringan host untuk banyak pod "
"termasuk, Ceph, Neutron dan Nova komponen. Untuk ini, berfungsi, seperti "
"yang diharapkan pod harus dapat menyelesaikan permintaan DNS dengan benar. "
"Desktop Ubuntu dan beberapa distro lain memanfaatkan ``mdns4_minimal`` yang "
"tidak beroperasi karena Kubernetes mengharapkan dengan TLD defaultnya ``."
"local``. Untuk beroperasi pada diharapkan baik mengubah baris ``host`` di ``/"
"etc/nsswitch.conf``, atau konfirmasi bahwa itu cocok:"
msgid ""
"OpenStack-Helm utilizes the `Kubernetes Ingress Controller <https://"
msgstr ""
"OpenStack-Helm memanfaatkan `Kubernetes Ingress Controller <https://"
msgid "OpenStack-Helm-Infra KubeADM deployment"
msgstr "OpenStack-Helm-Infra KubeADM deployment"
msgid ""
"Other versions and considerations (such as other CNI SDN providers), config "
"map data, and value overrides will be included in other documentation as we "
"explore these options further."
msgstr ""
"Versi dan pertimbangan lain (seperti penyedia CNI SDN lainnya), data peta "
"konfigurasi, dan penggantian nilai akan dimasukkan dalam dokumentasi lain "
"saat kami mengeksplorasi opsi ini lebih lanjut."
msgid "Override images in Neutron chart"
msgstr "Override image dalam chart Neutron"
msgid ""
"Override the :code:`images` section parameters for Neutron chart with the "
"custom LOCI image's tag, prepared as explained in above sections."
msgstr ""
"Override parameter bagian :code:`images` untuk chart Neutron dengan tag "
"image LOCI kustom, disiapkan seperti dijelaskan di bagian di atas."
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Ikhtisar"
msgid "PMD threads have been assigned to NUMA socket 1."
msgstr "Threads PMD telah ditetapkan ke soket NUMA 1."
msgid "Passwordless Sudo"
msgstr "Passwordless Sudo"
msgid ""
"Please see the supported application versions outlined in the `source "
"variable file <https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm-infra/blob/master/"
msgstr ""
"Silakan lihat versi aplikasi yang didukung yang diuraikan dalam `source "
"variable file <https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm-infra/blob/master/"
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Plugins"
msgid "Prepare LOCI images"
msgstr "Mempersiapkan image LOCI"
msgid ""
"Prepare Neutron or Horizon LOCI image using this requirements image as :code:"
"`docker build --build-arg WHEELS` command argument."
msgstr ""
"Mempersiapkan image Neutron atau Horizon LOCI menggunakan image persyaratan "
"ini sebagai argumen perintah :code:`docker build --build-arg WHEELS`."
msgid ""
"Prepare a requirements LOCI image with Neutron TaaS and TaaS Dashboard code "
msgstr ""
"Mempersiapkan persyaratan image LOCI dengan Neutron TaaS dan TaaS Dashboard "
"code yang diinstal."
msgid ""
"Prepare ahead of time your FQDN and DNS layouts. There are a handful of "
"OpenStack endpoints you will want to expose for API and Dashboard access."
msgstr ""
"Persiapkan sebelumnya tata letak FQDN dan DNS Anda. Ada beberapa endpoint "
"OpenStack yang ingin Anda buka untuk akses API dan Dashboard."
msgid "Proxy Configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi Proxy"
msgid "Putting it all together"
msgstr "Menyatukan semuanya"
msgid "References"
msgstr "Referensi"
msgid "Removing Helm Charts"
msgstr "Menghapus Helm Chart"
msgid "Requirements"
msgstr "Persyaratan"
msgid "Requirements LOCI image"
msgstr "Persyaratan image LOCI"
msgid "Requirements and Host Configuration"
msgstr "Persyaratan dan Konfigurasi Host"
msgid "Run the playbooks"
msgstr "Jalankan playbook"
msgid "SSH-Key preparation"
msgstr "Persiapan SSH-Key"
msgid ""
"Set correct ownership: ``sudo chown ubuntu /etc/openstack-helm/deploy-key."
msgstr ""
"Setel kepemilikan yang benar: ``sudo chown ubuntu /etc/openstack-helm/deploy-"
msgid "Set log level for TaaS"
msgstr "Setel tingkat log untuk TaaS"
msgid "Setup Clients on the host and assemble the charts"
msgstr "Siapkan Klien pada host dan susun chart"
msgid "Setup the gateway to the public network"
msgstr "Siapkan gateway ke jaringan publik"
msgid "System Requirements"
msgstr "Persyaratan sistem"
msgid "TaaS Architecture"
msgstr "Arsitektur TaaS"
msgid ""
"TaaS dashboard plugin can be deployed simply by using custom LOCI images "
"having TaaS Dashboard code installed (as explained in above sections), i.e. "
"override the :code:`images` section parameters for Horizon charts:"
msgstr ""
"Plugin dashboard TaaS dapat digunakan hanya dengan menggunakan image LOCI "
"kustom yang memasang kode Dashboard TaaS (seperti dijelaskan di bagian di "
"atas), misal override parameter bagian :code:`images` untuk chart Horizon:"
msgid ""
"TaaS plugin provides a mechanism to mirror certain traffic (for example "
"tagged with specific VLANs) from a source VM to any traffic analyzer VM. "
"When packet will be forwarded, the original value of source and target ip/"
"ports information will not be altered and the system administrator will be "
"able to run, for ex. tcpdump, on the target VM to trace these packets."
msgstr ""
"Plugin TaaS menyediakan mekanisme untuk mencerminkan lalu lintas tertentu "
"(misalnya ditandai dengan VLAN tertentu) dari sumber VM ke VM penganalisa "
"lalu lintas apa pun. Ketika paket akan diteruskan, nilai asli sumber dan "
"informasi target ip/port tidak akan diubah dan administrator sistem akan "
"dapat berjalan, misalnya. tcpdump, pada VM target untuk melacak paket ini."
msgid ""
"Test this by ssh'ing to a node and then executing a command with 'sudo'. "
"Neither operation should require a password."
msgstr ""
"Uji ini dengan ssh'ing ke node dan kemudian jalankan perintah dengan 'sudo'. "
"Operasi tidak harus menggunakan kata sandi."
msgid ""
"The NUMA socket a given NIC is connected to can be found in the ovs-vswitchd "
msgstr ""
"Soket NUMA yang terhubung dengan NIC dapat ditemukan di log ovs-vswitchd:"
msgid ""
"The OpenStack clients and Kubernetes RBAC rules, along with assembly of the "
"charts can be performed by running the following commands:"
msgstr ""
"Klien OpenStack dan aturan Kubernetes RBAC, bersama dengan perakitan chart "
"dapat dilakukan dengan menjalankan perintah berikut:"
msgid ""
"The `./tools/deployment/multinode/kube-node-subnet.sh` script requires "
"docker to run."
msgstr ""
"Script `./tools/deployment/multinode/kube-node-subnet.sh` membutuhkan docker "
"untuk menjalankan."
msgid ""
"The ``.svc.cluster.local`` address is required to allow the OpenStack client "
"to communicate without being routed through proxy servers. The IP address "
"```` is the advertised IP address for the Kubernetes API server. "
"Replace the addresses if your configuration does not match the one defined "
msgstr ""
"Alamat ``.svc.cluster.local`` diperlukan untuk memungkinkan klien OpenStack "
"berkomunikasi tanpa diarahkan melalui server proxy. Alamat IP ```` "
"adalah alamat IP yang diiklankan (advertised) untuk server API Kubernetes. "
"Ganti alamat jika konfigurasi Anda tidak sesuai dengan yang didefinisikan di "
msgid "The default FQDN's for OpenStack-Helm are"
msgstr "Default FQDN untuk OpenStack-Helm adalah"
msgid ""
"The example above uses the default values used by ``openstack-helm-infra``."
msgstr ""
"Contoh di atas menggunakan nilai default yang digunakan oleh ``openstack-"
msgid ""
"The following commands all assume that they are run from the ``/opt/"
"openstack-helm`` directory."
msgstr ""
"Perintah berikut semua menganggap bahwa mereka dijalankan dari direktori ``/"
msgid ""
"The following commands all assume that they are run from the ``openstack-"
"helm`` directory and the repos have been cloned as above."
msgstr ""
"Perintah berikut semua berasumsi bahwa mereka dijalankan dari direktori "
"``openstack-helm`` dan repo telah dikloning seperti di atas."
msgid ""
"The installation procedures below, will take an administrator from a new "
"``kubeadm`` installation to OpenStack-Helm deployment."
msgstr ""
"Prosedur instalasi di bawah ini, akan mengambil administrator dari instalasi "
"``kubeadm`` baru ke penyebaran OpenStack-Helm."
msgid ""
"The mapping of CPU cores to NUMA sockets can be determined by means of "
"``lspci``, for instance:"
msgstr ""
"Pemetaan cores CPU ke soket NUMA dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan "
"``lspci``, misalnya:"
msgid "The recommended minimum system requirements for a full deployment are:"
msgstr ""
"Persyaratan sistem minimum yang disarankan untuk penyebaran lengkap adalah:"
msgid ""
"The script below configures Ceph to use filesystem directory-based storage. "
"To configure a custom block device-based backend, please refer to the ``ceph-"
"osd`` `values.yaml <https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm/blob/master/"
msgstr ""
"Skrip di bawah ini mengonfigurasi Ceph untuk menggunakan penyimpanan "
"berbasis direktori filesystem. Untuk mengkonfigurasi backend berbasis "
"perangkat blok kustom, silakan merujuk ke ``ceph-osd`` `values.yaml <https://"
msgid ""
"The upstream Ceph image repository does not currently pin tags to specific "
"Ceph point releases. This can lead to unpredictable results in long-lived "
"deployments. In production scenarios, we strongly recommend overriding the "
"Ceph images to use either custom built images or controlled, cached images."
msgstr ""
"Repositori image Ceph hulu saat ini tidak pin tag untuk rilis Ceph point "
"tertentu. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan hasil yang tak terduga dalam penempatan "
"jangka panjang. Dalam skenario produksi, kami sangat menyarankan untuk "
"mengganti image Ceph untuk menggunakan apakah image yang dibuat khusus "
"ataupun image yang dikontrol dan di-cache."
msgid ""
"These commands will restore the environment back to a clean Kubernetes "
"deployment, that can either be manually removed or over-written by "
"restarting the deployment process. It is recommended to restart the host "
"before doing so to ensure any residual state, eg. Network interfaces are "
msgstr ""
"Perintah ini akan memulihkan lingkungan kembali ke penyebaran Kubernetes "
"bersih, yang dapat dihapus secara manual atau ditulis berlebihan dengan "
"memulai kembali proses penerapan. Dianjurkan untuk me-restart host sebelum "
"melakukannya untuk memastikan setiap status yang tersisa, misalnya Network "
"interfaces dihapus."
msgid ""
"This command will deploy a single node KubeADM administered cluster. This "
"will use the parameters in ``${OSH_INFRA_PATH}/playbooks/vars.yaml`` to "
"control the deployment, which can be over-ridden by adding entries to ``"
msgstr ""
"Perintah ini akan menyebarkan satu node yang dikelola KubeADM cluster. Ini "
"akan menggunakan parameter dalam ``${OSH_INFRA_PATH}/playbooks/vars.yaml`` "
"untuk mengontrol penyebaran, yang dapat ditimpa berlebihan (over-ridden) "
"dengan menambahkan entri ke ``${OSH_INFRA_PATH}/tools/gate/devel/local-vars."
msgid ""
"This guide assumes that users wishing to deploy behind a proxy have already "
"defined the conventional proxy environment variables ``http_proxy``, "
"``https_proxy``, and ``no_proxy``."
msgstr ""
"Panduan ini mengasumsikan bahwa pengguna yang ingin menyebarkan di belakang "
"proxy telah mendefinisikan variabel lingkungan proksi konvensional "
"``http_proxy``, ``https_proxy``, dan ``no_proxy``."
msgid "This guide covers the minimum number of requirements to get started."
msgstr "Panduan ini mencakup jumlah minimum persyaratan untuk memulai."
msgid ""
"This guide explains how to deploy tap-as-a-service (TaaS) Neutron plugin and "
"TaaS Dashboard plugin in Neutron and Horizon charts respectively."
msgstr ""
"Panduan ini menjelaskan cara menggunakan plugin Tap-as-a-service (TaaS) "
"Neutron dan plugin TaaS Dashboard di masing-masing chart Neutron dan Horizon."
msgid ""
"This installation, by default will use Google DNS servers, or "
" and updates ``resolv.conf``. These DNS nameserver entries can be "
"changed by updating file ``openstack-helm-infra/tools/images/kubeadm-aio/"
"assets/opt/playbooks/vars.yaml`` under section ``external_dns_nameservers``."
msgstr ""
"Instalasi ini, secara default akan menggunakan server DNS Google, "
"atau dan pembaruan (update) ``resolv.conf``. Entri server nama DNS "
"ini dapat diubah dengan memperbarui file ``openstack-helm-infra/tools/images/"
"kubeadm-aio/assets/opt/playbooks/vars.yaml`` pada bagian "
msgid ""
"This installation, by default will use Google DNS servers, or "
" and updates resolv.conf. These DNS nameserver entries can be changed "
"by updating file ``/opt/openstack-helm-infra/tools/images/kubeadm-aio/assets/"
"opt/playbooks/vars.yaml`` under section ``external_dns_nameservers``. This "
"change must be done on each node in your cluster."
msgstr ""
"Instalasi ini, secara default akan menggunakan server DNS Google, "
"atau dan memperbarui resolv.conf. Entri server nama DNS ini dapat "
"diubah dengan memperbarui file ``/opt/openstack-helm-infra/tools/images/"
"kubeadm-aio/assets/opt/playbooks/vars.yaml`` di bawah bagian "
"``external_dns_nameservers``. Perubahan ini harus dilakukan pada setiap node "
"di kluster Anda."
msgid "This is a two step process, i.e."
msgstr "Ini adalah proses dua langkah, misal"
msgid ""
"This will delete all Kubernetes resources generated when the chart was "
"instantiated. However for OpenStack charts, by default, this will not delete "
"the database and database users that were created when the chart was "
"installed. All OpenStack projects can be configured such that upon deletion, "
"their database will also be removed. To delete the database when the chart "
"is deleted the database drop job must be enabled before installing the "
"chart. There are two ways to enable the job, set the job_db_drop value to "
"true in the chart's ``values.yaml`` file, or override the value using the "
"helm install command as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Ini akan menghapus semua sumber daya Kubernetes yang dihasilkan saat chart "
"dibuat. Namun untuk chart OpenStack, secara default, ini tidak akan "
"menghapus database dan pengguna database yang dibuat ketika chart dipasang. "
"Semua proyek OpenStack dapat dikonfigurasi sedemikian rupa sehingga pada "
"saat penghapusan, database mereka juga akan dihapus. Untuk menghapus "
"database ketika chart dihapus, pekerjaan drop database harus diaktifkan "
"sebelum menginstal chart. Ada dua cara untuk mengaktifkan pekerjaan, "
"mengatur nilai job_db_drop menjadi true dalam file ``values.yaml`` pada "
"chart, atau mengganti nilai menggunakan perintah penginstalan helm seperti "
msgid ""
"Throughout this guide the assumption is that the user is: ``ubuntu``. "
"Because this user has to execute root level commands remotely to other "
"nodes, it is advised to add the following lines to ``/etc/sudoers`` for each "
msgstr ""
"Sepanjang panduan ini, asumsinya adalah bahwa pengguna adalah: ``ubuntu``. "
"Karena pengguna ini harus mengeksekusi perintah level root dari jarak jauh "
"ke node lain, disarankan untuk menambahkan baris berikut ke ``/etc/sudoers`` "
"untuk setiap node:"
msgid ""
"To allocate PMD threads to NUMA sockets in OVS, ensure that the "
"``pmd_cpu_mask`` attribute in values.yaml includes CPU sockets on the "
"corresponding NUMA socket. In the example below, the mask of 0xf covers the "
"first 4 CPU cores which are dsitributed across NUMA sockets 0 and 1."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengalokasikan threads PMD ke soket NUMA di OVS, pastikan bahwa "
"atribut ``pmd_cpu_mask`` dalam values.yaml termasuk soket CPU pada soket "
"NUMA yang sesuai. Pada contoh di bawah ini, mask 0xf mencakup 4 core CPU "
"pertama yang didistribusikan di seluruh soket NUMA 0 dan 1."
msgid ""
"To allocate hugepages to NUMA sockets in OVS, ensure that the "
"``socket_memory`` attribute in values.yaml specifies a value for the "
"corresponding NUMA socket. In the following example, OVS will use one 1G "
"hugepage for NUMA socket 0 and socket 1."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengalokasikan hugepage ke soket NUMA di OVS, pastikan bahwa atribut "
"``socket_memory`` dalam values.yaml menentukan nilai untuk soket NUMA yang "
"sesuai. Dalam contoh berikut, OVS akan menggunakan satu hugepage 1G untuk "
"NUMA socket 0 dan socket 1."
msgid ""
"To copy the ssh key to each node, this can be accomplished with the ``ssh-"
"copy-id`` command, for example: *ssh-copy-id ubuntu@*"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menyalin kunci ssh ke setiap node, ini dapat diselesaikan dengan "
"perintah ``ssh-copy-id``, misalnya: *ssh-copy-id ubuntu@*"
msgid "To delete an installed helm chart, use the following command:"
msgstr "Untuk menghapus helm chart yang terpasang, gunakan perintah berikut:"
msgid "To generate the key you can use ``ssh-keygen -t rsa``"
msgstr "Untuk menghasilkan kunci yang dapat Anda gunakan ``ssh-keygen -t rsa``"
msgid ""
"To run further commands from the CLI manually, execute the following to set "
"up authentication credentials::"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menjalankan perintah lebih lanjut dari CLI secara manual, jalankan "
"perintah berikut untuk menyiapkan kredensial otentikasi ::"
msgid ""
"To tear-down, the development environment charts should be removed first "
"from the 'openstack' namespace and then the 'ceph' namespace using the "
"commands from the `Removing Helm Charts` section. Additionally charts should "
"be removed from the 'nfs' and 'libvirt' namespaces if deploying with NFS "
"backing or bare metal development support. You can run the following "
"commands to loop through and delete the charts, then stop the kubelet "
"systemd unit and remove all the containers before removing the directories "
"used on the host by pods."
msgstr ""
"Untuk meruntuhkan (tear-down), chart lingkungan pengembangan harus dihapus "
"pertama dari namespace 'openstack' dan kemudian namespace 'ceph' menggunakan "
"perintah dari bagian `Removing Helm Charts`. Selain itu, chart harus dihapus "
"dari namespace 'nfs' dan 'libvirt' jika digunakan dengan dukungan dukungan "
"NFS atau bare metal. Anda dapat menjalankan perintah berikut untuk mengulang "
"dan menghapus chart, kemudian menghentikan unit kubelet systemd dan "
"menghapus semua kontainer sebelum menghapus direktori yang digunakan pada "
"host oleh pod."
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr "Penyelesaian masalah"
msgid ""
"Two similar options exist to set the FQDN overrides for External DNS mapping."
msgstr ""
"Dua opsi serupa ada untuk mengatur FQDN menimpa untuk pemetaan DNS Eksternal."
msgid ""
"Until the Ubuntu kernel shipped with 16.04 supports CephFS subvolume mounts "
"by default the `HWE Kernel <../../troubleshooting/ubuntu-hwe-kernel.html>`__ "
"is required to use CephFS."
msgstr ""
"Sampai kernel Ubuntu yang dikirim dengan 16.04 mendukung CephFS subvolume "
"mount secara default `HWE Kernel <../../troubleshooting/ubuntu-hwe-kernel."
"html>`__ diperlukan untuk menggunakan CephFS."
msgid ""
"Until the Ubuntu kernel shipped with 16.04 supports CephFS subvolume mounts "
"by default the `HWE Kernel <../troubleshooting/ubuntu-hwe-kernel.html>`__ is "
"required to use CephFS."
msgstr ""
"Sampai kernel Ubuntu yang dikirim dengan 16.04 mendukung CephFS subvolume "
"mount secara default `HWE Kernel <../troubleshooting/ubuntu-hwe-kernel."
"html>`__ diperlukan untuk menggunakan CephFS."
msgid ""
"Update your lab/environment DNS server with your appropriate host values "
"creating A Records for the edge node IP's and various FQDN's. Alternatively "
"you can test these settings locally by editing your ``/etc/hosts``. Below is "
"an example with a dummy domain ``os.foo.org`` and dummy Ingress IP "
msgstr ""
"Perbarui server DNS lab/environment Anda dengan nilai host yang sesuai Anda "
"membuat A Records untuk node edge IP dan berbagai FQDN. Atau Anda dapat "
"menguji pengaturan ini secara lokal dengan mengedit ``/etc/hosts`` Anda. Di "
"bawah ini adalah contoh dengan dummy domain ``os.foo.org`` dan dummy Ingress "
"IP ````."
msgid ""
"Use above gerrit commits to prepare the LOCI images using following script:"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan komit gerrit di atas untuk menyiapkan image LOCI menggunakan skrip "
msgid ""
"Use it as ``docker build --build-arg PROJECT_REF=${REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC}`` "
"command argument to build the requirements LOCI image."
msgstr ""
"Gunakan sebagai argumen perintah ``docker build --build-arg PROJECT_REF="
"${REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC}`` untuk membangun image LOCI persyaratan."
msgid "Using Horizon as an example, find the ``endpoints`` config."
msgstr ""
"Dengan menggunakan Horizon sebagai contoh, cari konfigurasi ``endpoints``."
msgid ""
"Using the Helm packages previously pushed to the local Helm repository, run "
"the following commands to instruct tiller to create an instance of the given "
"chart. During installation, the helm client will print useful information "
"about resources created, the state of the Helm releases, and whether any "
"additional configuration steps are necessary."
msgstr ""
"Dengan menggunakan paket Helm yang sebelumnya didorong ke repositori Helm "
"setempat, jalankan perintah berikut untuk menginstruksikan tiller untuk "
"membuat instance dari chart yang diberikan. Selama instalasi, klien helm "
"akan mencetak informasi yang berguna tentang sumber daya yang dibuat, "
"keadaan rilis Helm, dan berbagai langkah konfigurasi tambahan diperlukan."
msgid "Verify the *v1beta1/Ingress* resource has a Host with your FQDN value"
msgstr ""
"Verifikasi sumber daya *v1beta1/Ingress* memiliki Host dengan nilai FQDN Anda"
msgid ""
"We want to change the **public** configurations to match our DNS layouts "
"above. In each Chart ``values.yaml`` is a ``endpoints`` configuration that "
"has ``host_fqdn_override``'s for each API that the Chart either produces or "
"is dependent on. `Read more about how Endpoints are developed <https://docs."
"openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/devref/endpoints.html>`__. Note while "
"Glance Registry is listening on a Ingress http endpoint, you will not need "
"to expose the registry for external services."
msgstr ""
"Kami ingin mengubah konfigurasi ***public*** agar sesuai dengan tata letak "
"DNS kami di atas. Di setiap Chart ``values.yaml`` adalah konfigurasi "
"``endpoints`` yang memiliki ``host_fqdn_override`` untuk setiap API yang "
"dihasilkan oleh Chart atau tergantung pada. `Read more about how Endpoints "
"are developed <https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/devref/"
"endpoints.html>`__. Catatan sementara Glance Registry sedang mendengarkan "
"pada endpoint http Ingress, Anda tidak perlu mengekspos registri untuk "
"layanan eksternal."
msgid ""
"When adding a DPDK port (a NIC bound to DPDK) to OVS fails, one source of "
"error is related to an incorrect configuration with regards to the NUMA "
"topology of the underlying hardware. Every NIC is connected to one specific "
"NUMA socket. In order to use a NIC as DPDK port in OVS, the OVS "
"configuration regarding hugepages and PMD threas needs to match the NUMA "
msgstr ""
"Ketika menambahkan port DPDK (NIC terikat ke DPDK) ke OVS gagal, satu sumber "
"kesalahan terkait dengan konfigurasi yang salah berkaitan dengan topologi "
"NUMA dari perangkat keras yang mendasarinya. Setiap NIC terhubung ke satu "
"soket NUMA tertentu. Untuk menggunakan NIC sebagai port DPDK di OVS, "
"konfigurasi OVS tentang hugepage dan PMD threas harus sesuai dengan topologi "
msgid ""
"While deploying neutron-server and L2 agents, TaaS should be enabled in "
"``conf: neutron`` section to add TaaS as a service plugin; in ``conf: "
"plugins`` section to add TaaS as a L2 agent extension; in ``conf: "
"taas_plugin`` section to configure the ``service_provider`` endpoint used by "
"Neutron TaaS plugin:"
msgstr ""
"Saat menggunakan neutron-server dan agen L2, TaaS harus diaktifkan di bagian "
"``conf: neutron`` untuk menambahkan TaaS sebagai plugin layanan; di bagian "
"`` conf: plugins`` untuk menambahkan TaaS sebagai ekstensi agen L2; di "
"bagian ``conf: taas_plugin`` untuk mengkonfigurasi endpoint "
"``service_provider`` yang digunakan oleh plugin Neutron TaaS:"
msgid ""
"You can use any Kubernetes deployment tool to bring up a working Kubernetes "
"cluster for use with OpenStack-Helm. For production deployments, please "
"choose (and tune appropriately) a highly-resilient Kubernetes distribution, "
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menggunakan alat penyebaran Kubernetes untuk memunculkan kluster "
"Kubernetes yang berfungsi untuk digunakan dengan OpenStack-Helm. Untuk "
"penyebaran produksi, pilih (dan selaraskan dengan tepat) distribusi "
"Kubernetes yang sangat tangguh (highly-resilient), misalnya:"
msgid ""
"You can use any Kubernetes deployment tool to bring up a working Kubernetes "
"cluster for use with OpenStack-Helm. This guide describes how to simply "
"stand up a multinode Kubernetes cluster via the OpenStack-Helm gate scripts, "
"which use KubeADM and Ansible. Although this cluster won't be production-"
"grade, it will serve as a quick starting point in a lab or proof-of-concept "
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menggunakan alat penyebaran Kubernetes untuk memunculkan klaster "
"Kubernetes yang berfungsi untuk digunakan dengan OpenStack-Helm. Panduan ini "
"menjelaskan cara untuk hanya berdiri multinode Kubernetes klaster melalui "
"skrip gate OpenStack-Helm, yang menggunakan KubeADM dan Ansible. Meskipun "
"klaster ini tidak akan menjadi kelas produksi (production-grade), ini akan "
"berfungsi sebagai titik awal yang cepat di laboratorium atau lingkungan "
msgid ""
"You may now deploy kubernetes, and helm onto your machine, first move into "
"the ``openstack-helm`` directory and then run the following:"
msgstr ""
"Anda sekarang dapat menyebarkan kubernetes, dan helm ke komputer Anda, "
"pertama-tama masuk ke direktori ``openstack-helm`` dan kemudian jalankan "
"yang berikut:"
msgid ""
"`Airship <https://airshipit.org/>`_, a declarative open cloud infrastructure "
msgstr ""
"`Airship <https://airshipit.org/>`_, platform infrastruktur cloud terbuka "
msgid ""
"`KubeADM <https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/high-availability/"
">`_, the foundation of a number of Kubernetes installation solutions"
msgstr ""
"`KubeADM <https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/high-availability/"
">`_, fondasi sejumlah solusi instalasi Kubernetes"
msgid "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/597200/"
msgstr "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/597200/"
msgid "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/607392/"
msgstr "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/607392/"
msgid "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/621606/"
msgstr "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/621606/"
msgid "hugepages have been allocated on NUMA socket 1 by OVS, and"
msgstr "hugepage telah dialokasikan pada NUMA socket 1 oleh OVS, dan"
msgid ""
"node_one, node_two and node_three below are all worker nodes, children of "
"the master node that the commands below are executed on."
msgstr ""
"node_one, node_two dan node_three di bawah ini adalah semua node pekerja "
"(worker node), anak-anak (children) dari node master dimana perintah di "
"bawah ini dieksekusi."