* As of helm 2.0.0, it no longer seems necessary to copy a "globals.tpl" into each child chart, defines in child charts now seem to be reliably rendered in the parent. This was not working correctly in 2.0.0rc2 and so after a lot of testing, the globals define insertion has been removed from the Makefiles. Also, includes piped to b64encode are working now, meaning we no longer have to do Makefile magic to base64 encode successfully. That has been removed. Once .Files.Get works properly in a child chart context we can remove all Make help. * The openstack-base chart has been renamed to common to better reflect that it is common to everything in aic-helm, even non-openstack projects like ceph. All charts now include it as a requirement. * A first pass at a "cleaner" template directory approach has been applied to rabbitmq as a test chart. This allows files such as _start_rabbit to live in their raw form and organizes files by config vs script in 'etc' or 'bin' directories. If accepted, will apply to all other charts for consistency.
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.PHONY: ceph mariadb keystone memcached rabbitmq common openstack all clean
B64_DIRS := common/secrets
B64_EXCLUDE := $(wildcard common/secrets/*.b64)
CHARTS := ceph mariadb rabbitmq memcached keystone openstack
COMMON_TPL := common/templates/_globals.tpl
all: common ceph mariadb rabbitmq memcached keystone openstack
common: build-common
ceph: build-ceph
mariadb: build-mariadb
keystone: build-keystone
rabbitmq: build-rabbitmq
memcached: build-memcached
openstack: build-openstack
$(shell rm -rf common/secrets/*.b64)
$(shell rm -rf */templates/_partials.tpl)
$(shell rm -rf */templates/_globals.tpl)
echo "Removed all .b64, _partials.tpl, and _globals.tpl files"
if [ -f $*/Makefile ]; then make -C $*; fi
if [ -f $*/requirements.yaml ]; then helm dep up $*; fi
helm lint $*
helm package $*