Pete Birley 8c29949c0d Helm-Toolkit: Update naming to be explict and remove old functions.
This PS updates the way helm-toolkit functions are named to
reference the full path they are loacted at. This should make
development and debugging easier. Addtionally unused functions
have been pruned as well.

Change-Id: I03c553f1d01bccc70c86768b416b147c90d9b2f0
2017-05-31 19:52:02 +00:00

8 lines
227 B

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: neutron-db-root
type: Opaque
DB_CONNECTION: {{ tuple "oslo_db" "internal" "admin" "mysql" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.authenticated_endpoint_uri_lookup" | b64enc }}