* Made values.yaml consistent throughout charts. Removed any globals references in subcharts as these are difficult to override. Only ports should be in globals to build URLs which can come as part of a future commit. The hostname endpoint aspect of a service will come from openstack-base/_hosts.tpl and the port would come from the chart itself as a global so other charts can reference the port to build a complete URL. Putting the hostnames themselves as globals in individual charts makes it difficult to make a sweeping top level FQDN change. * Cleaned up yaml requirements and incorporated a new _common.tpl that is distributed to all charts to allow common endpoint naming while still retaining the ability to install individual charts. * Fixed keystone URL generation during bootstrap as a correct URL is critical given keystone uses this to construct all subsequent URLs in the request. Also allow controlling the default endpoint version and scheme. * Added missing NAMESPACE declaration to keystone deployment as this is required for entrypoint to discover resources not in the 'default' namespace. * Refactored all nodeSelector values to be consistent throughout all charts
By default, this chart creates a 3-member mariadb galera cluster.
PetSets would be ideal to use for this purpose, but as they are going through a transition in 1.5.0-beta.1 and not supported by Helm 2.0.0 under their new name, StatefulSets, we have opted to leverage helms template generation ability to create Values.replicas * POD+PVC+PV resources. Essentially, we create a mariadb-0, mariadb-1, and mariadb-2 Pod and associated unique PersistentVolumeClaims for each. This removes the previous daemonset limitations in other mariadb approaches.
You must ensure that your control nodes that should receive mariadb instances are labeled with openstack-control-plane=enabled:
kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all
We will continue to refine our labeling so that it is consistent throughout the project.