10 KiB
Development of Openstack-Helm
Community development is extremely important to us. As an open source development team, we want the development of Openstack-Helm to be an easy experience. Please evaluate, and make recommendations. We want developers to feel welcome to contribute to this project. Below are some instructions and suggestions to help you get started.
We've tried to minimize the number of prerequisites required in order to get started. The main prerequisite is to install the most recent versions of Minikube and Helm.
Kubernetes Minikube: Ensure that you have installed a recent version of Kubernetes/Minikube.
Kubernetes Helm: Install a recent version of Kubernetes/Helm:
Helm Installation Quickstart:
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/helm/master/scripts/get > get_helm.sh
$ chmod 700 get_helm.sh
$ ./get_helm.sh
Getting Started
After installation, start Minikube with the flags listed below. Ensure that you have supplied enough disk, memory, and the current version flag for Kubernetes during minikube start
. More information can be found HERE.
$ minikube start \
--network-plugin=cni \
--kubernetes-version v1.5.1 \
--disk-size 40g \
--memory 4048
Next, deploy the Calico manifest. This is not a requirement in cases where you want to use your own CNI-enabled SDN, however you are doing so at your own experience. Note which versions of Calico are recommended for the project in our Installation Guide.
$ kubectl create -f http://docs.projectcalico.org/v2.0/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/hosted/calico.yaml
Wait for the environment to come up without error (like shown below).
$ kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces -w
kube-system calico-node-r9b9s 2/2 Running 0 3m minikube
kube-system calico-policy-controller-2974666449-hm0zr 1/1 Running 0 3m minikube
kube-system configure-calico-r6lnw 0/1 Completed 0 3m minikube
kube-system kube-addon-manager-minikube 1/1 Running 0 7m minikube
kube-system kube-dns-v20-sh5gp 3/3 Running 0 7m minikube
kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-m24s8 1/1 Running 0 7m minikube
Next, initialize Helm (which includes deploying tiller).
$ helm init
Creating /Users/admin/.helm
Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository
Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/cache
Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/local
Creating /Users/admin/.helm/plugins
Creating /Users/admin/.helm/starters
Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml
Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/local/index.yaml
$HELM_HOME has been configured at $HOME/.helm.
Tiller (the helm server side component) has been installed into your Kubernetes Cluster.
Happy Helming!
$ kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces | grep tiller
kube-system tiller-deploy-3299276078-n98ct 1/1 Running 0 39s minikube
With Helm installed, you will need to start a local Helm server (in the background), and point to a locally configured Helm repository:
$ helm serve &
$ helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts
"local" has been added to your repositories
Verify that the local repository is configured correctly:
$ helm repo list
stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/
local http://localhost:8879/charts
Download the latest release of the project, preferably from master
since you are following the "developer" instructions.
$ git clone https://github.com/att-comdev/openstack-helm.git
Run make
against the newly cloned project, which will automatically build secrets for the deployment and push the charts to your new local Helm repository:
$ cd openstack-helm
$ make
Perfect! You’re ready to install, develop, deploy, destroy, and repeat (when necessary)!
Installation and Testing
After following the instructions above your environment is in a state where you can enhance the current charts, or develop new charts for the project. If you need to make changes to a chart, simply re-run make
against the project in the top-tier directory. The charts will be updated and automatically re-pushed to your local repository.
Consider the following when using Minikube and development mode:
- Persistent Storage used for Minikube development mode is
. The Ceph PVC's included with this project are not intended to work with Minikube. - There is no need to install the
charts. These charts are required for deploying Ceph PVC's. - Familiarize yourself with
included with the MariaDB chart. You will want to have thehostPath
directory created prior to deploying MariaDB. - If Ceph development is required, you will need to follow the getting started guide rather than this development mode documentation.
To deploy Openstack-Helm in development mode, ensure you've created a minikube-approved hostPath
volume. Minikube is very specific about what is expected for hostPath
volumes. The following volumes are acceptable for minikube deployments:
As a result of this guidence, we recommend creating the following for MariaDB like shown below.
$ sudo mkdir -p /data/openstack-helm/mariadb
Label Minikube Node
Be sure to label your minikube node according to the documentation in our installation guide (this remains exactly the same).
$ kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all --namespace=openstack
NOTE: You do not need to label your minikube cluster for ceph-storage
, since development mode uses hostPath.
Deploy MariaDB
Now you can deploy the MariaDB chart, which is required by all other child charts.
$ helm install --name mariadb --set development.enabled=true local/mariadb --namespace=openstack
IMPORTANT: MariaDB seeding tasks run for quite a while. This is expected behavior, as several checks are completed prior to completion. Please wait for a few minutes for these jobs to finish.
Deploy Remaining Charts
Once MariaDB is deployed complete, deploy the other charts as needed.
$ helm install --name=memcached local/memcached --namespace=openstack
$ helm install --name=rabbitmq local/rabbitmq --namespace=openstack
$ helm install --name=keystone local/keystone --namespace=openstack
$ helm install --name=horizon local/horizon --namespace=openstack
$ helm install --name=glance local/glance --namespace=openstack
$ helm install --name=nova local/nova --namespace=openstack
$ helm install --name=neutron local/neutron --namespace=openstack
Horizon Management
After each chart is deployed, you may wish to change the typical service endpoint for Horizon to a nodePort
service endpoint (this is unique to Minikube deployments). Use the kubectl edit
command to edit this service manually.
$ sudo kubectl edit svc horizon -n openstack
With the deployed manifest in edit mode, you can enable nodePort
by replicating some of the fields below (specifically, the nodePort
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
creationTimestamp: 2016-12-30T03:05:55Z
name: horizon
namespace: openstack
resourceVersion: "2458"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/openstack/services/horizon
uid: e18011bb-ce3c-11e6-8cd6-6249d6214f72
- nodePort: 31537
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: horizon
sessionAffinity: None
type: NodePort
loadBalancer: {}
Accessing Horizon:
Now you're ready to manage OpenStack! Point your browser to the following:
User: admin
Pass: password
If you have any questions, comments, or find any bugs, please submit an issue so we can quickly address them.
In order to protect your general sanity, we've included a curated list of verification and troubleshooting steps that may help you avoid some potential issues while developing Openstack-Helm.
To verify the state of MariaDB, use the following command:
$ kubectl exec mariadb-0 -it -n openstack -- mysql -uroot -ppassword -e 'show databases;'
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
Helm Server/Repository
Sometimes you will run into Helm server or repository issues. For our purposes, it's mostly safe to whack these. If you are developing charts for other projects, use at your own risk (you most likely know how to resolve these issues already).
To check for a running instance of Helm Server:
$ ps -a | grep "helm serve"
29452 ttys004 0:00.23 helm serve .
35721 ttys004 0:00.00 grep --color=auto helm serve
Kill the "helm serve" running process:
$ kill 29452
To clear out previous Helm repositories, and reinstall a local repository:
$ helm repo list
stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/
local http://localhost:8879/charts
$ helm repo remove local
This allows you to readd your local repository, if you ever need to do these steps:
$ helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts