When using the simple_crypto_plugin (which is enabled by default), secrets are encrypted with per-project keys, and those keys are encrypted (or wrapped) with a master key encryption key (KEK, or MKEK). The wrapped project keys are stored in the database. The KEK is stored in the barbican configuration file. If no KEK is specified, a well-known default is used. There is no native Barbican support for rotating the KEK. Changing the KEK would cause loss of access to all secrets, because Barbican would be unable to unwrap the project keys. This change adds support for upgrading the Helm chart while changing the KEK. A script can be executed during the db-sync job that decrypts the project keys with the old KEK, and rewraps them with the new KEK. Note that no secrets are actually modified during this procedure, and the project keys are not actually changed. To use this feature, specify the following values: conf: barbican: simple_crypto_plugin: kek: # new KEK, 32-bytes of data, base64-encoded simple_crypto_kek_rewrap: old_kek: # old KEK, 32-bytes of data, base64-encoded Change-Id: I462085b89ef80985b42149cccf865e6c5f0f5a53
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import base64
import sys
from cryptography import fernet
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import session
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoping
from barbican.common import utils
from barbican.model import models
from barbican.plugin.crypto import simple_crypto
# Use config values from simple_crypto
CONF = simple_crypto.CONF
class KekRewrap(object):
def __init__(self, conf, old_kek):
self.dry_run = False
self.db_engine = session.create_engine(conf.sql_connection)
self._session_creator = scoping.scoped_session(
self.crypto_plugin = simple_crypto.SimpleCryptoPlugin(conf)
self.plugin_name = utils.generate_fullname_for(self.crypto_plugin)
self.decryptor = fernet.Fernet(old_kek.encode('utf-8'))
self.encryptor = fernet.Fernet(self.crypto_plugin.master_kek)
def rewrap_kek(self, project, kek):
with self.db_session.begin():
plugin_meta = kek.plugin_meta
# try to unwrap with the target kek, and if successful, skip
if self.encryptor.decrypt(plugin_meta.encode('utf-8')):
print('Project KEK {} is already wrapped with target KEK, skipping'.format(kek.id))
except fernet.InvalidToken:
# decrypt with the old kek
print('Unwrapping Project KEK {}'.format(kek.id))
decrypted_plugin_meta = self.decryptor.decrypt(plugin_meta.encode('utf-8'))
except fernet.InvalidToken:
print('Failed to unwrap Project KEK {}'.format(kek.id))
# encrypt with the new kek
print('Rewrapping Project KEK {}'.format(kek.id))
new_plugin_meta = self.encryptor.encrypt(decrypted_plugin_meta).decode('utf-8')
except fernet.InvalidToken:
print('Failed to wrap Project KEK {}'.format(kek.id))
if self.dry_run:
# Update KEK metadata in DB
print('Storing updated Project KEK {}'.format(kek.id))
kek.plugin_meta = new_plugin_meta
def get_keks_for_project(self, project):
keks = []
with self.db_session.begin() as transaction:
print('Retrieving KEKs for Project {}'.format(project.external_id))
query = transaction.session.query(models.KEKDatum)
query = query.filter_by(project_id=project.id)
query = query.filter_by(plugin_name=self.plugin_name)
keks = query.all()
return keks
def get_projects(self):
print('Retrieving all available projects')
projects = []
with self.db_session.begin() as transaction:
projects = transaction.session.query(models.Project).all()
return projects
def db_session(self):
return self._session_creator()
def execute(self, dry_run=True):
self.dry_run = dry_run
if self.dry_run:
print('-- Running in dry-run mode --')
projects = self.get_projects()
successes = []
failures = []
for project in projects:
keks = self.get_keks_for_project(project)
for kek in keks:
self.rewrap_kek(project, kek)
except Exception:
if successes:
print('Sucessfully processed the following KEKs:')
if failures:
print('Failed to rewrap the following KEKs:')
def main():
script_desc = 'Utility to re-wrap Project KEKs after rotating the global KEK.'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=script_desc)
help='Displays changes that will be made (Non-destructive)'
help='Old key encryption key previously used by Simple Crypto Plugin. '
'(32 bytes, base64-encoded)'
args = parser.parse_args()
rewrapper = KekRewrap(CONF, args.old_kek)
if __name__ == '__main__':