Alan Meadows 877e0cd46f aic-helm normalization
* As of helm 2.0.0, it no longer seems necessary to
copy a "globals.tpl" into each child chart, defines in
child charts now seem to be reliably rendered in the
parent.  This was not working correctly in 2.0.0rc2
and so after a lot of testing, the globals define
insertion has been removed from the Makefiles. Also,
includes piped to b64encode are working now, meaning
we no longer have to do Makefile magic to base64
encode successfully.  That has been removed.  Once
.Files.Get works properly in a child chart context
we can remove all Make help.

* The openstack-base chart has been renamed to common
to better reflect that it is common to everything in
aic-helm, even non-openstack projects like ceph.  All
charts now include it as a requirement.

* A first pass at a "cleaner" template directory approach
has been applied to rabbitmq as a test chart.  This allows
files such as _start_rabbit to live in their raw form
and organizes files by config vs script in 'etc' or 'bin'
directories.  If accepted, will apply to all other charts
for consistency.
2016-11-29 16:20:06 -08:00

179 lines
6.1 KiB

# aic-helm/ceph
This chart installs a working version of ceph. It is based on the ceph-docker work and follows closely with the setup [examples]( for kubernetes.
It attempts to simplify that process by wrapping up much of the setup into a helm-chart. A few items are still necessary, however until they can be refined:
### SkyDNS Resolution
The Ceph MONs are what clients talk to when mounting Ceph storage. Because Ceph MON IPs can change, we need a Kubernetes service to front them. Otherwise your clients will eventually stop working over time as MONs are rescheduled.
To get skyDNS resolution working, the resolv.conf on your nodes should look something like this:
search svc.cluster.local #Your kubernetes cluster ip domain
nameserver #The cluster IP of skyDNS
### Ceph and RBD utilities installed on the nodes
The Kubernetes kubelet shells out to system utilities to mount Ceph volumes. This means that every system must have these utilities installed. This requirement extends to the control plane, since there may be interactions between kube-controller-manager and the Ceph cluster.
For Debian-based distros:
apt-get install ceph-fs-common ceph-common
For Redhat-based distros:
yum install ceph
### Linux Kernel version 4.2.0 or newer
You'll need a newer kernel to use this. Kernel panics have been observed on older versions. Your kernel should also have RBD support.
This has been tested on:
- Ubuntu 15.10
This will not work on:
- Debian 8.5
### Override the default network settings
By default, `` is used for the `cluster_network` and `public_network` in ceph.conf. To change these defaults, set the following environment variables according to your network requirements. These IPs should be set according to the range of your Pod IPs in your kubernetes cluster:
export osd_cluster_network=
export osd_public_network=
For a kubeadm installed weave cluster, you will likely want to run:
export osd_cluster_network=
export osd_public_network=
### Label your storage nodes
You must label your storage nodes in order to run Ceph pods on them.
kubectl label node <nodename> node-type=storage
If you want all nodes in your Kubernetes cluster to be a part of your Ceph cluster, label them all.
kubectl label nodes node-type=storage --all
### Quickstart
You will need to generate ceph keys and configuration. There is a simple to use utility that can do this quickly. Please note the generator utility (per ceph-docker) requires the sigil template framework: ( to be installed and on the current path.
cd common/utils/secret-generator
./ all `./ fsid`
cd ../../..
At this point, you're ready to generate base64 encoded files based on the secrets generated above. This is done automatically if you run make which rebuilds all charts.
You can also trigger it specifically:
make base64
make ceph
Finally, you can now deploy your ceph chart:
helm --debug install local/ceph --namespace=ceph
You should see a deployed/successful helm deployment:
# helm ls
saucy-elk 1 Thu Nov 17 13:43:27 2016 DEPLOYED ceph-0.1.0
as well as all kubernetes resources deployed into the ceph namespace:
# kubectl get all --namespace=ceph
svc/ceph-mon None <none> 6789/TCP 1h
svc/ceph-rgw <pending> 80/TCP 1h
po/ceph-mds-840702866-0n24u 1/1 Running 3 1h
po/ceph-mon-1870970076-7h5zw 1/1 Running 2 1h
po/ceph-mon-1870970076-d4uu2 1/1 Running 3 1h
po/ceph-mon-1870970076-s6d2p 1/1 Running 1 1h
po/ceph-mon-check-4116985937-ggv4m 1/1 Running 0 1h
po/ceph-osd-2m2mf 1/1 Running 2 1h
po/ceph-rgw-2085838073-02154 0/1 Pending 0 1h
po/ceph-rgw-2085838073-0d6z7 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 21 1h
po/ceph-rgw-2085838073-3trec 0/1 Pending 0 1h
Note that the ceph-rgw image is crashing because of an issue processing the mon_host name 'ceph-mon' in ceph.conf. This is an upstream issue that needs to be worked but is not required to test ceph rbd or ceph filesystem functionality.
Finally, you can now test a ceph rbd volume:
export PODNAME=`kubectl get pods --selector="app=ceph,daemon=mon" --output=template --template="{{with index .items 0}}{{}}{{end}}" --namespace=ceph`
kubectl exec -it $PODNAME --namespace=ceph -- rbd create ceph-rbd-test --size 20G
kubectl exec -it $PODNAME --namespace=ceph -- rbd info ceph-rbd-test
If that works, you can create a container and attach it to that volume:
cd ceph/utils/test
kubectl create -f ceph-rbd-test.yaml --namespace=ceph
kubectl exec -it --namespace=ceph ceph-rbd-test -- df -h
### Cleanup
Always make sure to delete any test instances that have ceph volumes mounted before you delete your ceph cluster. Otherwise, kubelet may get stuck trying to unmount volumes which can only be recovered with a reboot. If you ran the tests above, this can be done with:
kubectl delete ceph-rbd-test --namespace=ceph
The easiest way to delete your environment is to delete the helm install:
# helm ls
saucy-elk 1 Thu Nov 17 13:43:27 2016 DEPLOYED ceph-0.1.0
# helm delete saucy-elk
And finally, because helm does not appear to cleanup all artifacts, you will want to delete the ceph namespace to remove any secrets helm installed:
kubectl delete namespace ceph