Adding daemonset for Linux bridge. Using node selector "linuxbridge enabled". network.backend added in neutron/values.yaml to support scenario for different SDNs using the same networking software, like OVS is used for reference Neutron L2 agent, ODL, OVN and SONA. The other option for network.backend can be linuxbridge and calico. network.backend impacts configuration of DHCP, L3 and metadata agents. Those agents are dependent on ovsdb_connection flag (officially it is placed in openvswitch_agent.ini file). Added daemonset_lb_agent flag in manifests section. Currently OVS and LinuxBridge L2 agents can be turned on/off to be deployed. OVS L2 agent and OVS as a network virtualization SW can be deployed independently. Removed conf.neutron.default.neutron.interface_driver, since it was not used anywhere. Marked places in neutron/values.yaml where changes are needed in order to use linuxbridge for: - neutron.conf interface_driver - ML2 mechanism driver - dhcp and l3 agents interface_driver Added example of neutron values overrides in: tools/overrides/mvp/neutron-linuxbridge.yaml Change-Id: I7cdcfaa9a73af392a0d45f7df29b7b3ae3cc4c76 Implements: blueprint support-linux-bridge-on-neutron
OpenStack-Helm MVP Overrides
The project specific overrides in this directory allow you to reduce the default resilience of OpenStack-Helm, by turning off HA of the Neutron Agents. Additionally the default distributed storage backend, Ceph, is disabled and replaced by local storage for OpenStack components.
- These changed are made to achieve these goals:
- Demonstrating how values can be set and defined within OpenStack-Helm
- * Allowing OpenStack-Helm to run on a single node for:
- Development
- Demonstration
- Basic integration pipelines in a CI System