Larry Rensing 98d436eb94 Add ceph entrypoint scripts
This moves the set of ceph entrypoint scripts into the helm chart
this allows us to control how the different pods start.  Also gives
each script the +x flag to give better insight as to the execution of
entrypoint scripts.

Change-Id: Ib78b8a5d57f653bdb399a1980b34ab5ea25f94cc
2017-07-14 15:20:20 +00:00

32 lines
1.3 KiB

# Start the latest OSD
# In case of forego, we don't run ceph-osd, start_forego will do it later
function start_osd() {
mode=$1 #forego or empty
OSD_ID=$(cat /var/lib/ceph/osd/$(ls -ltr /var/lib/ceph/osd/ | tail -n1 | awk -v pattern="$CLUSTER" '$0 ~ pattern {print $9}')/whoami)
OSD_PATH=$(get_osd_path $OSD_ID)
OSD_WEIGHT=$(df -P -k $OSD_PATH | tail -1 | awk '{ d= $2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }')
ceph ${CLI_OPTS} --name=osd.${OSD_ID} --keyring=$OSD_KEYRING osd crush create-or-move -- ${OSD_ID} ${OSD_WEIGHT} ${CRUSH_LOCATION}
# ceph-disk activiate has exec'ed /usr/bin/ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -f -i ${OSD_ID}
# wait till docker stop or ceph-osd is killed
OSD_PID=$(ps -ef |grep ceph-osd |grep osd.${OSD_ID} |awk '{print $2}')
if [ -n "${OSD_PID}" ]; then
log "OSD (PID ${OSD_PID}) is running, waiting till it exits"
while [ -e /proc/${OSD_PID} ]; do sleep 1;done
if [[ "$mode" == "forego" ]]; then
echo "${CLUSTER}-${OSD_ID}: /usr/bin/ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -f -i ${OSD_ID} --setuser ceph --setgroup disk" | tee -a /etc/forego/${CLUSTER}/Procfile
exec /usr/bin/ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -f -i ${OSD_ID} --setuser ceph --setgroup disk
# Starting forego
function start_forego() {
exec /usr/local/bin/forego start -f /etc/forego/${CLUSTER}/Procfile