Gate scripts are trying to calculate the SUBNET_RANGE basing on IP address of default interface. There is ipcalc tool used. The issue is that based on infra datacenter selected to run the VM gate, the default interface can have address with /32 network. If IP has /32 network, the ipcalc would not calculate the network address, for example, which is needed for ceph to be configured. As a workaround, try to change the /32 to /24 after getting the IP of the default interface, and then calculate the network address. Change-Id: Ia2858c6a2b4c56fbc42ef06b5f157625a56beb3c
The goal of OpenStack-Helm is to enable deployment, maintenance, and upgrading of loosely coupled OpenStack services and their dependencies individually or as part of complex environments.
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Bugs and blueprints are tracked via OpenStack-Helm's Launchpad.
Installation and Development
Please review our documentation at Read the Docs. For quick installation, evaluation, and convenience, we have a kubeadm based all-in-one solution that runs in a Docker container. The Kubeadm-AIO set up can be found here, and the gate scripts, use are supported on any fresh Ubuntu, CentOS or Fedora machine.
This project is under active development. We encourage anyone interested in OpenStack-Helm to review our Installation documentation. Feel free to ask questions or check out our current Issues and Bugs.
To evaluate a multinode installation, follow the Bare Metal install guide.