diff --git a/playbooks/legacy/periodic-docs-newton/run.yaml b/playbooks/legacy/periodic-docs-newton/run.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15e8b89b..00000000
--- a/playbooks/legacy/periodic-docs-newton/run.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: all
-  name: Autoconverted job legacy-periodic-docs-newton from old job periodic-{name}-docs-newton
-  tasks:
-    - name: Ensure legacy workspace directory
-      file:
-        path: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-        state: directory
-    - shell:
-        cmd: |
-          set -e
-          set -x
-          export BRANCH=stable/newton
-          CLONEMAP=`mktemp`
-          REQS_DIR=`mktemp -d`
-          function cleanup {
-              mkdir -p $WORKSPACE
-              rm -rf $CLONEMAP $REQS_DIR
-          }
-          trap cleanup EXIT
-          cat > $CLONEMAP << EOF
-          clonemap:
-            - name: $ZUUL_PROJECT
-              dest: .
-          EOF
-          # zuul cloner works poorly if there are 2 names that are the
-          # same in here.
-          if [[ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" != "openstack/requirements" ]]; then
-          cat >> $CLONEMAP << EOF
-            - name: openstack/requirements
-              dest: $REQS_DIR
-          EOF
-          fi
-          /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner -m $CLONEMAP --cache-dir /opt/git \
-              --branch=$BRANCH \
-              git://git.openstack.org $ZUUL_PROJECT openstack/requirements
-          # REQS_DIR is not set for openstack/requirements and there is also
-          # no need to copy in this case.
-          if [[ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" != "openstack/requirements" ]]; then
-              cp $REQS_DIR/upper-constraints.txt ./
-          fi
-        executable: /bin/bash
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
-    - shell:
-        cmd: /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/install-distro-packages.sh
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
-    - shell:
-        cmd: |
-          set -x
-          sudo rm -f /etc/sudoers.d/zuul
-          # Prove that general sudo access is actually revoked
-          ! sudo -n true
-        executable: /bin/bash
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
-    - shell:
-        cmd: /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/run-docs.sh venv
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
diff --git a/playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/post.yaml b/playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/post.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 68fbdf81..00000000
--- a/playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/post.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: primary
-  tasks:
-    - name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
-      synchronize:
-        src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
-        dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
-        mode: pull
-        copy_links: true
-        verify_host: true
-        rsync_opts:
-          - --include=**/*nose_results.html
-          - --include=*/
-          - --exclude=*
-          - --prune-empty-dirs
-    - name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
-      synchronize:
-        src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
-        dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
-        mode: pull
-        copy_links: true
-        verify_host: true
-        rsync_opts:
-          - --include=**/*testr_results.html.gz
-          - --include=*/
-          - --exclude=*
-          - --prune-empty-dirs
-    - name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
-      synchronize:
-        src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
-        dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
-        mode: pull
-        copy_links: true
-        verify_host: true
-        rsync_opts:
-          - --include=/.testrepository/tmp*
-          - --include=*/
-          - --exclude=*
-          - --prune-empty-dirs
-    - name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
-      synchronize:
-        src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
-        dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
-        mode: pull
-        copy_links: true
-        verify_host: true
-        rsync_opts:
-          - --include=**/*testrepository.subunit.gz
-          - --include=*/
-          - --exclude=*
-          - --prune-empty-dirs
-    - name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
-      synchronize:
-        src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
-        dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/tox'
-        mode: pull
-        copy_links: true
-        verify_host: true
-        rsync_opts:
-          - --include=/.tox/*/log/*
-          - --include=*/
-          - --exclude=*
-          - --prune-empty-dirs
diff --git a/playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/run.yaml b/playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/run.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d6c8219..00000000
--- a/playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/run.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: all
-  name: Autoconverted job legacy-periodic-python27-newton from old job periodic-{name}-python27-newton
-  tasks:
-    - name: Ensure legacy workspace directory
-      file:
-        path: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-        state: directory
-    - shell:
-        cmd: |
-          set -e
-          set -x
-          export BRANCH=stable/newton
-          CLONEMAP=`mktemp`
-          REQS_DIR=`mktemp -d`
-          function cleanup {
-              mkdir -p $WORKSPACE
-              rm -rf $CLONEMAP $REQS_DIR
-          }
-          trap cleanup EXIT
-          cat > $CLONEMAP << EOF
-          clonemap:
-            - name: $ZUUL_PROJECT
-              dest: .
-          EOF
-          # zuul cloner works poorly if there are 2 names that are the
-          # same in here.
-          if [[ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" != "openstack/requirements" ]]; then
-          cat >> $CLONEMAP << EOF
-            - name: openstack/requirements
-              dest: $REQS_DIR
-          EOF
-          fi
-          /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner -m $CLONEMAP --cache-dir /opt/git \
-              --branch=$BRANCH \
-              git://git.openstack.org $ZUUL_PROJECT openstack/requirements
-          # REQS_DIR is not set for openstack/requirements and there is also
-          # no need to copy in this case.
-          if [[ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" != "openstack/requirements" ]]; then
-              cp $REQS_DIR/upper-constraints.txt ./
-          fi
-        executable: /bin/bash
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
-    - shell:
-        cmd: /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/install-distro-packages.sh
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
-    - shell:
-        cmd: |
-          set -x
-          sudo rm -f /etc/sudoers.d/zuul
-          # Prove that general sudo access is actually revoked
-          ! sudo -n true
-        executable: /bin/bash
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
-    - shell:
-        cmd: /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/run-tox.sh py27
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
-    - shell:
-        cmd: |
-          OUT=`git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory`
-          if [ -z "$OUT" ]; then
-              echo "No extra files created during test."
-              exit 0
-          else
-              echo "The following un-ignored files were created during the test:"
-              echo "$OUT"
-              exit 0  # TODO: change to 1 to fail tests.
-          fi
-        executable: /bin/bash
-        chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
-      environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
diff --git a/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-jobs.yaml b/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-jobs.yaml
index 2e60ce27..a2203ab7 100644
--- a/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-jobs.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-jobs.yaml
@@ -4689,15 +4689,6 @@
       - openstack/trove-dashboard
       - openstack/zaqar
-- job:
-    name: legacy-periodic-docs-newton
-    parent: legacy-base
-    run: playbooks/legacy/periodic-docs-newton/run
-    timeout: 2400
-    branches: stable/newton
-    required-projects:
-      - openstack/requirements
 - job:
     name: legacy-periodic-docs-ocata
     parent: legacy-base
@@ -5084,16 +5075,6 @@
       - openstack/requirements
-- job:
-    name: legacy-periodic-python27-newton
-    parent: legacy-base
-    run: playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/run
-    post-run: playbooks/legacy/periodic-python27-newton/post
-    branches: stable/newton
-    timeout: 2400
-    required-projects:
-      - openstack/requirements
 - job:
     name: legacy-periodic-python27-ocata
     parent: legacy-base
diff --git a/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-project-templates.yaml b/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-project-templates.yaml
index 9fa729aa..74718a4e 100644
--- a/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-project-templates.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/zuul-legacy-project-templates.yaml
@@ -384,13 +384,6 @@
         - legacy-periodic-py35-with-ovsdbapp-master
-- project-template:
-    name: periodic-newton
-    periodic-stable:
-      jobs:
-        - legacy-periodic-docs-newton
-        - legacy-periodic-python27-newton
 - project-template:
     name: periodic-ocata