- name: Check for tox_install.sh stat: path: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/tools/tox_install.sh" get_checksum: false get_mime: false get_md5: false register: tox_install - name: Require Constraints File when: tox_install.stat.exists and constraints_file is not defined fail: msg: tox_install.sh projects require a constraints file to be set - name: Ensure log directory exists for backwards compat when: tox_install.stat.exists file: path: '{{ zuul_work_virtualenv }}/log' state: directory - name: Install extra things needed by tox_install.sh when: tox_install.stat.exists shell: executable: /bin/bash cmd: | source {{ zuul_work_virtualenv }}/bin/activate tools/tox_install.sh {{ constraints_file }} chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}"