# Shared jobs specific to the OpenStack Project # imports jobs from: # https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config # https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul-jobs - job: name: base-integration description: | Runs roles that are included by default in the 'base' job in order to prevent regressions. parent: base-minimal roles: - zuul: openstack-infra/zuul-jobs run: tests/base - job: name: base-integration-centos-7 parent: base-integration nodeset: centos-7 - job: name: base-integration-debian-jessie parent: base-integration nodeset: debian-jessie - job: name: base-integration-fedora-26 parent: base-integration nodeset: fedora-26 - job: name: base-integration-opensuse423 parent: base-integration nodeset: opensuse-423 - job: name: base-integration-ubuntu-trusty parent: base-integration nodeset: ubuntu-trusty - job: name: base-integration-ubuntu-xenial parent: base-integration nodeset: ubuntu-xenial - job: name: build-openstack-sphinx-docs parent: tox-docs description: | Builds docuemtation using Sphinx per the OpenStack PTI and then collects the results into the log directory so that they can be examined in their published form after a successful build. It runs the prepare-docs-for-afs role so that AFS stamp files can be examined if desired, and also validates htaccess files using the whereto tool. run: playbooks/sphinx-docs/run post-run: playbooks/sphinx-docs/post success-url: html/latest/ required-projects: - name: openstack/requirements roles: - zuul: openstack-infra/zuul-jobs vars: tox_constraints_file: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt" tox_envlist: venv tox_extra_args: -vv python setup.py build_sphinx - job: name: build-openstack-sphinx-docs branches: stable/queens success-url: html/queens/ - job: name: build-openstack-sphinx-docs branches: stable/pike success-url: html/pike/ - job: name: build-openstack-sphinx-docs branches: stable/ocata success-url: html/ocata/ - job: name: build-openstack-sphinx-docs branches: stable/newton success-url: html/newton/ - job: name: build-openstack-infra-sphinx-docs parent: tox-docs description: | Builds docuemtation using Sphinx per the OpenStack PTI but with the Infra-specific publication prep applied. It then collects the results into the log directory so that they can be examined in their published form after a successful build. run: playbooks/sphinx-docs/run post-run: playbooks/sphinx-docs/post-infra success-url: html/ roles: - zuul: openstack-infra/zuul-jobs vars: tox_envlist: venv tox_extra_args: -vv python setup.py build_sphinx - job: name: tox-py35-on-zuul parent: tox-py35 description: | Run zuul's py35 unittests on patches to zuul-jobs vars: zuul_work_dir: "src/git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/zuul" required-projects: - name: openstack-infra/zuul override-branch: feature/zuulv3 - job: name: openstack-tox parent: tox description: | Base job to run tox jobs with OpenStack project specific updates. Processing upper-constraints files from openstack/requirements. required-projects: - name: openstack/requirements vars: tox_constraints_file: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt" - job: name: openstack-tox-py27 parent: openstack-tox description: | Run unit tests for an OpenStack Python project under cPython version 2.7. Uses tox with the ``py27`` environment. irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ vars: tox_envlist: py27 - job: name: openstack-tox-py34 parent: openstack-tox description: | Run unit tests for an OpenStack project under cPython version 3.4. Uses tox with the ``py34`` environment. irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ vars: tox_envlist: py34 - job: name: openstack-tox-py35 parent: openstack-tox description: | Run unit tests for an OpenStack project under cPython version 3.5. Uses tox with the ``py35`` environment. irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ vars: tox_envlist: py35 - job: name: openstack-tox-pypy parent: openstack-tox description: | Run unit tests for an OpenStack Python project under PyPy. Uses tox with the ``pypy`` environment. irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ vars: tox_envlist: py27 - job: name: openstack-tox-linters parent: openstack-tox description: | Runs code linting tests. Uses tox with the ``linters`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: linters - job: name: openstack-tox-pep8 parent: openstack-tox description: | Runs code pep8 tests. Uses tox with the ``pep8`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: pep8 - job: name: openstack-tox-cover parent: openstack-tox description: | Run code coverage tests. Uses tox with the ``cover`` environment. irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ vars: tox_envlist: cover - job: name: openstack-tox-bashate parent: openstack-tox description: | Run bashate tests. Uses tox with the ``bashate`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: bashate - job: name: openstack-tox-compare-cover parent: openstack-tox description: | Run coverage comparison tests. Uses tox with the ``compare-cover`` environment. vars: tox_envlist: compare-cover - job: name: publish-openstack-python-tarball parent: publish-openstack-artifacts description: | Publish the results of the tox-tarball job to tarballs.openstack.org. pre-run: playbooks/python-tarball/pre run: playbooks/python-tarball/run post-run: playbooks/python-tarball/post - job: name: build-openstack-python-tarball parent: python-sdist description: | Build a tarball using tox but do not upload it anywhere. pre-run: playbooks/python-tarball/pre run: playbooks/python-tarball/run - job: name: announce-release description: Send a release announcement after publishing a project pre-run: playbooks/release/pre run: playbooks/release/announce required-projects: - openstack-infra/release-tools - job: name: xstatic-check-version description: Check version used by xstatic packages run: playbooks/xstatic/check-version - job: name: releasenotes parent: openstack-tox success-url: html/ run: playbooks/releasenotes/run timeout: 1800 - job: name: legacy-base description: | Base job for autoconverted legacy jobs pre-run: playbooks/legacy/pre - job: name: legacy-dsvm-base description: | Base job for autoconverted legacy devstack-gate jobs This job runs devstack-gate with as few changes as possible and may be used by jobs which have been automatically converted as part of the migration to Zuul v3. nodeset: devstack-single-node pre-run: playbooks/legacy/pre required-projects: - openstack-dev/devstack - openstack-infra/devstack-gate - openstack-infra/tripleo-ci - openstack/ceilometer - openstack/ceilometermiddleware - openstack/cinder - openstack/django_openstack_auth - openstack/glance - openstack/glance_store - openstack/heat - openstack/heat-cfntools - openstack/heat-templates - openstack/horizon - openstack/keystone - openstack/keystoneauth - openstack/keystonemiddleware - openstack/manila - openstack/manila-ui - openstack/neutron - openstack/neutron-fwaas - openstack/neutron-lbaas - openstack/neutron-vpnaas - openstack/nova - openstack/octavia - openstack/os-apply-config - openstack/os-brick - openstack/os-client-config - openstack/os-collect-config - openstack/os-net-config - openstack/os-refresh-config - openstack/osc-lib - openstack/requirements - openstack/swift - openstack/tempest - openstack/tempest-lib - openstack/tripleo-heat-templates - openstack/tripleo-image-elements - openstack/tripleo-incubator - openstack/zaqar - job: name: legacy-puppet-openstack-integration description: | Base job for autoconverted legacy puppet-openstack-integration This job runs provides the base required projects for puppet-openstack-integration jobs. nodeset: devstack-single-node pre-run: playbooks/legacy/pre required-projects: - openstack/puppet-aodh - openstack/puppet-barbican - openstack/puppet-ceilometer - openstack/puppet-ceph - openstack/puppet-cinder - openstack/puppet-cloudkitty - openstack/puppet-congress - openstack/puppet-designate - openstack/puppet-ec2api - openstack/puppet-glance - openstack/puppet-gnocchi - openstack/puppet-heat - openstack/puppet-horizon - openstack/puppet-ironic - openstack/puppet-keystone - openstack/puppet-manila - openstack/puppet-mistral - openstack/puppet-monasca - openstack/puppet-murano - openstack/puppet-neutron - openstack/puppet-nova - openstack/puppet-octavia - openstack/puppet-openstack-integration - openstack/puppet-openstack_extras - openstack/puppet-openstacklib - openstack/puppet-oslo - openstack/puppet-ovn - openstack/puppet-panko - openstack/puppet-qdr - openstack/puppet-sahara - openstack/puppet-swift - openstack/puppet-tacker - openstack/puppet-tempest - openstack/puppet-trove - openstack/puppet-vswitch - openstack/puppet-vitrage - openstack/puppet-watcher - openstack/puppet-zaqar - openstack/tempest-horizon - job: name: legacy-publish-openstack-artifacts parent: publish-openstack-artifacts description: | Base job for autoconverted legacy jobs that publish artifacts nodeset: devstack-single-node pre-run: playbooks/legacy/pre - job: name: project-config-gerrit parent: tox description: | Runs checks on gerrit-related configuration. Uses ``gerrit`` tox env. vars: tox_envlist: gerrit files: - ^gerrit/acls/.*$ - bindep.txt - check_valid_gerrit_projects.py - gerrit/projects.yaml - other-requirements.txt - tools/check_projects_yaml_alphabetized.sh - tools/check_valid_gerrit_config.sh - tox.ini - job: name: project-config-grafyaml parent: tox description: | Runs checks on grafyaml configuration with the ``grafyaml`` tox env. vars: tox_envlist: grafyaml files: - ^grafana/.*$ - bindep.txt - other-requirements.txt - tools/grafyaml-validate.sh - tox.ini - job: name: project-config-irc-access parent: tox description: | Runs checks on IRC configuration with the ``irc`` tox env. vars: tox_envlist: irc files: - bindep.txt - accessbot/channels.yaml - gerritbot/channels.yaml - other-requirements.txt - tools/check_irc_access.py - tools/check_channels_yaml.sh - tools/irc_tests.py - tools/normalize_channels_yaml.py - tools/projectconfig_yamllib.py - tox.ini - job: name: project-config-nodepool parent: tox description: | Runs checks on nodepool configuration with the ``nodepool`` tox env. vars: tox_envlist: nodepool files: - ^nodepool/nodepool.yaml - bindep.txt - other-requirements.txt - tox.ini - job: name: build-openstack-specs-site parent: tox description: | Generates the index page of http://specs.openstack.org/. vars: tox_envlist: specs files: - bindep.txt - specs/.* - other-requirements.txt - tox.ini - job: name: project-config-dib parent: tox description: | Runs diskimage-builder on all elements in project-config. Uses the ``dib`` tox env. vars: tox_envlist: dib files: - ^nodepool/elements/.*$ - bindep.txt - other-requirements.txt - tox.ini - job: name: project-config-infra-docs-index parent: tox description: | Generates the index page for https://docs.openstack.org/infra/. vars: tox_envlist: infra-docs files: - 'bindep.txt' - 'docs-site/.*' - 'other-requirements.txt' - 'tox.ini' - job: name: project-config-build-openafs-centos description: | There are no official builds for AFS on Centos 7, hence we build our own and publish them to tarballs.openstack.org for our centos hosts that need access to the mirror to consume. parent: publish-openstack-artifacts run: playbooks/package-afs-centos/run post-run: playbooks/package-afs-centos/post nodeset: centos-7