Allow reuse of the roles for other directories than doc/build/html with making doc_build_dir a variable that can be overwritten. This allows to use the role also for e.g. deploy-guide that lives under deploy-guide/source and builds under deploy-guide/build. Change-Id: I61cd84be201d14d0a1d5daba3a45c8797496bc7f Needed-By: Ifff767a95e6283c54033bababd3dae84bb19adb6
67 lines
2.4 KiB
67 lines
2.4 KiB
- name: Write marker text
dest: "{{ doc_build_dir }}/html/.root-marker"
content: "Project: {{ zuul.project.name }} Branch: {{ zuul.branch }} Build: {{ zuul.build }} Revision: {{ zuul.ref }}"
- name: Process tagged build
include: tagged.yaml
when: "zuul.branch != 'master' and zuul.tag is defined"
- name: Process stable branch build
include: stable.yaml
when: "'stable' in zuul.branch and zuul.tag is not defined"
- name: Process branch build
include: branch.yaml
when: "zuul.branch != 'master' and 'stable' not in zuul.branch and zuul.tag is not defined"
- name: Rearrange publish directories
chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}"
executable: /bin/bash
shell: |
set -xe
if [[ {{ zuul.ref }} =~ ^refs/tags/ ]]; then
# This job should not be configured to run for
# pre-releases, so if we have a tag we want to use it as
# the publishing location.
tag=$(echo {{ zuul.ref }} | cut -d/ -f3-)
# If the ref was not a tag, assume it is a branch.
branch_name={{ zuul.branch }}
# Rearrange the build output to reflect the end publishing
# location, so we can use doc/publish as the source for the
# publisher step.
mkdir -p doc/publish
if [[ ! -z "$tag" ]]; then
# We will have already moved the content inside
# a directory named for the tag, so we move that
# directory to the publish location.
mv doc/build/html/$tag doc/publish/
elif [[ $branch_name = master ]]; then
# The above tasks does not rename the output directory, but
# we want it to be called "latest".
mv doc/build/html doc/publish/latest
elif [[ $branch_name =~ stable/ ]]; then
# We will have already moved the content inside
# a directory named for the branch, so move that to the
# publish location.
mv doc/build/html/$(basename $branch_name) doc/publish/
elif [[ $branch_name =~ feature/ ]]; then
echo "Docs should not be published for feature branches"
exit 1
elif [[ $branch_name =~ driverfixes/ ]]; then
echo "Docs should not be published for feature branches"
exit 1
# What is this even?
echo "Could not determine publishing location for branch_name $branch_name"
exit 1
# Move back into doc/build/html for artifact publisher.
rm -rf doc/build/html
mv doc/publish doc/build/html