Add ingress healthcheck params to charms

This change adds a healthcheck params dict to k8s charms for
use by traefik via the ingress relation. It contains a path,
interval, and timeout value. This allows traefik to detect
down nodes and remove them from the loadbalancer rotation.
Unless overridden in the charm, a default path of "/" is
passed in the ingress relation. Interval and timeout
are optional and will use default values of 30s and 5s,
respectively, unless overridden in the charm. Some charms
define a "/healthcheck" path in api-paste.ini which has been
used in place of the default "/" path.

Closes-Bug: #2077269
Change-Id: I355728f338e9a29fcf202cc629a977b49b2d8990
This commit is contained in:
Myles Penner 2025-02-27 09:05:05 -08:00
parent 97e82b6cec
commit 1f30344dbf
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 008B063DE04D5F62
12 changed files with 189 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -283,6 +283,11 @@ class AodhOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Ingress Port for API service."""
return 8042
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def get_pebble_handlers(
) -> List[sunbeam_chandlers.ServicePebbleHandler]:

View File

@ -418,6 +418,11 @@ class BarbicanOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Default port."""
return 9311
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def healthcheck_http_url(self) -> str:
"""Healthcheck HTTP URL for the service."""

View File

@ -298,6 +298,11 @@ class CinderOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Public ingress port for service."""
return 8776
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def service_conf(self) -> str:
"""Service default configuration file."""

View File

@ -455,6 +455,11 @@ class DesignateOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Ingress Port for API service."""
return 9001
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def ns_records(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get nameserver records."""

View File

@ -422,6 +422,11 @@ class GlanceOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Default ingress port."""
return 9292
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def healthcheck_http_url(self) -> str:
"""Healthcheck HTTP URL for the service."""

View File

@ -196,6 +196,11 @@ class GnocchiOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Ingress Port for API service."""
return 8041
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def healthcheck_http_url(self) -> str:
"""Healthcheck HTTP URL for the service."""

View File

@ -1440,7 +1440,12 @@ export OS_AUTH_VERSION=3
def healthcheck_http_url(self) -> str:
"""Healthcheck HTTP URL for the service."""
return f"http://localhost:{self.default_public_ingress_port}/v3"
return f"http://localhost:{self.default_public_ingress_port}/{self.ingress_healthcheck_path}"
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def _create_fernet_secret(self) -> None:
"""Create fernet juju secret.

View File

@ -184,6 +184,11 @@ class MagnumOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Default public ingress port."""
return 9511
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def config_contexts(self) -> List[sunbeam_config_contexts.ConfigContext]:
"""Generate list of configuration adapters for the charm."""

View File

@ -302,6 +302,11 @@ class NeutronOperatorCharm(sunbeam_charm.OSBaseOperatorAPICharm):
"""Public ingress port."""
return 9696
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Healthcheck path for ingress relation."""
return "/healthcheck"
def service_user(self) -> str:
"""Service user file and directory ownership."""

View File

@ -56,13 +56,25 @@ import logging
import socket
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, MutableMapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from functools import partial
from typing import (
import pydantic
from ops.charm import CharmBase, RelationBrokenEvent, RelationEvent
from ops.framework import EventSource, Object, ObjectEvents, StoredState
from ops.model import ModelError, Relation, Unit
from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, BaseModel, Field, validator
from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, BaseModel, Field
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "e6de2a5cd5b34422a204668f3b8f90d2"
@ -72,7 +84,7 @@ LIBAPI = 2
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
PYDEPS = ["pydantic"]
@ -84,6 +96,9 @@ BUILTIN_JUJU_KEYS = {"ingress-address", "private-address", "egress-subnets"}
PYDANTIC_IS_V1 = int(pydantic.version.VERSION.split(".")[0]) < 2
from pydantic import validator
input_validator = partial(validator, pre=True)
class DatabagModel(BaseModel): # type: ignore
"""Base databag model."""
@ -143,7 +158,9 @@ if PYDANTIC_IS_V1:
return databag
from pydantic import ConfigDict
from pydantic import ConfigDict, field_validator
input_validator = partial(field_validator, mode="before")
class DatabagModel(BaseModel):
"""Base databag model."""
@ -171,7 +188,7 @@ else:
k: json.loads(v)
for k, v in databag.items()
# Don't attempt to parse model-external values
if k in {(f.alias or n) for n, f in cls.__fields__.items()} # type: ignore
if k in {(f.alias or n) for n, f in cls.model_fields.items()} # type: ignore
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
msg = f"invalid databag contents: expecting json. {databag}"
@ -220,7 +237,7 @@ class IngressUrl(BaseModel):
class IngressProviderAppData(DatabagModel):
"""Ingress application databag schema."""
ingress: IngressUrl
ingress: Optional[IngressUrl] = None
class ProviderSchema(BaseModel):
@ -229,12 +246,32 @@ class ProviderSchema(BaseModel):
app: IngressProviderAppData
class IngressHealthCheck(BaseModel):
"""HealthCheck schema for Ingress."""
path: str = Field(description="The health check endpoint path (required).")
scheme: Optional[str] = Field(
default=None, description="Replaces the server URL scheme for the health check endpoint."
hostname: Optional[str] = Field(
default=None, description="Hostname to be set in the health check request."
port: Optional[int] = Field(
default=None, description="Replaces the server URL port for the health check endpoint."
interval: str = Field(default="30s", description="Frequency of the health check calls.")
timeout: str = Field(default="5s", description="Maximum duration for a health check request.")
class IngressRequirerAppData(DatabagModel):
"""Ingress requirer application databag model."""
model: str = Field(description="The model the application is in.")
name: str = Field(description="the name of the app requesting ingress.")
port: int = Field(description="The port the app wishes to be exposed.")
healthcheck_params: Optional[IngressHealthCheck] = Field(
default=None, description="Optional health check configuration for ingress."
# fields on top of vanilla 'ingress' interface:
strip_prefix: Optional[bool] = Field(
@ -252,14 +289,14 @@ class IngressRequirerAppData(DatabagModel):
default="http", description="What scheme to use in the generated ingress url"
@validator("scheme", pre=True)
def validate_scheme(cls, scheme): # noqa: N805 # pydantic wants 'cls' as first arg
"""Validate scheme arg."""
if scheme not in {"http", "https", "h2c"}:
raise ValueError("invalid scheme: should be one of `http|https|h2c`")
return scheme
@validator("port", pre=True)
def validate_port(cls, port): # noqa: N805 # pydantic wants 'cls' as first arg
"""Validate port."""
assert isinstance(port, int), type(port)
@ -277,13 +314,13 @@ class IngressRequirerUnitData(DatabagModel):
"IP can only be None if the IP information can't be retrieved from juju.",
@validator("host", pre=True)
def validate_host(cls, host): # noqa: N805 # pydantic wants 'cls' as first arg
"""Validate host."""
assert isinstance(host, str), type(host)
return host
@validator("ip", pre=True)
def validate_ip(cls, ip): # noqa: N805 # pydantic wants 'cls' as first arg
"""Validate ip."""
if ip is None:
@ -462,7 +499,10 @@ class IngressPerAppProvider(_IngressPerAppBase):
[unit.dict() for unit in data.units],
unit.dict() if PYDANTIC_IS_V1 else unit.model_dump(mode="json")
for unit in data.units
], or False, or False,
@ -549,7 +589,16 @@ class IngressPerAppProvider(_IngressPerAppBase):
def publish_url(self, relation: Relation, url: str):
"""Publish to the app databag the ingress url."""
ingress_url = {"url": url}
IngressProviderAppData(ingress=ingress_url).dump([]) # type: ignore
IngressProviderAppData(ingress=ingress_url).dump([]) # type: ignore
except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
# If we cannot validate the url as valid, publish an empty databag and log the error.
log.error(f"Failed to validate ingress url '{url}' - got ValidationError {e}")
"url was not published to ingress relation for {}. This error is likely due to an"
" error or misconfiguration of the charm calling this library."
IngressProviderAppData(ingress=None).dump([]) # type: ignore
def proxied_endpoints(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:
@ -587,10 +636,14 @@ class IngressPerAppProvider(_IngressPerAppBase):
if not ingress_data:
log.warning(f"relation {ingress_relation} not ready yet: try again in some time.")
# Validation above means ingress cannot be None, but type checker doesn't know that.
ingress = ingress_data.ingress
ingress = cast(IngressProviderAppData, ingress)
results[] = ingress_data.ingress.dict()
results[] = ingress.dict()
results[] = ingress_data.ingress.model_dump(mode=json) # type: ignore
results[] = ingress.model_dump(mode="json")
return results
@ -635,6 +688,7 @@ class IngressPerAppRequirer(_IngressPerAppBase):
# fixme: this is horrible UX.
# shall we switch to manually calling provide_ingress_requirements with all args when ready?
scheme: Union[Callable[[], str], str] = lambda: "http",
healthcheck_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
"""Constructor for IngressRequirer.
@ -644,23 +698,34 @@ class IngressPerAppRequirer(_IngressPerAppBase):
All request args must be given as keyword args.
charm: the charm that is instantiating the library.
relation_name: the name of the relation endpoint to bind to (defaults to `ingress`);
relation must be of interface type `ingress` and have "limit: 1")
charm: The charm that is instantiating the library.
relation_name: The name of the relation endpoint to bind to (defaults to "ingress");
the relation must be of interface type "ingress" and have a limit of 1.
host: Hostname to be used by the ingress provider to address the requiring
application; if unspecified, the default Kubernetes service name will be used.
ip: Alternative addressing method other than host to be used by the ingress provider;
if unspecified, binding address from juju network API will be used.
strip_prefix: configure Traefik to strip the path prefix.
redirect_https: redirect incoming requests to HTTPS.
scheme: callable returning the scheme to use when constructing the ingress url.
Or a string, if the scheme is known and stable at charm-init-time.
if unspecified, the binding address from the Juju network API will be used.
healthcheck_params: Optional dictionary containing health check
configuration parameters conforming to the IngressHealthCheck schema. The dictionary must include:
- "path" (str): The health check endpoint path (required).
It may also include:
- "scheme" (Optional[str]): Replaces the server URL scheme for the health check endpoint.
- "hostname" (Optional[str]): Hostname to be set in the health check request.
- "port" (Optional[int]): Replaces the server URL port for the health check endpoint.
- "interval" (str): Frequency of the health check calls (defaults to "30s" if omitted).
- "timeout" (str): Maximum duration for a health check request (defaults to "5s" if omitted).
If provided, "path" is required while "interval" and "timeout" will use Traefik's defaults when not specified.
strip_prefix: Configure Traefik to strip the path prefix.
redirect_https: Redirect incoming requests to HTTPS.
scheme: Either a callable that returns the scheme to use when constructing the ingress URL,
or a string if the scheme is known and stable at charm initialization.
Request Args:
port: the port of the service
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.charm: CharmBase = charm
self.healthcheck_params = healthcheck_params
self.relation_name = relation_name
self._strip_prefix = strip_prefix
self._redirect_https = redirect_https
@ -792,6 +857,11 @@ class IngressPerAppRequirer(_IngressPerAppBase):
strip_prefix=self._strip_prefix, # type: ignore # pyright does not like aliases
redirect_https=self._redirect_https, # type: ignore # pyright does not like aliases
if self.healthcheck_params
else None
except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
msg = "failed to validate app data"
@ -825,7 +895,11 @@ class IngressPerAppRequirer(_IngressPerAppBase):
if not databag: # not ready yet
return None
return str(IngressProviderAppData.load(databag).ingress.url)
ingress = IngressProviderAppData.load(databag).ingress
if ingress is None:
return None
return str(ingress.url)
def url(self) -> Optional[str]:

View File

@ -865,6 +865,44 @@ class OSBaseOperatorAPICharm(OSBaseOperatorCharmK8S):
"""List of endpoints for this service."""
return []
def ingress_healthcheck_path(self):
"""Default ingress healthcheck path.
This value can be overridden at the charm level as shown in
return "/"
def ingress_healthcheck_interval(self):
"""Default ingress healthcheck interval.
This value can be overridden at the charm level. Time values
following Golang time.ParseDuration() format are valid.
return "30s"
def ingress_healthcheck_timeout(self):
"""Default ingress healthcheck timeout.
This value can be overridden at the charm level. Time values
following Golang time.ParseDuration() format are valid.
return "5s"
def ingress_healthcheck_params(self):
"""Dictionary of ingress healthcheck values."""
params = {
"path": self.ingress_healthcheck_path,
"interval": self.ingress_healthcheck_interval,
"timeout": self.ingress_healthcheck_timeout,
return params
def get_relation_handlers(
self, handlers: list[sunbeam_rhandlers.RelationHandler] | None = None
) -> list[sunbeam_rhandlers.RelationHandler]:
@ -878,6 +916,7 @@ class OSBaseOperatorAPICharm(OSBaseOperatorCharmK8S):
"ingress-internal" in self.mandatory_relations,
@ -888,6 +927,7 @@ class OSBaseOperatorAPICharm(OSBaseOperatorCharmK8S):
"ingress-public" in self.mandatory_relations,

View File

@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ import secrets
import string
import typing
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import (
@ -193,6 +195,7 @@ class IngressHandler(RelationHandler):
relation_name: str,
service_name: str,
default_ingress_port: int,
ingress_healthcheck_params: Dict[str, Any],
callback_f: Callable,
mandatory: bool = False,
) -> None:
@ -200,6 +203,7 @@ class IngressHandler(RelationHandler):
super().__init__(charm, relation_name, callback_f, mandatory)
self.default_ingress_port = default_ingress_port
self.service_name = service_name
self.ingress_healthcheck_params = ingress_healthcheck_params
def setup_event_handler(self) -> ops.framework.Object:
"""Configure event handlers for an Ingress relation."""
@ -212,6 +216,7 @@ class IngressHandler(RelationHandler):
self.framework.observe(interface.on.ready, self._on_ingress_ready)
self.framework.observe(interface.on.revoked, self._on_ingress_revoked)