name: nova-k8s summary: OpenStack Compute - Nova cloud controller service maintainer: OpenStack Charmers <> description: | OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . This charm provides the cloud controller service for OpenStack Nova and includes nova-scheduler, nova-api and nova-conductor services. version: 3 bases: - name: ubuntu channel: 22.04/stable assumes: - k8s-api - juju >= 3.1 tags: - openstack source: issues: containers: nova-api: resource: nova-api-image nova-scheduler: resource: nova-scheduler-image nova-conductor: resource: nova-conductor-image nova-spiceproxy: resource: nova-spiceproxy-image resources: nova-api-image: type: oci-image description: OCI image for OpenStack Nova API upstream-source: nova-scheduler-image: type: oci-image description: OCI image for OpenStack Nova Scheduler upstream-source: nova-conductor-image: type: oci-image description: OCI image for OpenStack Nova Conductor upstream-source: nova-spiceproxy-image: type: oci-image description: OCI image for OpenStack Nova Spice proxy upstream-source: requires: ingress-internal: interface: ingress optional: true limit: 1 ingress-public: interface: ingress limit: 1 traefik-route-internal: interface: traefik_route optional: true limit: 1 traefik-route-public: interface: traefik_route limit: 1 database: interface: mysql_client limit: 1 api-database: interface: mysql_client limit: 1 cell-database: interface: mysql_client limit: 1 amqp: interface: rabbitmq image-service: interface: glance identity-service: interface: keystone cloud-compute: interface: nova-compute cinder-volume-service: interface: cinder neutron-network-service: interface: neutron neutron-api: interface: neutron-api placement: interface: placement receive-ca-cert: interface: certificate_transfer optional: true logging: interface: loki_push_api optional: true tracing: interface: tracing optional: true limit: 1 provides: nova-service: interface: nova peers: peers: interface: nova-peer