# Copyright 2021 Canonical Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Collection of core components.""" import collections from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Generator, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence, Union, ) import ops_sunbeam.tracing as sunbeam_tracing from ops_sunbeam.guard import ( BaseStatusExceptionError, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from ops_sunbeam.charm import ( OSBaseOperatorCharm, ) from ops_sunbeam.config_contexts import ( ConfigContext, ) from ops_sunbeam.relation_handlers import ( RelationHandler, ) ContainerConfigFile = collections.namedtuple( "ContainerConfigFile", ["path", "user", "group", "permissions"], defaults=(None,), ) RelationDataMapping = MutableMapping[str, str] ConfigMapping = Mapping[str, bool | int | float | str | None] ContextMapping = RelationDataMapping | ConfigMapping @sunbeam_tracing.trace_type class OPSCharmContexts: """Set of config contexts and contexts from relation handlers.""" def __init__(self, charm: "OSBaseOperatorCharm") -> None: """Run constructor.""" self.charm = charm self.namespaces: list[str] = [] def add_relation_handler(self, handler: "RelationHandler") -> None: """Add relation handler.""" interface, relation_name = handler.get_interface() _ns = relation_name.replace("-", "_") self.namespaces.append(_ns) ctxt = handler.context() obj_name = "".join([w.capitalize() for w in relation_name.split("-")]) obj = collections.namedtuple(obj_name, ctxt.keys())(*ctxt.values()) setattr(self, _ns, obj) # Add special sobriquet for peers. if _ns == "peers": self.namespaces.append("leader_db") setattr(self, "leader_db", obj) def add_config_contexts( self, config_adapters: Sequence["ConfigContext"] ) -> None: """Add multiple config contexts.""" for config_adapter in config_adapters: self.add_config_context(config_adapter, config_adapter.namespace) def add_config_context( self, config_adapter: "ConfigContext", namespace: str ) -> None: """Add add config adapter to context.""" self.namespaces.append(namespace) setattr(self, namespace, config_adapter) def __iter__( self, ) -> Generator[ tuple[str, Union["ConfigContext", "RelationHandler"]], None, None ]: """Iterate over the relations presented to the charm.""" for namespace in self.namespaces: yield namespace, getattr(self, namespace) class PostInitMeta(type): """Allows object to run post init methods.""" def __call__(cls, *args, **kw): """Call __post_init__ after __init__.""" instance = super().__call__(*args, **kw) try: instance.__post_init__() except BaseStatusExceptionError as e: # Allow post init to raise an ops_sunbeam status # exception without causing the charm to error. # This status will be collected and set on the # unit. # import here to avoid circular import from ops_sunbeam.charm import ( OSBaseOperatorCharm, ) if isinstance(instance, OSBaseOperatorCharm): instance.status.set(e.to_status()) else: raise e return instance