- name: snapd is installed apt: name: snapd become: true - name: set microk8s related variables set_fact: microk8s_group: "{{ 'microk8s' if microk8s_classic_mode | default(true) else 'snap_microk8s' }}" microk8s_command_escalation: "{{ false if microk8s_classic_mode | default(true) else true }}" - name: Disable ipv6 become: true sysctl: name: "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6" value: "1" state: "present" reload: "yes" - name: microk8s is installed snap: name: microk8s classic: "{{ microk8s_classic_mode | default(true) }}" channel: "{{ microk8s_channel | default('latest/stable') }}" become: true - name: current user is in microk8s group user: name: "{{ ansible_user }}" groups: "{{ microk8s_group }}" append: true become: true - name: reset ssh connection to apply permissions from new group meta: reset_connection - name: microk8s status block: - name: microk8s status command: cmd: microk8s status --wait-ready --timeout 300 rescue: - name: microk8s inspect command: cmd: microk8s inspect become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}" - name: microk8s status command: # second chance to get status cmd: microk8s status - name: Create docker.io certs dir when: - docker_mirror is defined file: path: /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io state: directory owner: root group: "{{ microk8s_group }}" mode: '0770' - name: Render microk8s registry mirror template when: - docker_mirror is defined template: src: hosts.j2 dest: /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io/hosts.toml group: "{{ microk8s_group }}" vars: mirror_location: "{{ docker_mirror }}" server: https://docker.io - name: Check docker.io hosts.toml when: - docker_mirror is defined command: cmd: cat /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io/hosts.toml - name: microk8s is started command: cmd: microk8s start become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}" - name: microk8s is running and ready command: cmd: microk8s status --wait-ready register: res failed_when: '"is running" not in res.stdout' - name: microk8s dns addon is enabled command: cmd: microk8s enable dns register: res changed_when: '"already enabled" not in res.stdout' become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}" - name: microk8s hostpath storage addon is enabled command: cmd: microk8s enable hostpath-storage register: res changed_when: '"already enabled" not in res.stdout' become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}" - name: microk8s metallb addon is enabled command: # ip range is an arbitrary choice; may need to be changed later cmd: microk8s enable metallb: register: res changed_when: '"already enabled" not in res.stdout' become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}" - name: microk8s addons are ready command: cmd: microk8s status --format short register: res retries: 18 delay: 10 # 18 * 10 = 3 minutes until: > "core/dns: enabled" in res.stdout and "core/hostpath-storage: enabled" in res.stdout and "core/metallb: enabled" in res.stdout changed_when: res.attempts > 1 - name: juju is installed snap: name: juju classic: "{{ juju_classic_mode | default(true) }}" channel: "{{ juju_channel | default('latest/stable') }}" become: true - name: Ensure ~/.local/share directory exist file: path: ~/.local/share state: directory - name: juju is bootstrapped on microk8s command: cmd: juju bootstrap --config bootstrap-timeout=600 microk8s microk8s register: res retries: 3 delay: 10 until: > "Bootstrap complete" in res.stderr or "already exists" in res.stderr failed_when: '"ERROR" in res.stderr and "already exists" not in res.stderr' - name: current juju controller is microk8s command: cmd: juju switch microk8s register: res changed_when: '"no change" not in res.stderr' - name: Collect snap versions command: snap list register: snap_out - name: Show snap versions debug: msg="{{ snap_out.stdout }}"