Add container masakari-hostmonitor Add relations consul-management, consul-tenant, consul-stoage to integrate with consul-k8s charm. Update masakarimonitor configuraiton and consul matrix yaml. Change-Id: I238f67942b1a831143d3bff0f095340dd3155386
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"""ConsulCluster Provides and Requires module.
This library contains Provider and Requirer classes for
consul-cluster interface.
The provider side updates relation data with the endpoints
information required by consul agents running in client mode
or consul users/clients.
The requirer side receives the endpoints via relation data.
Example on how to use Requirer side using this library.
Import `ConsulEndpointsRequirer` in your charm, with the charm object and the
relation name:
- self
- "consul-cluster"
Two events are also available to respond to:
- endpoints_changed
- goneaway
A basic example showing the usage of this relation follows:
from charms.consul_k8s.v0.consul_cluster import (
class ConsulClientCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
# ConsulCluster Requires
self.consul = ConsulEdnpointsRequirer(
self, "consul-cluster",
def _on_consul_service_endpoints_changed(self, event):
'''React to the Consul service endpoints changed event.
This event happens when consul-cluster relation is added to the
model and relation data is changed.
# Do something with the endpoints provided by relation.
def _on_consul_service_goneaway(self, event):
'''React to the ConsulService goneaway event.
This event happens when consul-cluster relation is removed.
# ConsulService Relation has goneaway.
import json
import logging
from ops.charm import CharmBase, RelationBrokenEvent, RelationChangedEvent, RelationEvent
from ops.framework import EventSource, Object, ObjectEvents
from ops.model import Relation
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError, field_validator
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "f10432d106524b82ba68aa6eddbc3308"
# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME = "consul-cluster"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ConsulServiceProviderAppData(BaseModel):
"""Cluster endpoints from Consul server."""
datacenter: str = Field("Datacenter cluster name")
# All endpoints are json serialized
internal_gossip_endpoints: list[str] | None = Field(
"Consul server join addresses for internal consul agents"
external_gossip_endpoints: list[str] | None = Field(
"Consul server join addresses for external consul agents"
internal_http_endpoint: str | None = Field(
"Consul server http address for consul users running in same k8s cluster as consul-server"
# This field will be the ingress endpoint. Ingress is not supported yet.
external_http_endpoint: str | None = Field("Consul server http address for external users")
@field_validator("internal_gossip_endpoints", "external_gossip_endpoints", mode="before")
def convert_str_to_list_of_str(cls, v: str) -> list[str]:
"""Convert string field to list of str."""
if not isinstance(v, str):
return v
return json.loads(v)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
raise ValueError("Field not in json format")
@field_validator("internal_http_endpoint", "external_http_endpoint", mode="before")
def convert_str_null_to_none(cls, v: str) -> str | None:
"""Convert null string to None."""
if v == "null":
return None
return v
class ClusterEndpointsChangedEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Consul cluster endpoints changed event."""
class ClusterServerGoneAwayEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Cluster server relation gone away event."""
class ConsulEndpointsRequirerEvents(ObjectEvents):
"""Consul Cluster requirer events."""
endpoints_changed = EventSource(ClusterEndpointsChangedEvent)
goneaway = EventSource(ClusterServerGoneAwayEvent)
class ConsulEndpointsRequirer(Object):
"""Class to be instantiated on the requirer side of the relation."""
on = ConsulEndpointsRequirerEvents() # pyright: ignore
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME):
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.charm = charm
self.relation_name = relation_name
events = self.charm.on[relation_name]
self.framework.observe(events.relation_changed, self._on_relation_changed)
self.framework.observe(events.relation_broken, self._on_relation_changed)
def _on_relation_changed(self, event: RelationChangedEvent):
if self._validate_databag_from_relation():
def _on_relation_broken(self, event: RelationBrokenEvent):
"""Handle relation broken event."""
def _validate_databag_from_relation(self) -> bool:
if self._consul_cluster_rel:
databag = self._consul_cluster_rel.data[self._consul_cluster_rel.app]
ConsulServiceProviderAppData(**databag) # type: ignore
except ValidationError as e:
logger.info(f"Incorrect app databag: {str(e)}")
return False
return True
def _get_app_databag_from_relation(self) -> dict:
if self._consul_cluster_rel:
databag = self._consul_cluster_rel.data[self._consul_cluster_rel.app]
data = ConsulServiceProviderAppData(**databag) # type: ignore
return data.model_dump()
except ValidationError as e:
logger.info(f"Incorrect app databag: {str(e)}")
return {}
def _consul_cluster_rel(self) -> Relation | None:
"""The Consul cluster relation."""
return self.framework.model.get_relation(self.relation_name)
def datacenter(self) -> str | None:
"""Return datacenter name from provider app data."""
data = self._get_app_databag_from_relation()
return data.get("datacenter")
def internal_gossip_endpoints(self) -> list[str] | None:
"""Return internal gossip endpoints from provider app data."""
data = self._get_app_databag_from_relation()
return data.get("internal_gossip_endpoints")
def external_gossip_endpoints(self) -> list[str] | None:
"""Return external gossip endpoints from provider app data."""
data = self._get_app_databag_from_relation()
return data.get("external_gossip_endpoints")
def internal_http_endpoint(self) -> str | None:
"""Return internal http endpoint from provider app data."""
data = self._get_app_databag_from_relation()
return data.get("internal_http_endpoint")
def external_http_endpoint(self) -> str | None:
"""Return external http endpoint from provider app data."""
data = self._get_app_databag_from_relation()
return data.get("external_http_endpoint")
class ClusterEndpointsRequestEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Consul cluster endpoints request event."""
class ConsulServiceProviderEvents(ObjectEvents):
"""Events class for `on`."""
endpoints_request = EventSource(ClusterEndpointsRequestEvent)
class ConsulServiceProvider(Object):
"""Class to be instantiated on the provider side of the relation."""
on = ConsulServiceProviderEvents() # pyright: ignore
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME):
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.charm = charm
self.relation_name = relation_name
events = self.charm.on[relation_name]
self.framework.observe(events.relation_changed, self._on_relation_changed)
def _on_relation_changed(self, event: RelationChangedEvent):
"""Handle new cluster client connect."""
def set_cluster_endpoints(
relation: Relation | None,
datacenter: str,
internal_gossip_endpoints: list[str] | None,
external_gossip_endpoints: list[str] | None,
internal_http_endpoint: str | None,
external_http_endpoint: str | None,
) -> None:
"""Set consul cluster endpoints on the relation.
If relation is None, send cluster endpoints on all related units.
if not self.charm.unit.is_leader():
logging.debug("Not a leader unit, skipping set endpoints")
databag = ConsulServiceProviderAppData(
except ValidationError as e:
logger.info(f"Provider trying to set incorrect app data {str(e)}")
# If relation is not provided send endpoints to all the related
# applications. This happens usually when endpoints data is
# updated by provider and wants to send the data to all
# related applications
_datacenter: str = databag.datacenter
_internal_gossip_endpoints: str = json.dumps(databag.internal_gossip_endpoints)
_external_gossip_endpoints: str = json.dumps(databag.external_gossip_endpoints)
_internal_http_endpoint: str = json.dumps(databag.internal_http_endpoint)
_external_http_endpoint: str = json.dumps(external_http_endpoint)
if relation is None:
"Sending endpoints to all related applications of relation" f"{self.relation_name}"
relations_to_send_endpoints = self.framework.model.relations[self.relation_name]
f"Sending endpoints on relation {relation.app.name} "
relations_to_send_endpoints = [relation]
for relation in relations_to_send_endpoints:
if relation:
relation.data[self.charm.app]["datacenter"] = _datacenter
relation.data[self.charm.app]["internal_gossip_endpoints"] = (
relation.data[self.charm.app]["external_gossip_endpoints"] = (
relation.data[self.charm.app]["internal_http_endpoint"] = _internal_http_endpoint
relation.data[self.charm.app]["external_http_endpoint"] = _external_http_endpoint