Guillaume Boutry e5fb16d6b9
Implement tracing
Implement tracing relation for all the charms.
Instrument most of ops.Object objects, including relation handlers,
pebble handlers, and relation objects.

Change-Id: I967ff858a63aa7d30094cf5a46491fce11195060
Signed-off-by: Guillaume Boutry <>
2024-07-31 11:57:32 +02:00

988 lines
36 KiB

# Copyright 2024 Canonical Ltd.
# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
"""## Overview.
This document explains how to integrate with the Tempo charm for the purpose of pushing traces to a
tracing endpoint provided by Tempo. It also explains how alternative implementations of the Tempo charm
may maintain the same interface and be backward compatible with all currently integrated charms.
## Requirer Library Usage
Charms seeking to push traces to Tempo, must do so using the `TracingEndpointRequirer`
object from this charm library. For the simplest use cases, using the `TracingEndpointRequirer`
object only requires instantiating it, typically in the constructor of your charm. The
`TracingEndpointRequirer` constructor requires the name of the relation over which a tracing endpoint
is exposed by the Tempo charm, and a list of protocols it intends to send traces with.
This relation must use the `tracing` interface.
The `TracingEndpointRequirer` object may be instantiated as follows
from charms.tempo_k8s.v2.tracing import TracingEndpointRequirer
def __init__(self, *args):
# ...
self.tracing = TracingEndpointRequirer(self,
protocols=['otlp_grpc', 'otlp_http', 'jaeger_http_thrift']
# ...
Note that the first argument (`self`) to `TracingEndpointRequirer` is always a reference to the
parent charm.
Alternatively to providing the list of requested protocols at init time, the charm can do it at
any point in time by calling the
`TracingEndpointRequirer.request_protocols(*protocol:str, relation:Optional[Relation])` method.
Using this method also allows you to use per-relation protocols.
Units of provider charms obtain the tempo endpoint to which they will push their traces by calling
`TracingEndpointRequirer.get_endpoint(protocol: str)`, where `protocol` is, for example:
- `otlp_grpc`
- `otlp_http`
- `zipkin`
- `tempo`
If the `protocol` is not in the list of protocols that the charm requested at endpoint set-up time,
the library will raise an error.
## Requirer Library Usage
The `TracingEndpointProvider` object may be used by charms to manage relations with their
trace sources. For this purposes a Tempo-like charm needs to do two things
1. Instantiate the `TracingEndpointProvider` object by providing it a
reference to the parent (Tempo) charm and optionally the name of the relation that the Tempo charm
uses to interact with its trace sources. This relation must conform to the `tracing` interface
and it is strongly recommended that this relation be named `tracing` which is its
default value.
For example a Tempo charm may instantiate the `TracingEndpointProvider` in its constructor as
from charms.tempo_k8s.v2.tracing import TracingEndpointProvider
def __init__(self, *args):
# ...
self.tracing = TracingEndpointProvider(self)
# ...
""" # noqa: W505
import enum
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
import pydantic
from ops.charm import (
from ops.framework import EventSource, Object
from ops.model import ModelError, Relation
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "12977e9aa0b34367903d8afeb8c3d85d"
# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
PYDEPS = ["pydantic"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Supported list rationale
ReceiverProtocol = Literal[
RawReceiver = Tuple[ReceiverProtocol, str]
"""Helper type. A raw receiver is defined as a tuple consisting of the protocol name, and the (external, if available),
(secured, if available) resolvable server url.
BUILTIN_JUJU_KEYS = {"ingress-address", "private-address", "egress-subnets"}
class TransportProtocolType(str, enum.Enum):
"""Receiver Type."""
http = "http"
grpc = "grpc"
receiver_protocol_to_transport_protocol: Dict[ReceiverProtocol, TransportProtocolType] = {
"zipkin": TransportProtocolType.http,
"otlp_grpc": TransportProtocolType.grpc,
"otlp_http": TransportProtocolType.http,
"jaeger_thrift_http": TransportProtocolType.http,
"jaeger_grpc": TransportProtocolType.grpc,
"""A mapping between telemetry protocols and their corresponding transport protocol.
class TracingError(Exception):
"""Base class for custom errors raised by this library."""
class NotReadyError(TracingError):
"""Raised by the provider wrapper if a requirer hasn't published the required data (yet)."""
class ProtocolNotRequestedError(TracingError):
"""Raised if the user attempts to obtain an endpoint for a protocol it did not request."""
class DataValidationError(TracingError):
"""Raised when data validation fails on IPU relation data."""
class AmbiguousRelationUsageError(TracingError):
"""Raised when one wrongly assumes that there can only be one relation on an endpoint."""
if int(pydantic.version.VERSION.split(".")[0]) < 2:
class DatabagModel(BaseModel): # type: ignore
"""Base databag model."""
class Config:
"""Pydantic config."""
# ignore any extra fields in the databag
extra = "ignore"
"""Ignore any extra fields in the databag."""
allow_population_by_field_name = True
"""Allow instantiating this class by field name (instead of forcing alias)."""
def load(cls, databag: MutableMapping):
"""Load this model from a Juju databag."""
if cls._NEST_UNDER:
return cls.parse_obj(json.loads(databag[cls._NEST_UNDER]))
data = {
k: json.loads(v)
for k, v in databag.items()
# Don't attempt to parse model-external values
if k in {f.alias for f in cls.__fields__.values()}
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
msg = f"invalid databag contents: expecting json. {databag}"
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
return cls.parse_raw(json.dumps(data)) # type: ignore
except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
msg = f"failed to validate databag: {databag}"
logger.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
def dump(self, databag: Optional[MutableMapping] = None, clear: bool = True):
"""Write the contents of this model to Juju databag.
:param databag: the databag to write the data to.
:param clear: ensure the databag is cleared before writing it.
if clear and databag:
if databag is None:
databag = {}
if self._NEST_UNDER:
databag[self._NEST_UNDER] = self.json(by_alias=True)
return databag
dct = self.dict()
for key, field in self.__fields__.items(): # type: ignore
value = dct[key]
databag[field.alias or key] = json.dumps(value)
return databag
from pydantic import ConfigDict
class DatabagModel(BaseModel):
"""Base databag model."""
model_config = ConfigDict(
# ignore any extra fields in the databag
# Allow instantiating this class by field name (instead of forcing alias).
# Custom config key: whether to nest the whole datastructure (as json)
# under a field or spread it out at the toplevel.
_NEST_UNDER=None, # type: ignore
"""Pydantic config."""
def load(cls, databag: MutableMapping):
"""Load this model from a Juju databag."""
nest_under = cls.model_config.get("_NEST_UNDER") # type: ignore
if nest_under:
return cls.model_validate(json.loads(databag[nest_under])) # type: ignore
data = {
k: json.loads(v)
for k, v in databag.items()
# Don't attempt to parse model-external values
if k in {(f.alias or n) for n, f in cls.__fields__.items()}
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
msg = f"invalid databag contents: expecting json. {databag}"
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
return cls.model_validate_json(json.dumps(data)) # type: ignore
except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
msg = f"failed to validate databag: {databag}"
logger.debug(msg, exc_info=True)
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
def dump(self, databag: Optional[MutableMapping] = None, clear: bool = True):
"""Write the contents of this model to Juju databag.
:param databag: the databag to write the data to.
:param clear: ensure the databag is cleared before writing it.
if clear and databag:
if databag is None:
databag = {}
nest_under = self.model_config.get("_NEST_UNDER")
if nest_under:
databag[nest_under] = self.model_dump_json( # type: ignore
# skip keys whose values are default
return databag
dct = self.model_dump() # type: ignore
for key, field in self.model_fields.items(): # type: ignore
value = dct[key]
if value == field.default:
databag[field.alias or key] = json.dumps(value)
return databag
# todo use models from charm-relation-interfaces
if int(pydantic.version.VERSION.split(".")[0]) < 2:
class ProtocolType(BaseModel): # type: ignore
"""Protocol Type."""
class Config:
"""Pydantic config."""
use_enum_values = True
"""Allow serializing enum values."""
name: str = Field(
description="Receiver protocol name. What protocols are supported (and what they are called) "
"may differ per provider.",
examples=["otlp_grpc", "otlp_http", "tempo_http"],
type: TransportProtocolType = Field(
description="The transport protocol used by this receiver.",
examples=["http", "grpc"],
class ProtocolType(BaseModel):
"""Protocol Type."""
model_config = ConfigDict(
# Allow serializing enum values.
"""Pydantic config."""
name: str = Field(
description="Receiver protocol name. What protocols are supported (and what they are called) "
"may differ per provider.",
examples=["otlp_grpc", "otlp_http", "tempo_http"],
type: TransportProtocolType = Field(
description="The transport protocol used by this receiver.",
examples=["http", "grpc"],
class Receiver(BaseModel):
"""Specification of an active receiver."""
protocol: ProtocolType = Field(..., description="Receiver protocol name and type.")
url: str = Field(
description="""URL at which the receiver is reachable. If there's an ingress, it would be the external URL.
Otherwise, it would be the service's fqdn or internal IP.
If the protocol type is grpc, the url will not contain a scheme.""",
class TracingProviderAppData(DatabagModel): # noqa: D101
"""Application databag model for the tracing provider."""
receivers: List[Receiver] = Field(
description="List of all receivers enabled on the tracing provider.",
class TracingRequirerAppData(DatabagModel): # noqa: D101
"""Application databag model for the tracing requirer."""
receivers: List[ReceiverProtocol]
"""Requested receivers."""
class _AutoSnapshotEvent(RelationEvent):
__args__: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
__optional_kwargs__: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def __attrs__(cls):
return cls.__args__ + tuple(cls.__optional_kwargs__.keys())
def __init__(self, handle, relation, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(handle, relation)
if not len(self.__args__) == len(args):
raise TypeError("expected {} args, got {}".format(len(self.__args__), len(args)))
for attr, obj in zip(self.__args__, args):
setattr(self, attr, obj)
for attr, default in self.__optional_kwargs__.items():
obj = kwargs.get(attr, default)
setattr(self, attr, obj)
def snapshot(self) -> dict:
dct = super().snapshot()
for attr in self.__attrs__():
obj = getattr(self, attr)
dct[attr] = obj
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
"cannot automagically serialize {}: "
"override this method and do it "
) from e
return dct
def restore(self, snapshot: dict) -> None:
for attr, obj in snapshot.items():
setattr(self, attr, obj)
class RelationNotFoundError(Exception):
"""Raised if no relation with the given name is found."""
def __init__(self, relation_name: str):
self.relation_name = relation_name
self.message = "No relation named '{}' found".format(relation_name)
class RelationInterfaceMismatchError(Exception):
"""Raised if the relation with the given name has an unexpected interface."""
def __init__(
relation_name: str,
expected_relation_interface: str,
actual_relation_interface: str,
self.relation_name = relation_name
self.expected_relation_interface = expected_relation_interface
self.actual_relation_interface = actual_relation_interface
self.message = (
"The '{}' relation has '{}' as interface rather than the expected '{}'".format(
relation_name, actual_relation_interface, expected_relation_interface
class RelationRoleMismatchError(Exception):
"""Raised if the relation with the given name has a different role than expected."""
def __init__(
relation_name: str,
expected_relation_role: RelationRole,
actual_relation_role: RelationRole,
self.relation_name = relation_name
self.expected_relation_interface = expected_relation_role
self.actual_relation_role = actual_relation_role
self.message = "The '{}' relation has role '{}' rather than the expected '{}'".format(
relation_name, repr(actual_relation_role), repr(expected_relation_role)
def _validate_relation_by_interface_and_direction(
charm: CharmBase,
relation_name: str,
expected_relation_interface: str,
expected_relation_role: RelationRole,
"""Validate a relation.
Verifies that the `relation_name` provided: (1) exists in metadata.yaml,
(2) declares as interface the interface name passed as `relation_interface`
and (3) has the right "direction", i.e., it is a relation that `charm`
provides or requires.
charm: a `CharmBase` object to scan for the matching relation.
relation_name: the name of the relation to be verified.
expected_relation_interface: the interface name to be matched by the
relation named `relation_name`.
expected_relation_role: whether the `relation_name` must be either
provided or required by `charm`.
RelationNotFoundError: If there is no relation in the charm's metadata.yaml
with the same name as provided via `relation_name` argument.
RelationInterfaceMismatchError: The relation with the same name as provided
via `relation_name` argument does not have the same relation interface
as specified via the `expected_relation_interface` argument.
RelationRoleMismatchError: If the relation with the same name as provided
via `relation_name` argument does not have the same role as specified
via the `expected_relation_role` argument.
if relation_name not in charm.meta.relations:
raise RelationNotFoundError(relation_name)
relation = charm.meta.relations[relation_name]
# fixme: why do we need to cast here?
actual_relation_interface = cast(str, relation.interface_name)
if actual_relation_interface != expected_relation_interface:
raise RelationInterfaceMismatchError(
relation_name, expected_relation_interface, actual_relation_interface
if expected_relation_role is RelationRole.provides:
if relation_name not in charm.meta.provides:
raise RelationRoleMismatchError(
relation_name, RelationRole.provides, RelationRole.requires
elif expected_relation_role is RelationRole.requires:
if relation_name not in charm.meta.requires:
raise RelationRoleMismatchError(
relation_name, RelationRole.requires, RelationRole.provides
raise TypeError("Unexpected RelationDirection: {}".format(expected_relation_role))
class RequestEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Event emitted when a remote requests a tracing endpoint."""
def requested_receivers(self) -> List[ReceiverProtocol]:
"""List of receiver protocols that have been requested."""
relation = self.relation
app =
if not app:
raise NotReadyError(" is None")
return TracingRequirerAppData.load([app]).receivers
class BrokenEvent(RelationBrokenEvent):
"""Event emitted when a relation on tracing is broken."""
class TracingEndpointProviderEvents(CharmEvents):
"""TracingEndpointProvider events."""
request = EventSource(RequestEvent)
broken = EventSource(BrokenEvent)
class TracingEndpointProvider(Object):
"""Class representing a trace receiver service."""
on = TracingEndpointProviderEvents() # type: ignore
def __init__(
charm: CharmBase,
external_url: Optional[str] = None,
relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME,
charm: a `CharmBase` instance that manages this instance of the Tempo service.
external_url: external address of the node hosting the tempo server,
if an ingress is present.
relation_name: an optional string name of the relation between `charm`
and the Tempo charmed service. The default is "tracing".
RelationNotFoundError: If there is no relation in the charm's metadata.yaml
with the same name as provided via `relation_name` argument.
RelationInterfaceMismatchError: The relation with the same name as provided
via `relation_name` argument does not have the `tracing` relation
RelationRoleMismatchError: If the relation with the same name as provided
via `relation_name` argument does not have the `RelationRole.requires`
charm, relation_name, RELATION_INTERFACE_NAME, RelationRole.provides
super().__init__(charm, relation_name + "tracing-provider")
self._charm = charm
self._external_url = external_url
self._relation_name = relation_name
self._charm.on[relation_name].relation_joined, self._on_relation_event
self._charm.on[relation_name].relation_created, self._on_relation_event
self._charm.on[relation_name].relation_changed, self._on_relation_event
self._charm.on[relation_name].relation_broken, self._on_relation_broken_event
def _on_relation_broken_event(self, e: RelationBrokenEvent):
"""Handle relation broken events."""
def _on_relation_event(self, e: RelationEvent):
"""Handle relation created/joined/changed events."""
if self.is_requirer_ready(e.relation):
def is_requirer_ready(self, relation: Relation):
"""Attempt to determine if requirer has already populated app data."""
except NotReadyError:
return False
return True
def _get_requested_protocols(relation: Relation):
app =
if not app:
raise NotReadyError(" is None")
databag = TracingRequirerAppData.load([app])
except (json.JSONDecodeError, pydantic.ValidationError, DataValidationError):"relation {relation} is not ready to talk tracing")
raise NotReadyError()
return databag.receivers
def requested_protocols(self):
"""All receiver protocols that have been requested by our related apps."""
requested_protocols = set()
for relation in self.relations:
protocols = self._get_requested_protocols(relation)
except NotReadyError:
return requested_protocols
def relations(self) -> List[Relation]:
"""All relations active on this endpoint."""
return self._charm.model.relations[self._relation_name]
def publish_receivers(self, receivers: Sequence[RawReceiver]):
"""Let all requirers know that these receivers are active and listening."""
if not self._charm.unit.is_leader():
raise RuntimeError("only leader can do this")
for relation in self.relations:
for protocol, url in receivers
except ModelError as e:
# args are bytes
msg = e.args[0]
if isinstance(msg, bytes):
if msg.startswith(
b"ERROR cannot read relation application settings: permission denied"
f"encountered error {e} while attempting to update_relation_data."
f"The relation must be gone."
class EndpointRemovedEvent(RelationBrokenEvent):
"""Event representing a change in one of the receiver endpoints."""
class EndpointChangedEvent(_AutoSnapshotEvent):
"""Event representing a change in one of the receiver endpoints."""
__args__ = ("_receivers",)
_receivers = [] # type: List[dict]
def receivers(self) -> List[Receiver]:
"""Cast receivers back from dict."""
return [Receiver(**i) for i in self._receivers]
class TracingEndpointRequirerEvents(CharmEvents):
"""TracingEndpointRequirer events."""
endpoint_changed = EventSource(EndpointChangedEvent)
endpoint_removed = EventSource(EndpointRemovedEvent)
class TracingEndpointRequirer(Object):
"""A tracing endpoint for Tempo."""
on = TracingEndpointRequirerEvents() # type: ignore
def __init__(
charm: CharmBase,
relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME,
protocols: Optional[List[ReceiverProtocol]] = None,
"""Construct a tracing requirer for a Tempo charm.
If your application supports pushing traces to a distributed tracing backend, the
`TracingEndpointRequirer` object enables your charm to easily access endpoint information
exchanged over a `tracing` relation interface.
charm: a `CharmBase` object that manages this
`TracingEndpointRequirer` object. Typically, this is `self` in the instantiating
relation_name: an optional string name of the relation between `charm`
and the Tempo charmed service. The default is "tracing". It is strongly
advised not to change the default, so that people deploying your charm will have a
consistent experience with all other charms that provide tracing endpoints.
protocols: optional list of protocols that the charm intends to send traces with.
The provider will enable receivers for these and only these protocols,
so be sure to enable all protocols the charm or its workload are going to need.
RelationNotFoundError: If there is no relation in the charm's metadata.yaml
with the same name as provided via `relation_name` argument.
RelationInterfaceMismatchError: The relation with the same name as provided
via `relation_name` argument does not have the `tracing` relation
RelationRoleMismatchError: If the relation with the same name as provided
via `relation_name` argument does not have the `RelationRole.provides`
charm, relation_name, RELATION_INTERFACE_NAME, RelationRole.requires
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self._is_single_endpoint = charm.meta.relations[relation_name].limit == 1
self._charm = charm
self._relation_name = relation_name
events = self._charm.on[self._relation_name]
self.framework.observe(events.relation_changed, self._on_tracing_relation_changed)
self.framework.observe(events.relation_broken, self._on_tracing_relation_broken)
if protocols:
def request_protocols(
self, protocols: Sequence[ReceiverProtocol], relation: Optional[Relation] = None
"""Publish the list of protocols which the provider should activate."""
# todo: should we check if _is_single_endpoint and len(self.relations) > 1 and raise, here?
relations = [relation] if relation else self.relations
if not protocols:
# empty sequence
raise ValueError(
"You need to pass a nonempty sequence of protocols to `request_protocols`."
if self._charm.unit.is_leader():
for relation in relations:
except ModelError as e:
# args are bytes
msg = e.args[0]
if isinstance(msg, bytes):
if msg.startswith(
b"ERROR cannot read relation application settings: permission denied"
f"encountered error {e} while attempting to request_protocols."
f"The relation must be gone."
def relations(self) -> List[Relation]:
"""The tracing relations associated with this endpoint."""
return self._charm.model.relations[self._relation_name]
def _relation(self) -> Optional[Relation]:
"""If this wraps a single endpoint, the relation bound to it, if any."""
if not self._is_single_endpoint:
objname = type(self).__name__
raise AmbiguousRelationUsageError(
f"This {objname} wraps a {self._relation_name} endpoint that has "
"limit != 1. We can't determine what relation, of the possibly many, you are "
f"talking about. Please pass a relation instance while calling {objname}, "
"or set limit=1 in the charm metadata."
relations = self.relations
return relations[0] if relations else None
def is_ready(self, relation: Optional[Relation] = None):
"""Is this endpoint ready?"""
relation = relation or self._relation
if not relation:
logger.debug(f"no relation on {self._relation_name !r}: tracing not ready")
return False
if is None:
logger.error(f"relation data is None for {relation}")
return False
if not
logger.error(f"{relation} event received but there is no")
return False
databag = dict([])
except (json.JSONDecodeError, pydantic.ValidationError, DataValidationError):"failed validating relation data for {relation}")
return False
return True
def _on_tracing_relation_changed(self, event):
"""Notify the providers that there is new endpoint information available."""
relation = event.relation
if not self.is_ready(relation):
self.on.endpoint_removed.emit(relation) # type: ignore
data = TracingProviderAppData.load([])
self.on.endpoint_changed.emit(relation, [i.dict() for i in data.receivers]) # type: ignore
def _on_tracing_relation_broken(self, event: RelationBrokenEvent):
"""Notify the providers that the endpoint is broken."""
relation = event.relation
self.on.endpoint_removed.emit(relation) # type: ignore
def get_all_endpoints(
self, relation: Optional[Relation] = None
) -> Optional[TracingProviderAppData]:
"""Unmarshalled relation data."""
relation = relation or self._relation
if not self.is_ready(relation):
return TracingProviderAppData.load([]) # type: ignore
def _get_endpoint(
self, relation: Optional[Relation], protocol: ReceiverProtocol
) -> Optional[str]:
app_data = self.get_all_endpoints(relation)
if not app_data:
return None
receivers: List[Receiver] = list(
filter(lambda i: == protocol, app_data.receivers)
if not receivers:
logger.error(f"no receiver found with protocol={protocol!r}")
if len(receivers) > 1:
f"too many receivers with protocol={protocol!r}; using first one. Found: {receivers}"
receiver = receivers[0]
return receiver.url
def get_endpoint(
self, protocol: ReceiverProtocol, relation: Optional[Relation] = None
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Receiver endpoint for the given protocol."""
endpoint = self._get_endpoint(relation or self._relation, protocol=protocol)
if not endpoint:
requested_protocols = set()
relations = [relation] if relation else self.relations
for relation in relations:
databag = TracingRequirerAppData.load([])
except DataValidationError:
if protocol not in requested_protocols:
raise ProtocolNotRequestedError(protocol, relation)
return None
return endpoint
def charm_tracing_config(
endpoint_requirer: TracingEndpointRequirer, cert_path: Optional[Union[Path, str]]
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
"""Utility function to determine the charm_tracing config you will likely want.
If no endpoint is provided:
disable charm tracing.
If https endpoint is provided but cert_path is not found on disk:
disable charm tracing.
If https endpoint is provided and cert_path is None:
proceed with charm tracing (with or without tls, as appropriate)
If you are using charm_tracing >= v1.9:
>>> from lib.charms.tempo_k8s.v1.charm_tracing import trace_charm
>>> from lib.charms.tempo_k8s.v2.tracing import charm_tracing_config
>>> @trace_charm(tracing_endpoint="my_endpoint", cert_path="cert_path")
>>> class MyCharm(...):
>>> _cert_path = "/path/to/cert/on/charm/container.crt"
>>> def __init__(self, ...):
>>> self.tracing = TracingEndpointRequirer(...)
>>> self.my_endpoint, self.cert_path = charm_tracing_config(
... self.tracing, self._cert_path)
If you are using charm_tracing < v1.9:
>>> from lib.charms.tempo_k8s.v1.charm_tracing import trace_charm
>>> from lib.charms.tempo_k8s.v2.tracing import charm_tracing_config
>>> @trace_charm(tracing_endpoint="my_endpoint", cert_path="cert_path")
>>> class MyCharm(...):
>>> _cert_path = "/path/to/cert/on/charm/container.crt"
>>> def __init__(self, ...):
>>> self.tracing = TracingEndpointRequirer(...)
>>> self._my_endpoint, self._cert_path = charm_tracing_config(
... self.tracing, self._cert_path)
>>> @property
>>> def my_endpoint(self):
>>> return self._my_endpoint
>>> @property
>>> def cert_path(self):
>>> return self._cert_path
if not endpoint_requirer.is_ready():
return None, None
endpoint = endpoint_requirer.get_endpoint("otlp_http")
if not endpoint:
return None, None
is_https = endpoint.startswith("https://")
if is_https:
if cert_path is None:
raise TracingError("Cannot send traces to an https endpoint without a certificate.")
elif not Path(cert_path).exists():
# if endpoint is https BUT we don't have a server_cert yet:
# disable charm tracing until we do to prevent tls errors
return None, None
return endpoint, str(cert_path)
return endpoint, None