James Page 42e8bc6e42 Update for 2024.1
Refresh 2023.2 -> 2024.1 which will impact all charms, so we
should not need to pre-seed the edge channel before this works.

Refresh 23.09 -> 24.03 for OVN charms.

Option sql_connection is removed form 2024.1 release [1]
Use below snippet for magnum-k8s conf template
connection = <>

Update horizon local_settings.py.j2 template

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/oslo.db/en_GB/2024.1.html

Mark tempest test as non-voting as its currently unstable.

Change-Id: I4e277a4c5e438e2f2112a167b0f3050c1526cd0a
2024-04-18 23:21:03 +00:00

70 lines
2.2 KiB

# designate-k8s
## Description
designate-k8s is an operator to manage the designate services on a Kubernetes based environment.
## Usage
### Deployment
designate-k8s is deployed using below command:
juju deploy designate-k8s designate --trust
Now connect the designate operator to existing database,
messaging, keystone identity, and bind9 operators:
juju relate mysql:database designate:database
juju relate rabbitmq:amqp designate:amqp
juju relate keystone:identity-service designate:identity-service
juju relate bind9:dns-backend designate:dns-backend
### Configuration
This section covers common and/or important configuration options. See file
`config.yaml` for the full list of options, along with their descriptions and
default values. See the [Juju documentation][juju-docs-config-apps] for details
on configuring applications.
### Actions
This section covers Juju [actions][juju-docs-actions] supported by the charm.
Actions allow specific operations to be performed on a per-unit basis. To
display action descriptions run `juju actions designate`. If the charm is not
deployed then see file `actions.yaml`.
## Relations
designate-k8s requires the following relations:
- `database`: To connect to MySQL
- `amqp`: To connect to RabbitMQ
- `identity-service`: To register endpoints in Keystone
- `ingress-internal`: To expose service on underlying internal network
- `ingress-public`: To expose service on public network
- `dns-backend`: To register DNS records
## OCI Images
The charm by default uses following images:
## Contributing
Please see the [Juju SDK docs](https://juju.is/docs/sdk) for guidelines
on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and
[CONTRIBUTING.md](contributors-guide) for developer guidance.
## Bugs
Please report bugs on [Launchpad][lp-bugs-charm-designate-k8s].
<!-- LINKS -->
[contributors-guide]: https://opendev.org/openstack/charm-designate-k8s/src/branch/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
[juju-docs-actions]: https://jaas.ai/docs/actions
[juju-docs-config-apps]: https://juju.is/docs/configuring-applications
[lp-bugs-charm-designate-k8s]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-designate-k8s/+filebug