Qemu blockdev-add command is unhappy when the hostname is not part of the sAN in the certificates (even if it's already in the CN). Add hostname to certificate's subject alternative names. If there is a migration address, it will be the prefered one for qemu migration, therefore also include hostname exposed on this address. Change-Id: I7a1f0e9e0a21f8dbc4bab94acec4f1c5b445a054 Signed-off-by: Guillaume Boutry <guillaume.boutry@canonical.com>
This charm deploys the openstack-hypervisor snap.
It is expected to be related to the control plane via cross model relations. To achieve this assuming the control plane is in a model called k8s.
juju offer k8s.rabbitmq-k8s:amqp
juju offer k8s.keystone:identity-credentials
juju offer k8s.certificate-authority:certificates
juju offer k8s.ovn-relay:ovsdb-cms-relay
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.rabbitmq-k8s
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.keystone
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.certificate-authority
juju relate -m hypervisor openstack-hypervisor admin/k8s.ovn-relay