Sunbeam-clusterd can scale up and down. Currently, the external address in bound to the peers relationship. Exposes the action `get-credentials` which returns the URL. In the long term, it will return the credentials to access securely clusterd. Change-Id: I8b91efe6d96198f5ad3634b9747161225381ded6
984 B
984 B
To make contributions to this charm, you'll need a working development setup.
You can create an environment for development with tox
tox devenv -e integration
source venv/bin/activate
This project uses tox
for managing test environments. There are some pre-configured environments
that can be used for linting and formatting code when you're preparing contributions to the charm:
tox run -e format # update your code according to linting rules
tox run -e lint # code style
tox run -e static # static type checking
tox run -e unit # unit tests
tox run -e integration # integration tests
tox # runs 'format', 'lint', 'static', and 'unit' environments
Build the charm
Build the charm in this git repository using:
charmcraft pack