* Add sunbeam project template to run pep8, py3 tests * Add zuul.d/zuul.yaml to run pep8, py3, cover tests * Update charmcraft and requirements for each charm * Add global tox.ini to invoke fmt, pep8, py3, cover, build * Add gitreview file * Fix py3 test failures in ciner-ceph-k8s, glance-k8s, openstack-exporter * Add jobs for charm builds using files option so that job is invoked if files within the component are modified. Add charm builds to both check and gate pipeline. * Make function tests as part of global. Split the function tests into core, ceph, caas, misc mainly to accomodate function tests to run on 8GB. Add function tests as part of check pipeline. * Add zuul job to publish charms in promote pipeline Add charmhub token as secret that can be used to publish charms. Note: Charmhub token is generated with ttl of 90 days. * Run tox formatting * Make .gitignore, .jujuignore, .stestr.conf global and remove the files from all charms. * Make libs and templates global. Split libs to internal and external so that internal libs can adhere to sunbeam formatting styles. * Add script to copy common files necessary libs, config templates, stestr conf, jujuignore during py3 tests and charm builds. * Tests for keystone-ldap-k8s are commented due to intermittent bug LP#2045206 Change-Id: I804ca64182c109d16bd820ac00f129aa6dcf4496
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- name: snapd is installed
name: snapd
become: true
- name: set microk8s related variables
microk8s_group: "{{ 'microk8s' if microk8s_classic_mode | default(true) else 'snap_microk8s' }}"
microk8s_command_escalation: "{{ false if microk8s_classic_mode | default(true) else true }}"
- name: Disable ipv6
become: true
name: "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6"
value: "1"
state: "present"
reload: "yes"
- name: microk8s is installed
name: microk8s
classic: "{{ microk8s_classic_mode | default(true) }}"
channel: "{{ microk8s_channel | default('latest/stable') }}"
become: true
- name: current user is in microk8s group
name: "{{ ansible_user }}"
groups: "{{ microk8s_group }}"
append: true
become: true
- name: reset ssh connection to apply permissions from new group
meta: reset_connection
- name: microk8s status
- name: microk8s status
cmd: microk8s status --wait-ready --timeout 300
- name: microk8s inspect
cmd: microk8s inspect
become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}"
- name: microk8s status
# second chance to get status
cmd: microk8s status
- name: Create docker.io certs dir
- docker_mirror is defined
path: /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io
state: directory
owner: root
group: "{{ microk8s_group }}"
mode: '0770'
- name: Render microk8s registry mirror template
- docker_mirror is defined
src: hosts.j2
dest: /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io/hosts.toml
group: "{{ microk8s_group }}"
mirror_location: "{{ docker_mirror }}"
server: https://docker.io
- name: Check docker.io hosts.toml
- docker_mirror is defined
cmd: cat /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/certs.d/docker.io/hosts.toml
- name: microk8s is started
cmd: microk8s start
become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}"
- name: microk8s is running and ready
cmd: microk8s status --wait-ready
register: res
failed_when: '"is running" not in res.stdout'
- name: microk8s dns addon is enabled
cmd: microk8s enable dns
register: res
changed_when: '"already enabled" not in res.stdout'
become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}"
- name: microk8s hostpath storage addon is enabled
cmd: microk8s enable hostpath-storage
register: res
changed_when: '"already enabled" not in res.stdout'
become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}"
- name: microk8s metallb addon is enabled
# ip range is an arbitrary choice; may need to be changed later
cmd: microk8s enable metallb:
register: res
changed_when: '"already enabled" not in res.stdout'
become: "{{ microk8s_command_escalation }}"
- name: microk8s addons are ready
cmd: microk8s status --format short
register: res
retries: 18
delay: 10 # 18 * 10 = 3 minutes
until: >
"core/dns: enabled" in res.stdout and
"core/hostpath-storage: enabled" in res.stdout and
"core/metallb: enabled" in res.stdout
changed_when: res.attempts > 1
- name: juju is installed
name: juju
classic: "{{ juju_classic_mode | default(true) }}"
channel: "{{ juju_channel | default('latest/stable') }}"
become: true
- name: Ensure ~/.local/share directory exist
path: ~/.local/share
state: directory
- name: juju is bootstrapped on microk8s
cmd: juju bootstrap --config bootstrap-timeout=600 microk8s microk8s
register: res
retries: 3
delay: 10
until: >
"Bootstrap complete" in res.stderr or
"already exists" in res.stderr
failed_when: '"ERROR" in res.stderr and "already exists" not in res.stderr'
- name: current juju controller is microk8s
cmd: juju switch microk8s
register: res
changed_when: '"no change" not in res.stderr'
- name: Collect snap versions
command: snap list
register: snap_out
- name: Show snap versions
debug: msg="{{ snap_out.stdout }}"