Imported Translations from Zanata

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Change-Id: If14312a32556539b4d93672a87a5962c0af9cd89
This commit is contained in:
OpenStack Proposal Bot 2017-06-13 07:41:19 +00:00
parent 730516aa5f
commit 79d16e94d2
2 changed files with 875 additions and 4 deletions

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Upstream Training Guide 2016.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-08 12:06+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-12 13:10+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-12 03:06+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-12 08:26+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
@ -21,10 +21,16 @@ msgstr "#openstack-meeting, #openstack-meeting-cp, etc."
msgid "'Gates' code entering the stable or master branches"
msgstr "Kode 'Gates' masuk ke cabang stabil atau master"
msgid "(A real bug report needs a more detailed description.)"
msgstr "(Laporan bug yang sebenarnya membutuhkan deskripsi yang lebih rinci.)"
msgid "(As an example, a new file has been created using cat command.)"
msgstr ""
"(Sebagai contoh, sebuah file baru telah dibuat menggunakan perintah cat.)"
msgid "(Checking the log message before uploading is a best practice.)"
msgstr "(Memeriksa pesan log sebelum mengunggah adalah praktik terbaik.)"
msgid "(Draft comments are not visible to others.)"
msgstr "(Draft komentar tidak terlihat oleh orang lain.)"
@ -34,6 +40,14 @@ msgstr "(Pastikan bahwa komentar Anda sedang ditampilkan dalam Riwayat.)"
msgid "(Find reviewer by Gerrit username or e-mail address.)"
msgstr "(Cari pengulas senior dengan username Gerrit atau alamat email.)"
msgid "(Note: In some environments need to use 'git-review master')"
msgstr ""
"(Catatan: Di beberapa lingkungan perlu menggunakan 'git-review master')"
msgid "(Other people will assume the person is working on the bug.)"
msgstr ""
"(Orang lain akan menganggap orang tersebut sedang mengerjakan bug tersebut.)"
msgid "(Please also change your commit message if needed.)"
msgstr "(Silakan juga mengubah pesan commit Anda jika diperlukan.)"
@ -56,6 +70,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "**Staff**"
msgstr "**Staff**"
msgid ""
"**Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Thursday, June 15, "
"2017 at 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time)**"
msgstr ""
"**Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Thursday, June 15, "
"2017 at 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time)**"
msgid "*Common cycle with development milestones*"
msgstr "*Common cycle with development milestones*"
@ -143,6 +164,12 @@ msgstr ""
"kenyataan, terutama Loic Dachary, Stefano Maffulli, Tim Freund, Marton Cium, "
"dan Ildiko Váncsa yang memimpin pelatihan."
msgid "A blueprint is a description of a solution"
msgstr "Cetak biru adalah deskripsi solusinya"
msgid "A board is a collection of worklists"
msgstr "Board adalah kumpulan daftar kerja"
msgid "A bunch of scripts to build a full OpenStack environment"
msgstr "Sekelompok script untuk membangun lingkungan OpenStack penuh"
@ -169,9 +196,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Kemampuan baru ditambahkan ke proyek yang harus diimplementasikan di semua "
"vendor driver.."
msgid "A place for listing and planning specifications for work to be done"
msgstr ""
"Tempat untuk daftar dan spesifikasi perencanaan pekerjaan yang harus "
msgid ""
"A possible setup could be a board is a project and the worklists on the "
"board could be different releases or bugs versus implementations"
msgstr ""
"Penyiapan yang mungkin bisa berupa sebuah board adalah sebuah proyek dan "
"daftar kerja di board bisa berbeda dengan rilis atau bug versus implementasi"
msgid "A sample presentation is given by the teacher, as an example"
msgstr "Sebuah presentasi sampel diberikan oleh guru, sebagai contoh"
msgid "A story is a work item such as a bug or a new feature"
msgstr "Cerita adalah item pekerjaan seperti bug atau fitur baru"
msgid "API first implementation"
msgstr "Implementasi API pertama"
msgid "API, Security Guide, Training Guides, Training Labs"
msgstr "API, Security Guide, Training Guides, Training Labs"
@ -366,6 +411,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "An official project is aligned with the OpenStack Mission if it"
msgstr "Sebuah proyek resmi diselaraskan dengan Misi OpenStack jika itu"
msgid "Analysing Jenkins Failures"
msgstr "Menganalisis Kegagalan Jenkins"
msgid "Anne Gentle Cisco"
msgstr "Anne Gentle Cisco"
@ -374,6 +422,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Menjawab pertanyaan orang lain atau membantu mengarahkan mereka ke orang "
"yang bisa"
msgid "Answering reviewer's comment(s) is a best practice."
msgstr "Komentar penjawab resensi adalah praktik terbaik."
msgid "Application Catalog service"
msgstr "Layanan Application Catalog"
@ -480,6 +531,9 @@ msgstr "Benar untuk peran Anda"
msgid "Being able to read and write English at a technical level"
msgstr "Mampu membaca dan menulis bahasa Inggris di tingkat teknis"
msgid "Being phased out over the next few releases"
msgstr "Dihapus selama beberapa rilis berikutnya"
msgid "Benefits of being an Official OpenStack project"
msgstr "Manfaat menjadi proyek OpenStack resmi"
@ -489,12 +543,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Pintu masuk yang baik bagi kontributor baru menemukan tempat mereka di "
msgid "Better for cross project coordination"
msgstr "Lebih baik koordinasi lintas proyek"
msgid "Big Tent is a code name for the official OpenStack projects"
msgstr "Big Tent adalah nama kode untuk proyek OpenStack resmi"
msgid "Blueprint (Partial-Implements, Implements)"
msgstr "Blueprint (Partial-Implements, Implements)"
msgid "Blueprints"
msgstr "Cetak biru (blueprint)"
msgid "Blueprints can have an associated spec"
msgstr "Cetak biru bisa memiliki spec yang terkait"
msgid "Board : 1"
msgstr "Board : 1"
@ -538,6 +601,14 @@ msgid "Bugday shows real-time stats during bug smash days."
msgstr ""
"Bugday menunjukkan statistik real-time selama hari-hari penghancuran bug."
msgid "Bugs"
msgstr "Bug"
msgid ""
"Bugs: - Issues with current code - Items that need to be changed or updated"
msgstr ""
"Bug: - Masalah dengan kode saat ini - Item yang perlu diubah atau diperbarui"
msgid "Build a network"
msgstr "Membangun jaringan"
@ -585,6 +656,9 @@ msgstr "Tidak bisa dimodifikasi sekali digabung"
msgid "Capture your idea in a spec/blueprint"
msgstr "Menangkap ide Anda di spesifikasi / cetak biru"
msgid "Caused by timing/connectivity issues in check/gate"
msgstr "Disebabkan oleh timing/masalah konektivitas di cek/gate"
msgid "Change-Id"
msgstr "Change-Id"
@ -961,6 +1035,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Create a draft .rst file with an outline for the itinerary."
msgstr "Buat file .rst draft dengan garis besar untuk rencana perjalanan."
msgid ""
"Create a few different changes and submit new patchsets to those few changes "
"in the Sandbox repository for one bug in Launchpad."
msgstr ""
"Buat beberapa perubahan yang berbeda dan kirimkan patch baru ke beberapa "
"perubahan di repositori Sandbox untuk satu bug di Launchpad."
msgid ""
"Create a new commit with the .rst file in openstack-dev/sandbox repository "
"and submit the commit to Gerrit when you are finished."
@ -975,6 +1056,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Buat mesin virtual pada laptop Anda dengan Ubuntu 16.04 yang telah terinstal "
"dan 6+ GB RAM."
msgid ""
"Create a worklist, with a story that has at least two tasks in the sandbox "
"enivronment. After it's been created assign the tasks to yourself."
msgstr ""
"Buat daftar kerja, dengan cerita yang memiliki setidaknya dua tugas di dalam "
"lingkungan sandbox. Setelah itu buat tetapkan tugas untuk diri sendiri."
msgid ""
"Create and submit a bug or blueprint to our sandbox repository. Include at "
"least one tag when creating your bug. Once it has been created, assign it to "
msgstr ""
"Buat dan kirimkan bug atau cetak biru ke repositori sandbox kami. Sertakan "
"setidaknya satu tag saat membuat bug Anda. Setelah itu diciptakan, berikan "
"pada diri Anda sendiri."
msgid "Create your commit and push upstream for review"
msgstr "Buat Anda berkomitmen dan mendorong hulu untuk peninjauan"
@ -1074,6 +1171,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Merancang jadwal perjalanan 5-hari dengan tempat menarik, makanan, dan "
msgid ""
"Detailed description should include the OpenStack release that was running, "
"log snippets showing the error, steps to recreate the error and any vendor "
"hardware possibly involved."
msgstr ""
"Uraian terperinci harus menyertakan rilis OpenStack yang sedang berjalan, "
"cuplikan log yang menunjukkan kesalahan, langkah-langkah untuk menciptakan "
"kesalahan dan kemungkinan perangkat keras vendor mungkin terlibat."
msgid ""
"Details need to be sufficient for a developer to narrow down where the "
"failure occurred and/or recreate the failure."
msgstr ""
"Rincian perlu cukup bagi pengembang untuk mempersempit tempat kegagalan "
"terjadi dan/atau menciptakan kegagalan."
msgid ""
"Determine how many OpenStack releases are officially supported by the "
@ -1127,6 +1240,9 @@ msgstr "Developers/Software Engineers/Architects"
msgid "Development environment setup"
msgstr "Penyiapan lingkungan pengembangan"
msgid "Directs the user to saved log output"
msgstr "Mengarahkan pengguna ke output log tersimpan"
msgid "Disconnect: <ctrl>-a d"
msgstr "Memutuskan: <ctrl>-a d"
@ -1136,6 +1252,16 @@ msgstr "Mendiskusikan jawaban dengan kelas"
msgid "Discuss with your project team"
msgstr "Diskusikan dengan tim proyek Anda"
msgid ""
"Discuss with your table how you would determine you encountered one of these "
msgstr ""
"Diskusikan dengan meja Anda bagaimana Anda akan menentukan bahwa Anda "
"menemui salah satu bug ini"
msgid "Discuss your findings with your group"
msgstr "Diskusikan temuan Anda dengan kelompok Anda"
msgid "Distracted : 1"
msgstr "Distracted : 1"
@ -1254,6 +1380,11 @@ msgstr "Setiap perusahaan memiliki:"
msgid "Each individual sets their own objective."
msgstr "Setiap individu menetapkan tujuan mereka sendiri."
msgid "Each item on a worklist is placed on a 'card' in the worklist"
msgstr ""
"Setiap item pada daftar pekerjaan ditempatkan pada ''card'' di daftar "
msgid "Each project and working group also has its own wiki page"
msgstr "Setiap proyek dan kelompok kerja juga memiliki halaman wiki sendiri"
@ -1515,6 +1646,12 @@ msgstr "2-3 Februari 2015 (Senin - Selasa)"
msgid "Figure out who's behind it"
msgstr "Mencari tahu siapa di balik itu"
msgid "File status in the working repository"
msgstr "Status file dalam repositori kerja"
msgid "Filed against a specific OpenStack project(s)"
msgstr "Diarsipkan pada proyek OpenStack tertentu"
msgid "Filing a blueprint/spec"
msgstr "Mengajukan cetak biru / spek"
@ -1539,6 +1676,9 @@ msgstr "Cari kajian terbuka yang kurang kompleks dan download patch"
msgid "Find feature proposal deadlines in the current release schedule"
msgstr "Cari batas waktu usulan fitur di jadwal rilis terkini"
msgid "Find how rechecks are categorized"
msgstr "Temukan bagaimana cek ulang dikategorikan"
msgid ""
"Find out what parameters were passed to that method by using the LOG messages"
msgstr ""
@ -1554,6 +1694,9 @@ msgid "Find the current members of the Board of Directors, TC and UC"
msgstr ""
"Cari anggota Dewan Direktur, Technical Committee dan User Committee saat ini"
msgid "Find the information that can be retrieved for each patch in a pipeline"
msgstr "Temukan informasi yang bisa diambil untuk setiap patch dalam pipeline"
msgid ""
"Find the latest election results for Board of Directors, TC and UC. Also "
"find where the OpenStack election procedures are documented."
@ -2007,6 +2150,9 @@ msgstr "Sorot dan copy output."
msgid "History status"
msgstr "Status riwayat"
msgid "Home Work"
msgstr "Home Work"
msgid "Hopefully we end up with a unique Lego creation!"
msgstr "Mudah-mudahan kita berakhir dengan penciptaan Lego yang unik!"
@ -2024,6 +2170,9 @@ msgstr "Bagaimana OpenStack dibuat"
msgid "How OpenStack is made (3h including 1h30 exercises)"
msgstr "Bagaimana OpenStack dibuat (3jam termasuk latihan 1jam 30menit)"
msgid "How many gate and check jobs are running"
msgstr "Berapa banyak gerbang dan pekerjaan cek yang sedang berjalan"
msgid "How to contribute"
msgstr "Bagaimana untuk berkontribusi"
@ -2232,6 +2381,9 @@ msgstr "Menerapkan cetak biru / spek"
msgid "Import Public Key Into Gerrit"
msgstr "Impor Public Key ke Gerrit"
msgid "Importance and Milestones can only be set by cores of the project"
msgstr "Importance dan Milestone hanya dapat ditentukan oleh inti proyek"
msgid ""
"In Gerrit's `settings <>`_ "
"click the **New Contributor Agreement** link and sign the agreement."
@ -2250,6 +2402,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Selain tonggak sejarah, ada tanggal pembekuan untuk berbagai aktivitas dalam "
msgid ""
"In order to RSVP you need to register to the OPNFV Summit first and you can "
"add the course to your registration as an Add-On. If you registered already "
"you can add the course to your registration later as well."
msgstr ""
"Agar RSVP Anda perlu mendaftar ke KTT OPNFV terlebih dahulu dan Anda bisa "
"menambahkan kursus ke pendaftaran Anda sebagai Add-On. Jika sudah mendaftar "
"maka Anda bisa menambahkan kursus ke pendaftaran Anda nanti juga."
msgid ""
"In order to identify ourselves that we own the nick name upon logging in, we "
"need to tell Colloquy to communicate our password over upon connecting."
@ -2420,6 +2581,9 @@ msgstr "Berinteraksi dengan Proyek"
msgid "Interactive, hands-on class"
msgstr "Kelas langsung, interaktif"
msgid "Intermittent Failures"
msgstr "Kegagalan Intermiten"
msgid ""
"Introduce yourself to the others at your table! Who you are, what experience "
"you have with OpenStack if any, what company you are at and what your role "
@ -2460,6 +2624,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Jay Bryant IBM"
msgstr "Jay Bryant IBM"
msgid "Jenkins Failures"
msgstr "Kegagalan Jenkins"
msgid "Jenkins and vendor CIs will review your patch"
msgstr "Jenkins dan vendor CI akan meninjau patch Anda"
@ -2472,6 +2639,9 @@ msgstr "Jieun Kim (assistant)"
msgid "Jirayut Nimsaeng- Kaidee"
msgstr "Jirayut Nimsaeng- Kaidee"
msgid "Jobs run against a patch after it merges"
msgstr "Pekerjaan berjalan melawan sebuah patch setelah itu bergabung"
msgid "Join the #openstack-101 channel"
msgstr "Bergabung dengan # openstack-101 channel"
@ -2554,6 +2724,13 @@ msgstr ""
"hal-hal seperti laporan bug. Akun ini juga mengetahui bagaimana kita akan "
"mengidentifikasi diri di sistem pengkajian kode OpenStack."
msgid ""
"Launchpad uses blueprints and bugs as the trackable items work supplemented "
"with specs."
msgstr ""
"Launchpad menggunakan cetak biru dan bug karena item yang dilacak bekerja "
"dilengkapi dengan spesifikasi."
msgid "Learn about the community"
msgstr "Pelajari tentang masyarakat"
@ -2617,6 +2794,9 @@ msgstr "Linux"
msgid "Linux & Windows"
msgstr "Linux & Windows"
msgid "List of `Rechecks <>`_"
msgstr "Daftar `Rechecks <>`_"
msgid "List sessions: screen -ls"
msgstr "Daftar sesi: screen -ls"
@ -2629,6 +2809,12 @@ msgstr "Local Upstream Trainings"
msgid "Local branch creation"
msgstr "Penciptaan cabang lokal"
msgid "Log Output"
msgstr "Keluaran Log"
msgid "Logs may be accessed by clicking on the test's name"
msgstr "Log dapat diakses dengan mengklik nama tes"
msgid ""
"Logs of meetings and channels are archived so that they can be referenced "
"later on"
@ -2644,6 +2830,9 @@ msgstr "Loic Dachary (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english) - lead"
msgid "Look at open reviews"
msgstr "Lihat ulasan terbuka"
msgid "Look at the `Zuul <>`_ status page"
msgstr "Lihatlah halaman `Zuul <>` _ status"
msgid ""
"Look through the list of mailing lists and subscribe to at least one list of "
"interest. Once subscribed, locate the archives for that ML."
@ -2774,6 +2963,9 @@ msgid "May also be stable core members (able to merge to stable branches)"
msgstr ""
"Mungkin juga anggota inti yang stabil (bisa bergabung ke cabang yang stabil)"
msgid "May receive elastic recheck message"
msgstr "Mungkin menerima pesan cek elastis"
msgid ""
"Meaningful: anyone may submit a correction that will adjust the influence of "
"appropriate statistical data"
@ -2873,6 +3065,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Informasi lebih lanjut:"
msgid "More kanban style structure"
msgstr "Lebih banyak struktur gaya kanban"
msgid "More than 20 million lines of code"
msgstr "Lebih dari 20 juta baris kode"
@ -2910,6 +3105,14 @@ msgstr "NFV = Network Function Virtualization"
msgid "Namgon Lucas Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Namgon Lucas Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid ""
"New Features: - Specs are formal write ups of implementations that affect "
"the whole project - Specs live in a per project repository"
msgstr ""
"Fitur Baru: - Spesifikasi adalah penulisan formal implementasi yang "
"mempengaruhi keseluruhan proyek - Spesifikasi hidup dalam repositori per "
msgid "New agreement"
msgstr "New agreement (kesepakatan baru)"
@ -2919,6 +3122,9 @@ msgstr "Fitur baru"
msgid "New patchset was recorded in Gerrit."
msgstr "P9atchset baru tercatat di Gerrit."
msgid "New, open-source task tracking tool"
msgstr "Alat pelacakan tugas open-source yang baru"
msgid "No agreement"
msgstr "No agreement (tidak ada kesepakatan)"
@ -2929,6 +3135,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Tidak ada daftar master etherpads - sulit untuk menemukan apa yang Anda cari "
"tanpa melihat itu sebelum atau tanpa meminta URL"
msgid ""
"Non-voting jobs are new jobs that are being tested and may not yet be ready "
"to vote"
msgstr ""
"Pekerjaan non-voting adalah pekerjaan baru yang sedang diuji dan mungkin "
"belum siap untuk memilih"
msgid "Non-voting jobs do not cause a -1 vote from Jenkins upon failure"
msgstr ""
"Pekerjaan non-voting tidak menyebabkan vote -1 dari Jenkins karena kegagalan"
msgid ""
"Nonprofit foundation created to \"develop, support, protect, and promote\" "
@ -3262,6 +3479,12 @@ msgstr "Peter Ko (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Pick a task (bug, trivial fix, documentation, implementation)"
msgstr "Memilih tugas (bug, perbaikan biasa, dokumentasi, implementasi)"
msgid ""
"Pick your favorite project and report how many jobs it has running in IRC"
msgstr ""
"Pilih proyek favorit Anda dan laporkan berapa banyak pekerjaan yang telah "
"berjalan di IRC"
msgid "Planning - Design"
msgstr "Perencanaan - Perancangan"
@ -3293,6 +3516,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please note that the language of the training is English."
msgstr "Harap dicatat bahwa bahasa untuk pelatihan ini adalah bahasa Inggris."
msgid ""
"Please see the `OpenStack Upstream Institute <http://events.linuxfoundation."
"upstream-institute>`_ class information for more details."
msgstr ""
"Silakan lihat `OpenStack Upstream Institute <http://events.linuxfoundation."
"upstream-institute>`_ class information for more details."
msgid "Post"
msgstr "Post"
@ -3467,6 +3699,9 @@ msgstr "Baca dan selesaikan panduan :doc:`git`."
msgid "Read and complete the :doc:`irc` guide."
msgstr "Baca dan selesaikan panduan :doc:`irc`."
msgid "Read the bug description and assign yourself to fix the bug"
msgstr "Bacalah deskripsi bug dan tetapkan diri Anda untuk memperbaiki bug"
msgid ""
"Read through the presented individual member terms of service and our "
"`Community Code of Conduct <"
@ -3577,6 +3812,9 @@ msgstr "Laporkan bug - Rincian"
msgid "Report a bug - Summary"
msgstr "Laporkan bug - Ringkasan"
msgid "Report a bug on Launchpad"
msgstr "Laporkan bug di Launchpad"
msgid "Repositories"
msgstr "Repositories (repositori)"
@ -3630,6 +3868,15 @@ msgstr "Surat undangan pengulasan"
msgid "Review other's code"
msgstr "Mengulas kode milik lain"
msgid "Review score with written comments"
msgstr "Tinjau skor dengan komentar tertulis"
msgid "Review the patch and give feedback with comments"
msgstr "Tinjau patch dan berikan umpan balik dengan komentar"
msgid "Review the revised patch and merge the patch"
msgstr "Tinjau revisi patch dan gabungkan patch"
msgid "Review three patches in the sandbox environment:"
msgstr "Mengulas tiga patch di lingkungan sandbox:"
@ -3734,6 +3981,9 @@ msgstr "SecurityImpact"
msgid "See EOL status at:"
msgstr "Lihat status EOL di:"
msgid "See YOU in Beijing!"
msgstr "Sampai jumpa di Beijing!"
msgid "Seeing new comment"
msgstr "Melihat komentar baru"
@ -3780,6 +4030,9 @@ msgstr "Penyiapan dan Belajar GIT"
msgid "Setup the Development Environment"
msgstr "Mempersiapkan Development Environment"
msgid "Several projects have already migrated"
msgstr "Beberapa proyek telah bermigrasi"
msgid ""
"Share the commit message with one or two people at your table. Give them "
"feedback on their commit messages."
@ -3796,6 +4049,10 @@ msgstr "Shinobu KINJO (mentoring, assistant, japanese)"
msgid "Should not end with a period"
msgstr "Sebaiknya tidak diakhiri dengan titik"
msgid "Should not take the bug if you are not planning to work on the bug."
msgstr ""
"Sebaiknya jangan mengambil bug jika Anda tidak berencana mengerjakan bug."
msgid "Sign In"
msgstr "Sign In (masuk)"
@ -3948,12 +4205,35 @@ msgstr "Mulai bekerja dari patchset terbaru"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
msgid ""
"Statuses: New, Incomplete, Confirmed, Triaged, In Progress, Fix Committed, "
"Fix Released, Invalid, Opinion, Won't Fix"
msgstr ""
"Status: Baru, Tidak Lengkap, Dikonfirmasi, Dipotong, Sedang Berjalan, "
"Perbaiki Komitmen, Perbaiki Rilis, Tidak Sah, Opini, Tidak Akan Perbaiki"
msgid "Stefano Maffulli (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Stefano Maffulli (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgid "Stephan Ahn (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Stephan Ahn (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Stories & Tasks"
msgstr "Cerita & Tugas"
msgid "Stories can have tags to make them more searchable/filterable"
msgstr "Cerita dapat memberi tag agar lebih mudah dicari/disaring"
msgid "StoryBoard"
msgstr "StoryBoard"
msgid ""
"Storyboard uses worklists, boards, stories, and tasks as the items for "
"organizing and tracking work."
msgstr ""
"Storyboard menggunakan daftar kerja, papan, cerita, dan tugas sebagai item "
"untuk mengatur dan melacak pekerjaan."
msgid "Strategic and financial oversight"
msgstr "Pengawasan strategis dan keuangan"
@ -4047,6 +4327,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Tag dapat dikaitkan dengan proyek. Cari tahu tag apa dan temukan daftar tag "
"yang ada saat ini."
msgid ""
"Tags: low-hanging-fruit, documentation, security, other per project tags - "
msgstr ""
"Tag: low-hanging-fruit, dokumentasi, keamanan, tag per proyek lainnya - "
msgid "Takashi Torii (assistant, japanese)"
msgstr "Takashi Torii (assistant, japanese)"
@ -4065,9 +4352,28 @@ msgstr "Berbicara dalam saluran IRC"
msgid "Target Audience"
msgstr "Target Audience (khalayak target)"
msgid "Task Tracking"
msgstr "Pelacakan Tugas"
msgid "Task Tracking Info:"
msgstr "Task Tracking Info:"
msgid "Task tracking tool most widely used in the community"
msgstr "Alat pelacak tugas paling banyak digunakan di masyarakat"
msgid "Tasks are classified as blueprints or bugs"
msgstr "Tugas diklasifikasikan sebagai cetak biru atau bug"
msgid ""
"Tasks are the steps required to complete the story - Tests - Patches - "
msgstr ""
"Tugas adalah langkah yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan cerita - Tes - "
"Patch - Dokumentasi"
msgid "Tasks have statuses similar to Launchpad items"
msgstr "Tugas memiliki status yang mirip dengan item Launchpad"
msgid "Team members : 3-5"
msgstr "Anggota tim : 3-5"
@ -4183,6 +4489,13 @@ msgid "The first thing a reviewer sees and it is as important as the code"
msgstr ""
"Hal pertama peserta resensi melihat dan itu sama pentingnya dengan kode"
msgid ""
"The following slides demonstrate using the Sandbox repository and Launchpad "
msgstr ""
"Slide berikut ini menunjukkan penggunaan repositori Sandbox dan Launchpad "
msgid ""
"The group is split into their new 'teams' at this stage. Facilitators can "
"choose any way they prefer to do this (selecting teams, or allowing students "
@ -4216,6 +4529,17 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The metrics should be used within context"
msgstr "Metrik harus digunakan dalam konteks"
msgid ""
"The next session of the OpenStack Upstream Collaboration Training - "
"OpenStack Upstream Institute - will be held in Beijing, in parallel to the "
"conference part of the `OPNFV Summit 2017 <"
msgstr ""
"Sesi berikutnya dari OpenStack Upstream Collaboration Training - OpenStack "
"Upstream Institute - akan diadakan di Beijing, sejajar dengan bagian "
"konferensi dari `OPNFV Summit 2017 <"
msgid "The official list of projects:"
msgstr "Daftar proyek resmi:"
@ -4391,6 +4715,18 @@ msgstr ""
"Untuk mengelola dan melacak bug yangdilaporkan dan isu terkait dengan "
"repositori openstack-dev/sandbox"
msgid "To notify others that someone is working on the bug"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memberitahukan kepada orang lain bahwa seseorang sedang mengerjakan "
"bug tersebut"
msgid ""
"To trigger a re-run of check or gate add a comment to the patch in the form "
"of 'recheck bug XXXXX'"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memicu re-run of check atau gate tambahkan komentar ke patch berupa "
"'recheck bug XXXXX'"
msgid "To understand how it all fits together, we use a hands on example"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memahami bagaimana semua itu cocok untuk bersama-sama, kita membantu "
@ -4414,6 +4750,9 @@ msgstr "Tox"
msgid "Track chairs for OpenStack Summits"
msgstr "Track pimpinan untuk OpenStack Summits"
msgid "Tracked Items"
msgstr "Item yang Dilacak"
msgid "Tracking"
msgstr "Tracking (pelacakan)"
@ -4525,6 +4864,12 @@ msgstr "Memperbarui dan menambahkan tes (unit, fungsional, dll)"
msgid "UpgradeImpact"
msgstr "UpgradeImpact"
msgid "Upload a patch and invite a peer as a reviewer"
msgstr "Upload patch dan undang peer sebagai reviewer"
msgid "Upload a revised patch with comment"
msgstr "Unggah patch yang direvisi dengan komentar"
msgid "Upload your code as early as possible in the release cycle"
msgstr "Upload kode Anda sedini mungkin dalam siklus rilis"
@ -4612,6 +4957,9 @@ msgstr "Kelompok pengguna"
msgid "Users with the following activities are recognized with AUC status:"
msgstr "Pengguna dengan kegiatan berikut dikenali dengan status AUC:"
msgid "Uses the browser to view the logs"
msgstr "Menggunakan browser untuk melihat log"
msgid "Using Lego to represent the community"
msgstr "Menggunakan Lego untuk mewakili masyarakat"
@ -4672,6 +5020,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Vote in elections."
msgstr "Memilih dalam pemilihan."
msgid "Voting and non-voting jobs"
msgstr "Pekerjaan voting dan non-voting"
msgid "Voting job failures cause a -1 vote from Jenkins on the patch"
msgstr "Voting kegagalan kerja menyebabkan vote -1 dari Jenkins di patch"
msgid "WG deep dive"
msgstr "Mempelajari lebih dalam tentang WG"
@ -4693,9 +5047,26 @@ msgstr ""
"dalamnya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang persyaratan sistem di atasnya "
"silakan lihat bagian `ref: prepare-environment`."
msgid ""
"We go into blueprints in the next few slides, so just mention them for now."
msgstr ""
"Kami masuk ke cetak biru dalam beberapa slide berikutnya, jadi sebutkan saja "
"untuk saat ini."
msgid "We have seen in `Commit Messages <workflow-commit-message.html#8>`__"
msgstr ""
"Kami telah melihat di `Commit Messages <workflow-commit-message.html#8>`__"
msgid "We have seen in `Gerrit <workflow-gerrit.html#5>`__"
msgstr "Kita telah melihat di `Gerrit <workflow-gerrit.html#5>`__"
msgid ""
"We have seen in `Overview of the contribution process <workflow-training-"
msgstr ""
"Kami telah melihat di `Overview of the contribution process <workflow-"
msgid ""
"We have seen in `Setup & First Patch <workflow-setup-and-first-patch."
@ -4703,6 +5074,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Kita telah melihat di `Setup & First Patch <workflow-setup-and-first-patch."
msgid ""
"We have seen in `Setup & First patch <workflow-setup-and-first-patch."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah melihat di `Setup & First patch <workflow-setup-and-first-patch."
msgid ""
"We held the first OpenStack Upstream Training in Atlanta, before OpenStack "
"Summit Atlanta 2014. Since Atlanta, we have held the training before every "
@ -4786,6 +5164,9 @@ msgstr "Web browser: Firefox"
msgid "What are they?"
msgstr "Apakah mereka?"
msgid "What happens if you click on a patch under test"
msgstr "Apa yang terjadi jika Anda klik pada patch yang sedang diuji"
msgid "What is Gerrit?"
msgstr "Apakah Gerrit?"
@ -4798,6 +5179,9 @@ msgstr "Apa itu?"
msgid "What is the OpenStack Foundation Account?"
msgstr "Apakah OpenStack Foundation Account?"
msgid "What is the significance of the dots, lines and colors"
msgstr "Apa pentingnya titik, garis dan warna"
msgid "What makes a release"
msgstr "Apa yang membuat rilis"
@ -4935,6 +5319,19 @@ msgstr "Kelompok kerja"
msgid "Working software over comprehensive documentation"
msgstr "Software bekerja atas dokumentasi yang komprehensif"
msgid "Working to get a commit"
msgstr "Bekerja untuk mendapatkan komit"
msgid "Worklists & Boards"
msgstr "Daftar Pekerjaan & Boards"
msgid ""
"Worklists are user defined groupings of stories and tasks that aid in the "
"organization of work"
msgstr ""
"Daftar Pekerjaan adalah pengelompokan cerita dan tugas yang ditentukan "
"pengguna yang membantu dalam pengorganisasian pekerjaan"
msgid ""
"Write a commit message body to expand on each of the following summary "
"lines. Feel free to make up details to make the context more realistic. "
@ -4966,6 +5363,20 @@ msgstr "Xavier Antoviaque (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english)"
msgid "Xing Yang Dell EMC"
msgstr "Xing Yang Dell EMC"
msgid ""
"You can find the list of trainers/coaches on the `training occaisons "
"OpenStack_Upstream_Institute_Occasions#Beijing_Crew>`_ wiki page."
msgstr ""
"Anda bisa menemukan daftar trainer/coache di `training occaisons <https://"
"OpenStack_Upstream_Institute_Occasions#Beijing_Crew>`_ wiki page."
msgid "You can practice the skills documented in the previous slides."
msgstr ""
"Anda bisa mempraktikkan keterampilan yang didokumentasikan di slide "
msgid ""
"You can use `Git Immersion <>`_ to work "
"through tutorials for learning git."
@ -5063,6 +5474,9 @@ msgstr "`Branching model <branching-model.html>`_"
msgid "`Bugs <>`_"
msgstr "`Bugs <>`_"
msgid "`Closing Exercise <archive-closing-exercise.html>`_"
msgstr "`Closing Exercise <archive-closing-exercise.html>`_"
msgid "`Code <>`_"
msgstr "`Code <>`_"
@ -5164,6 +5578,16 @@ msgstr ""
"CrossProjectLiaisons#Documentation>`_ for questions, reviews, doc bug "
"triaging, and patching docs"
msgid "`Environment Setup <development-environment-setup.html>`_"
msgstr "`Environment Setup <development-environment-setup.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Beijing Upstream Collaboration Training <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for Beijing Upstream Collaboration Training <https://etherpad."
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Korea, 2016 <"
@ -5491,6 +5915,9 @@ msgstr ""
"`Principles behind the manifesto <"
msgid "`Project Status and Zuul <workflow-project-status-and-zuul.html>`_"
msgstr "`Project Status and Zuul <workflow-project-status-and-zuul.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Propose sessions <>`_"
msgstr ""
@ -5564,6 +5991,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "`Tags <>`_"
msgstr "`Tags <>`_"
msgid "`Task Tracking <workflow-task-tracking.html>`_"
msgstr "`Task Tracking <workflow-task-tracking.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Technical Committee <"
@ -5872,6 +6302,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Upstream Training Guide 2016.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-08 12:06+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-12 13:10+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-11 09:28+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-12 02:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ian Y. Choi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (South Korea)\n"
"Language: ko-KR\n"
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ msgstr "#openstack-meeting, #openstack-meeting-cp 등"
msgid "(As an example, a new file has been created using cat command.)"
msgstr "(예시로, cat 명령어를 사용하여 새로운 파일을 생성하였습니다.)"
msgid "(Checking the log message before uploading is a best practice.)"
msgstr "(업로드 이전 로그 메시지를 확인하는 것은 언제나 좋은 실천 사례입니다.)"
msgid "(Draft comments are not visible to others.)"
msgstr "(댓글 초안은 다른 사람들에게 보이지 않습니다.)"
@ -37,6 +40,9 @@ msgstr "(댓글이 내역에 보이는지 확인합니다.)"
msgid "(Find reviewer by Gerrit username or e-mail address.)"
msgstr "(Gerrit 사용자 이름 또는 이메일 주소로 검토자를 찾습니다.)"
msgid "(Note: In some environments need to use 'git-review master')"
msgstr "(노트: 몇몇 환경에서는 'git-review master' 를 사용할 필요가 있습니다)"
msgid "(Please also change your commit message if needed.)"
msgstr "(필요한 경우 커밋 메시지 또한 변경해 주십시오.)"
@ -67,12 +73,18 @@ msgstr "13:45 파밀리에 성당"
msgid "15:00 Overnight in Ibiza"
msgstr "15:00 이비자 섬에서 1박"
msgid "185 countries"
msgstr "185 개 국가"
msgid "19:45 Barcelona FC Game"
msgstr "19:45 바르셀로나 FC 경기"
msgid "1st Upstream Training in Seoul"
msgstr "서울에서의 첫 번째 업스트림 트레이닝"
msgid "2,000 developers"
msgstr "2,000 여명 개발자"
msgid "20 mins building"
msgstr "20분 동안 만들기"
@ -117,6 +129,12 @@ msgstr "5분 동안 계획하기"
msgid "5 mins review"
msgstr "5분 동안 리뷰하기"
msgid "660 supporting companies"
msgstr "660 지원 회사"
msgid "73,723 people"
msgstr "73,723 명"
msgid "7:00 Day Trip to Madrid"
msgstr "7:00 마드리드로 하루 여행"
@ -150,6 +168,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A sample presentation is given by the teacher, as an example"
msgstr "선생님에 의해 주어진 샘플 발표를, 예시로 합니다"
msgid "API, Security Guide, Training Guides, Training Labs"
msgstr "API, Security Guide, Training Guides, Training Labs"
msgid "APIImpact"
msgstr "APIImpact"
@ -171,10 +192,19 @@ msgstr "Active Project Contributor (APC)"
msgid "Active Technical Contributor (ATC)"
msgstr "Active Technical Contributor (ATC)"
msgid "Active User Contributors (AUC)"
msgstr "Active User Contributors (AUC)"
msgid "Active moderators on"
msgstr "ask.openstack.org에서 활발한 조정자"
msgid "Activities listed here are not realized at every Upstream training."
msgstr ""
"여기에 나열된 활동은 모든 업스트림 트레이닝에서 설명이 이루어지지는 않습니다."
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "활동"
msgid "Add A New Connection"
msgstr "새 연결 추가"
@ -380,6 +410,9 @@ msgstr "이사회"
msgid "Board of directors"
msgstr "이사회"
msgid "Body"
msgstr "내용"
msgid "Branching model"
msgstr "브랜칭 모델"
@ -438,6 +471,9 @@ msgstr " 및 developer.openstack.org에 출판할 수 있습
msgid "Capture your idea in a spec/blueprint"
msgstr "생각을 스펙/블루프린트로 정리합니다"
msgid "Change-Id"
msgstr "Change-Id"
msgid "Changes to Nova's internal AMQP API"
msgstr "Nova 내부 AMQP API에 대한 변경 사항"
@ -447,6 +483,9 @@ msgstr "외부 HTTP API에 대한 변경 사항"
msgid "Changes to the notification definitions"
msgstr "Notification 정의에 대한 변경 사항"
msgid "Channel Logs:"
msgstr "채널 로그:"
msgid "Check For Existing Keys"
msgstr "기존 키 확인"
@ -649,6 +688,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Complete the application."
msgstr "지원서를 완료합니다."
msgid "Composed of 13 OpenStack Foundation Individual members"
msgstr "OpenStack Foundation 개별 구성원 13명으로 이루어집니다"
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "구성"
@ -676,6 +718,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Freenode에 등록되었습니다! 이제부터 Freenode로 Hexchat를 통해 연결하면 사용하"
"는 닉 네임이 식별되어 있을 것입니다."
msgid "Connect: screen -R <session name>"
msgstr "연결: screen -R <session name>"
msgid "Contact Information"
msgstr "연락처 정보"
@ -697,6 +742,9 @@ msgstr "미국 정부 컨트리뷰터"
msgid "Contributors get to vote in the Technical Committee election"
msgstr "컨트리뷰터는 기술 위원회 선거에서 투표권을 얻습니다"
msgid "Contributors to Superuser"
msgstr "Superuser에 기여"
msgid "Controversial : 1"
msgstr "논쟁을 발생시키는 자 : 1"
@ -706,6 +754,9 @@ msgstr "공개키 복사"
msgid "Core : 5"
msgstr "코어: 5"
msgid "Core Team Members"
msgstr "코어 팀 구성원"
msgid "Core and Optional Services"
msgstr "핵심 및 선택 서비스"
@ -731,6 +782,13 @@ msgstr "과정 목차"
msgid "Create & push a Work in Progress (WIP) to the sandbox"
msgstr "Work in Progress (WIP) 를 sandbox에 생성 및 푸시합니다"
msgid ""
"Create a blueprint based upon concrete activities, times and any other "
"details your group thinks are appropriate."
msgstr ""
"구체적인 활동, 일정 및 그룹에 적절하다고 생각하는 기타 세부 사항을 기반으로 "
"하는 blueprint를 생성합니다."
msgid "Create a draft .rst file with an outline for the itinerary."
msgstr "여정에 대한 개요와 함께 .rst 초안 파일을 생성합니다."
@ -786,6 +844,9 @@ msgstr "1일차: Git, Gerrit, IRC 학습 및 실습"
msgid "Day 2"
msgstr "2일차"
msgid "Day 2: Deep dive sessions"
msgstr "2일차: 자세히 살펴보는 세션"
msgid "Day 2: The theory of contribution"
msgstr "2일차: 컨트리뷰션에 대한 이론"
@ -847,6 +908,18 @@ msgstr "DevStack 복사 및 설치"
msgid "DevStack exercise"
msgstr "DevStack 실습"
msgid "DevStack services with Systemd"
msgstr "Systemd 기반 DevStack 서비스"
msgid ""
"DevStack should already be installed in the VM image you downloaded. These "
"instructions are provided for future reference in the case that students "
"need to start from scratch."
msgstr ""
"DevStack은 이미 다운로드한 VM 이미지 내에 이미 설치되어 있어야 합니다. 다음 "
"안내는 학생이 처음부터 시작할 필요가 있는 상황을 위한 레퍼런스 목적으로 제공"
"하고 있습니다."
msgid ""
"Develop and maintain tools and processes to ensure quality, accurate "
@ -859,6 +932,9 @@ msgstr "개발자"
msgid "Development environment setup"
msgstr "개발 환경 셋업"
msgid "Disconnect: <ctrl>-a d"
msgstr "연결 해제: <ctrl>-a d"
msgid "Discuss the answers with the class"
msgstr "답변을 수업에서 토론합니다"
@ -923,6 +999,9 @@ msgstr "댓글 초안에 대한 게시"
msgid "Draft comment was saved"
msgstr "댓글 초안이 저장되었습니다"
msgid "Draft documentation, testing, and EOL"
msgstr "Draft 문서, 테스팅, 그리고 EOL"
msgid "Draft inline comments"
msgstr "인라인 코멘트 초안"
@ -956,6 +1035,12 @@ msgstr ""
"업스트림 트레이닝 기간에는, 이에 대해 걱정하지 마십시오! 업스트림 트레이닝 진"
"행자들이 트레이닝 완료 후 제거할 것입니다."
msgid "EOL documents are not maintained in documentation repositories"
msgstr "EOL 문서는 문서 저장소에서 유지보수가 (더 이상) 이루어지지 않습니다"
msgid "Each PTL candidate needs to submit PTL candidacy"
msgstr "각 PTL 후보는 PTL 입후보를 제출할 필요가 있습니다"
msgid "Each company has:"
msgstr "각 기업은 다음을 갖습니다:"
@ -1007,9 +1092,24 @@ msgstr "Foundation의 승인을 받았습니다"
msgid "Engage immediately"
msgstr "바로 참여"
msgid ""
"Ensure you can use commands like ``cinder`` or ``nova`` to interact with the "
"services running on your VM"
msgstr ""
"VM에서 실행 중인 서비스와 상호작용하기 위해 `cinder`` 또는 ``nova`` 와 같은 "
"명령어를 사용할 수 있는지를 확인합니다"
msgid ""
"Ensure you have the DevStack repository cloned to the VM where you would "
"like to use it"
msgstr "사용하고자 하는 VM에 DevStack 저장소를 clone하였는지를 확인합니다"
msgid "Etherpad"
msgstr "Etherpad"
msgid "Etherpad/Ethercalc"
msgstr "Etherpad/Ethercalc"
msgid "Etherpads"
msgstr "Etherpad"
@ -1031,6 +1131,13 @@ msgstr "IRC 미팅 명령어 예시:"
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "예시:"
msgid ""
"Example: `Heat repository <"
msgstr ""
"예제: `Heat repository <"
msgid "Executing \"git review\" command will submit the amended commit."
msgstr "\"git review\" 명렁어 실행을 통해 수정된 커밋을 제출할 것입니다."
@ -1126,6 +1233,12 @@ msgstr "행하는 것을 설명하기"
msgid "Explanation of issue being solved and why it should be fixed"
msgstr "해결하고자 하는 이슈에 및 왜 수정이 되어야 하는지에 대한 설명"
msgid "External References"
msgstr "외부 레퍼런스"
msgid "Face-to-face section: 1.5 days"
msgstr "오프라인 세션: 1.5일"
msgid "Familiarize yourself with the code of conduct"
msgstr "행동 강령과 친숙해집니다"
@ -1191,6 +1304,11 @@ msgstr "유연성"
msgid "Focus on what we want to do for the next one"
msgstr "다음 릴리즈에 대해 무엇을 하고 싶은지에 대해 집중하기"
msgid "Follow logs with ``journalctl -f --unit devstack@$servicename.service``"
msgstr ""
"``journalctl -f --unit devstack@$servicename.service`` 와 함께 로그를 살펴봅"
msgid ""
"Following and participating in project related mail threads in the mailing "
@ -1238,6 +1356,14 @@ msgstr ""
"RedHat, Fedora 21 이나 이전, 또는 CentOS와 같은 배포판의 경우 터미널을 열고 "
msgid ""
"For more info see Article IV of `Bylaws of the OpenStack Foundation <https://"
msgstr ""
"보다 자세한 정보는 `Bylaws of the OpenStack Foundation <https://www."
">`_ 에서 Article IV를 "
msgid ""
"For more information about the past trainings and the local upstream "
"trainings, see :doc:`upstream-archives`."
@ -1268,6 +1394,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Forbidden"
msgstr "금지되는 사항"
msgid "Format:"
msgstr "포맷:"
msgid "Forum:"
msgstr "포럼:"
@ -1487,6 +1616,9 @@ msgstr "숫자가 증가하고 있습니다 (2016년 26)"
msgid "Guide to SetUp and Push First Patch"
msgstr "첫 패치에 대한 셋업 및 푸시 가이드"
msgid "Guidelines:"
msgstr "가이드라인:"
msgid "Haikel Guemar (assistant, mentor, french, english)"
msgstr "Haikel Guemar (조교, 멘터, 프랑스어, 영어)"
@ -1502,6 +1634,9 @@ msgstr "결과를 (드래그하여) 강조한 후 복사합니다."
msgid "History status"
msgstr "내역 상태"
msgid "Home Work"
msgstr "숙제"
msgid "Hopefully we end up with a unique Lego creation!"
msgstr "바라건대 독특한 Lego 생성과 함께 마쳤으면 합니다!"
@ -1827,6 +1962,13 @@ msgstr "기관 멤버 : 플래티넘과 골드 스폰서"
msgid "Integration"
msgstr "통합"
msgid ""
"Interact with services using commands like ``sudo systemctl <start|stop|"
"restart> devstack@$servicename.service``"
msgstr ""
"``sudo systemctl <start|stop|restart> devstack@$servicename.service`` 와 같"
"은 명령어를 사용하여 서비스와 상호작용합니다"
msgid "Interacting with the Project"
msgstr "프로젝트와 상호작용"
@ -1915,6 +2057,10 @@ msgstr "Kato Tomoyuki- Fujitsu"
msgid "Kendall Nelson The OpenStack Foundation"
msgstr "Kendall Nelson The OpenStack Foundation"
msgid "Kill and restart a service: <ctrl>-c , <up arrow> to retrieve command"
msgstr ""
"서비스 종료 및 재시작: <ctrl>-c , 이후 명령어를 가져오기 위한 <up arrow>"
msgid "LOG message exercise"
msgstr "LOG 메시지 실습"
@ -1999,6 +2145,9 @@ msgstr "Linux"
msgid "Linux & Windows"
msgstr "Linux & Windows"
msgid "List sessions: screen -ls"
msgstr "세션 목록: screen -ls"
msgid "Listen when people talk"
msgstr "사람들이 이야기할 때 경청합니다"
@ -2070,6 +2219,10 @@ msgstr "주 활동"
msgid "Make a new branch in your local repository"
msgstr "로컬 저장소 내 새로운 브랜치를 만듭니다"
msgid ""
"Make any local configurations changes (set passwords, IP addresses, etc.)"
msgstr "로컬 설정 변경사항을 만듭니다.(패스워드 설정, IP 주소 등)"
msgid "Make changes"
msgstr "변경 사항을 만듭니다"
@ -2125,6 +2278,15 @@ msgstr ""
"의미있는: 누구나 통계 자료에 대한 영향력을 적절하게 조정하는 수정안을 제출 가"
msgid "Meeting Channels:"
msgstr "미팅 채널:"
msgid "Meeting Logs:"
msgstr "미팅 로그:"
msgid "Meetings typically follow an agenda"
msgstr "미팅은 보통 아젠다를 따라 진행합니다"
msgid "Melvin Hillsman OSIC"
msgstr "Melvin Hillsman OSIC"
@ -2150,6 +2312,20 @@ msgstr "임무"
msgid "Module - more views"
msgstr "모듈 - 더 많은 뷰"
msgid ""
"More details: `Developing with Devstack <"
msgstr ""
"보다 자세한 사항: `Developing with Devstack <"
msgid ""
"More details: `Using Systemd in DevStack <"
msgstr ""
"보다 자세한 사항: `Using Systemd in DevStack <"
msgid "More information: Governance page"
msgstr "자세한 정보: Governance 페이지"
@ -2195,6 +2371,15 @@ msgstr "40개 이상의 서로 다른 ML이 있습니다"
msgid "Most of the OpenStack services"
msgstr "대부분 OpenStack 서비스"
msgid "Most projects use the OpenStack wiki to post agendas"
msgstr "대부분 프로젝트는 아젠다를 게시하기 위해 OpenStack 위키를 사용합니다"
msgid "Most recent (\"Ocata\") release stats:"
msgstr "가장 최근 (\"Ocata\") 릴리즈 통계:"
msgid "Move between services: <ctrl>-a n , <ctrl>-a p"
msgstr "서비스 간 이동: <ctrl>-a n , <ctrl>-a p"
msgid "Multi-layer group of leadership"
msgstr "여러 계층 그룹으로 구성된 리더십"
@ -2449,6 +2634,9 @@ msgstr "PTG:"
msgid "PTL : 1"
msgstr "PTL: 1"
msgid "PTL responsibilities"
msgstr "PTL 책임"
msgid "PTLs"
msgstr "PTL"
@ -2537,6 +2725,9 @@ msgstr "명료하게 기술된 *목표* 를 달성하기 위한 *산출물* 을
msgid "Product owners"
msgstr "프로젝트 소유자"
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "진행"
msgid "Project Channels:"
msgstr "프로젝트 채널:"
@ -2546,6 +2737,13 @@ msgstr "Project Team Gathering (PTG)"
msgid "Project Team Leads (PTLs)"
msgstr "Project Team Leads (PTLs)"
msgid "Project Teams Gatherings (PTGs)"
msgstr "Project Teams Gatherings (PTGs)"
msgid ""
"Project repos can have installation tutorial and developer documentation"
msgstr "프로젝트 저장소는 설치 튜토리얼 및 개발자 문서를 보유할 수 있습니다"
msgid ""
"Project team helps you to identify the target milestone and register it in "
"the tracking tool"
@ -2706,6 +2904,9 @@ msgstr "대표는 선출을 통해 구성됩니다"
msgid "Represents OpenStack users"
msgstr "OpenStack 사용자를 대표합니다"
msgid "Required:"
msgstr "필수:"
msgid "Resolve merge conflicts"
msgstr "머지 conflict를 해결합니다"
@ -2817,12 +3018,25 @@ msgstr "점수 상태"
msgid "Score will reflect reviewer's opinion."
msgstr "점수는 검토자의 의견을 반영할 것입니다."
msgid ""
"Screen is going away in Queens :"
msgstr ""
"Screen 은 Queens에서 사라질 예정입니다 :"
msgid "Second day"
msgstr "두 번째 날"
msgid "SecurityImpact"
msgstr "SecurityImpact"
msgid "See EOL status at:"
msgstr "EOL 상태 확인:"
msgid "See YOU in Beijing!"
msgstr "베이징에서 봅시다!"
msgid "Seeing new comment"
msgstr "새로운 댓글 보기"
@ -2835,6 +3049,13 @@ msgstr "SeongSoo Cho (조교, 멘토링)"
msgid "Seoul, Korea"
msgstr "한국, 서울"
msgid ""
"Services in DevStack are running as ``systemd`` units named devstack@"
msgstr ""
"DevStack 내 서비스는 devstack@$servicename.service 이름을 가진 ``systemd`` 단"
"위로 실행 중입니다"
msgid "Set by each project team"
msgstr "각 프로젝트 팀에 의해 설정됩니다"
@ -2970,6 +3191,9 @@ msgstr "스태프"
msgid "Start DevStack in a VM on your laptop or in public cloud"
msgstr "DevStack을 노트북 또는 공용 클라우드 내 VM에서 시작합니다"
msgid "Start a new session: screen -C devstack/stack-screenrc"
msgstr "새로운 세션 시작: screen -C devstack/stack-screenrc"
msgid ""
"Start the timer for building time, and allow everyone to start work. During "
"each building phase, have mentors wander around the groups listening in and "
@ -2989,6 +3213,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Start work from latest patchset"
msgstr "마지막 patchset에서 작업을 시작합니다"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "상태"
msgid "Stefano Maffulli (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Stefano Maffulli (교육, 멘토링, 조교, 영어)"
@ -2998,6 +3225,13 @@ msgstr "Stephan Ahn (교육, 조교, 멘토링)"
msgid "Strategic and financial oversight"
msgstr "전략 및 재정에 대한 감독"
msgid ""
"Students can use a different editor instead of nano with their own "
"preferences (e.g. vi, emacs, or whatever they want)."
msgstr ""
"학생들은 nano 대신 각자 설정한 다른 에디터를 사용할 수 있습니다. (예: vi, "
"emacs, 또는 무엇이든 원하는 에디터)"
msgid "Submit presentations to OpenStack conferences."
msgstr "OpenStack 컨퍼런스에 프리젠테이션 제출하기."
@ -3016,9 +3250,18 @@ msgstr "간결하게 패치 내용을 설명합니다"
msgid "Suggestions of projects to work on:"
msgstr "작업하고자 하는 프로젝트 제안:"
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "요약"
msgid "Summary Line"
msgstr "요약 줄"
msgid "Summit & Forum"
msgstr "Summit & 포럼"
msgid "Summits/Forums"
msgstr "Summits/Forums"
msgid "Sungjin Kang (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Sungjin Kang (조교, 멘토링)"
@ -3264,9 +3507,18 @@ msgstr ""
"모든 사항들이 서로 어떻게 조화되는지를 이해하기 위해, 체험 가능한 예시를 사용"
msgid ""
"To use ``screen`` explicitly set ``USE_SCREEN=True`` option in ``local.conf``"
msgstr ""
"``screen`` 을 사용하기 위해서는 ``local.conf`` 내 ``USE_SCREEN=True`` 옵션을 "
"명시적으로 설정합니다"
msgid "Tokyo, Japan"
msgstr "일본, 도쿄"
msgid "Tools pre-packaged in a VM image"
msgstr "도구들은 VM 이미지에 사전 패키징되어 있습니다"
msgid "Tox"
msgstr "Tox"
@ -3374,9 +3626,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Use \"Implements: [blueprint name]\" in commit messages"
msgstr "커밋 메시지 내 \"Implements: [blueprint 이름]\" 를 사용합니다"
msgid ""
"Use ``systemctl status devstack@*`` to ensure devstack is running on your "
"VM. If it is not started, start it with ``systemctl start devstack@*``"
msgstr ""
"``systemctl status devstack@*`` 을 사용하여 DevStack이 VM에서 실행 중인지 확"
"인합니다. 시작하지 않은 경우, ``systemctl start devstack@*`` 를 통해 시작합니"
msgid "Use it for exercises"
msgstr "실습으로 사용해 봅니다"
msgid ""
"Use the ``journalctl`` command to view output from your favorite service"
msgstr ""
"``journalctl`` 명령어를 사용하여 선호하는 서비스에 대한 출력을 살펴봅니다"
msgid "Use your IRC client or Web IRC:"
msgstr "IRC 클라이언트 또는 Web IRC를 사용합니다:"
@ -3474,6 +3739,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Ways to Communicate in OpenStack"
msgstr "OpenStack에서 의사소통 하는 법"
msgid "We have seen in `Commit Messages <workflow-commit-message.html#8>`__"
msgstr "`커밋 메시지 <workflow-commit-message.html#8>`__ 에서 살펴보았습니다."
msgid "We have seen in `Gerrit <workflow-gerrit.html#5>`__"
msgstr "`Gerrit <workflow-gerrit.html#5>`__ 에서 살펴 보았습니다"
@ -3484,6 +3752,13 @@ msgstr ""
"`셋업 & 첫 패치 <workflow-setup-and-first-patch.html#8>`__ 에서 살펴 보았습니"
msgid ""
"We have seen in `Setup & First patch <workflow-setup-and-first-patch."
msgstr ""
"`셋업 & 첫 패치 <workflow-setup-and-first-patch.html#6>`__ 에서 살펴 보았습니"
msgid ""
"We held the first OpenStack Upstream Training in Atlanta, before OpenStack "
"Summit Atlanta 2014. Since Atlanta, we have held the training before every "
@ -3619,6 +3894,23 @@ msgstr ""
"지고 있습니다. 이러한 것들로 인해 새로 온 사람들이 OpenStack 프로젝트에 통합"
"됨에 따른 변화의 속도가 확연히 줄어들 수 있습니다."
msgid ""
"With over 2000 developers from 80 different companies worldwide, OpenStack "
"is one of the largest collaborative software-development projects. Because "
"of its size, it is characterized by a huge diversity in social norms and "
"technical conventions. Attending a live class to get an insight of how the "
"community operates and to learn about the insights and best practices can "
"significantly increase the speed at which newcomers are successful at "
"integrating their own roadmap into that of the OpenStack project."
msgstr ""
"전 세계 80개의 다른 회사로부터 2000 명 이상의 개발자와 함께, OpenStack은 가"
"장 커다란 서로 협력하는 소프트웨어 개발 프로젝트 중 하나입니다. 이러한 크기"
"로 인하여, 사회적 규범 및 기술적인 관계에 있어 거대한 다양성으로 특징이 지어"
"지고 있습니다. 실제 수업에 참여하여 커뮤니티가 어떻게 운영이 이루어지는지에 "
"대한 인사이트를 얻고 인사이트 및 실천 사례에 관해 배우는 것을 통해 새로 온 사"
"람들이 OpenStack 프로젝트 로드맵에 따라 통합이 이루어지면서 성공적으로 변화하"
"는 속도가 두드러지게 증가할 수 있습니다."
msgid "Work in parallel"
msgstr "병렬로 작업합니다"
@ -3792,6 +4084,13 @@ msgstr "`디자인 서밋 <>`_"
msgid "`DevStack <>`_"
msgstr "`DevStack <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Developer documentation <>`_ is "
"published from doc directory in master branch"
msgstr ""
"`Developer documentation <>`_ 는 "
"master 브랜치 내 doc 디렉토리에서 퍼블리싱이 이루어집니다"
msgid ""
"`Developers Guide <>`_"
msgstr ""
@ -3804,15 +4103,46 @@ msgstr ""
"`개발 작업 흐름 <"
msgid ""
"`Docs cores <,members>`_ and "
"separate core teams for `docs-specs <"
"groups/384,members>`_ , `security-doc <"
"groups/347,members>`_ , `training-guides <"
"admin/groups/360,members>`_ , and `training-labs <https://review.openstack."
msgstr ""
"`Docs cores <,members>`_ 및 "
"`docs-specs <,members>`_ , "
"`security-doc <,members>`_ , "
"`training-guides <,"
"members>`_ , 및 `training-labs <"
"groups/1118,members>`_ 를 위한 별도 core 팀"
msgid "`Documentation <>`_"
msgstr "`문서화 <>`_"
msgid "`Documentation Deep Dive <docs.html>`_"
msgstr "`문서 파헤치기 <docs.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Documentation cross-project liaisons <"
"CrossProjectLiaisons#Documentation>`_ for questions, reviews, doc bug "
"triaging, and patching docs"
msgstr ""
"문서 질문, 리뷰, 문서 버그 triaging 및 패치를 위한 `Documentation cross-"
"project liaisons <"
msgid "`Environment Setup <development-environment-setup.html>`_"
msgstr "`환경 셋업 <development-environment-setup.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Beijing Upstream Collaboration Training <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"`베이징 업스트림 합동 트레이닝을 위한 Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack."
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Korea, 2016 <"
@ -3875,6 +4205,18 @@ msgstr ""
"`구현 (마일스톤 반복 <"
msgid ""
"`Installation Tutorial (Ocata) <"
"guide/orchestration/ocata/>`_ is published from install-guide directory in "
"stable/ocata branch"
msgstr ""
"`Installation Tutorial (Ocata) <"
"guide/orchestration/ocata/>`_ 은 stable/ocata 브랜치 내 install-guide 디렉토"
"리에서 퍼블리싱이 이루어집니다"
msgid "`Internship Programs <>`_"
msgstr "`Internship Programs <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Introducing OpenStack as a Community <intro-openstack-as-community.html>`_"
msgstr "`커뮤니티로서의 OpenStack 소개 <intro-openstack-as-community.html>`_"
@ -3910,6 +4252,11 @@ msgstr ""
"`Liberty Summit Etherpads <"
msgid ""
"`List of TC members <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`List of TC members <>`_"
msgid ""
"`List of approved tags <"
@ -3931,6 +4278,16 @@ msgstr ""
"`미팅 <"
msgid ""
"`Members of OpenStack User Comittee <"
msgstr ""
"`Members of OpenStack User Comittee <"
msgid "`Mentoring <>`_"
msgstr "`Mentoring <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Mentoring <>`_ is run by the Women "
"of OpenStack group, where mentees are guided through the OpenStack processes."
@ -3942,6 +4299,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "`Metrics <workflow-metrics.html>`_"
msgstr "`지표 <workflow-metrics.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`New Project Requirements <"
msgstr ""
"`New Project Requirements <"
msgid ""
"`ODP slides <"
"project-sample.odp>`_ `PDF slides <"
@ -3954,6 +4318,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "`Official OpenStack projects <howitsmade-official-projects.html>`_"
msgstr "`공식 OpenStack 프로젝트 <howitsmade-official-projects.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Official deliverables with repositories <"
msgstr ""
"`Official deliverables with repositories <"
msgid "`OpenStack Events <howitsmade-events.html>`_"
msgstr "`OpenStack 이벤트 <howitsmade-events.html>`_"
@ -3980,6 +4351,13 @@ msgstr ""
"`OpenStack 프로젝트 팀 <"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Project Teams <"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack Project Teams <"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Project Teams list <"
@ -3987,6 +4365,18 @@ msgstr ""
"`OpenStack 프로젝트 팀 목록 <"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Technical Comittee Charter <"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack Technical Comittee Charter <"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Technical Comittee page <>`_"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack Technical Comittee page <>`_"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Upstream Training in Atlanta A Big Success <http://www.openstack."
@ -4001,6 +4391,20 @@ msgstr ""
"`OpenStack Upstream Training in Paris <"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack User Committee Charter <"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack User Committee Charter <"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack User Committee page <"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack User Committee page <"
msgid ""
"`Other release candidates <"
@ -4008,12 +4412,22 @@ msgstr ""
"`다른 릴리즈 후보 <"
msgid ""
"`Other responsibilities <"
msgstr ""
"`Other responsibilities <"
msgid ""
"`Overview of the contribution process <workflow-training-contribution-"
msgstr ""
"`컨트리뷰션 프로세스 개요 <workflow-training-contribution-process.html>`_"
msgid "`PTG <>`_"
msgstr "`PTG <>`_"
msgid ""
"`PTLs <"
@ -4118,6 +4532,9 @@ msgstr ""
"`상태, 중요도, 할당됨, 마일스톤, 태그 <"
msgid "`Tags <>`_"
msgstr "`Tags <>`_"
msgid ""
"`Technical Committee <"
@ -4194,6 +4611,13 @@ msgstr "``cd devstack; ./``"
msgid "``git clone``"
msgstr "``git clone``"
msgid ""
"``screen`` command was used to access the virtual terminals running the "
"installed services"
msgstr ""
"``screen`` 명령어는 설치되어 있는 서비스를 실행하는 가상 터미널에 액세스하기 "
"위해 사용하였습니다."
msgid "``screen`` use is now deprecated"
msgstr "``screen``은 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다."
@ -4232,6 +4656,9 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"`디버깅 <>`_"
msgid "` <>`_"
msgstr "` <>`_"
msgid "`meetbot <>`_"
msgstr "`meetbot <>`_"
@ -4260,6 +4687,9 @@ msgstr "가장 최신의 안정 버전 브랜치를 가져옵니다"
msgid "code contributions, wiki, vote, presentations"
msgstr "코드 컨트리뷰션, 위치, 투표, 발표"
msgid "directly elected by ATC's"
msgstr "ATC에 의해 직접 선출이 이루어집니다"
msgid "etc."
msgstr "기타"
@ -4375,6 +4805,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
@ -4384,6 +4817,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""