==================== Online Communication ==================== .. image:: ./_assets/os_background.png :class: fill :width: 100% .. note:: Tags: [operator] [user] [new_dev] [dev] Ways to Communicate in OpenStack ================================ - Talking in IRC Channels & Meetings - Wiki Pages - Etherpads - Mailing Lists IRC Channels ============ - Project Channels: - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC - Each project and working group has its own channel - The common syntax: #openstack- - Meeting Channels: - #openstack-meeting, #openstack-meeting-cp, etc. - Meetings typically follow an agenda - Most projects use the OpenStack wiki to post agendas - IRC meetings: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/ - Others: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings .. note:: There are a finite number of meeting channels so that meetings are spread around. This is enforced by infra. The #openstack-meeting-cp channel is special in that it is dedicated to cross project efforts. IRC Logs ======== - Logs of meetings and channels are archived so that they can be referenced later on - Meeting Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ - Channel Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/ Exercise 1 ========== Join the channel of the project(s) you are interested in and find the logs from the most recent meeting. Wiki Pages ========== - Each project and working group also has its own wiki page - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Main_Page - Good source of info about when and in what channel regular meetings are held - Generally has information about who the PTL and cores are Exercise 2 ========== Look up when the next meeting is for the channel you joined and where the meeting is conducted (#openstack-meeting, #openstack-meeting-3, etc). Etherpads ========= - Common place to have people in a project collaborate on larger projects and planning of events - No master list of etherpads - harder to find what you are looking for without having looked at it before or without asking for the URL - `https://etherpad.openstack.org `_ Mailing Lists (ML) ================== - More than 40 different ML's - http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo - Way for people to communicate to a larger group than those that are on IRC - All emails are archived - The `Mailing Lists `_ wiki page describes how to subscribe to a list and describes some popular lists Exercise 3 ========== Look through the list of mailing lists and subscribe to at least one list of interest. Once subscribed, locate the archives for that ML.