Training Labs ============= About ----- Training Labs will provide scripts to automate the creation of the Training Environment. **Note:** Training Labs are specifically meant for OpenStack Training and are specifically tuned as per Training Manuals repo. Pre-requisite ------------- * Download and install [VirtualBox]( How to run the scripts ---------------------- 1. Clone the training-guides repo which contains scripts in the labs section that will install multi-node OpenStack automatically. $ git clone git:// 2. Go to the labs folder $ cd training-guides/labs 3. Run the script: $ ./osbash -b cluster This will do the complete installation for all the nodes - Controller, Compute and Network. For more help you can check $ ./osbash --help This will take some time to run the first time. What the script installs ------------------------ Running this will automatically spin up 3 virtual machines in VirtualBox: * Controller node * Network node * Compute node Now you have a multi-node deployment of OpenStack running with the below services installed. OpenStack services installed on Controller node: * Keystone * Horizon * Glance * Nova * nova-api * nova-scheduler * nova-consoleauth * nova-cert * nova-novncproxy * python-novaclient * Neutron * neutron-server * Cinder Openstack services installed on Network node: * Neutron * neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent * neutron-l3-agent * neutron-dhcp-agent * neutron-metadata-agent Openstack Services installed on Compute node: * Nova * nova-compute * Neutron * neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent How to access the services -------------------------- There are two ways to access the services: * OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) You can access the dashboard at: Admin Login: *Username:* `admin` *Password:* `admin_pass` *Demo User Login:* *Username:* `demo` *Password:* `demo_pass` * SSH You can ssh to each of the nodes by: # Controller node $ ssh osbash@ # Network node $ ssh osbash@ # Compute node $ ssh osbash@ Credentials for all nodes: *Username:* `osbash` *Password:* `osbash` After you have ssh access, you need to source the OpenStack credentials in order to access the services. Two credential files are present on each of the nodes: Source the following credential files For Admin user privileges: $ source For Demo user privileges: $ source Now you can access the OpenStack services via CLI. BluePrints ---------- * Training Manuals : * Training Labs : Mailing Lists, IRC ------------------ * To contribute please hop on to IRC on the channel `#openstack-doc` on IRC freenode or write an e-mail to the OpenStack Manuals mailing list ``. **NOTE:** You might consider registering on the OpenStack Manuals mailing list if you want to post your e-mail instantly. It may take some time for unregistered users, as it requires admin's approval. Sub-team leads -------------- Feel free to ping Roger or Pranav on the IRC channel `#openstack-doc` regarding any queries about the Labs section. * Roger Luethi ** Email: `` ** IRC: `rluethi` * Pranav Salunke ** Email: `` ** IRC: `dguitarbite` Meetings -------- To follow the weekly meetings for OpenStack Training, please refer to the following link. For IRC meetings, refer to the wiki page on training manuals. Wiki ---- Follow various links on OpenStack Training Manuals here: