============================================ OpenStack Upstream Institute Trainees' Guide ============================================ .. _prepare-environment: How to prepare ============== * Make sure you have a wifi enabled laptop with you. * Download the prepared virtual machine image and some environment for running the image (We suggest VirtualBox): * Image: http://bit.ly/vm-2020-virtual-v1 * Prepare an environment by yourself from scratch: * Create a virtual machine on your laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 installed and 6+ GB of RAM. * Alternatively, you can use your virtual machine on a public cloud. * Check that you can ssh from your laptop to the virtual machine * Check that :command:`apt install` works on the virtual machine * Read and complete the `Setup IRC `_ guide. * Go to the `Account Setup `_ page and complete the steps documented there to setup your OpenStack Foundation Account and accounts for accessing OpenStack's bug and task tracking systems. * Prepare git in the virtual machine that was created above: * Complete the ``Configure Git`` steps documented on the `Setup and Learn GIT `_ page. If you are not familiar with Git you may want to also read the content under the ``Learning Git`` section. * Go to the `Setting Up Your Gerrit Account `_ page and follow the steps for ``Sign Up``, ``Individual Contributor License Agreement``, and optionally, the ``Setup SSH Keys``. .. note:: Aside from the sections above, we will cover everything else that is in `the Contributor Guide `_ during the classes. .. note:: If you are attempting the steps above before the Upstream Institute class and need assistance you can find mentors in the #openstack-upstream-institute channel on irc.oftc.net.