============ IRC meetings ============ .. image:: ./_assets/os_background.png :class: fill :width: 100% IRC meetings ============ .. image:: ./_assets/06-01-irc-meetings.png :width: 100% IRC meetings list ================= .. image:: ./_assets/06-02-irc-meetings-list.png :width: 100% Meeting agenda ============== .. image:: ./_assets/06-03-meeting-agenda.png :width: 100% Meetbot ======= .. image:: ./_assets/06-04-meetbot.png :width: 100% Exercise ======== Join irc.freenode.net#upstream-university #info ===== Add an info item to the minutes. People should liberally use this for important things they say, so that they can be logged in the minutes. #action ======= Document an action item in the minutes. Include any nicknames in the line, and the item will be assigned to them. (nicknames are case-sensitive) #help ===== Add a "Call for Help" to the minutes. Use this command when you need to recruit someone to do a task. (Counter-intuitively, this doesn't provide help on the bot) Exercise ======== Lunch menu meeting