#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o errexit -o nounset TOP_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." && pwd) source "$TOP_DIR/config/paths" source "$CONFIG_DIR/credentials" source "$LIB_DIR/functions.guest" source "$CONFIG_DIR/demo-openstackrc.sh" exec_logfile indicate_current_auto #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Launch a demo instance. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Packets from the instance VM destined for the Internet will have its # floating IP address as the sender address. For your instance VM to # get Internet access, you will probably have to configure masquerading # on your host computer. # On Linux, turning on masquerading may look something like this: # echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # modprobe ip_tables # modprobe ip_conntrack # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE # iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o vboxnet2 -m state \ # --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT # iptables -A FORWARD -i vboxnet2 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT # Set this true if you have masquerading enabled to allow instance VMs access # to the Internet. : ${MASQUERADING:=true} # Set this true if you want the instance to use the Google Public DNS name # server. The default uses dnsmasq running on a node. : ${EXT_DNS:=true} DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME=demo-instance1 echo "SUM --- BEGIN" function ssh_no_chk_node { ssh_no_chk -i "$HOME/.ssh/osbash_key" "$@" } function ssh_no_chk { echo "ssh $@" # Options set to disable strict host key checking and related messages. ssh \ -o "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null" \ -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" \ -o LogLevel=error \ "$@" } # Work around neutron client failing with unsupported locale settings if [[ "$(neutron --help)" == "unsupported locale setting" ]]; then echo "Locale not supported on node, setting LC_ALL=C." export LC_ALL=C fi function wait_for_service { local node=$1 local service=$2 local cnt=0 echo -n "Node $node, service $service:" until ssh_no_chk_node "$node" service "$service" status | \ grep -q "start/running"; do cnt=$((cnt + 1)) if [ $((cnt % 150)) -eq 0 ]; then echo " does not seem to come up. Forcing restart." echo echo "SUM ERROR $service on node $node not coming up." ssh_no_chk_node "$node" \ sudo service "$service" restart SERVICE_RESTARTS="${SERVICE_RESTARTS:-""}$service@$node " fi sleep 2 echo -n . done echo " up" } echo "Running on host: $(hostname)" echo "Checking network connection to network node." ping -c1 network-mgmt echo echo "Checking network connection to compute node." ping -c1 compute-mgmt echo echo "Checking services on network node." wait_for_service network-mgmt openvswitch-switch wait_for_service network-mgmt neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent wait_for_service network-mgmt neutron-l3-agent wait_for_service network-mgmt neutron-dhcp-agent wait_for_service network-mgmt neutron-metadata-agent echo echo "Checking services on compute node." wait_for_service compute-mgmt nova-compute wait_for_service compute-mgmt openvswitch-switch wait_for_service compute-mgmt neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent echo function wait_for_nova_compute { if sudo nova-manage service list --service nova-compute | \ grep -q ":-)"; then return 0 fi echo " Waiting for nova-compute to switch from XXX to :-)." if ssh_no_chk_node compute-mgmt service nova-compute status | \ grep -q "start/running"; then echo -n " Service is up, waiting (may take a few minutes)." fi local cnt=0 local start=$(date +%s) while sudo nova-manage service list --service nova-compute | grep -q XXX; do cnt=$((cnt + 1)) sleep 5 if ssh_no_chk_node compute-mgmt service nova-compute status | \ grep -q "start/running"; then if [ $cnt -eq 300 ]; then # This should never happen. echo "SUM ERROR nova-compute remains XXX while up." echo "Aborting." exit fi echo -n k else echo echo "SUM ERROR nova-compute on compute node has died." echo "Restarting nova-compute on compute node." ssh_no_chk_node compute-mgmt \ sudo service nova-compute restart NOVA_COMPUTE_RESTART=$((${NOVA_COMPUTE_RESTART:-0} + 1)) fi done echo } function wait_for_nova_services { local start=$(date +%s) echo "Checking services in sudo nova-manage service list." echo -n " Waiting for controller services to switch from XXX to :-)." # Ignore nova-compute for now, even if a custom config has it on controller while sudo nova-manage service list --host controller | \ grep -v nova-compute | grep -q XXX; do sleep 2 echo -n . done echo if ! sudo nova-manage service list | grep -q nova-compute; then echo -n " Waiting for nova-compute to turn up in list." until sudo nova-manage service list | grep -q nova-compute; do sleep 2 echo -n . done echo fi wait_for_nova_compute echo echo "SUM wait for nova services: $(($(date +%s) - start))" } if [ ${NOVA_COMPUTE_RESTART:-0} -ne 0 ]; then echo "SUM ERROR nova-compute restarts: $NOVA_COMPUTE_RESTART" fi wait_for_nova_services echo "All services are ready:" sudo nova-manage service list echo function show_compute_resource_usage { echo "nova list:" nova list ( source "$CONFIG_DIR/admin-openstackrc.sh" echo "As admin user, nova host-list:" nova host-list echo "As admin user, nova host-describe compute:" nova host-describe compute ) } function wait_for_neutron_agents { local agent_list=$LOG_DIR/test-agent.list local start=$(date +%s) echo -n "Waiting for agents in neutron agent-list." ( source "$CONFIG_DIR/admin-openstackrc.sh" neutron agent-list | sort > "$agent_list" local out=$(grep " :-) " "$agent_list" || rc=$?) if [ -n "$out" ]; then echo echo "$out" fi while [ : ]; do neutron agent-list | sort > "$agent_list.new" out=$(comm -13 "$agent_list" "$agent_list.new") if [ -n "$out" ]; then echo echo "$out" fi if ! grep -q " xxx " "$agent_list"; then break fi mv "$agent_list.new" "$agent_list" sleep 1 echo -n . done echo echo "All agents are ready." neutron agent-list echo ) echo "SUM wait for neutron agents: $(($(date +%s) - start))" } wait_for_neutron_agents function check_namespaces { local cnt echo -n "Getting router namespace." cnt=0 until ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt ip netns | grep qrouter; do cnt=$((cnt + 1)) sleep 1 echo -n "." done echo "SUM wait for router namespace: $cnt" local nsrouter=$(ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt ip netns | grep qrouter) echo -n "Getting DHCP namespace." cnt=0 until ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt ip netns | grep qdhcp; do cnt=$((cnt + 1)) if [ $cnt -eq 10 ]; then echo echo "SUM ERROR No DCHP namespace, restarting neutron-dhcp-agent." echo "Restarting neutron-dhcp-agent on network node." ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt \ sudo service neutron-dhcp-agent restart fi sleep 1 echo -n "." done echo "SUM wait for DHCP namespace: $cnt" local nsdhcp=$(ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt ip netns | grep qdhcp) echo -n "Waiting for interface qr-* in router namespace." cnt=0 until ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt \ sudo ip netns exec "$nsrouter" ip addr | \ grep -Po "(?<=: )qr-.*(?=:)"; do cnt=$((cnt + 1)) sleep 1 echo -n "." done echo "SUM wait for interface qr-*: $cnt" echo -n "Waiting for interface qg-* in router namespace." cnt=0 until ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt \ sudo ip netns exec "$nsrouter" ip addr | \ grep -Po "(?<=: )qg-.*(?=:)"; do cnt=$((cnt + 1)) sleep 1 echo -n "." done echo "SUM wait for interface qg-*: $cnt" echo -n "Waiting for interface tap* in DHCP namespace." cnt=0 until ssh_no_chk_node network-mgmt \ sudo ip netns exec "$nsdhcp" ip addr | \ grep -Po "(?<=: )tap.*(?=:)"; do cnt=$((cnt + 1)) sleep 1 echo -n "." done echo "SUM wait for interface tap*: $cnt" } check_namespaces if [ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then echo "Generating an ssh key pair (saved to ~/.ssh/id_rsa*)." # For training cluster: no password protection on keys to make scripting # easier ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N "" fi function check_demo_key { echo -n "Checking if 'demo-key' is already in our OpenStack environment: " if nova keypair-show demo-key >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "yes." echo -n "Checking if the 'demo-key' key pair matches our ssh key: " ssh_key=$(< ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub awk '{print $2}') stored_key=$(nova keypair-show demo-key | \ awk '/^Public key: ssh-rsa/ {print $4}') if [ "$ssh_key" != "$stored_key" ]; then echo "no." echo "Removing the 'demo-key' from the OpenStack envirnoment." nova keypair-delete demo-key else echo "yes." fi else echo "no." fi } check_demo_key if ! nova keypair-show demo-key 2>/dev/null; then echo "Adding the public key to our OpenStack environment." nova keypair-add --pub-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub demo-key fi echo "Verifying addition of the public key." nova keypair-list echo "Listing available flavors." nova flavor-list echo "Listing available images." nova image-list echo -n "Waiting for neutron to start." until neutron net-list >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1 echo . done echo echo "Listing available networks." neutron net-list DEMO_NET_ID=$(neutron net-list | awk '/ demo-net / {print $2}') echo "ID for demo-net tenant network: $DEMO_NET_ID" echo "Listing available security groups." nova secgroup-list if [ "$EXT_DNS" = true ]; then echo "Setting DNS name server for subnet (passed to booting instance VMs)." neutron subnet-update demo-subnet --dns_nameservers list=true echo else echo "Clearing DNS name server for subnet (passed to booting instance VMs)." neutron subnet-update demo-subnet --dns_nameservers action=clear fi echo "Settings for demo-subnet:" neutron subnet-show demo-subnet echo nova list nova list | awk " / $DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME / {print \$2}" | while read instance; do echo "Removing instance $DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME ($instance)." nova delete "$instance" done echo -n "Waiting for removed instances to disappear (may take > 1 min)." while nova list|grep -q "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME"; do sleep 1 echo -n . done echo echo "There should be no $DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME instances left:" nova list NOVA_SCHED_LOG=/var/log/upstart/nova-scheduler.log NOVA_API_LOG=/var/log/upstart/nova-api.log VM_LAUNCHES=0 function request_instance { # Keep a copy of current state of nova-scheduler.log sudo cp -vf $NOVA_SCHED_LOG $NOVA_API_LOG /tmp if [ -n "${instance_info:-""}" ]; then rm -f "$instance_info" else instance_info=$LOG_DIR/test-instance.info echo "Instance info: $instance_info" fi local img_name=$(basename "$CIRROS_URL" -disk.img) echo "Requesting an instance." nova boot \ --flavor m1.tiny \ --image "$img_name" \ --nic net-id="$DEMO_NET_ID" \ --security-group default \ --key-name demo-key \ "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" > "$instance_info" VM_LAUNCHES=$(( VM_LAUNCHES + 1 )) } BOOT_LOG=$LOG_DIR/test-instance.boot echo "Boot log: $BOOT_LOG" function save_boot_log { local rc=0 rm -f "$BOOT_LOG" nova console-log "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" >"$BOOT_LOG" 2>&1 || rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo >&2 "nova console-log returned error status $rc" fi return $rc } function explain_instance_failure { cat << TXT_INSTANCE_FAILURE After deleting an instance, it can take nova up to a minute to realize that the compute node is free. Under tight space constraints, this becomes a common source of failure. As an admin, we could list hosts (including compute hosts): $ nova host-list And check resource usage in description of host 'compute': $ nova host-describe compute As a regular user, we would have to keep trying for up to a minute and hope it works soon. The fastest way to update the database, however, is to restart nova-compute on the compute node. TXT_INSTANCE_FAILURE } function status_409_fixed { echo "Checking log files for cause of failure." if sudo comm -13 /tmp/nova-scheduler.log $NOVA_SCHED_LOG | grep "has not been heard from in a while"; then echo echo "SUM ERROR Missing connection with nova-compute on compute node." echo "(Did controller node boot after compute node?)" echo elif sudo comm -13 /tmp/nova-scheduler.log $NOVA_SCHED_LOG | grep "Filter RamFilter returned 0 hosts"; then echo "SUM ERROR Filter RamFilter returned 0 hosts" explain_instance_failure show_compute_resource_usage elif sudo comm -13 /tmp/nova-api.log $NOVA_API_LOG | grep "HTTP exception thrown:"; then # Just waiting should be enough to fix this echo -n "Waiting for HTTP status 409 to cure itself." local cnt=0 until [ $cnt -eq 5 ]; do if ! console_status_409; then HTTP_EXCEPTIONS="${HTTP_EXCEPTIONS:-""}$cnt " echo "okay" # We can continue with this instance return 0 fi cnt=$((cnt + 1)) sleep 2 echo -n . done HTTP_EXCEPTIONS="${HTTP_EXCEPTIONS:-""}${cnt}-fail " echo "failed" else echo "Unknown reason. See for yourself." echo "nova-scheduler.log:" sudo comm -13 /tmp/nova-scheduler.log $NOVA_SCHED_LOG echo "nova-api.log:" sudo comm -13 /tmp/nova-api.log $NOVA_API_LOG echo "SUM ABORT Unknown 409 error" exit 1 fi # Not fixed, need to try with new VM return 1 } function console_status_409 { ! save_boot_log 2>/dev/null && grep -q "is not ready (HTTP 409)" "$BOOT_LOG" } function console_status_404 { ! save_boot_log 2>/dev/null && grep -q "Unable to get console (HTTP 404)" "$BOOT_LOG" } function instance_status { nova list | awk "/$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME/ {print \$6}" } function instance_status_is { local status=$1 nova list | grep "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" | grep -q "$status" } while [ : ]; do echo "Launching an instance VM." request_instance > /dev/null if console_status_409; then echo "nova console-log returned:" cat "$BOOT_LOG" echo if ! status_409_fixed; then echo "Instance build failed." echo "Deleting failed instance VM." nova delete "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" echo "Checking nova-compute on the compute node." wait_for_nova_compute echo -n "Requesting new instance VMs until it works." cnt=0 while [ : ]; do request_instance >/dev/null if console_status_409; then nova delete "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" cnt=$((cnt + 1)) if [ $cnt -eq 5 ]; then echo echo "SUM ERROR console status remains 409." echo "Restarting nova-compute on compute node." ssh_no_chk_node compute-mgmt \ sudo service nova-compute restart NOVA_COMPUTE_RESTART=$((${NOVA_COMPUTE_RESTART:-0} + 1)) fi sleep 2 echo -n . else # Either no error or a different error echo break fi done fi fi if console_status_404; then echo "nova console-log returned:" cat "$BOOT_LOG" echo echo -n "Waiting for console." # Console status 404 may persist after instance status becomes ERROR. while console_status_404 && instance_status_is BUILD; do sleep 1 echo -n . done echo if ! console_status_404; then echo "Console status is no longer 404." fi fi echo -n "Waiting for instance to get out of BUILD status." while instance_status_is BUILD; do sleep 1 echo -n . done echo if instance_status_is ERROR; then echo "Instance VM status: ERROR" echo "Deleting failed instance VM." nova delete "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" elif instance_status_is ACTIVE; then echo "Instance VM status: ACTIVE." break fi done if [ "${HTTP_EXCEPTIONS:-0}" != "0" ]; then echo "SUM ERROR HTTP exceptions: ${HTTP_EXCEPTIONS:-0}" fi echo -n "Waiting for DHCP discover." until grep -q "Sending discover..." "$BOOT_LOG"; do sleep 2 echo -n . save_boot_log done echo echo -n "Waiting for DHCP success." until grep -q "^Lease of" "$BOOT_LOG"; do DHCP_WAIT=$((${DHCP_WAIT:-0} + 1)) if grep "No lease, failing" "$BOOT_LOG"; then echo "SUM ABORT DHCP wait: fail (${DHCP_WAIT:-0})" echo "Aborting." exit 1 fi sleep 2 echo -n . save_boot_log done echo echo "SUM DHCP wait: ${DHCP_WAIT:-0}" echo echo -n "Waiting for metadata success." until grep -q "successful after" "$BOOT_LOG"; do if grep "failed to read iid from metadata" "$BOOT_LOG"; then echo "SUM ABORT failed to get metadata" echo "Aborting." exit 1 fi sleep 2 echo -n . save_boot_log done echo echo -n "Waiting for login prompt." until grep -q "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME login:" "$BOOT_LOG"; do sleep 2 echo -n . save_boot_log done echo echo "Obtaining a VNC session URL for our instance." nova get-vnc-console "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" novnc echo echo "Permitting ICMP (ping) to our instances." nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1 2>/dev/null || rc=$? if [ ${rc:-0} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Rule was already there." fi echo echo "Permitting secure shell (SSH) access to our instances." nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22 2>/dev/null || rc=$? if [ ${rc:-0} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Rule was already there." fi echo echo "Verifying security-group rules." nova secgroup-list-rules default echo echo "Creating a floating IP address on the ext-net external network." floating_ip_id=$(neutron floatingip-create ext-net | awk '/ id / {print $4}') neutron floatingip-show "$floating_ip_id" floating_ip=$(neutron floatingip-show "$floating_ip_id" | awk '/ floating_ip_address / {print $4}') echo echo "Associating the floating IP address with our instance." nova floating-ip-associate "$DEMO_INSTANCE_NAME" "$floating_ip" echo echo "Checking the status of your floating IP address." nova list echo echo "Verifying network connectivity to instance VM." ping -c1 "$floating_ip" echo echo "Accessing our instance using SSH from the controller node." ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" uptime echo echo "Pinging our own floating IP from inside the instance." ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1 "$floating_ip" echo echo "Pinging IP address of controller-api." ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1 "$(hostname_to_ip controller-api)" if [ "$EXT_DNS" = true ]; then echo "Skipping tests of dnsmasq /etc/hosts." else # Works only with dnsmasq using the node's /etc/hosts echo echo "Pinging controller-api (test local DNS name resolution)." ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1 controller-api echo echo "Pinging network-api." ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1 network-api fi if [ "$MASQUERADING" = true -a "$EXT_DNS" = false ]; then echo echo "This may work thanks to masquerading." ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1 network-mgmt echo ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1 network-data fi function test_internet { if [ "$MASQUERADING" = true ]; then local ext_ping=1 echo echo "Pinging Google Public DNS name server." until ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1; do if [ $ext_ping -eq 3 ]; then echo "Failed. Giving up." echo "SUM ERROR ping Internet: failed ($ext_ping)" ext_ping="$ext_ping (failed)" return 0 fi echo echo "Trying again in 1 s." sleep 1 ext_ping=$((ext_ping + 1)) done echo echo "Testing DNS name resolution within instance VM." ssh_no_chk "cirros@$floating_ip" ping -c1 openstack.org fi if [ ${ext_ping:-0} -ne 0 ]; then echo "SUM ERROR ping Internet: ${ext_ping:-0}" fi } test_internet if [ "$EXT_DNS" = true ]; then echo echo "Removing DNS name servers from subnet." neutron subnet-update demo-subnet --dns_nameservers action=clear fi echo echo "Summary" echo "=======" echo "SUM service restarts: ${SERVICE_RESTARTS:--}" echo "SUM instance launches: $VM_LAUNCHES" echo "SUM END" echo echo "Try this, it should work:" echo "Command: 'ssh cirros@$floating_ip' [ password: 'cubswin:)' ]"