8251 lines
248 KiB
8251 lines
248 KiB
# Translators:
# johnwoo_lee <lijiangsheng1@gmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OpenStack Manuals\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-18 23:01+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-18 16:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: johnwoo_lee <lijiangsheng1@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/openstack-manuals-i18n/language/zh_CN/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: ./doc/glossary/openstack-glossary.xml7(title)
#: ./doc/glossary/openstack-glossary.xml10(title)
msgid "OpenStack glossary"
msgstr "OpenStack 词汇表"
#: ./doc/glossary/openstack-glossary.xml11(para)
msgid ""
"Use this glossary to get definitions of OpenStack-related words and phrases."
msgstr "此词汇表定义了和OpenStack相关的词和短语。"
#: ./doc/glossary/openstack-glossary.xml13(para)
msgid ""
"To add to this glossary follow the <link "
"href=\"https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/HowTo\"> OpenStack "
"Documentation HowTo</link>."
msgstr "关于如何为此词汇表增加词条,请访问<link href=\"https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/HowTo\">如何为OpenStack 文档贡献</link>."
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml13(title)
msgid "Glossary"
msgstr "词汇表"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml16(para)
msgid ""
"Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may "
"not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a "
"copy of the License at"
msgstr "基于Apache许可证,版本2.0(许可证);用户不得在非许可情形下使用这些文件。用户可以从这里获得许可证"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml23(link)
msgid "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"
msgstr "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml25(para)
msgid ""
"Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software "
"distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT "
"WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the "
"License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations "
"under the License."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml33(para)
msgid ""
"This glossary offers a list of terms and definitions to define a vocabulary "
"for OpenStack-related concepts."
msgstr "此词汇表列出了OpenStack相关的术语和定义词汇。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml35(para)
msgid ""
"To add to OpenStack glossary, clone the <link href=\" "
"manuals\"><literal>openstack/openstack-manuals</literal> repository</link> "
"and update the source file <filename>doc/glossary/glossary-"
"terms.xml</filename> through the OpenStack contribution process."
msgstr "需要给OpenStack增加词汇,从 <link href=\" http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-manuals\"><literal>openstack/openstack-manuals</literal> 仓库</link>克隆一份源码,依照OpenStack提交流程更新文件 <filename>doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml</filename>即可。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml44(title)
msgid "Numbers"
msgstr "数字"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml47(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml49(primary)
msgid "6to4"
msgstr "6to4"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml52(para)
msgid ""
"A mechanism that allows IPv6 packets to be transmitted over an IPv4 network,"
" providing a strategy for migrating to IPv6."
msgstr "一种可以在IPv4的网络中传输IPv6包的机制,提供了一种迁移到IPv6的策略。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml64(title)
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml67(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml69(primary)
msgid "absolute limit"
msgstr "绝对限制"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml73(para)
msgid ""
"Impassable limits for guest VMs. Settings include total RAM size, maximum "
"number of vCPUs, and maximum disk size."
msgstr "客户虚拟机的硬性限制,设置包括总的内存大小,vCPU的最大数,以及最大虚拟磁盘大小。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml79(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml198(see)
msgid "access control list"
msgstr "访问控制列表"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml81(primary)
msgid "access control list (ACL)"
msgstr "访问控制列表(ACL)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml85(para)
msgid ""
"A list of permissions attached to an object. An ACL specifies which users or"
" system processes have access to objects. It also defines which operations "
"can be performed on specified objects. Each entry in a typical ACL specifies"
" a subject and an operation. For instance, the ACL entry <code>(Alice, "
"delete)</code> for a file gives Alice permission to delete the file."
msgstr "为对象附加的权限列表。一个ACL特指那些用户或系统进程可以访问这个对象。通常是用针对特定的对象具有那些操作权限来定义。典型的ACL条目是一个主体加一个操作。例如:ACL条目<code>(Alice, delete)</code>,表示的意义就是为Alice赋予了删除文件的权限。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml95(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml97(primary)
msgid "access key"
msgstr "访问密钥"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml101(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an Amazon EC2 access key. See EC2 access key."
msgstr "从Amazon EC2的访问密钥学过来的,详细请看EC2访问密钥。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml107(glossterm)
msgid "account"
msgstr "账户"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml109(primary)
msgid "accounts"
msgstr "账户"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml113(para)
msgid ""
"The Object Storage context of an account. Do not confuse with a user account"
" from an authentication service, such as Active Directory, /etc/passwd, "
"OpenLDAP, OpenStack Identity Service, and so on."
msgstr "对象存储是基于账户的,不要和认证服务中的用户账户服务,诸如认证服务有活动目录,/etc/passwd,OpenLDAP,OpenStack验证服务等想混淆。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml120(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml122(primary)
msgid "account auditor"
msgstr "账户审计"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml126(para)
msgid ""
"Checks for missing replicas and incorrect or corrupted objects in a "
"specified Object Storage account by running queries against the back-end "
"SQLite database."
msgstr "为指定的对象存储账户检查诸如丢失的副本,错误的或损坏的对象,支撑它的后端是SQLite数据库。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml133(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml135(primary)
msgid "account database"
msgstr "账户数据库"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml139(para)
msgid ""
"A SQLite database that contains Object Storage accounts and related metadata"
" and that the accounts server accesses."
msgstr "基于SQLite的数据库,存储着对象存储账户及其相关的元数据信息,并支持账户服务的访问。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml145(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml147(primary)
msgid "account reaper"
msgstr "账户回收"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml151(para)
msgid ""
"An Object Storage worker that scans for and deletes account databases and "
"that the account server has marked for deletion."
msgstr "对象存储维护者从数据库中查找并删除账户,账户的服务器标注已删除。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml157(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml159(primary)
msgid "account server"
msgstr "账户服务器"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml163(para)
msgid ""
"Lists containers in Object Storage and stores container information in the "
"account database."
msgstr "列出对象存储的容器,且保存容器信息到账户数据库。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml169(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml171(primary)
msgid "account service"
msgstr "账户服务"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml175(para)
msgid ""
"An Object Storage component that provides account services such as list, "
"create, modify, and audit. Do not confuse with OpenStack Identity Service, "
"OpenLDAP, or similar user-account services."
msgstr "作为对象存储的组件提供账户服务,诸如列出、创建、验证和审计账户,不要和OpenStack验证服务、OpenLDAP,或相似的用户账户服务想混淆。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml182(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml184(primary)
msgid "accounting"
msgstr "账单"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml188(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute service provides accounting information through the event "
"notification and system usage data facilities."
msgstr "计算服务通过事件通知和系统使用量数据提供账单信息。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml194(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml196(primary)
msgid "ACL"
msgstr "ACL"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml202(para)
msgid "See access control list."
msgstr "参考访问控制列表。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml207(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml209(primary)
msgid "active/active configuration"
msgstr "双激活配置"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml213(para)
msgid ""
"In a high-availability setup with an active/active configuration, several "
"systems share the load together and if one fails, the load is distributed to"
" the remaining systems."
msgstr "在高可用步骤中配置双激活,多个系统共同承担负载,如果其中一个失效,负载会自动分发到仍然正常运行的系统。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml220(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml222(primary)
msgid "Active Directory"
msgstr "活动目录"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml226(para)
msgid ""
"Authentication and identity service by Microsoft, based on LDAP. Supported "
"in OpenStack."
msgstr "由微软提供的认证和验证服务,基于LDAP,支持OpenStack。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml232(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml234(primary)
msgid "active/passive configuration"
msgstr "主动/被动配置"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml238(para)
msgid ""
"In a high-availability setup with an active/passive configuration, systems "
"are set up to bring additional resources online to replace those that have "
msgstr "在高可用设置主动/被动配置,系统会启动额外的资源来代替失效的节点。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml245(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml247(primary)
msgid "address pool"
msgstr "地址池"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml251(para)
msgid ""
"A group of fixed and/or floating IP addresses that are assigned to a project"
" and can be used by or assigned to the VM instances in a project."
msgstr "一组可用的浮动IP地址,可被分配到项目中,即为项目中的虚拟机实例分配。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml258(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml260(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4987(see)
msgid "admin API"
msgstr "管理 API"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml264(para)
msgid ""
"A subset of API calls that are accessible to authorized administrators and "
"are generally not accessible to end users or the public Internet. They can "
"exist as a separate service (keystone) or can be a subset of another API "
msgstr "一组可被经过认证的管理员访问的API调用,且不能被最终用户访问到,也不可在公网中被访问。它以分离的服务(keystone)存在,或者是其他API(nova)的子集。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml272(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml274(primary)
msgid "admin server"
msgstr "管理服务"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml278(para)
msgid ""
"In the context of the Identity Service, the worker process that provides "
"access to the admin API."
msgstr "在验证服务的上下文,任务进程被赋予访问管理API的权限。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml284(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml287(primary)
msgid "Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)"
msgstr "高级消息队列协议(AMQP)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml291(para)
msgid ""
"The open standard messaging protocol used by OpenStack components for intra-"
"service communications, provided by RabbitMQ, Qpid, or ZeroMQ."
msgstr "用于OpenStack组件的内部服务通信的开放标准消息协议,由RabbitMQ,Qpid或ZeroMQ提供。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml298(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml300(primary)
msgid "Advanced RISC Machine (ARM)"
msgstr "先进精简指令集机器(ARM)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml304(para)
msgid ""
"Lower power consumption CPU often found in mobile and embedded devices. "
"Supported by OpenStack."
msgstr "以低能耗著称的CPU,常用在移动电话或嵌入式设备中。OpenStack支持此类CPU。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml310(glossterm)
msgid "alert"
msgstr "警告"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml312(primary)
msgid "alerts"
msgstr "警告"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml314(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml876(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml924(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml994(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1284(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1373(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1584(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1696(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1776(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1832(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1931(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2160(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2440(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3170(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3299(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3942(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3994(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4113(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4330(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4495(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4513(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5024(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5372(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5625(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5741(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6098(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6283(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6374(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6946(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7049(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7093(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7372(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7415(secondary)
msgid "definition of"
msgstr "定义为"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml318(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute service can send alerts through its notification system, which "
"includes a facility to create custom notification drivers. Alerts can be "
"sent to and displayed on the horizon dashboard."
msgstr "计算服务可通过它的通知系统发送警告,包括自定义的通知。警告被发送并显示到horizon仪表盘。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml326(glossterm)
msgid "allocate"
msgstr "分配"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml328(primary)
msgid "allocate, definition of"
msgstr "分配,定义为"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml332(para)
msgid ""
"The process of taking a floating IP address from the address pool so it can "
"be associated with a fixed IP on a guest VM instance."
msgstr "将浮动IP从地址池中取出分配给客户虚拟机实例的进程。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml339(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml341(primary)
msgid "Amazon Kernel Image (AKI)"
msgstr "Amazon内核镜像(AKI)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml345(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml357(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml369(para)
msgid ""
"Both a VM container format and disk format. Supported by Image Service."
msgstr "既是容器格式又是磁盘格式。被OpenStack 镜像服务所支持。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml351(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml353(primary)
msgid "Amazon Machine Image (AMI)"
msgstr "亚马逊机器镜像(AMI)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml363(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml365(primary)
msgid "Amazon Ramdisk Image (ARI)"
msgstr "亚马逊内存盘镜像(ARI)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml375(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml377(primary)
msgid "Anvil"
msgstr "Anvil"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml381(para)
msgid ""
"A project that ports the shell script-based project named DevStack to "
msgstr "一个项目,将DevStack从shell脚本移植到Python。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml387(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml389(primary)
msgid "Apache"
msgstr "Apache"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml393(para)
msgid ""
"The Apache Software Foundation supports the Apache community of open-source "
"software projects. These projects provide software products for the public "
msgstr "Apache软件基金会支持的Apache社区开源软件项目。这些项目提供软件产品并提倡公开。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml400(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml402(primary)
msgid "Apache License 2.0"
msgstr "Apache许可证 2.0"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml406(para)
msgid ""
"All OpenStack core projects are provided under the terms of the Apache "
"License 2.0 license."
msgstr "所有的OpenStack核心项目均在Apache许可证2.0下提供。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml412(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml414(primary)
msgid "Apache Web Server"
msgstr "Apache Web服务器"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml418(para)
msgid "The most common web server software currently used on the Internet."
msgstr "在当下互联网上最常见的web服务器软件。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml424(glossterm)
msgid "API"
msgstr "API"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml427(para)
msgid "Application programming interface."
msgstr "应用程序接口"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml432(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml436(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml441(secondary)
msgid "API endpoint"
msgstr "API 断点"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml434(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2910(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2938(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3572(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8146(primary)
msgid "endpoints"
msgstr "断点"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml439(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml455(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml468(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml482(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml495(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml509(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml523(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6487(primary)
msgid "API (application programming interface)"
msgstr "API(应用程序接口)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml445(para)
msgid ""
"The daemon, worker, or service that a client communicates with to access an "
"API. API endpoints can provide any number of services, such as "
"authentication, sales data, performance metrics, Compute VM commands, census"
" data, and so on."
msgstr "作为客户端的守护进程,任务或服务访问API。API断点可提供多种服务,诸如认证、销售数据、性能指标、计算虚拟机命令、人口调查数据等等。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml453(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml457(secondary)
msgid "API extension"
msgstr "API扩展"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml461(para)
msgid "Custom modules that extend some OpenStack core APIs."
msgstr "扩展OpenStack核心API的自定义模块。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml466(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml470(secondary)
msgid "API extension plug-in"
msgstr "API扩展插件"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml474(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a Networking plug-in or Networking API extension."
msgstr "和网络插件或网络API扩展相关的术语。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml480(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml484(secondary)
msgid "API key"
msgstr "API键值"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml488(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an API token."
msgstr "API令牌相关的术语。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml493(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml497(secondary)
msgid "API server"
msgstr "API服务器"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml501(para)
msgid "Any node running a daemon or worker that provides an API endpoint."
msgstr "任何提供API断点的运行着守护进程或任务的节点。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml507(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml511(secondary)
msgid "API token"
msgstr "API令牌"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml515(para)
msgid ""
"Passed to API requests and used by OpenStack to verify that the client is "
"authorized to run the requested operation."
msgstr "用于API请求通过,以及OpenStack用于验证客户端要运行请求操作的认证。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml521(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml525(secondary)
msgid "API version"
msgstr "API版本"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml529(para)
msgid ""
"In OpenStack, the API version for a project is part of the URL. For example,"
" <filename>example.com/nova/v1/foobar</filename>."
msgstr "在OpenStack项目中,API版本是URL的一部分。例如<filename>example.com/nova/v1/foobar</filename>。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml535(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml537(primary)
msgid "applet"
msgstr "applet"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml541(para)
msgid "A Java program that can be embedded into a web page."
msgstr "嵌入到web页面中的Java程序"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml546(glossterm)
msgid "Application Programming Interface (API)"
msgstr "应用程序接口(API)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml549(para)
msgid ""
"A collection of specifications used to access a service, application, or "
"program. Includes service calls, required parameters for each call, and the "
"expected return values."
msgstr "用于访问服务、应用或程序的规范的集合,包括服务调用,每个调用返回的参数,以及预料中的返回值。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml556(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml563(primary)
msgid "application server"
msgstr "应用服务器"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml558(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6469(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6901(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7370(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7399(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8596(primary)
msgid "servers"
msgstr "服务器"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml560(secondary)
msgid "application servers"
msgstr "应用服务器"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml567(para)
msgid ""
"A piece of software that makes available another piece of software over a "
msgstr "一部分软件通过网络可用于另外一部分软件。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml573(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml575(primary)
msgid "Application Service Provider (ASP)"
msgstr "应用服务提供商(ASP)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml579(para)
msgid ""
"Companies that rent specialized applications that help businesses and "
"organizations provide additional services with lower cost."
msgstr "公司租用特定的应用程序,以低成本的方式,为业务和组织提供增值服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml588(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml590(primary)
msgid "Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)"
msgstr "地址解析协议(ARP)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml594(para)
msgid ""
"The protocol by which layer-3 IP addresses are resolved into layer-2 link "
"local addresses."
msgstr "将三层IP地址解析为二层链路地址的协议。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml602(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml604(primary)
msgid "arptables"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml608(para)
msgid ""
"Tool used for maintaining Address Resolution Protocol packet filter rules in"
" the Linux kernel firewall modules. Used along with iptables, ebtables, and "
"ip6tables in Compute to provide firewall services for VMs."
msgstr "在Linux内核防火墙模块用于维护地址解析协议包过滤的工具。在计算服务中使用iptables,ebtables,ip6tables为虚拟机提供防火墙服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml616(glossterm)
msgid "associate"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml618(primary)
msgid "associate, definition of"
msgstr "关联的定义是"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml622(para)
msgid ""
"The process associating a Compute floating IP address with a fixed IP "
msgstr "将计算的浮动IP地址关联到固定IP地址的进程。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml628(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml631(primary)
msgid "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)"
msgstr "异步JavaScript和XML(AJAX)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml635(para)
msgid ""
"A group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side "
"to create asynchronous web applications. Used extensively in horizon."
msgstr "用于客户端建立异步web应用的web开发技术。在Horizon项目中用到。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml642(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml644(primary)
msgid "ATA over Ethernet (AoE)"
msgstr "ATA以太网(AoE)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml648(para)
msgid "A disk storage protocol tunneled within Ethernet."
msgstr "基于以太网实现的磁盘存储协议。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml653(glossterm)
msgid "attach"
msgstr "附加"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml655(primary)
msgid "attach, definition of"
msgstr "附加定义为"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml659(para)
msgid ""
"The process of connecting a VIF or vNIC to a L2 network in Networking. In "
"the context of Compute, this process connects a storage volume to an "
msgstr "在网络中,是连接虚拟网卡或虚拟网络接口到2层网络的过程。在计算的上下文中,此过程变为将存储卷给虚拟机实例。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml666(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml668(primary)
msgid "attachment (network)"
msgstr "附加(网络)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml672(para)
msgid ""
"Association of an interface ID to a logical port. Plugs an interface into a "
msgstr "将接口ID和逻辑端口关联起来。即将接口插入到端口。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml678(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml680(primary)
msgid "auditing"
msgstr "审计"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml684(para)
msgid "Provided in Compute through the system usage data facility."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml690(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml692(primary)
msgid "auditor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml696(para)
msgid ""
"A worker process that verifies the integrity of Object Storage objects, "
"containers, and accounts. Auditors is the collective term for the Object "
"Storage account auditor, container auditor, and object auditor."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml704(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml706(primary)
msgid "Austin"
msgstr "Austin"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml710(para)
msgid ""
"The code name for the initial release of OpenStack. The first design summit "
"took place in Austin, Texas, US."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml717(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml719(primary)
msgid "auth node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml723(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an Object Storage authorization node."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml729(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml731(primary)
msgid "authentication"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml735(para)
msgid ""
"The process that confirms that the user, process, or client is really who "
"they say they are through private key, secret token, password, fingerprint, "
"or similar method."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml742(glossterm)
msgid "authentication token"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml744(primary)
msgid "authentication tokens"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml748(para)
msgid ""
"A string of text provided to the client after authentication. Must be "
"provided by the user or process in subsequent requests to the API endpoint."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml755(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml757(primary)
msgid "AuthN"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml761(para)
msgid "The Identity Service component that provides authentication services."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml767(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml769(primary)
msgid "authorization"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml773(para)
msgid ""
"The act of verifying that a user, process, or client is authorized to "
"perform an action."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml779(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml781(primary)
msgid "authorization node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml785(para)
msgid "An Object Storage node that provides authorization services."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml791(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml793(primary)
msgid "AuthZ"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml797(para)
msgid ""
"The Identity Service component that provides high-level authorization "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml803(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml805(primary)
msgid "Auto ACK"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml809(para)
msgid ""
"Configuration setting within RabbitMQ that enables or disables message "
"acknowledgment. Enabled by default."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml815(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml817(primary)
msgid "auto declare"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml821(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute RabbitMQ setting that determines whether a message exchange is "
"automatically created when the program starts."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml827(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml829(primary)
msgid "availability zone"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml833(para)
msgid ""
"An Amazon EC2 concept of an isolated area that is used for fault tolerance. "
"Do not confuse with an OpenStack Compute zone or cell."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml840(glossterm)
msgid "AWS"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml842(primary)
msgid "AWS (Amazon Web Services)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml846(para)
msgid "Amazon Web Services."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml851(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml853(primary)
msgid "AWS CloudFormation template"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml857(para)
msgid ""
"AWS CloudFormation allows AWS users to create and manage a collection of "
"related resources. The Orchestration module supports a CloudFormation-"
"compatible format (CFN)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml869(title)
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml872(glossterm)
msgid "back end"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml874(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml889(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml905(primary)
msgid "back-end interactions"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml880(para)
msgid ""
"Interactions and processes that are obfuscated from the user, such as "
"Compute volume mount, data transmission to an iSCSI target by a daemon, or "
"Object Storage object integrity checks."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml887(glossterm)
msgid "back-end catalog"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml891(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1332(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1334(primary)
msgid "catalog"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml895(para)
msgid ""
"The storage method used by the Identity Service catalog service to store and"
" retrieve information about API endpoints that are available to the client. "
"Examples include a SQL database, LDAP database, or KVS back end."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml903(glossterm)
msgid "back-end store"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml907(secondary)
msgid "store"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml911(para)
msgid ""
"The persistent data store used to save and retrieve information for a "
"service, such as lists of Object Storage objects, current state of guest "
"VMs, lists of user names, and so on. Also, the method that the Image Service"
" uses to get and store VM images. Options include Object Storage, local file"
" system, S3, and HTTP."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml920(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml922(primary)
msgid "bandwidth"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml928(para)
msgid ""
"The amount of available data used by communication resources, such as the "
"Internet. Represents the amount of data that is used to download things or "
"the amount of data available to download."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml935(glossterm)
msgid "bare"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml937(primary)
msgid "bare, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml941(para)
msgid ""
"An Image Service container format that indicates that no container exists "
"for the VM image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml947(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml949(primary)
msgid "base image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml953(para)
msgid "An OpenStack-provided image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml958(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml960(primary)
msgid "Bell-LaPadula model"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml964(para)
msgid ""
"A security model that focuses on data confidentiality and controlled access "
"to classified information. This model divide the entities into subjects and "
"objects. The clearance of a subject is compared to the classification of the"
" object to determine if the subject is authorized for the specific access "
"mode. The clearance or classification scheme is expressed in terms of a "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml974(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml976(primary)
msgid "Bexar"
msgstr "Bexar"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml980(para)
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in February"
" of 2011. It included only Compute (nova) and Object Storage (swift)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml983(para)
msgid ""
"Bexar is the code name for the second release of OpenStack. The design "
"summit took place in San Antonio, Texas, US, which is the county seat for "
"Bexar county."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml990(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml992(primary)
msgid "binary"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml998(para)
msgid ""
"Information that consists solely of ones and zeroes, which is the language "
"of computers."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1004(glossterm)
msgid "bit"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1006(primary)
msgid "bits, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1010(para)
msgid ""
"A bit is a single digit number that is in base of 2 (either a zero or one). "
"Bandwidth usage is measured in bits per second."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1016(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1018(primary)
msgid "bits per second (BPS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1022(para)
msgid ""
"The universal measurement of how quickly data is transferred from place to "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1028(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1030(primary)
msgid "block device"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1034(para)
msgid ""
"A device that moves data in the form of blocks. These device nodes interface"
" the devices, such as hard disks, CD-ROM drives, flash drives, and other "
"addressable regions of memory."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1041(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1043(primary)
msgid "block migration"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1047(para)
msgid ""
"A method of VM live migration used by KVM to evacuate instances from one "
"host to another with very little downtime during a user-initiated "
"switchover. Does not require shared storage. Supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1055(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1057(primary)
msgid "Block Storage"
msgstr "块存储"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1061(para)
msgid ""
"The OpenStack core project that enables management of volumes, volume "
"snapshots, and volume types. The project name of Block Storage is cinder."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目,它管理卷、卷快照,以及卷类型。块存储的项目名称叫做cinder。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1068(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1070(primary)
msgid "Block Storage API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1074(para)
msgid ""
"An API on a separate endpoint for attaching, detaching, and creating block "
"storage for compute VMs."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1081(glossterm)
msgid "BMC"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1083(primary)
msgid "BMC (Baseboard Management Controller)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1087(para)
msgid ""
"Baseboard Management Controller. The intelligence in the IPMI architecture, "
"which is a specialized micro-controller that is embedded on the motherboard "
"of a computer and acts as a server. Manages the interface between system "
"management software and platform hardware."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1096(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1098(primary)
msgid "bootable disk image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1102(para)
msgid "A type of VM image that exists as a single, bootable file."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1108(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1110(primary)
msgid "Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1114(para)
msgid ""
"A network protocol used by a network client to obtain an IP address from a "
"configuration server. Provided in Compute through the dnsmasq daemon when "
"using either the FlatDHCP manager or VLAN manager network manager."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1122(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1124(primary)
msgid "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)"
msgstr "边界网关协议(BGP)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1127(para)
msgid ""
"The Border Gateway Protocol is a dynamic routing protocol that connects "
"autonomous systems. Considered the backbone of the Internet, this protocol "
"connects disparate networks to form a larger network."
msgstr "边界网关协议是连接到自主系统的动态路由协议。想想下互联网的背后,此协议连接不同的网络以形成更大的网络。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1136(glossterm)
msgid "browser"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1138(primary)
msgid "browsers, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1142(para)
msgid ""
"Any client software that enables a computer or device to access the "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1148(glossterm)
msgid "builder file"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1150(primary)
msgid "builder files"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1154(para)
msgid ""
"Contains configuration information that Object Storage uses to reconfigure a"
" ring or to re-create it from scratch after a serious failure."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1161(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1163(primary)
msgid "bursting"
msgstr "暴发"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1167(para)
msgid ""
"The practice of utilizing a secondary environment to elastically build "
"instances on-demand when the primary environment is resource constrained."
msgstr "当主要环境的资源出现瓶颈时,第二环境按照需求动态构建实例。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1176(glossterm)
msgid "button class"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1178(primary)
msgid "button classes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1182(para)
msgid ""
"A group of related button types within horizon. Buttons to start, stop, and "
"suspend VMs are in one class. Buttons to associate and disassociate floating"
" IP addresses are in another class, and so on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1190(glossterm)
msgid "byte"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1192(primary)
msgid "bytes, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1196(para)
msgid ""
"Set of bits that make up a single character; there are usually 8 bits to a "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1205(title)
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1208(glossterm)
msgid "CA"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1210(primary)
msgid "CA (Certificate/Certification Authority)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1214(para)
msgid ""
"Certificate Authority or Certification Authority. In cryptography, an entity"
" that issues digital certificates. The digital certificate certifies the "
"ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate. This "
"enables others (relying parties) to rely upon signatures or assertions made "
"by the private key that corresponds to the certified public key. In this "
"model of trust relationships, a CA is a trusted third party for both the "
"subject (owner) of the certificate and the party relying upon the "
"certificate. CAs are characteristic of many public key infrastructure (PKI) "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1228(glossterm)
msgid "cache pruner"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1230(primary)
msgid "cache pruners"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1234(para)
msgid ""
"A program that keeps the Image Service VM image cache at or below its "
"configured maximum size."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1240(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1242(primary)
msgid "Cactus"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1246(para)
msgid ""
"An OpenStack grouped release of projects that came out in the spring of "
"2011. It included Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), and the Image "
"Service (glance)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1249(para)
msgid ""
"Cactus is a city in Texas, US and is the code name for the third release of "
"OpenStack. When OpenStack releases went from three to six months long, the "
"code name of the release changed to match a geography nearest the previous "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1257(glossterm)
msgid "CADF"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1259(para)
msgid ""
"Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) is a specification for audit event "
"data. CADF is supported by OpenStack Identity."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1268(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1270(primary)
msgid "CALL"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1274(para)
msgid ""
"One of the RPC primitives used by the OpenStack message queue software. "
"Sends a message and waits for a response."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1280(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1282(primary)
msgid "capability"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1288(para)
msgid ""
"Defines resources for a cell, including CPU, storage, and networking. Can "
"apply to the specific services within a cell or a whole cell."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1295(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1297(primary)
msgid "capacity cache"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1301(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute back-end database table that contains the current workload, amount"
" of free RAM, and number of VMs running on each host. Used to determine on "
"which VM a host starts."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1308(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1310(primary)
msgid "capacity updater"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1314(para)
msgid ""
"A notification driver that monitors VM instances and updates the capacity "
"cache as needed."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1320(glossterm)
msgid "CAST"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1322(primary)
msgid "CAST (RPC primitive)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1326(para)
msgid ""
"One of the RPC primitives used by the OpenStack message queue software. "
"Sends a message and does not wait for a response."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1338(para)
msgid ""
"A list of API endpoints that are available to a user after authentication "
"with the Identity Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1344(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1346(primary)
msgid "catalog service"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1350(para)
msgid ""
"An Identity Service that lists API endpoints that are available to a user "
"after authentication with the Identity Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1356(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1358(primary)
msgid "ceilometer"
msgstr "ceilometer"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1362(para)
msgid ""
"The project name for the Telemetry service, which is an integrated project "
"that provides metering and measuring facilities for OpenStack."
msgstr "是遥测服务的项目名称,此服务整合OpenStack中提供计量和测量的项目。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1369(glossterm)
msgid "cell"
msgstr "单元"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1371(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1387(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1402(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1514(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6078(primary)
msgid "cells"
msgstr "单元"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1377(para)
msgid ""
"Provides logical partitioning of Compute resources in a child and parent "
"relationship. Requests are passed from parent cells to child cells if the "
"parent cannot provide the requested resource."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1385(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1389(secondary)
msgid "cell forwarding"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1393(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute option that enables parent cells to pass resource requests to "
"child cells if the parent cannot provide the requested resource."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1400(glossterm)
msgid "cell manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1404(secondary)
msgid "cell managers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1408(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute component that contains a list of the current capabilities of "
"each host within the cell and routes requests as appropriate."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1415(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1417(primary)
msgid "CentOS"
msgstr "CentOS"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1421(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2279(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6028(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6857(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7913(para)
msgid "A Linux distribution that is compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr "OpenStack兼容的一个Linux发行版。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1426(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1428(primary)
msgid "Ceph"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1432(para)
msgid ""
"Massively scalable distributed storage system that consists of an object "
"store, block store, and POSIX-compatible distributed file system. Compatible"
" with OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1439(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1441(primary)
msgid "CephFS"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1445(para)
msgid "The POSIX-compliant file system provided by Ceph."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1450(glossterm)
msgid "certificate authority"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1452(primary)
msgid "certificate authority (Compute)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1456(para)
msgid ""
"A simple certificate authority provided by Compute for cloudpipe VPNs and VM"
" image decryption."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1462(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1465(primary)
msgid "Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1470(para)
msgid "An iSCSI authentication method supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1475(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1477(primary)
msgid "chance scheduler"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1481(para)
msgid ""
"A scheduling method used by Compute that randomly chooses an available host "
"from the pool."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1487(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1489(primary)
msgid "changes since"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1493(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute API parameter that downloads changes to the requested item since "
"your last request, instead of downloading a new, fresh set of data and "
"comparing it against the old data."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1500(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1502(primary)
msgid "Chef"
msgstr "Chef"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1506(para)
msgid ""
"An operating system configuration management tool supporting OpenStack "
msgstr "操作系统配置管理工具,支持OpenStack的部署。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1512(glossterm)
msgid "child cell"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1516(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1519(primary)
msgid "child cells"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1523(para)
msgid ""
"If a requested resource such as CPU time, disk storage, or memory is not "
"available in the parent cell, the request is forwarded to its associated "
"child cells. If the child cell can fulfill the request, it does. Otherwise, "
"it attempts to pass the request to any of its children."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1532(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1534(primary)
msgid "cinder"
msgstr "cinder"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1538(para)
msgid "A core OpenStack project that provides block storage services for VMs."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目,为虚拟机提供块存储服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1544(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1546(primary)
msgid "CirrOS"
msgstr "CirrOS"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1550(para)
msgid ""
"A minimal Linux distribution designed for use as a test image on clouds such"
" as OpenStack."
msgstr "在云环境(例如OpenStack)中用于测试镜像,按照最小的Linux发行版来设计。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1556(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1558(primary)
msgid "Cisco neutron plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1562(para)
msgid ""
"A Networking plug-in for Cisco devices and technologies, including UCS and "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1568(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1570(primary)
msgid "cloud architect"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1574(para)
msgid "A person who plans, designs, and oversees the creation of clouds."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1580(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1582(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1598(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1614(primary)
msgid "cloud computing"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1588(para)
msgid ""
"A model that enables access to a shared pool of configurable computing "
"resources, such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services, "
"that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort "
"or service provider interaction."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1596(glossterm)
msgid "cloud controller"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1600(secondary)
msgid "cloud controllers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1604(para)
msgid ""
"Collection of Compute components that represent the global state of the "
"cloud; talks to services, such as Identity Service authentication, Object "
"Storage, and node/storage workers through a queue."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1612(glossterm)
msgid "cloud controller node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1616(secondary)
msgid "cloud controller nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1620(para)
msgid ""
"A node that runs network, volume, API, scheduler, and image services. Each "
"service may be broken out into separate nodes for scalability or "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1627(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1630(primary)
msgid "Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1634(para)
msgid ""
"SINA standard that defines a RESTful API for managing objects in the cloud, "
"currently unsupported in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1640(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1643(primary)
msgid "Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1647(para)
msgid ""
"An in-progress specification for cloud management. Currently unsupported in "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1653(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1655(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1682(see)
msgid "cloud-init"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1659(para)
msgid ""
"A package commonly installed in VM images that performs initialization of an"
" instance after boot using information that it retrieves from the metadata "
"service, such as the SSH public key and user data."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1667(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1669(primary)
msgid "cloudadmin"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1673(para)
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Grants complete system "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1679(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1681(primary)
msgid "Cloudbase-Init"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1686(para)
msgid ""
"A Windows project providing guest initialization features, similar to cloud-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1692(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1694(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1708(primary)
msgid "cloudpipe"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1700(para)
msgid "A compute service that creates VPNs on a per-project basis."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1706(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1710(secondary)
msgid "cloudpipe image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1714(para)
msgid ""
"A pre-made VM image that serves as a cloudpipe server. Essentially, OpenVPN "
"running on Linux."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1720(glossterm)
msgid "CMDB"
msgstr "CMDB"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1722(primary)
msgid "CMDB (Configuration Management Database)"
msgstr "CMDB(配置管理数据库)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1726(para)
msgid "Configuration Management Database."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1731(glossterm)
msgid "command filter"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1733(primary)
msgid "command filters"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1737(para)
msgid "Lists allowed commands within the Compute rootwrap facility."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1743(glossterm)
msgid "community project"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1745(primary)
msgid "community projects"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1749(para)
msgid ""
"A project that is not officially endorsed by the OpenStack Foundation. If "
"the project is successful enough, it might be elevated to an incubated "
"project and then to a core project, or it might be merged with the main code"
" trunk."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1757(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1759(primary)
msgid "compression"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1763(para)
msgid ""
"Reducing the size of files by special encoding, the file can be decompressed"
" again to its original content. OpenStack supports compression at the Linux "
"file system level but does not support compression for things such as Object"
" Storage objects or Image Service VM images."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1772(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1774(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1788(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1803(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1817(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1846(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1859(primary)
msgid "Compute"
msgstr "计算"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1780(para)
msgid ""
"The OpenStack core project that provides compute services. The project name "
"of Compute service is nova."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目,提供计算服务。项目名称为nova。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1786(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1790(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5707(secondary)
msgid "Compute API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1794(para)
msgid ""
"The <systemitem class=\"service\">nova-api</systemitem> daemon provides "
"access to nova services. Can communicate with other APIs, such as the Amazon"
" EC2 API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1801(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1805(secondary)
msgid "compute controller"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1809(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute component that chooses suitable hosts on which to start VM "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1815(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1819(secondary)
msgid "compute host"
msgstr "计算主机"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1823(para)
msgid "Physical host dedicated to running compute nodes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1828(glossterm)
msgid "compute node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1830(primary)
msgid "compute nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1836(para)
msgid ""
"A node that runs the <systemitem class=\"service\">nova-compute</systemitem>"
" daemon that manages VM instances that <phrase role=\"keep-"
"together\">provide</phrase> a wide range of services, such as web "
"applications and analytics."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1844(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1848(secondary)
msgid "Compute service"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1852(para)
msgid "Name for the Compute component that manages VMs."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1857(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1861(secondary)
msgid "compute worker"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1865(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute component that runs on each compute node and manages the VM "
"instance life cycle, including run, reboot, terminate, attach/detach "
"volumes, and so on. Provided by the <systemitem class=\"service\">nova-"
"compute</systemitem> daemon."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1873(glossterm)
msgid "concatenated object"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1875(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5036(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5739(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5753(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5767(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5782(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5795(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5809(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5823(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5878(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7340(primary)
msgid "objects"
msgstr "对象"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1877(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1880(primary)
msgid "concatenated objects"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1884(para)
msgid ""
"A set of segment objects that Object Storage combines and sends to the "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1890(glossterm)
msgid "conductor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1892(primary)
msgid "conductors"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1896(para)
msgid ""
"In Compute, conductor is the process that proxies database requests from the"
" compute process. Using conductor improves security because compute nodes do"
" not need direct access to the database."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1904(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1906(primary)
msgid "consistency window"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1910(para)
msgid ""
"The amount of time it takes for a new Object Storage object to become "
"accessible to all clients."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1916(glossterm)
msgid "console log"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1918(primary)
msgid "console logs"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1922(para)
msgid "Contains the output from a Linux VM console in Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1927(glossterm)
msgid "container"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1929(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1944(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1959(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1974(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1989(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2002(primary)
msgid "containers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1935(para)
msgid ""
"Organizes and stores objects in Object Storage. Similar to the concept of a "
"Linux directory but cannot be nested. Alternative term for an Image Service "
"container format."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1942(glossterm)
msgid "container auditor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1946(secondary)
msgid "container auditors"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1950(para)
msgid ""
"Checks for missing replicas or incorrect objects in specified Object Storage"
" containers through queries to the SQLite back-end database."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1957(glossterm)
msgid "container database"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1961(secondary)
msgid "container databases"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1965(para)
msgid ""
"A SQLite database that stores Object Storage containers and container "
"metadata. The container server accesses this database."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1972(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1976(secondary)
msgid "container format"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1980(para)
msgid ""
"A wrapper used by the Image Service that contains a VM image and its "
"associated metadata, such as machine state, OS disk size, and so on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1987(glossterm)
msgid "container server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1991(secondary)
msgid "container servers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml1995(para)
msgid "An Object Storage server that manages containers."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2000(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2004(secondary)
msgid "container service"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2008(para)
msgid ""
"The Object Storage component that provides container services, such as "
"create, delete, list, and so on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2014(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2016(primary)
msgid "content delivery network (CDN)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2020(para)
msgid ""
"A content delivery network is a specialized network that is used to "
"distribute content to clients, typically located close to the client for "
"increased performance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2030(glossterm)
msgid "controller node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2032(primary)
msgid "controller nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2034(see)
msgid "under cloud computing"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2038(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a cloud controller node."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2043(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2045(primary)
msgid "core API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2049(para)
msgid ""
"Depending on context, the core API is either the OpenStack API or the main "
"API of a specific core project, such as Compute, Networking, Image Service, "
"and so on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2056(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2058(primary)
msgid "core project"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2062(para)
msgid ""
"An official OpenStack project. Currently consists of Compute (nova), Object "
"Storage (swift), Image Service (glance), Identity (keystone), Dashboard "
"(horizon), Networking (neutron), and Block Storage (cinder). The Telemetry "
"module (ceilometer) and Orchestration module (heat) are integrated projects "
"as of the Havana release. In the Icehouse release, the Database module "
"(trove) gains integrated project status."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2073(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2075(primary)
msgid "cost"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2079(para)
msgid ""
"Under the Compute distributed scheduler, this is calculated by looking at "
"the capabilities of each host relative to the flavor of the VM instance "
"being requested."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2086(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2088(primary)
msgid "credentials"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2092(para)
msgid ""
"Data that is only known to or accessible by a user and used to verify that "
"the user is who he says he is. Credentials are presented to the server "
"during authentication. Examples include a password, secret key, digital "
"certificate, and fingerprint."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2100(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2102(primary)
msgid "Crowbar"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2106(para)
msgid ""
"An open source community project by Dell that aims to provide all necessary "
"services to quickly deploy clouds."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2112(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2114(primary)
msgid "current workload"
msgstr "当前负载"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2118(para)
msgid ""
"An element of the Compute capacity cache that is calculated based on the "
"number of build, snapshot, migrate, and resize operations currently in "
"progress on a given host."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2125(glossterm)
msgid "customer"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2127(primary)
msgid "customers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2129(see)
msgid "tenants"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2133(para)
msgid "Alternative term for tenant."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2138(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2140(primary)
msgid "customization module"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2144(para)
msgid ""
"A user-created Python module that is loaded by horizon to change the look "
"and feel of the dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2153(title)
msgid "D"
msgstr "D"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2156(glossterm)
msgid "daemon"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2158(primary)
msgid "daemons"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2164(para)
msgid ""
"A process that runs in the background and waits for requests. May or may not"
" listen on a TCP or UDP port. Do not confuse with a worker."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2171(glossterm)
msgid "DAC"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2173(primary)
msgid "DAC (discretionary access control)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2177(para)
msgid ""
"Discretionary access control. Governs the ability of subjects to access "
"objects, while enabling users to make policy decisions and assign security "
"attributes. The traditional UNIX system of users, groups, and read-write-"
"execute permissions is an example of DAC."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2186(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2188(primary)
msgid "dashboard"
msgstr "仪表盘"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2192(para)
msgid ""
"The web-based management interface for OpenStack. An alternative name for "
msgstr "OpenStack基于web的管理接口。项目名称为horizon。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2198(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2202(secondary)
msgid "data encryption"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2200(primary)
msgid "data"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2206(para)
msgid ""
"Both Image Service and Compute support encrypted virtual machine (VM) images"
" (but not instances). In-transit data encryption is supported in OpenStack "
"using technologies such as HTTPS, SSL, TLS, and SSH. Object Storage does not"
" support object encryption at the application level but may support storage "
"that uses disk <phrase role=\"keep-together\">encryption</phrase>."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2216(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2220(secondary)
msgid "database ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2218(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2232(primary)
msgid "databases"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2224(para)
msgid "A unique ID given to each replica of an Object Storage database."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2230(glossterm)
msgid "database replicator"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2234(secondary)
msgid "database replicators"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2238(para)
msgid ""
"An Object Storage component that copies changes in the account, container, "
"and object databases to other nodes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2244(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2246(primary)
msgid "Database Service"
msgstr "数据库"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2250(para)
msgid ""
"An integrated project that provide scalable and reliable Cloud Database-"
"as-a-Service functionality for both relational and non-relational database "
"engines. The project name of Database Service is trove."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2260(glossterm)
msgid "deallocate"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2262(primary)
msgid "deallocate, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2266(para)
msgid ""
"The process of removing the association between a floating IP address and a "
"fixed IP address. Once this association is removed, the floating IP returns "
"to the address pool."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2273(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2275(primary)
msgid "Debian"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2284(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2286(primary)
msgid "deduplication"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2290(para)
msgid ""
"The process of finding duplicate data at the disk block, file, and/or object"
" level to minimize storage usecurrently unsupported within OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2297(glossterm)
msgid "default panel"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2299(primary)
msgid "default panels"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2303(para)
msgid ""
"The default panel that is displayed when a user accesses the horizon "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2309(glossterm)
msgid "default tenant"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2311(primary)
msgid "default tenants"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2315(para)
msgid ""
"New users are assigned to this tenant if no tenant is specified when a user "
"is created."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2321(glossterm)
msgid "default token"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2323(primary)
msgid "default tokens"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2327(para)
msgid ""
"An Identity Service token that is not associated with a specific tenant and "
"is exchanged for a scoped token."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2333(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2335(primary)
msgid "delayed delete"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2339(para)
msgid ""
"An option within Image Service so that an image is deleted after a "
"predefined number of seconds instead of immediately."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2345(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2347(primary)
msgid "delivery mode"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2351(para)
msgid ""
"Setting for the Compute RabbitMQ message delivery mode; can be set to either"
" transient or persistent."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2357(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2359(primary)
msgid "denial of service (DoS)"
msgstr "拒绝服务(DoS)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2363(para)
msgid ""
"Denial of service (DoS) is a short form for denial-of-service attack. This "
"is a malicious attempt to prevent legitimate users from using a service."
msgstr "拒绝服务(DoS)是拒绝服务攻击的缩写。这是一个恶意的企图阻止合法用户使用服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2371(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2373(primary)
msgid "deprecated auth"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2377(para)
msgid ""
"An option within Compute that enables administrators to create and manage "
"users through the <literal>nova-manage</literal> command as opposed to using"
" the Identity Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2384(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2386(primary)
msgid "Desktop-as-a-Service"
msgstr "桌面即服务"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2390(para)
msgid ""
"A platform that provides a suite of desktop environments that users may log "
"in to receive a desktop experience from any location. This may provide "
"general use, development, or even homogeneous testing environments."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2400(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2402(primary)
msgid "developer"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2406(para)
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system and the default role "
"assigned to a new user."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2412(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2414(primary)
msgid "device ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2418(para)
msgid "Maps Object Storage partitions to physical storage devices."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2424(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2426(primary)
msgid "device weight"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2430(para)
msgid ""
"Distributes partitions proportionately across Object Storage devices based "
"on the storage capacity of each device."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2436(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2438(primary)
msgid "DevStack"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2444(para)
msgid ""
"Community project that uses shell scripts to quickly build complete "
"OpenStack development environments."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2450(glossterm)
msgid "DHCP"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2452(primary)
msgid "DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2454(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3846(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3976(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4056(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4071(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5987(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6822(secondary)
msgid "basics of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2458(para)
msgid ""
"Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network protocol that configures "
"devices that are connected to a network so that they can communicate on that"
" network by using the Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol is implemented in"
" a client-server model where DHCP clients request configuration data, such "
"as an IP address, a default route, and one or more DNS server addresses from"
" a DHCP server."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2468(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2470(primary)
msgid "DHCP agent"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2474(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides DHCP services for virtual networks."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2480(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2482(primary)
msgid "Diablo"
msgstr "Diablo"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2486(para)
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in the fall"
" of 2011, the fourth release of OpenStack. It included Compute (nova "
"2011.3), Object Storage (swift 1.4.3), and the Image Service (glance)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2490(para)
msgid ""
"Diablo is the code name for the fourth release of OpenStack. The design "
"summit took place in in the Bay Area near Santa Clara, California, US and "
"Diablo is a nearby city."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2498(glossterm)
msgid "direct consumer"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2500(primary)
msgid "direct consumers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2504(para)
msgid ""
"An element of the Compute RabbitMQ that comes to life when a RPC call is "
"executed. It connects to a direct exchange through a unique exclusive queue,"
" sends the message, and terminates."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2511(glossterm)
msgid "direct exchange"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2513(primary)
msgid "direct exchanges"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2517(para)
msgid ""
"A routing table that is created within the Compute RabbitMQ during RPC "
"calls; one is created for each RPC call that is invoked."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2524(glossterm)
msgid "direct publisher"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2526(primary)
msgid "direct publishers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2530(para)
msgid ""
"Element of RabbitMQ that provides a response to an incoming MQ message."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2536(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2538(primary)
msgid "disassociate"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2542(para)
msgid ""
"The process of removing the association between a floating IP address and "
"fixed IP and thus returning the floating IP address to the address pool."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2549(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2551(primary)
msgid "disk encryption"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2555(para)
msgid ""
"The ability to encrypt data at the file system, disk partition, or whole-"
"disk level. Supported within Compute VMs."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2561(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2563(primary)
msgid "disk format"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2567(para)
msgid ""
"The underlying format that a disk image for a VM is stored as within the "
"Image Service back-end store. For example, AMI, ISO, QCOW2, VMDK, and so on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2574(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2576(primary)
msgid "dispersion"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2580(para)
msgid ""
"In Object Storage, tools to test and ensure dispersion of objects and "
"containers to ensure fault tolerance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2586(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2588(primary)
msgid "distributed virtual router (DVR)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2592(para)
msgid ""
"Mechanism for highly-available multi-host routing when using OpenStack "
"Networking (neutron)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2598(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2600(primary)
msgid "Django"
msgstr "Django"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2604(para)
msgid ""
"A web framework used extensively in <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr "<phrase role=\"keep-together\">horizon</phrase>项目所使用web框架。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2610(glossterm)
msgid "DNS"
msgstr "DNS"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2612(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2628(primary)
msgid "DNS (Domain Name Server, Service or System)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2614(secondary)
msgid "definitions of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2618(para)
msgid ""
"Domain Name Server. A hierarchical and distributed naming system for "
"computers, services, and resources connected to the Internet or a private "
"network. Associates a human-friendly names to IP addresses."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2626(glossterm)
msgid "DNS record"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2630(secondary)
msgid "DNS records"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2634(para)
msgid ""
"A record that specifies information about a particular domain and belongs to"
" the domain."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2640(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2642(primary)
msgid "dnsmasq"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2646(para)
msgid ""
"Daemon that provides DNS, DHCP, BOOTP, and TFTP services for virtual "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2652(glossterm)
msgid "domain"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2654(primary)
msgid "domain, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2658(para)
msgid ""
"Separates a website from other sites. Often, the domain name has two or more"
" parts that are separated by dots. For example, yahoo.com, usa.gov, "
"harvard.edu, or mail.yahoo.com."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2662(para)
msgid ""
"A domain is an entity or container of all DNS-related information containing"
" one or more records."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2668(glossterm)
msgid "Domain Name Service (DNS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2671(para)
msgid ""
"In Compute, the support that enables associating DNS entries with floating "
"IP addresses, nodes, or cells so that hostnames are consistent across "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2678(glossterm)
msgid "Domain Name System (DNS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2681(para)
msgid ""
"A system by which Internet domain name-to-address and address-to-name "
"resolutions are determined."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2684(para)
msgid ""
"DNS helps navigate the Internet by translating the IP address into an "
"address that is easier to remember For example, translating "
"into www.yahoo.com."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2688(para)
msgid ""
"All domains and their components, such as mail servers, utilize DNS to "
"resolve to the appropriate locations. DNS servers are usually set up in a "
"master-slave relationship such that failure of the master invokes the slave."
" DNS servers might also be clustered or replicated such that changes made to"
" one DNS server are automatically propagated to other active servers."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2698(glossterm)
msgid "download"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2700(primary)
msgid "download, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2704(para)
msgid ""
"The transfer of data, usually in the form of files, from one computer to "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2710(glossterm)
msgid "DRTM"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2712(primary)
msgid "DRTM (dynamic root of trust measurement)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2716(para)
msgid "Dynamic root of trust measurement."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2721(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2723(primary)
msgid "durable exchange"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2727(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute RabbitMQ message exchange that remains active when the server "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2733(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2735(primary)
msgid "durable queue"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2739(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute RabbitMQ message queue that remains active when the server "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2745(glossterm)
msgid "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2748(para)
msgid ""
"A method to automatically configure networking for a host at boot time. "
"Provided by both Networking and Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2754(glossterm)
msgid "Dynamic HyperText Markup Language (DHTML)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2757(primary)
msgid "DHTML (Dynamic HyperText Markup Language)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2761(para)
msgid ""
"Pages that use HTML, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets to enable users "
"to interact with a web page or show simple animation."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2771(title)
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2774(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2776(primary)
msgid "east-west traffic"
msgstr "东西向流量"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2780(para)
msgid ""
"Network traffic between servers in the same cloud or data center. See also "
"north-south traffic."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2787(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2789(primary)
msgid "EBS boot volume"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2793(para)
msgid ""
"An Amazon EBS storage volume that contains a bootable VM image, currently "
"unsupported in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2799(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2801(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3029(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3031(primary)
msgid "ebtables"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2805(para)
msgid ""
"Used in Compute along with arptables, iptables, and ip6tables to create "
"firewalls and to ensure isolation of network communications."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2812(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2823(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2837(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2851(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2865(primary)
msgid "EC2"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2815(para)
msgid "The Amazon commercial compute product, similar to Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2821(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2825(secondary)
msgid "EC2 access key"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2829(para)
msgid "Used along with an EC2 secret key to access the Compute EC2 API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2835(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2839(secondary)
msgid "EC2 API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2843(para)
msgid "OpenStack supports accessing the Amazon EC2 API through Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2849(glossterm)
msgid "EC2 Compatibility API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2853(secondary)
msgid "EC2 compatibility API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2857(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute component that enables OpenStack to communicate with Amazon EC2."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2863(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2867(secondary)
msgid "EC2 secret key"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2871(para)
msgid ""
"Used along with an EC2 access key when communicating with the Compute EC2 "
"API; used to digitally sign each request."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2877(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2879(primary)
msgid "Elastic Block Storage (EBS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2883(para)
msgid "The Amazon commercial block storage product."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2888(glossterm)
msgid "encryption"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2890(primary)
msgid "encryption, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2894(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack supports encryption technologies such as HTTPS, SSH, SSL, TLS, "
"digital certificates, and data encryption."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2900(glossterm)
msgid "endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2903(para)
msgid "See API endpoint."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2908(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2912(secondary)
msgid "endpoint registry"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2916(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an Identity Service catalog."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2921(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2923(primary)
msgid "encapsulation"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2927(para)
msgid ""
"The practice of placing one packet type within another for the purposes of "
"abstracting or securing data. Examples include GRE, MPLS, or IPsec."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2936(glossterm)
msgid "endpoint template"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2940(secondary)
msgid "endpoint templates"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2944(para)
msgid ""
"A list of URL and port number endpoints that indicate where a service, such "
"as Object Storage, Compute, Identity, and so on, can be accessed."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2951(glossterm)
msgid "entity"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2953(primary)
msgid "entity, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2957(para)
msgid ""
"Any piece of hardware or software that wants to connect to the network "
"services provided by Networking, the network connectivity service. An entity"
" can make use of Networking by implementing a VIF."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2965(glossterm)
msgid "ephemeral image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2967(primary)
msgid "ephemeral images"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2971(para)
msgid ""
"A VM image that does not save changes made to its volumes and reverts them "
"to their original state after the instance is terminated."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2978(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2980(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5672(see)
msgid "ephemeral volume"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2984(para)
msgid ""
"Volume that does not save the changes made to it and reverts to its original"
" state when the current user relinquishes control."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2990(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2992(primary)
msgid "Essex"
msgstr "Essex"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml2996(para)
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in April "
"2012, the fifth release of OpenStack. It included Compute (nova 2012.1), "
"Object Storage (swift 1.4.8), Image (glance), Identity (keystone), and "
"Dashboard (horizon)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3000(para)
msgid ""
"Essex is the code name for the fifth release of OpenStack. The design summit"
" took place in Boston, Massachusetts, US and Essex is a nearby city."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3007(glossterm)
msgid "ESX"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3009(primary)
msgid "ESX hypervisor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3013(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3024(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4910(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8406(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8639(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8869(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8970(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8997(para)
msgid "An OpenStack-supported hypervisor."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3018(glossterm)
msgid "ESXi"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3020(primary)
msgid "ESXi hypervisor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3035(para)
msgid ""
"Filtering tool for a Linux bridging firewall, enabling filtering of network "
"traffic passing through a Linux bridge. Used to restrict communications "
"between hosts and/or nodes in OpenStack Compute along with iptables, "
"arptables, and ip6tables."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3043(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3045(primary)
msgid "ETag"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3049(para)
msgid ""
"MD5 hash of an object within Object Storage, used to ensure data integrity."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3055(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3057(primary)
msgid "euca2ools"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3061(para)
msgid ""
"A collection of command-line tools for administering VMs; most are "
"compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3067(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3069(primary)
msgid "Eucalyptus Kernel Image (EKI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3073(para)
msgid "Used along with an ERI to create an EMI."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3078(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3080(primary)
msgid "Eucalyptus Machine Image (EMI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3084(para)
msgid "VM image container format supported by Image Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3089(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3091(primary)
msgid "Eucalyptus Ramdisk Image (ERI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3095(para)
msgid "Used along with an EKI to create an EMI."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3100(glossterm)
msgid "evacuate"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3102(primary)
msgid "evacuation, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3106(para)
msgid ""
"The process of migrating one or all virtual machine (VM) instances from one "
"host to another, compatible with both shared storage live migration and "
"block migration."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3113(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3115(primary)
msgid "exchange"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3119(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a RabbitMQ message exchange."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3124(glossterm)
msgid "exchange type"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3126(primary)
msgid "exchange types"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3130(para)
msgid "A routing algorithm in the Compute RabbitMQ."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3135(glossterm)
msgid "exclusive queue"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3137(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8291(primary)
msgid "queues"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3139(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3142(primary)
msgid "exclusive queues"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3146(para)
msgid ""
"Connected to by a direct consumer in RabbitMQCompute, the message can be "
"consumed only by the current connection."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3152(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3154(primary)
msgid "extended attributes (xattr)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3158(para)
msgid ""
"File system option that enables storage of additional information beyond "
"owner, group, permissions, modification time, and so on. The underlying "
"Object Storage file system must support extended attributes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3166(glossterm)
msgid "extension"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3168(primary)
msgid "extensions"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3174(para)
msgid ""
"Alternative term for an API extension or plug-in. In the context of Identity"
" Service, this is a call that is specific to the implementation, such as "
"adding support for OpenID."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3181(glossterm)
msgid "external network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3183(primary)
msgid "external network, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3187(para)
msgid "A network segment typically used for instance Internet access."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3193(glossterm)
msgid "extra specs"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3195(primary)
msgid "extra specs, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3199(para)
msgid ""
"Specifies additional requirements when Compute determines where to start a "
"new instance. Examples include a minimum amount of network bandwidth or a "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3209(title)
msgid "F"
msgstr "F"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3212(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3214(primary)
msgid "FakeLDAP"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3218(para)
msgid ""
"An easy method to create a local LDAP directory for testing Identity Service"
" and Compute. Requires Redis."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3224(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3226(primary)
msgid "fan-out exchange"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3230(para)
msgid ""
"Within RabbitMQ and Compute, it is the messaging interface that is used by "
"the scheduler service to receive capability messages from the compute, "
"volume, and network nodes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3237(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3239(primary)
msgid "federated identity"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3243(para)
msgid ""
"A method to establish trusts between identity providers and the OpenStack "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3249(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3251(primary)
msgid "Fedora"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3255(para)
msgid "A Linux distribution compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3260(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3262(primary)
msgid "Fibre Channel"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3266(para)
msgid ""
"Storage protocol similar in concept to TCP/IP; encapsulates SCSI commands "
"and data."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3272(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3274(primary)
msgid "Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3278(para)
msgid "The fibre channel protocol tunneled within Ethernet."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3283(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3285(primary)
msgid "fill-first scheduler"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3289(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute scheduling method that attempts to fill a host with VMs rather "
"than starting new VMs on a variety of hosts."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3295(glossterm)
msgid "filter"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3297(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4285(primary)
msgid "filtering"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3303(para)
msgid ""
"The step in the Compute scheduling process when hosts that cannot run VMs "
"are eliminated and not chosen."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3309(glossterm)
msgid "firewall"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3311(primary)
msgid "firewalls"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3315(para)
msgid ""
"Used to restrict communications between hosts and/or nodes, implemented in "
"Compute using iptables, arptables, ip6tables, and etables."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3322(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3324(primary)
msgid "Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3328(para)
msgid "A Networking extension that provides perimeter firewall functionality."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3334(glossterm)
msgid "fixed IP address"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3336(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3431(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4511(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6332(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6521(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7543(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7771(primary)
msgid "IP addresses"
msgstr "IP 地址"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3338(secondary)
msgid "fixed"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3341(primary)
msgid "fixed IP addresses"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3345(para)
msgid ""
"An IP address that is associated with the same instance each time that "
"instance boots, is generally not accessible to end users or the public "
"Internet, and is used for management of the instance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3353(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3355(primary)
msgid "Flat Manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3359(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute component that gives IP addresses to authorized nodes and "
"assumes DHCP, DNS, and routing configuration and services are provided by "
"something else."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3366(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3368(primary)
msgid "flat mode injection"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3372(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute networking method where the OS network configuration information "
"is injected into the VM image before the instance starts."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3379(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3381(primary)
msgid "flat network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3385(para)
msgid ""
"Virtual network type that uses neither VLANs nor tunnels to segregate tenant"
" traffic. Each flat network typically requires a separate underlying "
"physical interface defined by bridge mappings. However, a flat network can "
"contain multiple subnets."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3394(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3396(primary)
msgid "FlatDHCP Manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3400(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute component that provides dnsmasq (DHCP, DNS, BOOTP, TFTP) and "
"radvd (routing) services."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3406(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3408(primary)
msgid "flavor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3412(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a VM instance type."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3417(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3419(primary)
msgid "flavor ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3423(para)
msgid "UUID for each Compute or Image Service VM flavor or instance type."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3429(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3436(primary)
msgid "floating IP address"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3433(secondary)
msgid "floating"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3440(para)
msgid ""
"An IP address that a project can associate with a VM so that the instance "
"has the same public IP address each time that it boots. You create a pool of"
" floating IP addresses and assign them to instances as they are launched to "
"maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3449(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3451(primary)
msgid "Folsom"
msgstr "Folsom"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3455(para)
msgid ""
"A grouped release of projects related to OpenStack that came out in the fall"
" of 2012, the sixth release of OpenStack. It includes Compute (nova), Object"
" Storage (swift), Identity (keystone), Networking (neutron), Image Service "
"(glance), and Volumes or Block Storage (cinder)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3460(para)
msgid ""
"Folsom is the code name for the sixth release of OpenStack. The design "
"summit took place in San Francisco, California, US and Folsom is a nearby "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3468(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3470(primary)
msgid "FormPost"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3474(para)
msgid ""
"Object Storage middleware that uploads (posts) an image through a form on a "
"web page."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3480(glossterm)
msgid "front end"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3482(primary)
msgid "front end, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3486(para)
msgid ""
"The point where a user interacts with a service; can be an API endpoint, the"
" horizon dashboard, or a command-line tool."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3495(title)
msgid "G"
msgstr "G"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3498(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3500(primary)
msgid "gateway"
msgstr "网关"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3504(para)
msgid ""
"An IP address, typically assigned to a router, that passes network traffic "
"between different networks."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3510(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3512(primary)
msgid "generic receive offload (GRO)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3515(para)
msgid ""
"Feature of certain network interface drivers that combines many smaller "
"received packets into a large packet before delivery to the kernel IP stack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3522(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3524(primary)
msgid "generic routing encapsulation (GRE)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3527(para)
msgid ""
"Protocol that encapsulates a wide variety of network layer protocols inside "
"virtual point-to-point links."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3534(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3544(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3559(primary)
msgid "glance"
msgstr "glance"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3537(para)
msgid "A core project that provides the OpenStack Image Service."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目,提供镜像服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3542(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3546(secondary)
msgid "glance API server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3550(para)
msgid ""
"Processes client requests for VMs, updates Image Service metadata on the "
"registry server, and communicates with the store adapter to upload VM images"
" from the back-end store."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3557(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3561(secondary)
msgid "glance registry"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3565(para)
msgid "Alternative term for the Image Service image registry."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3570(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3574(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3577(primary)
msgid "global endpoint template"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3581(para)
msgid ""
"The Identity Service endpoint template that contains services available to "
"all tenants."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3587(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3589(primary)
msgid "GlusterFS"
msgstr "GlusterFS"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3593(para)
msgid ""
"A file system designed to aggregate NAS hosts, compatible with OpenStack."
msgstr "一种设计为聚合NAS主机的文件系统,兼容于OpenStack。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3599(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3601(primary)
msgid "golden image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3605(para)
msgid ""
"A method of operating system installation where a finalized disk image is "
"created and then used by all nodes without modification."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3612(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3614(primary)
msgid "Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3618(para)
msgid ""
"A type of image file that is commonly used for animated images on web pages."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3624(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3626(primary)
msgid "Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3630(para)
msgid ""
"Choosing a host based on the existence of a GPU is currently unsupported in "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3636(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3638(primary)
msgid "Green Threads"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3642(para)
msgid ""
"The cooperative threading model used by Python; reduces race conditions and "
"only context switches when specific library calls are made. Each OpenStack "
"service is its own thread."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3649(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3651(primary)
msgid "Grizzly"
msgstr "Grizzly"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3655(para)
msgid ""
"The code name for the seventh release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in San Diego, California, US and Grizzly is an element of the state "
"flag of California."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3663(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3665(primary)
msgid "guest OS"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3669(para)
msgid ""
"An operating system instance running under the control of a hypervisor."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3678(title)
msgid "H"
msgstr "H"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3681(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3683(primary)
msgid "Hadoop"
msgstr "Hadoop"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3687(para)
msgid ""
"Apache Hadoop is an open source software framework that supports data-"
"intensive distributed applications."
msgstr "一个开源软件框架,支持数据密集分布式处理。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3693(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3695(primary)
msgid "handover"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3699(para)
msgid ""
"An object state in Object Storage where a new replica of the object is "
"automatically created due to a drive failure."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3705(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3707(primary)
msgid "hard reboot"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3711(para)
msgid ""
"A type of reboot where a physical or virtual power button is pressed as "
"opposed to a graceful, proper shutdown of the operating system."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3718(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3720(primary)
msgid "Havana"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3724(para)
msgid ""
"The code name for the eighth release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Portland, Oregon, US and Havana is an unincorporated community in "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3731(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3733(primary)
msgid "heat"
msgstr "heat"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3737(para)
msgid ""
"An integrated project that aims to orchestrate multiple cloud applications "
"for OpenStack."
msgstr "一个集成的项目,目标是为OpenStack编排多种云应用。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3743(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3745(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7745(see)
msgid "Heat Orchestration Template (HOT)"
msgstr "Heat编排模板(HOT)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3749(para)
msgid "Heat input in the format native to OpenStack."
msgstr "OpenStack本地格式,用于Heat的输入。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3754(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3756(primary)
msgid "health monitor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3760(para)
msgid ""
"Determines whether back-end members of a VIP pool can process a request. A "
"pool can have several health monitors associated with it. When a pool has "
"several monitors associated with it, all monitors check each member of the "
"pool. All monitors must declare a member to be healthy for it to stay "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3770(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3772(primary)
msgid "high availability (HA)"
msgstr "高可用(HA)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3776(para)
msgid ""
"A high availability system design approach and associated service "
"implementation ensures that a prearranged level of operational performance "
"will be met during a contractual measurement period. High availability "
"systems seeks to minimize system downtime and data loss."
msgstr "高可用系统寻找最小系统宕机时间和数据丢失。高可用系统的设计方法和相关的服务实现确保了经营业绩预先安排的水平将在合同测量期间得到满足。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3787(glossterm)
msgid "horizon"
msgstr "horizon"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3790(para)
msgid "OpenStack project that provides a dashboard, which is a web interface."
msgstr "提供web接口的仪表盘的OpenStack项目。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3796(glossterm)
msgid "horizon plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3798(primary)
msgid "horizon plug-ins"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3802(para)
msgid "A plug-in for the OpenStack dashboard (horizon)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3807(glossterm)
msgid "host"
msgstr "主机"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3809(primary)
msgid "hosts, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3813(para)
msgid "A physical computer, not a VM instance (node)."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3818(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3820(primary)
msgid "host aggregate"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3824(para)
msgid ""
"A method to further subdivide availability zones into hypervisor pools, a "
"collection of common hosts."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3830(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3832(primary)
msgid "Host Bus Adapter (HBA)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3836(para)
msgid ""
"Device plugged into a PCI slot, such as a fibre channel or network card."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3842(glossterm)
msgid "HTTP"
msgstr "HTTP"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3844(primary)
msgid "HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)"
msgstr "HTTP(超文本传输协议)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3850(para)
msgid ""
"Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP is an application protocol for "
"distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is the "
"foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is "
"structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes "
"containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3860(glossterm)
msgid "HTTPS"
msgstr "HTTPS"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3862(primary)
msgid "HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)"
msgstr "HTTPS(安全超文本传输协议)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3866(para)
msgid ""
"Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a communications protocol for "
"secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide "
"deployment on the Internet. Technically, it is not a protocol in and of "
"itself; rather, it is the result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer "
"Protocol (HTTP) on top of the SSL/TLS protocol, thus adding the security "
"capabilities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP communications."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3877(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3879(primary)
msgid "hybrid cloud"
msgstr "混合云"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3883(para)
msgid ""
"A hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community or"
" public) that remain distinct entities but are bound together, offering the "
"benefits of multiple deployment models. Hybrid cloud can also mean the "
"ability to connect colocation, managed and/or dedicated services with cloud "
msgstr "混合云即是2个或多个云的组合(这些云可以是公有,私有,或者社区),它们彼此独立运行但是是绑定到一起的,拥有多部署模式的优点。混合云还拥有连接托管云资源、被管理云资源或专有的云资源的能力。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3895(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3897(primary)
msgid "Hyper-V"
msgstr "Hyper-V"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3901(para)
msgid "One of the hypervisors supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3906(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3908(primary)
msgid "hyperlink"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3912(para)
msgid ""
"Any kind of text that contains a link to some other site, commonly found in "
"documents where clicking on a word or words opens up a different website."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3919(glossterm)
msgid "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3922(para)
msgid "The protocol that tells browsers where to go to find information."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3928(glossterm)
msgid "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3931(para)
msgid ""
"Encrypted HTTP communications using SSL or TLS; most OpenStack API endpoints"
" and many inter-component communications support HTTPS communication."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3938(glossterm)
msgid "hypervisor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3940(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3954(primary)
msgid "hypervisors"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3946(para)
msgid ""
"Software that arbitrates and controls VM access to the actual underlying "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3952(glossterm)
msgid "hypervisor pool"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3956(secondary)
msgid "hypervisor pools"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3960(para)
msgid "A collection of hypervisors grouped together through host aggregates."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3969(title)
msgid "I"
msgstr "I"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3972(glossterm)
msgid "IaaS"
msgstr "IaaS"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3974(primary)
msgid "IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)"
msgstr "IaaS(基础设施即服务)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3980(para)
msgid ""
"Infrastructure-as-a-Service. IaaS is a provisioning model in which an "
"organization outsources physical components of a data center, such as "
"storage, hardware, servers, and networking components. A service provider "
"owns the equipment and is responsible for housing, operating and maintaining"
" it. The client typically pays on a per-use basis. IaaS is a model for "
"providing cloud services."
msgstr "基础设施即服务。IaaS是一种配置模式,将数据中心的物理组件,如存储、硬件、服务器以及网络等以组织外包的方式提供。服务运营商提供设备,负责机房以及操作和维护。用户只需要按需使用并付费即可。IaaS是云服务模式的一种。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3990(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3992(primary)
msgid "Icehouse"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml3998(para)
msgid ""
"The code name for the ninth release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Hong Kong and Ice House is a street in that city."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4005(glossterm)
msgid "ICMP"
msgstr "ICMP"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4007(primary)
msgid "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4011(para)
msgid ""
"Internet Control Message Protocol, used by network devices for control "
"messages. For example, <placeholder-1/> uses ICMP to test connectivity."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4019(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4021(primary)
msgid "ID number"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4025(para)
msgid ""
"Unique numeric ID associated with each user in Identity Service, "
"conceptually similar to a Linux or LDAP UID."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4031(glossterm)
msgid "Identity API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4034(para)
msgid "Alternative term for the Identity Service API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4039(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4043(secondary)
msgid "Identity back end"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4041(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4067(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4069(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4086(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4157(primary)
msgid "Identity Service"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4047(para)
msgid ""
"The source used by Identity Service to retrieve user information; an "
"OpenLDAP server, for example."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4053(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4055(primary)
msgid "identity provider"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4060(para)
msgid ""
"A directory service, which allows users to login with a user name and "
"password. It is a typical source of authentication tokens."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4075(para)
msgid ""
"The OpenStack core project that provides a central directory of users mapped"
" to the OpenStack services they can access. It also registers endpoints for "
"OpenStack services. It acts as a common authentication system. The project "
"name of the Identity Service is keystone."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4084(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4088(secondary)
msgid "Identity Service API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4092(para)
msgid ""
"The API used to access the OpenStack Identity Service provided through "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4098(glossterm)
msgid "IDS"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4100(primary)
msgid "IDS (Intrusion Detection System)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4104(para)
msgid "Intrusion Detection System."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4109(glossterm)
msgid "image"
msgstr "镜像"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4111(primary)
msgid "images"
msgstr "镜像"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4117(para)
msgid ""
"A collection of files for a specific operating system (OS) that you use to "
"create or rebuild a server. OpenStack provides pre-built images. You can "
"also create custom images, or snapshots, from servers that you have "
"launched. Custom images can be used for data backups or as \"gold\" images "
"for additional servers."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4126(glossterm)
msgid "Image API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4128(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4142(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4171(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4185(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4199(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4211(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4231(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4245(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4259(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6504(primary)
msgid "Image Service"
msgstr "镜像服务"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4130(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4221(glossterm)
msgid "Image Service API"
msgstr "镜像服务应用程序接口"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4134(para)
msgid "The Image Service API endpoint for management of VM images."
msgstr "镜像服务应用程序接口断点提供虚拟机镜像的管理。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4140(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4144(secondary)
msgid "image cache"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4148(para)
msgid ""
"Used by Image Service to obtain images on the local host rather than re-"
"downloading them from the image server each time one is requested."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4155(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4159(secondary)
msgid "image ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4163(para)
msgid ""
"Combination of a URI and UUID used to access Image Service VM images through"
" the image API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4169(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4173(secondary)
msgid "image membership"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4177(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5122(para)
msgid ""
"A list of tenants that can access a given VM image within Image Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4183(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4187(secondary)
msgid "image owner"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4191(para)
msgid "The tenant who owns an Image Service virtual machine image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4197(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4201(secondary)
msgid "image registry"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4205(para)
msgid "A list of VM images that are available through Image Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4214(para)
msgid ""
"An OpenStack core project that provides discovery, registration, and "
"delivery services for disk and server images. The project name of the Image "
"Service is glance."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目之一,提供发现、注册和交付磁盘和服务器镜像的服务。项目的名称叫glance。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4224(para)
msgid "Alternative name for the glance image API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4229(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4233(secondary)
msgid "image status"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4237(para)
msgid ""
"The current status of a VM image in Image Service, not to be confused with "
"the status of a running instance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4243(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4247(secondary)
msgid "image store"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4251(para)
msgid ""
"The back-end store used by Image Service to store VM images, options include"
" Object Storage, local file system, S3, or HTTP."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4257(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4261(secondary)
msgid "image UUID"
msgstr "镜像UUID"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4265(para)
msgid "UUID used by Image Service to uniquely identify each VM image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4271(glossterm)
msgid "incubated project"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4273(primary)
msgid "incubated projects"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4277(para)
msgid ""
"A community project may be elevated to this status and is then promoted to a"
" core project."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4283(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4287(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4290(primary)
msgid "ingress filtering"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4294(para)
msgid ""
"The process of filtering incoming network traffic. Supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4300(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4302(primary)
msgid "INI"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4305(para)
msgid ""
"The OpenStack configuration files use an INI format to describe options and "
"their values. It consists of sections and key value pairs."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4314(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4316(primary)
msgid "injection"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4320(para)
msgid ""
"The process of putting a file into a virtual machine image before the "
"instance is started."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4326(glossterm)
msgid "instance"
msgstr "云主机"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4328(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4342(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4355(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4379(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4394(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4407(primary)
msgid "instances"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4334(para)
msgid ""
"A running VM, or a VM in a known state such as suspended, that can be used "
"like a hardware server."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4340(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4344(secondary)
msgid "instance ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4348(para)
msgid "Alternative term for instance UUID."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4353(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4357(secondary)
msgid "instance state"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4361(para)
msgid "The current state of a guest VM image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4366(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4368(primary)
msgid "instance tunnels network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4371(para)
msgid ""
"A network segment used for instance traffic tunnels between compute nodes "
"and the network node."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4377(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4381(secondary)
msgid "instance type"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4385(para)
msgid ""
"Describes the parameters of the various virtual machine images that are "
"available to users; includes parameters such as CPU, storage, and memory. "
"Alternative term for flavor."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4392(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4396(secondary)
msgid "instance type ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4400(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a flavor ID."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4405(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4409(secondary)
msgid "instance UUID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4413(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7405(para)
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each guest VM <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4419(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4421(primary)
msgid "interface"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4425(para)
msgid ""
"A physical or virtual device that provides connectivity to another device or"
" medium."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4431(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4433(primary)
msgid "interface ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4437(para)
msgid "Unique ID for a Networking VIF or vNIC in the form of a UUID."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4443(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4445(primary)
msgid "Internet protocol (IP)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4449(para)
msgid ""
"Principal communications protocol in the internet protocol suite for "
"relaying datagrams across network boundaries."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4455(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4457(primary)
msgid "Internet Service Provider (ISP)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4461(para)
msgid ""
"Any business that provides Internet access to individuals or businesses."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4467(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4469(primary)
msgid "Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4473(para)
msgid ""
"Storage protocol that encapsulates SCSI frames for transport over IP "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4479(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4481(primary)
msgid "ironic"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4485(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that provisions bare metal, as opposed to virtual, "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4491(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4493(primary)
msgid "IOPS"
msgstr "IOPS"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4499(para)
msgid ""
"IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) are a common performance "
"measurement used to benchmark computer storage devices like hard disk "
"drives, solid state drives, and storage area networks."
msgstr "IOPS(每秒输入/输出操作)是一种常见的性能测量基准,针对于计算机存储设备,例如硬盘,固态硬盘,存储区域网络等。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4509(glossterm)
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP地址:"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4517(para)
msgid ""
"Number that is unique to every computer system on the Internet. Two versions"
" of the Internet Protocol (IP) are in use for addresses: IPv4 and IPv6."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4524(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4526(primary)
msgid "IP Address Management (IPAM)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4530(para)
msgid ""
"The process of automating IP address allocation, deallocation, and "
"management. Currently provided by Compute, melange, and Networking."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4537(glossterm)
msgid "IPL"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4539(primary)
msgid "IPL (Initial Program Loader)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4543(para)
msgid "Initial Program Loader."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4548(glossterm)
msgid "IPMI"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4550(primary)
msgid "IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4554(para)
msgid ""
"Intelligent Platform Management Interface. IPMI is a standardized computer "
"system interface used by system administrators for out-of-band management of"
" computer systems and monitoring of their <phrase role=\"keep-"
"together\">operation</phrase>. In layman's terms, it is a way to manage a "
"computer using a direct network connection, whether it is turned on or not; "
"connecting to the hardware rather than an operating system or login shell."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4565(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4567(primary)
msgid "ip6tables"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4571(para)
msgid ""
"Tool used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IPv6 packet filter "
"rules in the Linux kernel. In OpenStack Compute, ip6tables is used along "
"with arptables, ebtables, and iptables to create firewalls for both nodes "
"and VMs."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4579(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4581(primary)
msgid "ipset"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4585(para)
msgid ""
"Extension to iptables that allows creation of firewall rules that match "
"entire \"sets\" of IP addresses simultaneously. These sets reside in indexed"
" data structures to increase efficiency, particularly on systems with a "
"large quantity of rules."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4593(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4595(primary)
msgid "iptables"
msgstr "iptables"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4599(para)
msgid ""
"Used along with arptables and ebtables, iptables create firewalls in "
"Compute. iptables are the tables provided by the Linux kernel firewall "
"(implemented as different Netfilter modules) and the chains and rules it "
"stores. Different kernel modules and programs are currently used for "
"different protocols: iptables applies to IPv4, ip6tables to IPv6, arptables "
"to ARP, and ebtables to Ethernet frames. Requires root privilege to "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4610(glossterm)
msgid "iSCSI"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4612(primary)
msgid "iSCSI protocol"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4616(para)
msgid ""
"The SCSI disk protocol tunneled within Ethernet, supported by Compute, "
"Object Storage, and Image Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4622(glossterm)
msgid "ISO9960"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4624(primary)
msgid "ISO9960 format"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4628(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6602(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8463(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8475(para)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8683(para)
msgid "One of the VM image disk formats supported by Image Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4634(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4636(primary)
msgid "itsec"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4640(para)
msgid ""
"A default role in the Compute RBAC system that can quarantine an instance in"
" any project."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4649(title)
msgid "J"
msgstr "J"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4652(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4654(primary)
msgid "Java"
msgstr "Java"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4658(para)
msgid ""
"A programming language that is used to create systems that involve more than"
" one computer by way of a network."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4664(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4666(primary)
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4670(para)
msgid "A scripting language that is used to build web pages."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4675(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4677(primary)
msgid "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4681(para)
msgid "One of the supported response formats in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4686(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4688(primary)
msgid "Jenkins"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4692(para)
msgid "Tool used to run jobs automatically for OpenStack development."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4698(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4700(primary)
msgid "jumbo frame"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4704(para)
msgid ""
"Feature in modern Ethernet networks that supports frames up to approximately"
" 9000 bytes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4710(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4712(primary)
msgid "Juno"
msgstr "Juno"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4716(para)
msgid ""
"The code name for the tenth release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Atlanta, Georgia, US and Juno is an unincorporated community in "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4726(title)
msgid "K"
msgstr "K"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4729(glossterm)
msgid "kernel-based VM (KVM)"
msgstr "基于内核的虚拟机(KVM)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4731(primary)
msgid "kernel-based VM (KVM) hypervisor"
msgstr "基于内核的虚拟机(KVM) hypervisor"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4735(para)
msgid ""
"An OpenStack-supported hypervisor. KVM is a full virtualization solution for"
" Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or "
"AMD-V), ARM, IBM Power, and IBM zSeries. It consists of a loadable kernel "
"module, that provides the core virtualization infrastructure and a processor"
" specific module."
msgstr "一种被OpenStack所支持的hypervisor。KVM是在linux实现的全虚拟话解决方案,在x86下有CPU虚拟扩展 (Intel VT or AMD-V)所支持,其他平台诸如ARM,IBM Power,IBM zSeries也支持KVM。它以模块的方式可被内核动态加载,提供了虚拟化基础设施的核心和处理器特定的模块。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4747(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4749(primary)
msgid "keystone"
msgstr "keystone"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4753(para)
msgid "The project that provides OpenStack Identity services."
msgstr "OpenStack验证服务的项目。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4758(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4760(primary)
msgid "Kickstart"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4764(para)
msgid ""
"A tool to automate system configuration and installation on Red Hat, Fedora,"
" and CentOS-based Linux distributions."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4770(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4772(primary)
msgid "Kilo"
msgstr "Kilo"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4776(para)
msgid ""
"The code name for the eleventh release of OpenStack. The design summit took "
"place in Paris, France. Due to delays in the name selection, the release was"
" known only as K. Because <literal>k</literal> is the unit symbol for kilo "
"and the reference artifact is stored near Paris in the Pavillon de Breteuil "
"in Sèvres, the community chose Kilo as the release name."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4789(title)
msgid "L"
msgstr "L"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4792(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4794(primary)
msgid "large object"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4798(para)
msgid "An object within Object Storage that is larger than 5GB."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4803(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4805(primary)
msgid "Launchpad"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4809(para)
msgid "The collaboration site for OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4814(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4816(primary)
msgid "Layer-2 network"
msgstr "2层网络"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4820(para)
msgid ""
"Term used in the OSI network architecture for the data link layer. The data "
"link layer is responsible for media access control, flow control and "
"detecting and possibly correcting erros that may occur in the physical "
msgstr "来自于OSI网络架构的术语,即数据链路层。数据链路层响应来自物理层可能发生的媒体访问控制,流控制,发现错误并自动纠错。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4830(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4832(primary)
msgid "Layer-3 network"
msgstr "三层网络"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4836(para)
msgid ""
"Term used in the OSI network architecture for the network layer. The network"
" layer is responsible for packet forwarding including routing from one node "
"to another."
msgstr "来自OSI网络架构的术语,即网络层。网络层响应报文转发,包括从一个节点到其它节点的路由。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4845(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4847(primary)
msgid "Layer-2 (L2) agent"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4851(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides layer-2 connectivity for virtual "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4857(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4859(primary)
msgid "Layer-3 (L3) agent"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4863(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides layer-3 (routing) services for "
"virtual networks."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4869(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4871(primary)
msgid "libvirt"
msgstr "libvirt"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4875(para)
msgid ""
"Virtualization API library used by OpenStack to interact with many of its "
"supported hypervisors."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4881(glossterm)
msgid "Linux bridge"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4884(para)
msgid ""
"Software that enables multiple VMs to share a single physical NIC within "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4890(glossterm)
msgid "Linux Bridge neutron plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4892(primary)
msgid "Linux Bridge"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4894(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5962(secondary)
msgid "neutron plug-in for"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4898(para)
msgid ""
"Enables a Linux bridge to understand a Networking port, interface "
"attachment, and other abstractions."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4904(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4906(primary)
msgid "Linux containers (LXC)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4915(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4917(primary)
msgid "live migration"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4921(para)
msgid ""
"The ability within Compute to move running virtual machine instances from "
"one host to another with only a small service interruption during "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4928(glossterm)
msgid "load balancer"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4931(para)
msgid ""
"A load balancer is a logical device that belongs to a cloud account. It is "
"used to distribute workloads between multiple back-end systems or services, "
"based on the criteria defined as part of its configuration."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4939(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4941(primary)
msgid "load balancing"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4945(para)
msgid ""
"The process of spreading client requests between two or more nodes to "
"improve performance and availability."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4951(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4954(primary)
msgid "Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4958(para)
msgid ""
"Enables Networking to distribute incoming requests evenly between designated"
" instances."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4964(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4966(primary)
msgid "Logical Volume Manager (LVM)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4970(para)
msgid ""
"Provides a method of allocating space on mass-storage devices that is more "
"flexible than conventional partitioning schemes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4980(title)
msgid "M"
msgstr "M"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4983(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4985(primary)
msgid "management API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4991(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an admin API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4996(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml4998(primary)
msgid "management network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5002(para)
msgid ""
"A network segment used for administration, not accessible to the public "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5008(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5010(primary)
msgid "manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5014(para)
msgid ""
"Logical groupings of related code, such as the Block Storage volume manager "
"or network manager."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5020(glossterm)
msgid "manifest"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5022(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5041(primary)
msgid "manifests"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5028(para)
msgid "Used to track segments of a large object within Object Storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5034(glossterm)
msgid "manifest object"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5038(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5043(secondary)
msgid "manifest objects"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5047(para)
msgid ""
"A special Object Storage object that contains the manifest for a large "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5053(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5055(primary)
msgid "marconi"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5059(para)
msgid "OpenStack project that provides a queue service to applications."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5065(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5067(primary)
msgid "maximum transmission unit (MTU)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5071(para)
msgid ""
"Maximum frame or packet size for a particular network medium. Typically 1500"
" bytes for Ethernet networks."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5077(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5079(primary)
msgid "mechanism driver"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5083(para)
msgid ""
"A driver for the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in that provides layer-2"
" connectivity for virtual instances. A single OpenStack installation can use"
" multiple mechanism drivers."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5092(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5094(primary)
msgid "melange"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5098(para)
msgid ""
"Project name for OpenStack Network Information Service. To be merged with "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5104(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5106(primary)
msgid "membership"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5110(para)
msgid ""
"The association between an Image Service VM image and a tenant. Enables "
"images to be shared with specified tenants."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5116(glossterm)
msgid "membership list"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5118(primary)
msgid "membership lists"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5128(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5130(primary)
msgid "memcached"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5134(para)
msgid ""
"A distributed memory object caching system that is used by Object Storage "
"for caching."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5140(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5142(primary)
msgid "memory overcommit"
msgstr "内存溢出"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5146(para)
msgid ""
"The ability to start new VM instances based on the actual memory usage of a "
"host, as opposed to basing the decision on the amount of RAM each running "
"instance thinks it has available. Also known as RAM overcommit."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5154(glossterm)
msgid "message broker"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5156(primary)
msgid "message brokers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5160(para)
msgid ""
"The software package used to provide AMQP messaging capabilities within "
"Compute. Default package is RabbitMQ."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5166(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5168(primary)
msgid "message bus"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5172(para)
msgid ""
"The main virtual communication line used by all AMQP messages for inter-"
"cloud communications within Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5178(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5180(primary)
msgid "message queue"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5184(para)
msgid ""
"Passes requests from clients to the appropriate workers and returns the "
"output to the client after the job completes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5190(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5192(primary)
msgid "Metadata agent"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5196(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack Networking agent that provides metadata services for instances."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5202(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5204(primary)
msgid "Meta-Data Server (MDS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5208(para)
msgid "Stores CephFS metadata."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5213(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5215(primary)
msgid "migration"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5219(para)
msgid "The process of moving a VM instance from one host to another."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5225(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5227(primary)
msgid "multi-host"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5231(para)
msgid ""
"High-availability mode for legacy (nova) networking. Each compute node "
"handles NAT and DHCP and acts as a gateway for all of the VMs on it. A "
"networking failure on one compute node doesn't affect VMs on other compute "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5239(glossterm)
msgid "multinic"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5242(para)
msgid ""
"Facility in Compute that allows each virtual machine instance to have more "
"than one VIF connected to it."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5248(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5251(primary)
msgid "Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5255(para)
msgid ""
"Can concurrently use multiple layer-2 networking technologies, such as "
"802.1Q and VXLAN, in Networking."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5261(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5263(primary)
msgid "Monitor (LBaaS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5267(para)
msgid ""
"LBaaS feature that provides availability monitoring using the "
"<literal>ping</literal> command, TCP, and HTTP/HTTPS GET."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5273(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5275(primary)
msgid "Monitor (Mon)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5279(para)
msgid ""
"A Ceph component that communicates with external clients, checks data state "
"and consistency, and performs quorum functions."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5285(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5287(primary)
msgid "multi-factor authentication"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5291(para)
msgid ""
"Authentication method that uses two or more credentials, such as a password "
"and a private key. Currently not supported in Identity Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5298(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5300(primary)
msgid "MultiNic"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5304(para)
msgid ""
"Facility in Compute that enables a virtual machine instance to have more "
"than one VIF connected to it."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5313(title)
msgid "N"
msgstr "N"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5316(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5318(primary)
msgid "network namespace"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5322(para)
msgid ""
"Linux kernel feature that provides independent virtual networking instances "
"on a single host with separate routing tables and interfaces. Similar to "
"virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) services on physical network equipment."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5330(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5332(primary)
msgid "Nebula"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5336(para)
msgid "Released as open source by NASA in 2010 and is the basis for Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5342(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5344(primary)
msgid "netadmin"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5348(para)
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Enables the user to "
"allocate publicly accessible IP addresses to instances and change firewall "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5355(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5357(primary)
msgid "NetApp volume driver"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5361(para)
msgid ""
"Enables Compute to communicate with NetApp storage devices through the "
"<phrase role=\"keep-together\">NetApp</phrase> OnCommand Provisioning "
"<phrase role=\"keep-together\">Manager</phrase>."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5368(glossterm)
msgid "network"
msgstr "网络"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5370(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5386(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5400(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5415(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5429(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5443(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5457(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5470(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5484(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5498(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5512(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6349(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6549(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8510(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8658(primary)
msgid "networks"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5376(para)
msgid ""
"A virtual network that provides connectivity between entities. For example, "
"a collection of virtual ports that share network connectivity. In Networking"
" terminology, a network is always a layer-2 network."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5384(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5388(secondary)
msgid "Network Address Translation (NAT)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5392(para)
msgid ""
"The process of modifying IP address information while in transit. Supported "
"by Compute and Networking."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5398(glossterm)
msgid "network controller"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5402(secondary)
msgid "network controllers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5406(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute daemon that orchestrates the network configuration of nodes, "
"including IP addresses, VLANs, and bridging. Also manages routing for both "
"public and private networks."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5413(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5417(secondary)
msgid "Network File System (NFS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5421(para)
msgid ""
"A method for making file systems available over the network. Supported by "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5427(glossterm)
msgid "network ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5431(secondary)
msgid "network IDs"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5435(para)
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each network segment within Networking. Same as "
"network UUID."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5441(glossterm)
msgid "network manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5445(secondary)
msgid "network managers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5449(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute component that manages various network components, such as "
"firewall rules, IP address allocation, and so on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5455(glossterm)
msgid "network node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5459(secondary)
msgid "network nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5463(para)
msgid "Any compute node that runs the network worker daemon."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5468(glossterm)
msgid "network segment"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5472(secondary)
msgid "network segments"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5476(para)
msgid "Represents a virtual, isolated OSI layer-2 subnet in Networking."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5482(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5486(secondary)
msgid "Network Time Protocol (NTP)"
msgstr "网络时间协议(NTP)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5490(para)
msgid ""
"A method of keeping a clock for a host or node correct through "
"communications with a trusted, accurate time source."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5496(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5500(secondary)
msgid "network UUID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5504(para)
msgid ""
"Unique ID for a Networking network <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5510(glossterm)
msgid "network worker"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5514(secondary)
msgid "network workers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5518(para)
msgid ""
"The <literal>nova-network</literal> worker daemon; provides services such as"
" giving an IP address to a booting nova instance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5525(glossterm)
msgid "Networking"
msgstr "网络"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5528(para)
msgid ""
"A core OpenStack project that provides a network connectivity abstraction "
"layer to OpenStack Compute. The project name of Networking is neutron."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5535(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5537(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5560(secondary)
msgid "Networking API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5541(para)
msgid ""
"API used to access OpenStack Networking. Provides an extensible architecture"
" to enable custom plug-in creation."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5547(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5558(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5571(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5585(primary)
msgid "neutron"
msgstr "neutron"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5550(para)
msgid ""
"A core OpenStack project that provides a network connectivity abstraction "
"layer to OpenStack Compute."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目之一,为OpenStack计算提供网络连接抽象层。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5556(glossterm)
msgid "neutron API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5564(para)
msgid "An alternative name for Networking API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5569(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5573(secondary)
msgid "neutron manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5577(para)
msgid ""
"Enables Compute and Networking integration, which enables Networking to "
"perform network management for guest VMs."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5583(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5587(secondary)
msgid "neutron plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5591(para)
msgid ""
"Interface within Networking that enables organizations to create custom "
"plug-ins for advanced features, such as QoS, ACLs, or IDS."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5598(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5600(primary)
msgid "Nexenta volume driver"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5604(para)
msgid "Provides support for NexentaStor devices in Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5609(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5611(primary)
msgid "No ACK"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5615(para)
msgid ""
"Disables server-side message acknowledgment in the Compute RabbitMQ. "
"Increases performance but decreases reliability."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5621(glossterm)
msgid "node"
msgstr "节点"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5623(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6453(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7811(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8011(primary)
msgid "nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5629(para)
msgid "A VM instance that runs on a host."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5634(glossterm)
msgid "non-durable exchange"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5636(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5653(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6175(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8274(primary)
msgid "messages"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5638(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5641(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8254(see)
msgid "non-durable exchanges"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5645(para)
msgid ""
"Message exchange that is cleared when the service restarts. Its data is not "
"written to persistent storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5651(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5658(primary)
msgid "non-durable queue"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5655(secondary)
msgid "non-durable queues"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5662(para)
msgid ""
"Message queue that is cleared when the service restarts. Its data is not "
"written to persistent storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5668(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5670(primary)
msgid "non-persistent volume"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5676(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an ephemeral volume."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5681(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5683(primary)
msgid "north-south traffic"
msgstr "南北向流量"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5687(para)
msgid ""
"Network traffic between a user or client (north) and a server (south), or "
"traffic into the cloud (south) and out of the cloud (north). See also east-"
"west traffic."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5695(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5705(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5718(primary)
msgid "nova"
msgstr "nova"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5698(para)
msgid "OpenStack project that provides compute services."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目之一,提供计算服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5703(glossterm)
msgid "Nova API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5711(para)
msgid "Alternative term for the Compute API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5716(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5720(secondary)
msgid "nova-network"
msgstr "nova-network"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5724(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute component that manages IP address allocation, firewalls, and other"
" network-related tasks. This is the legacy networking option and an "
"alternative to Networking."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5734(title)
msgid "O"
msgstr "O"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5737(glossterm)
msgid "object"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5745(para)
msgid "A BLOB of data held by Object Storage; can be in any format."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5751(glossterm)
msgid "object auditor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5755(secondary)
msgid "object auditors"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5759(para)
msgid ""
"Opens all objects for an object server and verifies the MD5 hash, size, and "
"metadata for each object."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5765(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5769(secondary)
msgid "object expiration"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5773(para)
msgid ""
"A configurable option within Object Storage to automatically delete objects "
"after a specified amount of time has passed or a certain date is reached."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5780(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5784(secondary)
msgid "object hash"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5788(para)
msgid "Uniquely ID for an Object Storage object."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5793(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5797(secondary)
msgid "object path hash"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5801(para)
msgid ""
"Used by Object Storage to determine the location of an object in the ring. "
"Maps objects to partitions."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5807(glossterm)
msgid "object replicator"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5811(secondary)
msgid "object replicators"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5815(para)
msgid ""
"An Object Storage component that copies an object to remote partitions for "
"fault tolerance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5821(glossterm)
msgid "object server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5825(secondary)
msgid "object servers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5829(para)
msgid "An Object Storage component that is responsible for managing objects."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5835(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5852(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5865(primary)
msgid "Object Storage"
msgstr "对象存储"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5838(para)
msgid ""
"The OpenStack core project that provides eventually consistent and redundant"
" storage and retrieval of fixed digital content. The project name of "
"OpenStack Object Storage is swift."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目之一,提供一致性的、冗余的存储、可恢复的数字内容。OpenStack对象存储的项目名称是swift。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5845(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5849(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5854(secondary)
msgid "Object Storage API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5847(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7955(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7978(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7992(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8016(primary)
msgid "swift"
msgstr "swift"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5858(para)
msgid "API used to access OpenStack Object Storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5863(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5867(secondary)
msgid "Object Storage Device (OSD)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5871(para)
msgid "The Ceph storage daemon."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5876(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5880(secondary)
msgid "object versioning"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5884(para)
msgid ""
"Allows a user to set a flag on an Object Storage container so that all "
"objects within the container are versioned."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5890(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5892(primary)
msgid "Oldie"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5896(para)
msgid ""
"Term for an Object Storage process that runs for a long time. Can indicate a"
" hung process."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5902(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5905(primary)
msgid "Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5909(para)
msgid ""
"A standardized interface for managing compute, data, and network resources, "
"currently unsupported in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5915(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5917(primary)
msgid "Open Virtualization Format (OVF)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5921(para)
msgid "Standard for packaging VM images. Supported in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5926(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5928(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5960(primary)
msgid "Open vSwitch"
msgstr "Open vSwitch"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5932(para)
msgid ""
"Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed "
"under the open source Apache 2.0 license. It is designed to enable massive "
"network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting "
"standard management interfaces and protocols (for example NetFlow, sFlow, "
"SPAN, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag)."
msgstr "Open vSwitch是一款产品级的,多层的虚拟交换机,基于开源Apache2.0许可证分发。被设计用于基于可编程扩展的大规模网络自动化,支持标准的管理接口和协议(例如NetFlow, sFlow, SPAN, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag)。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5944(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5946(primary)
msgid "Open vSwitch (OVS) agent"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5950(para)
msgid ""
"Provides an interface to the underlying Open vSwitch service for the "
"Networking plug-in."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5958(glossterm)
msgid "Open vSwitch neutron plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5966(para)
msgid "Provides support for Open vSwitch in Networking."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5971(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5973(primary)
msgid "OpenLDAP"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5977(para)
msgid ""
"An open source LDAP server. Supported by both Compute and Identity Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5983(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5985(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6003(primary)
msgid "OpenStack"
msgstr "OpenStack"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml5991(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, "
"storage, and networking resources throughout a data center, all managed "
"through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their"
" users to provision resources through a web interface. OpenStack is an open "
"source project licensed under the Apache License 2.0."
msgstr "OpenStack是一个云操作系统,通过数据中心可控制大型的计算、存储、网络等资源池。所有的管理通过前端界面管理员就可以完成,同样也可以通过web接口让最终用户部署资源。OpenStack是一个开放源代码的项目,基于Apeche许可证2.0发布。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6001(glossterm)
msgid "OpenStack code name"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6004(secondary)
msgid "code name"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6008(para)
msgid ""
"Each OpenStack release has a code name. Code names ascend in alphabetical "
"order: Austin, Bexar, Cactus, Diablo, Essex, Folsom, Grizzly, Havana, "
"Icehouse, Juno, and Kilo. Code names are cities or counties near where the "
"corresponding OpenStack design summit took place. An exception, called the "
"Waldon exception, is granted to elements of the state flag that sound "
"especially cool. Code names are chosen by popular vote."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6022(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6024(primary)
msgid "openSUSE"
msgstr "openSUSE"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6033(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6035(primary)
msgid "operator"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6039(para)
msgid ""
"The person responsible for planning and maintaining an OpenStack "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6045(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6047(primary)
msgid "Orchestration"
msgstr "编排"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6051(para)
msgid ""
"An integrated project that orchestrates multiple cloud applications for "
"OpenStack. The project name of Orchestration is heat."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6058(glossterm)
msgid "orphan"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6060(primary)
msgid "orphans"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6064(para)
msgid ""
"In the context of Object Storage, this is a process that is not terminated "
"after an upgrade, restart, or reload of the service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6073(title)
msgid "P"
msgstr "P"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6076(glossterm)
msgid "parent cell"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6080(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6083(primary)
msgid "parent cells"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6087(para)
msgid ""
"If a requested resource, such as CPU time, disk storage, or memory, is not "
"available in the parent cell, the request is forwarded to associated child "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6094(glossterm)
msgid "partition"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6096(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6111(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6125(primary)
msgid "partitions"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6102(para)
msgid ""
"A unit of storage within Object Storage used to store objects. It exists on "
"top of devices and is replicated for fault tolerance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6109(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6113(secondary)
msgid "partition index"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6117(para)
msgid ""
"Contains the locations of all Object Storage partitions within the ring."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6123(glossterm)
msgid "partition shift value"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6127(secondary)
msgid "partition index value"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6131(para)
msgid ""
"Used by Object Storage to determine which partition data should reside on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6137(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6139(primary)
msgid "path MTU discovery (PMTUD)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6143(para)
msgid ""
"Mechanism in IP networks to detect end-to-end MTU and adjust packet size "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6149(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6151(primary)
msgid "pause"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6155(para)
msgid ""
"A VM state where no changes occur (no changes in memory, network "
"communications stop, etc); the VM is frozen but not shut down."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6161(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6163(primary)
msgid "PCI passthrough"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6167(para)
msgid ""
"Gives guest VMs exclusive access to a PCI device. Currently supported in "
"OpenStack Havana and later releases."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6173(glossterm)
msgid "persistent message"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6177(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6180(primary)
msgid "persistent messages"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6184(para)
msgid ""
"A message that is stored both in memory and on disk. The message is not lost"
" after a failure or restart."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6190(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6192(primary)
msgid "persistent volume"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6196(para)
msgid "Changes to these types of disk volumes are saved."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6201(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6203(primary)
msgid "personality file"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6207(para)
msgid ""
"A file used to customize a Compute instance. It can be used to inject SSH "
"keys or a specific network configuration."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6213(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6215(primary)
msgid "Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)"
msgstr "平台即服务(PaaS)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6219(para)
msgid ""
"Provides to the consumer the ability to deploy applications through a "
"programming language or tools supported by the cloud platform provider. An "
"example of Platform-as-a-Service is an Eclipse/Java programming platform "
"provided with no downloads required."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6228(glossterm)
msgid "plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6230(primary)
msgid "plug-ins, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6234(para)
msgid ""
"Software component providing the actual implementation for Networking APIs, "
"or for Compute APIs, depending on the context."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6240(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6242(primary)
msgid "policy service"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6246(para)
msgid ""
"Component of Identity Service that provides a rule-management interface and "
"a rule-based authorization engine."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6252(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6254(primary)
msgid "pool"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6258(para)
msgid ""
"A logical set of devices, such as web servers, that you group together to "
"receive and process traffic. The load balancing function chooses which "
"member of the pool handles the new requests or connections received on the "
"VIP address. Each VIP has one pool."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6267(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6269(primary)
msgid "pool member"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6273(para)
msgid ""
"An application that runs on the back-end server in a load-balancing system."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6279(glossterm)
msgid "port"
msgstr "端口"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6281(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6295(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8566(primary)
msgid "ports"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6287(para)
msgid ""
"A virtual network port within Networking; VIFs / vNICs are connected to a "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6293(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6297(secondary)
msgid "port UUID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6301(para)
msgid "Unique ID for a Networking port."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6306(glossterm)
msgid "preseed"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6308(primary)
msgid "preseed, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6312(para)
msgid ""
"A tool to automate system configuration and installation on Debian-based "
"Linux distributions."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6318(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6320(primary)
msgid "private image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6324(para)
msgid "An Image Service VM image that is only available to specified tenants."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6330(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6337(primary)
msgid "private IP address"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6334(secondary)
msgid "private"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6341(para)
msgid ""
"An IP address used for management and administration, not available to the "
"public Internet."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6347(glossterm)
msgid "private network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6351(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6354(primary)
msgid "private networks"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6358(para)
msgid ""
"The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers "
"to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must "
"have a public and private network interface. A private network interface can"
" be a flat or VLAN network interface. A flat network interface is controlled"
" by the flat_interface with flat managers. A VLAN network interface is "
"controlled by the <literal>vlan_interface</literal> option with VLAN "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6370(glossterm)
msgid "project"
msgstr "项目"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6372(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6386(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6400(primary)
msgid "projects"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6378(para)
msgid ""
"A logical grouping of users within Compute; defines quotas and access to VM "
"<phrase role=\"keep-together\">images</phrase>."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6384(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6388(secondary)
msgid "project ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6392(para)
msgid "User-defined alphanumeric string in Compute; the name of a project."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6398(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6402(secondary)
msgid "project VPN"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6406(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a cloudpipe."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6411(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6413(primary)
msgid "promiscuous mode"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6417(para)
msgid ""
"Causes the network interface to pass all traffic it receives to the host "
"rather than passing only the frames addressed to it."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6424(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6426(primary)
msgid "protected property"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6430(para)
msgid ""
"Generally, extra properties on an Image Service image to which only cloud "
"administrators have access. Limits which user roles can perform CRUD "
"operations on that property. The cloud administrator can configure any image"
" property as protected."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6439(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6441(primary)
msgid "provider"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6445(para)
msgid "An administrator who has access to all hosts and instances."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6451(glossterm)
msgid "proxy node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6455(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6458(primary)
msgid "proxy nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6462(para)
msgid "A node that provides the Object Storage proxy service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6467(glossterm)
msgid "proxy server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6471(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6474(primary)
msgid "proxy servers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6478(para)
msgid ""
"Users of Object Storage interact with the service through the proxy server, "
"which in turn looks up the location of the requested data within the ring "
"and returns the results to the user."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6485(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6492(primary)
msgid "public API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6489(secondary)
msgid "public APIs"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6496(para)
msgid ""
"An API endpoint used for both service-to-service communication and end-user "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6502(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6509(primary)
msgid "public image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6506(secondary)
msgid "public images"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6513(para)
msgid "An Image Service VM image that is available to all tenants."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6519(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6526(primary)
msgid "public IP address"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6523(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6551(secondary)
msgid "public"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6530(para)
msgid "An IP address that is accessible to end-users."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6535(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6537(primary)
msgid "public key authentication"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6541(para)
msgid "Authentication method that uses keys rather than passwords."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6547(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6554(primary)
msgid "public network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6558(para)
msgid ""
"The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers "
"to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must "
"have a public and private network interface. The public network interface is"
" controlled by the <literal>public_interface</literal> option."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6567(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6569(primary)
msgid "Puppet"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6573(para)
msgid ""
"An operating system configuration-management tool supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6579(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6581(primary)
msgid "Python"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6585(para)
msgid "Programming language used extensively in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6593(title)
msgid "Q"
msgstr "Q"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6596(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6598(primary)
msgid "QEMU Copy On Write 2 (QCOW2)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6608(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6610(primary)
msgid "Qpid"
msgstr "Qpid"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6614(para)
msgid ""
"Message queue software supported by OpenStack; an alternative to RabbitMQ."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6620(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6622(primary)
msgid "quarantine"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6626(para)
msgid ""
"If Object Storage finds objects, containers, or accounts that are corrupt, "
"they are placed in this state, are not replicated, cannot be read by "
"clients, and a correct copy is re-replicated."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6633(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6635(primary)
msgid "Quick EMUlator (QEMU)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6639(para)
msgid "QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6642(para)
msgid ""
"One of the hypervisors supported by OpenStack, generally used for "
"development purposes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6648(glossterm)
msgid "quota"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6650(primary)
msgid "quotas"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6654(para)
msgid ""
"In Compute and Block Storage, the ability to set resource limits on a per-"
"project <phrase role=\"keep-together\">basis</phrase>."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6663(title)
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6666(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6668(primary)
msgid "RabbitMQ"
msgstr "RabbitMQ"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6672(para)
msgid "The default message queue software used by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6677(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6679(primary)
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Files"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6683(para)
msgid ""
"Released as open source by Rackspace in 2010; the basis for Object Storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6689(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6691(primary)
msgid "RADOS Block Device (RBD)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6695(para)
msgid ""
"Ceph component that enables a Linux block device to be striped over multiple"
" distributed data stores."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6701(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6703(primary)
msgid "radvd"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6707(para)
msgid ""
"The router advertisement daemon, used by the Compute VLAN manager and "
"FlatDHCP manager to provide routing services for VM instances."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6714(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6716(primary)
msgid "RAM filter"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6720(para)
msgid "The Compute setting that enables or disables RAM overcommitment."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6726(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6728(primary)
msgid "RAM overcommit"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6732(para)
msgid ""
"The ability to start new VM instances based on the actual memory usage of a "
"host, as opposed to basing the decision on the amount of RAM each running "
"instance thinks it has available. Also known as memory overcommit."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6740(glossterm)
msgid "rate limit"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6742(primary)
msgid "rate limits"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6746(para)
msgid ""
"Configurable option within Object Storage to limit database writes on a per-"
"account and/or per-container basis."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6752(glossterm)
msgid "raw"
msgstr "raw"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6754(primary)
msgid "raw format"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6758(para)
msgid ""
"One of the VM image disk formats supported by Image Service; an unstructured"
" disk image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6764(glossterm)
msgid "rebalance"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6766(primary)
msgid "rebalancing"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6770(para)
msgid ""
"The process of distributing Object Storage partitions across all drives in "
"the ring; used during initial ring creation and after ring reconfiguration."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6777(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6779(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7661(primary)
msgid "reboot"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6781(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7663(secondary)
msgid "hard vs. soft"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6785(para)
msgid ""
"Either a soft or hard reboot of a server. With a soft reboot, the operating "
"system is signaled to restart, which enables a graceful shutdown of all "
"processes. A hard reboot is the equivalent of power cycling the server. The "
"virtualization platform should ensure that the reboot action has completed "
"successfully, even in cases in which the underlying domain/VM is paused or "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6795(glossterm)
msgid "rebuild"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6797(primary)
msgid "rebuilding"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6801(para)
msgid ""
"Removes all data on the server and replaces it with the specified image. "
"Server ID and IP addresses remain the same."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6807(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6809(primary)
msgid "Recon"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6813(para)
msgid "An Object Storage component that collects metrics."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6818(glossterm)
msgid "record"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6820(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6839(primary)
msgid "records"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6826(para)
msgid ""
"Belongs to a particular domain and is used to specify information about the "
"<phrase role=\"keep-together\">domain</phrase>. There are several types of "
"DNS records. Each record type contains particular information used to "
"describe the purpose of that record. Examples include mail exchange (MX) "
"records, which specify the mail server for a particular domain; and name "
"server (NS) records, which specify the authoritative name servers for a "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6837(glossterm)
msgid "record ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6841(secondary)
msgid "record IDs"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6845(para)
msgid ""
"A number within a database that is incremented each time a change is made. "
"Used by Object Storage when replicating."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6851(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6853(primary)
msgid "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6862(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6864(primary)
msgid "reference architecture"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6868(para)
msgid "A recommended architecture for an OpenStack cloud."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6873(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6875(primary)
msgid "region"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6879(para)
msgid ""
"A discrete OpenStack environment with dedicated API endpoints that typically"
" shares only the Identity Service (keystone) with other regions."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6886(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6888(primary)
msgid "registry"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6890(see)
msgid "under Image Service"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6894(para)
msgid "Alternative term for the Image Service registry."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6899(glossterm)
msgid "registry server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6903(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6906(primary)
msgid "registry servers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6910(para)
msgid ""
"An Image Service that provides VM image metadata information to clients."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6916(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6919(primary)
msgid "Reliable, Autonomic Distributed Object Store (RADOS)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6924(para)
msgid ""
"A collection of components that provides object storage within Ceph. Similar"
" to OpenStack Object Storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6930(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6932(primary)
msgid "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6936(para)
msgid ""
"The method used by the Compute RabbitMQ for intra-service communications."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6942(glossterm)
msgid "replica"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6944(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6959(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6971(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6982(primary)
msgid "replication"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6950(para)
msgid ""
"Provides data redundancy and fault tolerance by creating copies of Object "
"Storage objects, accounts, and containers so that they are not lost when the"
" underlying storage fails."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6957(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6961(secondary)
msgid "replica count"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6965(para)
msgid "The number of replicas of the data in an Object Storage ring."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6974(para)
msgid ""
"The process of copying data to a separate physical device for fault "
"tolerance and performance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6980(glossterm)
msgid "replicator"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6984(secondary)
msgid "replicators"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6988(para)
msgid ""
"The Object Storage back-end process that creates and manages object "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6994(glossterm)
msgid "request ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml6996(primary)
msgid "request IDs"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7000(para)
msgid "Unique ID assigned to each request sent to Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7005(glossterm)
msgid "rescue image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7007(primary)
msgid "rescue images"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7011(para)
msgid ""
"A special type of VM image that is booted when an instance is placed into "
"rescue mode. Allows an administrator to mount the file systems for an "
"instance to correct the problem."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7018(glossterm)
msgid "resize"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7020(primary)
msgid "resizing"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7024(para)
msgid ""
"Converts an existing server to a different flavor, which scales the server "
"up or down. The original server is saved to enable rollback if a problem "
"occurs. All resizes must be tested and explicitly confirmed, at which time "
"the original server is removed."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7032(glossterm)
msgid "RESTful"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7034(primary)
msgid "RESTful web services"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7038(para)
msgid ""
"A kind of web service API that uses REST, or Representational State "
"Transfer. REST is the style of architecture for hypermedia systems that is "
"used for the World Wide Web."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7045(glossterm)
msgid "ring"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7047(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7062(primary)
msgid "rings"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7053(para)
msgid ""
"An entity that maps Object Storage data to partitions. A separate ring "
"exists for each service, such as account, object, and container."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7060(glossterm)
msgid "ring builder"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7064(secondary)
msgid "ring builders"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7068(para)
msgid ""
"Builds and manages rings within Object Storage, assigns partitions to "
"devices, and pushes the configuration to other storage nodes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7075(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7077(primary)
msgid "Role Based Access Control (RBAC)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7081(para)
msgid ""
"Provides a predefined list of actions that the user can perform, such as "
"start or stop VMs, reset passwords, and so on. Supported in both Identity "
"Service and Compute and can be configured using the horizon dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7089(glossterm)
msgid "role"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7091(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7106(primary)
msgid "roles"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7097(para)
msgid ""
"A personality that a user assumes to perform a specific set of operations. A"
" role includes a set of rights and privileges. A user assuming that role "
"inherits those rights and privileges."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7104(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7108(secondary)
msgid "role ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7112(para)
msgid "Alphanumeric ID assigned to each Identity Service role."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7117(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7119(primary)
msgid "rootwrap"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7123(para)
msgid ""
"A feature of Compute that allows the unprivileged \"nova\" user to run a "
"specified list of commands as the Linux root user."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7129(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7136(primary)
msgid "round-robin scheduler"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7131(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7704(primary)
msgid "schedulers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7133(secondary)
msgid "round-robin"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7140(para)
msgid ""
"Type of Compute scheduler that evenly distributes instances among available "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7146(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7148(primary)
msgid "router"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7152(para)
msgid ""
"A physical or virtual network device that passes network traffic between "
"different networks."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7158(glossterm)
msgid "routing key"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7160(primary)
msgid "routing keys"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7164(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute direct exchanges, fanout exchanges, and topic exchanges use this"
" key to determine how to process a message; processing varies depending on "
"exchange type."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7171(glossterm)
msgid "RPC driver"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7173(primary)
msgid "drivers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7175(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7178(primary)
msgid "RPC drivers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7182(para)
msgid ""
"Modular system that allows the underlying message queue software of Compute "
"to be changed. For example, from RabbitMQ to ZeroMQ or Qpid."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7189(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7191(primary)
msgid "rsync"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7195(para)
msgid "Used by Object Storage to push object replicas."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7200(glossterm)
msgid "RXTX cap"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7202(primary)
msgid "RXTX cap/quota"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7206(para)
msgid ""
"Absolute limit on the amount of network traffic a Compute VM instance can "
"send and receive."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7212(glossterm)
msgid "RXTX quota"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7215(para)
msgid ""
"Soft limit on the amount of network traffic a Compute VM instance can send "
"and receive."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7224(title)
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7227(glossterm)
msgid "S3"
msgstr "S3"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7229(primary)
msgid "S3 storage service"
msgstr "S3存储服务"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7233(para)
msgid ""
"Object storage service by Amazon; similar in function to Object Storage, it "
"can act as a back-end store for Image Service VM <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7240(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7242(primary)
msgid "sahara"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7246(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack project that provides a scalable data-processing stack and "
"associated management interfaces."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7252(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7254(primary)
msgid "SAML assertion"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7258(para)
msgid ""
"Contains information about a user as provided by the identity provider. It "
"is an indication that a user has been authenticated."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7264(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7266(primary)
msgid "scheduler manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7270(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute component that determines where VM instances should start. Uses "
"modular design to support a variety of scheduler types."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7277(glossterm)
msgid "scoped token"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7279(primary)
msgid "scoped tokens"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7283(para)
msgid ""
"An Identity Service API access token that is associated with a specific "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7289(glossterm)
msgid "scrubber"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7291(primary)
msgid "scrubbers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7295(para)
msgid ""
"Checks for and deletes unused VMs; the component of Image Service that "
"implements delayed delete."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7301(glossterm)
msgid "secret key"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7303(primary)
msgid "secret keys"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7307(para)
msgid ""
"String of text known only by the user; used along with an access key to make"
" requests to the Compute API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7313(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7315(primary)
msgid "secure shell (SSH)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7319(para)
msgid ""
"Open source tool used to access remote hosts through an encrypted "
"communications channel, SSH key injection is supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7326(glossterm)
msgid "security group"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7328(primary)
msgid "security groups"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7332(para)
msgid ""
"A set of network traffic filtering rules that are applied to a Compute "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7338(glossterm)
msgid "segmented object"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7342(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7345(primary)
msgid "segmented objects"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7349(para)
msgid ""
"An Object Storage large object that has been broken up into pieces. The re-"
"assembled object is called a concatenated object."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7356(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7358(primary)
msgid "SELinux"
msgstr "SELinux"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7362(para)
msgid ""
"Linux kernel security module that provides the mechanism for supporting "
"access control policies."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7368(glossterm)
msgid "server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7376(para)
msgid ""
"Computer that provides explicit services to the client software running on "
"that system, often managing a variety of computer operations."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7380(para)
msgid ""
"A server is a VM instance in the Compute system. Flavor and image are "
"requisite elements when creating a server."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7386(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7388(primary)
msgid "server image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7392(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a VM image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7397(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7401(secondary)
msgid "server UUID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7411(glossterm)
msgid "service"
msgstr "服务"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7413(primary)
msgid "services"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7419(para)
msgid ""
"An OpenStack service, such as Compute, Object Storage, or Image Service. "
"Provides one or more endpoints through which users can access resources and "
"perform operations."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7426(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7428(primary)
msgid "service catalog"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7432(para)
msgid "Alternative term for the Identity Service catalog."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7437(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7439(primary)
msgid "service ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7443(para)
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each service that is available in the Identity Service"
" catalog."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7449(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7451(primary)
msgid "service provider"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7455(para)
msgid ""
"A system that provides services to other system entities. In case of "
"federated identity, OpenStack Identity is the service provider."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7462(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7464(primary)
msgid "service registration"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7468(para)
msgid ""
"An Identity Service feature that enables services, such as Compute, to "
"automatically register with the catalog."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7474(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7476(primary)
msgid "service tenant"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7480(para)
msgid ""
"Special tenant that contains all services that are listed in the catalog."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7486(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7488(primary)
msgid "service token"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7492(para)
msgid ""
"An administrator-defined token used by Compute to communicate securely with "
"the Identity Service."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7498(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7502(secondary)
msgid "session back end"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7500(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7514(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7529(primary)
msgid "sessions"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7506(para)
msgid ""
"The method of storage used by horizon to track client sessions, such as "
"local memory, cookies, a database, or memcached."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7512(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7516(secondary)
msgid "session persistence"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7520(para)
msgid ""
"A feature of the load-balancing service. It attempts to force subsequent "
"connections to a service to be redirected to the same node as long as it is "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7527(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7531(secondary)
msgid "session storage"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7535(para)
msgid ""
"A horizon component that stores and tracks client session information. "
"Implemented through the Django sessions framework."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7541(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7548(primary)
msgid "shared IP address"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7545(secondary)
msgid "shared"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7552(para)
msgid ""
"An IP address that can be assigned to a VM instance within the shared IP "
"group. Public IP addresses can be shared across multiple servers for use in "
"various high-availability scenarios. When an IP address is shared to another"
" server, the cloud network restrictions are modified to enable each server "
"to listen to and respond on that IP address. You can optionally specify that"
" the target server network configuration be modified. Shared IP addresses "
"can be used with many standard heartbeat facilities, such as keepalive, that"
" monitor for failure and manage IP failover."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7565(glossterm)
msgid "shared IP group"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7567(primary)
msgid "shared IP groups"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7571(para)
msgid ""
"A collection of servers that can share IPs with other members of the group. "
"Any server in a group can share one or more public IPs with any other server"
" in the group. With the exception of the first server in a shared IP group, "
"servers must be launched into shared IP groups. A server may be a member of "
"only one shared IP group."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7580(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7582(primary)
msgid "shared storage"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7586(para)
msgid ""
"Block storage that is simultaneously accessible by multiple clients, for "
"example, NFS."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7592(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7594(primary)
msgid "Sheepdog"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7598(para)
msgid "Distributed block storage system for QEMU, supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7604(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7607(primary)
msgid "Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7611(para)
msgid ""
"Specification for managing identity in the cloud, currently unsupported by "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7617(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7620(primary)
msgid "Single-root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7624(para)
msgid ""
"A specification that, when implemented by a physical PCIe device, enables it"
" to appear as multiple separate PCIe devices. This enables multiple "
"virtualized guests to share direct access to the physical device, offering "
"improved performance over an equivalent virtual device. Currently supported "
"in OpenStack Havana and later <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7634(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7636(primary)
msgid "SmokeStack"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7640(para)
msgid "Runs automated tests against the core OpenStack API; written in Rails."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7646(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7648(primary)
msgid "snapshot"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7652(para)
msgid ""
"A point-in-time copy of an OpenStack storage volume or image. Use storage "
"volume snapshots to back up volumes. Use image snapshots to back up data, or"
" as \"gold\" images for additional servers."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7659(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7666(primary)
msgid "soft reboot"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7670(para)
msgid ""
"A controlled reboot where a VM instance is properly restarted through "
"operating system commands."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7676(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7678(primary)
msgid "SolidFire Volume Driver"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7682(para)
msgid "The Block Storage driver for the SolidFire iSCSI storage appliance."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7688(glossterm)
msgid "SPICE"
msgstr "SPICE"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7690(primary)
msgid "SPICE (Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments)"
msgstr "SPICE(独立计算环境简单协议)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7695(para)
msgid ""
"The Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (SPICE) provides "
"remote desktop access to guest virtual machines. It is an alternative to "
"VNC. SPICE is supported by OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7702(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7709(primary)
msgid "spread-first scheduler"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7706(secondary)
msgid "spread-first"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7713(para)
msgid ""
"The Compute VM scheduling algorithm that attempts to start a new VM on the "
"host with the least amount of load."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7719(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7721(primary)
msgid "SQL-Alchemy"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7725(para)
msgid "An open source SQL toolkit for Python, used in OpenStack."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7730(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7732(primary)
msgid "SQLite"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7736(para)
msgid ""
"A lightweight SQL database, used as the default persistent storage method in"
" many OpenStack services."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7742(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7744(primary)
msgid "stack"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7749(para)
msgid ""
"A set of OpenStack resources created and managed by the Orchestration "
"service according to a given template (either an AWS CloudFormation template"
" or a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT))."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7757(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7759(primary)
msgid "StackTach"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7763(para)
msgid ""
"Community project that captures Compute AMQP communications; useful for "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7769(glossterm)
msgid "static IP address"
msgstr "静态IP 地址"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7773(secondary)
msgid "static"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7776(primary)
msgid "static IP addresses"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7780(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a fixed IP address."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7785(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7787(primary)
msgid "StaticWeb"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7791(para)
msgid ""
"WSGI middleware component of Object Storage that serves container data as a "
"static web page."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7797(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7799(primary)
msgid "storage back end"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7803(para)
msgid ""
"The method that a service uses for persistent storage, such as iSCSI, NFS, "
"or local disk."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7809(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7816(primary)
msgid "storage node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7813(secondary)
msgid "storage nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7820(para)
msgid ""
"An Object Storage node that provides container services, account services, "
"and object services; controls the account databases, container databases, "
"and object storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7827(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7831(secondary)
msgid "storage manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7829(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7843(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7857(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8006(primary)
msgid "storage"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7835(para)
msgid ""
"A XenAPI component that provides a pluggable interface to support a wide "
"variety of persistent storage back ends."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7841(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7845(secondary)
msgid "storage manager back end"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7849(para)
msgid "A persistent storage method supported by XenAPI, such as iSCSI or NFS."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7855(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7859(secondary)
msgid "storage services"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7863(para)
msgid ""
"Collective name for the Object Storage object services, container services, "
"and account services."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7869(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7871(primary)
msgid "strategy"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7875(para)
msgid ""
"Specifies the authentication source used by Image Service or Identity "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7881(glossterm)
msgid "subdomain"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7883(primary)
msgid "subdomains"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7887(para)
msgid ""
"A domain within a parent domain. Subdomains cannot be registered. Subdomains"
" enable you to delegate domains. Subdomains can themselves have subdomains, "
"so third-level, fourth-level, fifth-level, and deeper levels of nesting are "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7895(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7897(primary)
msgid "subnet"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7901(para)
msgid "Logical subdivision of an IP network."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7906(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7909(primary)
msgid "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)"
msgstr "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7918(glossterm)
msgid "suspend"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7920(primary)
msgid "suspend, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7924(para)
msgid ""
"Alternative term for a paused VM <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7930(glossterm)
msgid "swap"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7932(primary)
msgid "swap, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7936(para)
msgid ""
"Disk-based virtual memory used by operating systems to provide more memory "
"than is actually available on the system."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7942(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7944(primary)
msgid "swawth"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7948(para)
msgid ""
"An authentication and authorization service for Object Storage, implemented "
"through WSGI middleware; uses Object Storage itself as the persistent "
"backing store."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7958(para)
msgid "An OpenStack core project that provides object storage services."
msgstr "OpenStack核心项目之一,提供对象存储服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7964(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7966(primary)
msgid "swift All in One (SAIO)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7970(para)
msgid ""
"Creates a full Object Storage development environment within a single VM."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7976(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7980(secondary)
msgid "swift middleware"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7984(para)
msgid ""
"Collective term for Object Storage components that provide additional "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7990(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7994(secondary)
msgid "swift proxy server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml7998(para)
msgid ""
"Acts as the gatekeeper to Object Storage and is responsible for "
"authenticating the user."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8004(glossterm)
msgid "swift storage node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8008(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8013(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8018(secondary)
msgid "swift storage nodes"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8022(para)
msgid ""
"A node that runs Object Storage account, container, and object services."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8028(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8030(primary)
msgid "sync point"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8034(para)
msgid ""
"Point in time since the last container and accounts database sync among "
"nodes within Object Storage."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8040(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8042(primary)
msgid "sysadmin"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8046(para)
msgid ""
"One of the default roles in the Compute RBAC system. Enables a user to add "
"other users to a project, interact with VM images that are associated with "
"the project, and start and stop VM instances."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8053(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8055(primary)
msgid "system usage"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8059(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute component that, along with the notification system, collects "
"metrics and usage information. This information can be used for billing."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8069(title)
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8072(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8074(primary)
msgid "Telemetry"
msgstr "Telemetry"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8078(para)
msgid ""
"An integrated project that provides metering and measuring facilities for "
"OpenStack. The project name of Telemetry is ceilometer."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8085(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8087(primary)
msgid "TempAuth"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8091(para)
msgid ""
"An authentication facility within Object Storage that enables Object Storage"
" itself to perform authentication and authorization. Frequently used in "
"testing and development."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8098(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8100(primary)
msgid "Tempest"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8104(para)
msgid ""
"Automated software test suite designed to run against the trunk of the "
"OpenStack core project."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8110(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8112(primary)
msgid "TempURL"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8116(para)
msgid ""
"An Object Storage middleware component that enables creation of URLs for "
"temporary object access."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8122(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8133(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8151(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8165(primary)
msgid "tenant"
msgstr "租户"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8125(para)
msgid ""
"A group of users; used to isolate access to Compute resources. An "
"alternative term for a project."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8131(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8135(secondary)
msgid "Tenant API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8139(para)
msgid "An API that is accessible to tenants."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8144(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8148(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8153(secondary)
msgid "tenant endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8157(para)
msgid ""
"An Identity Service API endpoint that is associated with one or more "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8163(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8167(secondary)
msgid "tenant ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8171(para)
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each tenant within the Identity Service. The project "
"IDs map to the tenant IDs."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8177(glossterm)
msgid "token"
msgstr "token"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8179(primary)
msgid "tokens"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8183(para)
msgid ""
"An alpha-numeric string of text used to access OpenStack APIs and resources."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8189(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8191(primary)
msgid "token services"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8195(para)
msgid ""
"An Identity Service component that manages and validates tokens after a user"
" or tenant has been authenticated."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8201(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8203(primary)
msgid "tombstone"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8206(para)
msgid ""
"Used to mark Object Storage objects that have been deleted; ensures that the"
" object is not updated on another node after it has been deleted."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8214(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8216(primary)
msgid "topic publisher"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8220(para)
msgid ""
"A process that is created when a RPC call is executed; used to push the "
"message to the topic exchange."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8226(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8228(primary)
msgid "Torpedo"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8232(para)
msgid ""
"Community project used to run automated tests against the OpenStack API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8238(glossterm)
msgid "transaction ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8240(primary)
msgid "transaction IDs"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8244(para)
msgid ""
"Unique ID assigned to each Object Storage request; used for debugging and "
"<phrase role=\"keep-together\">tracing</phrase>."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8250(glossterm)
msgid "transient"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8252(primary)
msgid "transient exchanges"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8258(para)
msgid "Alternative term for non-durable."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8263(glossterm)
msgid "transient exchange"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8266(para)
msgid ""
"Alternative term for a non-durable <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8272(glossterm)
msgid "transient message"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8276(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8279(primary)
msgid "transient messages"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8283(para)
msgid ""
"A message that is stored in memory and is lost after the server is "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8289(glossterm)
msgid "transient queue"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8293(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8296(primary)
msgid "transient queues"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8300(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a non-durable queue."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8305(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8307(primary)
msgid "TripleO"
msgstr "TripleO"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8311(para)
msgid ""
"OpenStack-on-OpenStack program. The code name for the OpenStack Deployment "
msgstr "OpenStack-on-OpenStack程序,为OpenStack开发程序使用的项目。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8319(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8321(primary)
msgid "trove"
msgstr "trove"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8325(para)
msgid "OpenStack project that provides database services to applications."
msgstr "OpenStack为提供数据库服务的应用程序项目。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8334(title)
msgid "U"
msgstr "U"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8337(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8339(primary)
msgid "Ubuntu"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8343(para)
msgid "A Debian-based Linux distribution."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8348(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8350(primary)
msgid "unscoped token"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8354(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an Identity Service default token."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8359(glossterm)
msgid "updater"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8361(primary)
msgid "updaters"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8365(para)
msgid ""
"Collective term for a group of Object Storage components that processes "
"queued and failed updates for containers and objects."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8371(glossterm)
msgid "user"
msgstr "用户"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8373(primary)
msgid "users, definition of"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8377(para)
msgid ""
"In Identity Service, each user is associated with one or more tenants, and "
"in Compute can be associated with roles, projects, or both."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8384(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8386(primary)
msgid "user data"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8390(para)
msgid ""
"A blob of data that the user can specify when they launch an instance. The "
"instance can access this data through the metadata service or config drive. "
"<indexterm class=\"singular\"><primary>config drive</primary></indexterm> "
"Commonly used to pass a shell script that the instance runs on boot."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8400(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8402(primary)
msgid "User Mode Linux (UML)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8414(title)
msgid "V"
msgstr "V"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8417(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8419(primary)
msgid "VIF UUID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8423(para)
msgid "Unique ID assigned to each Networking VIF."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8428(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8430(primary)
msgid "VIP"
msgstr "vip"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8434(para)
msgid ""
"The primary load balancing configuration object. Specifies the virtual IP "
"address and port where client traffic is received. Also defines other "
"details such as the load balancing method to be used, protocol, and so on. "
"This entity is sometimes known in load-balancing products as a virtual "
"server, vserver, or listener."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8444(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8447(primary)
msgid "Virtual Central Processing Unit (vCPU)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8451(para)
msgid "Subdivides physical CPUs. Instances can then use those divisions."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8457(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8459(primary)
msgid "Virtual Disk Image (VDI)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8469(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8471(primary)
msgid "Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8481(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8483(primary)
msgid "virtual IP"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8487(para)
msgid ""
"An Internet Protocol (IP) address configured on the load balancer for use by"
" clients connecting to a service that is load balanced. Incoming connections"
" are distributed to back-end nodes based on the configuration of the load "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8495(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8497(primary)
msgid "virtual machine (VM)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8501(para)
msgid ""
"An operating system instance that runs on top of a hypervisor. Multiple VMs "
"can run at the same time on the same physical host."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8508(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8515(primary)
msgid "virtual network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8512(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8568(secondary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8598(secondary)
msgid "virtual"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8519(para)
msgid "An L2 network segment within Networking."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8524(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8526(primary)
msgid "virtual networking"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8530(para)
msgid ""
"A generic term for virtualization of network functions such as switching, "
"routing, load balancing, and security using a combination of VMs and "
"overlays on physical network infrastructure."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8539(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8541(primary)
msgid "Virtual Network Computing (VNC)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8545(para)
msgid ""
"Open source GUI and CLI tools used for remote console access to VMs. "
"Supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8551(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8553(primary)
msgid "Virtual Network InterFace (VIF)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8557(para)
msgid ""
"An interface that is plugged into a port in a Networking network. Typically "
"a virtual network interface belonging to a VM."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8564(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8571(primary)
msgid "virtual port"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8575(para)
msgid ""
"Attachment point where a virtual interface connects to a virtual network."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8581(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8583(primary)
msgid "virtual private network (VPN)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8587(para)
msgid ""
"Provided by Compute in the form of cloudpipes, specialized instances that "
"are used to create VPNs on a per-project <phrase role=\"keep-"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8594(glossterm)
msgid "virtual server"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8601(primary)
msgid "virtual servers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8605(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a VM or guest."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8610(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8612(primary)
msgid "virtual switch (vSwitch)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8616(para)
msgid ""
"Software that runs on a host or node and provides the features and functions"
" of a hardware-based network switch."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8622(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8624(primary)
msgid "virtual VLAN"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8628(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a virtual network."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8633(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8635(primary)
msgid "VirtualBox"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8644(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8646(primary)
msgid "VLAN manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8650(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute component that provides dnsmasq and radvd and sets up forwarding "
"to and from cloudpipe instances."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8656(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8663(primary)
msgid "VLAN network"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8660(secondary)
msgid "VLAN"
msgstr "VLAN"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8667(para)
msgid ""
"The Network Controller provides virtual networks to enable compute servers "
"to interact with each other and with the public network. All machines must "
"have a public and private network interface. A VLAN network is a private "
"network interface, which is controlled by the "
"<literal>vlan_interface</literal> option with VLAN managers."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8677(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8679(primary)
msgid "VM disk (VMDK)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8689(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8691(primary)
msgid "VM image"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8695(para)
msgid "Alternative term for an image."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8700(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8702(primary)
msgid "VM Remote Control (VMRC)"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8706(para)
msgid ""
"Method to access VM instance consoles using a web browser. Supported by "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8712(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8714(primary)
msgid "VMware API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8718(para)
msgid "Supports interaction with VMware products in Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8723(glossterm)
msgid "VMware NSX Neutron plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8726(para)
msgid "Provides support for VMware NSX in Neutron."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8731(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8733(primary)
msgid "VNC proxy"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8737(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute component that provides users access to the consoles of their VM "
"instances through VNC or VMRC."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8743(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8755(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8768(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8782(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8795(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8809(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8823(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8837(primary)
msgid "volume"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8746(para)
msgid ""
"Disk-based data storage generally represented as an iSCSI target with a file"
" system that supports extended attributes; can be persistent or ephemeral."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8753(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8757(secondary)
msgid "Volume API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8761(para)
msgid "Alternative name for the Block Storage API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8766(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8770(secondary)
msgid "volume controller"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8774(para)
msgid ""
"A Block Storage component that oversees and coordinates storage volume "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8780(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8784(secondary)
msgid "volume driver"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8788(para)
msgid "Alternative term for a volume plug-in."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8793(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8797(secondary)
msgid "volume ID"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8801(para)
msgid ""
"Unique ID applied to each storage volume under the Block Storage control."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8807(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8811(secondary)
msgid "volume manager"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8815(para)
msgid ""
"A Block Storage component that creates, attaches, and detaches persistent "
"storage volumes."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8821(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8825(secondary)
msgid "volume node"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8829(para)
msgid ""
"A Block Storage node that runs the <systemitem class=\"service\">cinder-"
"volume</systemitem> daemon."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8835(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8839(secondary)
msgid "volume plug-in"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8843(para)
msgid ""
"Provides support for new and specialized types of back-end storage for the "
"Block Storage volume manager."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8849(glossterm)
msgid "volume worker"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8851(primary)
msgid "volume workers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8855(para)
msgid ""
"A cinder component that interacts with back-end storage to manage the "
"creation and deletion of volumes and the creation of compute volumes, "
"provided by the <systemitem class=\"service\">cinder-volume</systemitem> "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8863(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8865(primary)
msgid "vSphere"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8877(title)
msgid "W"
msgstr "W"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8880(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8882(primary)
msgid "weighting"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8886(para)
msgid ""
"A Compute process that determines the suitability of the VM instances for a "
"job for a particular host. For example, not enough RAM on the host, too many"
" CPUs on the host, and so on."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8893(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8895(primary)
msgid "weight"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8899(para)
msgid ""
"Used by Object Storage devices to determine which storage devices are "
"suitable for the job. Devices are weighted by size."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8905(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8907(primary)
msgid "weighted cost"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8911(para)
msgid ""
"The sum of each cost used when deciding where to start a new VM instance in "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8917(glossterm)
msgid "worker"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8919(primary)
msgid "workers"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8923(para)
msgid ""
"A daemon that listens to a queue and carries out tasks in response to "
"messages. For example, the <systemitem class=\"service\">cinder-"
"volume</systemitem> worker manages volume creation and deletion on storage "
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8934(title)
msgid "X"
msgstr "X"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8937(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8939(primary)
msgid "Xen"
msgstr "Xen"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8943(para)
msgid ""
"Xen is a hypervisor using a microkernel design, providing services that "
"allow multiple computer operating systems to execute on the same computer "
"hardware concurrently."
msgstr "Xen是一种hypervisor,使用微内核设计,提供在同一台硬件计算机并行的运行多个计算机操作系统的服务。"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8953(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8964(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8977(primary)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8991(primary)
msgid "Xen API"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8956(para)
msgid "The Xen administrative API, which is supported by Compute."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8962(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8966(secondary)
msgid "Xen Cloud Platform (XCP)"
msgstr "Xen 云平台(XCP)"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8975(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8979(secondary)
msgid "Xen Storage Manager Volume Driver"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8983(para)
msgid ""
"A Block Storage volume plug-in that enables communication with the Xen "
"Storage Manager API."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8989(glossterm)
msgid "XenServer"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml8993(secondary)
msgid "XenServer hypervisor"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9002(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9004(primary)
msgid "XFS"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9007(para)
msgid ""
"High-performance 64-bit file system created by Silicon Graphics. Excels in "
"parallel I/O operations and data consistency."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9018(title)
msgid "Y"
msgstr "Y"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9032(title)
msgid "Z"
msgstr "Z"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9035(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9037(primary)
msgid "ZeroMQ"
msgstr "ZeroMQ"
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9041(para)
msgid ""
"Message queue software supported by OpenStack. An alternative to RabbitMQ. "
"Also spelled 0MQ."
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9047(glossterm)
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9049(primary)
msgid "Zuul"
msgstr ""
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml9053(para)
msgid ""
"Tool used in OpenStack development to ensure correctly ordered testing of "
"changes in parallel."
msgstr ""
#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
#: ./doc/glossary/glossary-terms.xml0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "translator-credits"