Because of the new gating system (gate-training-guides-tox-slides), we need to cleanup all existing RST files. There is a small rendering problem with Landslide in the Upstream training and all the Title slides (empty slides with only a Title). The check doesn't like "empty" slides ("Document or section may not begin with a transition."), Landslide deals with this by ignoring errors (https://github.com/adamzap/landslide/issues/94), but our gating check does not. I temporary changed all such slides to normal ones. I also had to change training-guides/landslide.sh a bit (a quick hack so that it works as expected). Change-Id: I6c3ae06235e69c4a53741e74a5642d27083f4df0
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Lego applied to Free Software contributions
Agile manifesto
- Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software
- Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
- Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
- Working software is the principal measure of progress
- Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace
- Close, daily co-operation between business people and developers
- Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location)
- Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
- Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
- Simplicity- The art of maximizing the amount of work not done - is essential
- Self-organizing teams
- Regular adaptation to changing circumstances
Applying agile
- Finding Roles : Product Owner, Scrum Master and Team Member
- No person has an ideal role
- The role is hidden
- Discovering the roles is an ongoing work
Lego town
- Upstream project : a lego town
- Company deadline : lego exhibition
- Epic: become a major contributor and demonstrate the company skills during the exhibition
- Board : 1
- Technical committee : 1
- PTL : 1
- Core : 5
- CEO : 1
- Product owner : 1
- Scrum Master : 1
- Team members : 5
Free Software contributors
- Distracted : 1
- Controversial : 1
- Agreeable : X
- Discuss with the product owner
- Write user stories
- 5 minutes planning
- 15 minutes building
- 5 minutes review