- Docs are switching to latest Sphinx 1.5.1 without auto-upgrade support. - :option: usage is not compatible to Sphinx 1.5.1. Change-Id: I40e17d68c255e3471524515db2d5c32384dcd181
The subfolders contain the RST files related to the Training Guides.
Please refer the following link to get more information about this project https://launchpad.net/openstack-training-guides
Please follow the following wiki to get more information about development process of Training Guides. This should provide enough information to start contributing to training guides https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Training-guides
Training Guides is typically divided into four guides
- Associate Training Guide
- Operator Training Guide
- Developer Training Guide
- Architect Training Guide
Please follow the following wiki to get more information about development process of Training Guides. This should provide enough information to start contributing to training guides https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Training-guides
Structure of this folder
To get better idea of the design of this folder follow this blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-training-guides/+spec/separate-folders-for-books
Typically book wise folders are created, read the following for more description:
- associate-guide: This folder contains RST files related to Associate Training Guide.
- common: This folder contains common files used by multiple training guides.
- figures: This folder contains images used by all the training guides.
- _static: This folder contains theming (CSS) for generating the HTML slides.