For more information about this automatic import see: https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/reviewing-translation-import.html Change-Id: I44ae5a6f025b6446a30c8d2057152ead00832a22
3391 lines
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3391 lines
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# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2016. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2017. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2019. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Upstream Training Guide\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-02 14:06+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-03 01:59+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid "**Mentors**"
msgstr "**Mentors**"
msgid ""
"**SCHEDULED: Saturday, November 2nd(1pm - 5pm local time) - Sunday, November "
"3rd(9am to 5pm local time), 2019**"
msgstr ""
"**SCHEDULED: Saturday, November 2nd(1pm - 5pm local time) - Sunday, November "
"3rd(9am to 5pm local time), 2019**"
msgid "**Staff**"
msgstr "**Staff**"
msgid "**Sunday, August 25, 2019**"
msgstr "**Sunday, August 25, 2019**"
msgid "**Tuesday, July 23, 2019**"
msgstr "**Tuesday, July 23, 2019**"
msgid "**Wednesday, October 2, 2019**"
msgstr "**Wednesday, October 2, 2019**"
msgid "1 day"
msgstr "1 hari"
msgid "1.5 day"
msgstr "1,5 hari"
msgid "13:45 Sagrada Familia"
msgstr "13:45 Sagrada Familia"
msgid "15:00 Overnight in Ibiza"
msgstr "15:00 Bermalam di Ibiza"
msgid "185 countries"
msgstr "185 negara"
msgid "19:45 Barcelona FC Game"
msgstr "19:45 Barcelona FC Game"
msgid "1st Upstream Training in Seoul"
msgstr "1st Upstream Training in Seoul"
msgid "2,000 developers"
msgstr "2,000 pengembang"
msgid "20 mins building"
msgstr "20 mins bangunan"
msgid "2013.2 branch and tags"
msgstr "2013.2 branch dan tags"
msgid "2013.2.4 preparation"
msgstr "2013.2.4 persiapan"
msgid "2014 Atlanta, USA"
msgstr "2014 Atlanta, USA"
msgid "2014 Paris, France"
msgstr "2014 Paris, France"
msgid "2015 Tokyo, Japan"
msgstr "2015 Tokyo, Japan"
msgid "2015 Vancouver, Canada"
msgstr "2015 Vancouver, Canada"
msgid "2016 Austin, USA"
msgstr "2016 Austin, USA"
msgid "2016 Barcelona, Spain"
msgstr "2016 Barcelona, Spain (spanyol)"
msgid "2017"
msgstr "2017"
msgid "2017 Beijing, China"
msgstr "2017 Beijing, China"
msgid "2017 Boston, USA"
msgstr "2017 Boston, USA"
msgid "2018"
msgstr "2018"
msgid "2019"
msgstr "2019"
msgid "265 different organizations"
msgstr "265 organisasi yang berbeda"
msgid "2nd Upstream Training in Seoul with Ubuntu Korea Community & Naver D2"
msgstr "2nd Upstream Training in Seoul with Ubuntu Korea Community & Naver D2"
msgid "3-4 different companies"
msgstr "3-4 perusahaan yang berbeda"
msgid "5 mins planning"
msgstr "5 mins perencanaan"
msgid "5 mins review"
msgstr "5 mins ulasan"
msgid "660 supporting companies"
msgstr "660 perusahaan pendukung"
msgid "73,723 people"
msgstr "73.723 orang"
msgid "7:00 Day Trip to Madrid"
msgstr "7:00 Hari perjalanan ke Madrid"
msgid "7:45 Cava & Winery Tour"
msgstr "7:45 Wisata Cava & Winery"
msgid ""
":doc:`upstream-details`: A detailed overview of OpenStack Upstream Institute "
msgstr ""
":doc:`upstream-details`: Gambaran rinci tentang OpenStack Upstream Institute "
msgid ":doc:`upstream-trainees-guide`"
msgstr ":doc:`upstream-trainees-guide`"
msgid ":doc:`upstream-trainers-guide`"
msgstr ":doc:`upstream-trainers-guide`"
msgid ":doc:`upstream-training-content`"
msgstr ":doc:`upstream-training-content`"
msgid ":doc:`upstream-training-summit`"
msgstr ":doc:`upstream-training-summit`"
msgid ":ref:`openinfra-days-nordics`"
msgstr ":ref:`openinfra-days-nordics`"
msgid ""
"A big thank you to everyone that has made this possible, especially Loic "
"Dachary, Stefano Maffulli, Tim Freund, Marton Kiss, and Ildikó Váncsa who "
"lead the trainings."
msgstr ""
"Ucapan terima kasih kepada semua orang yang telah membuat ini menjadi "
"kenyataan, terutama Loic Dachary, Stefano Maffulli, Tim Freund, Marton Cium, "
"dan Ildiko Váncsa yang memimpin pelatihan."
msgid "A bunch of scripts to build a full OpenStack environment"
msgstr "Sekelompok script untuk membangun lingkungan OpenStack penuh"
msgid ""
"A week before the training begins, ensure attendees are aware of the "
"prerequisites when confirming attendance"
msgstr ""
"Seminggu sebelum pelatihan dimulai, pastikan peserta mengetahui prasyarat "
"saat mengkonfirmasikan kehadiran"
msgid "API, Contributor Guide, Security Guide, Training Guides, Training Labs"
msgstr ""
"API, Panduan Kontributor, Panduan Keamanan, Panduan Pelatihan, Lab Pelatihan"
msgid "About the training"
msgstr "Tentang pelatihan"
msgid "Account SetUp"
msgstr "Pengaturan akun"
msgid "Activities listed here are not realized at every Upstream training."
msgstr ""
"Kegiatan yang tercantum di sini tidak memperlihatkan pada setiap pelatihan "
"Upstream (hulu)."
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Aktivitas"
msgid ""
"Add a few extra LOG.debug() lines to one of the methods of the API call you "
"chose in the previous exercise"
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan beberapa tambahan baris LOG.debug() ke salah satu metode panggilan "
"API yang Anda pilih dalam latihan sebelumnya"
msgid ""
"Add bugs against, or write reviews for, the itinerary patches from other "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan bug, atau tulis ulasan untuk, itinerary patches dari grup lain."
msgid ""
"Add your name and email address (and IRC nick if you have one already) to "
"the training etherpad"
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan nama dan alamat email Anda (dan IRC nick jika Anda sudah "
"memilikinya) ke etherpad pelatihan"
msgid "Added unit tests to cover untested methods"
msgstr "Unit tes yang ditambahkan untuk mencakup metode yang belum diuji"
msgid "Adrien Cunin (mentoring, assistant, french, english)"
msgstr "Adrien Cunin (mentoring, assistant, french, english)"
msgid "After DevStack is run Horizon is accessible via localhost"
msgstr "Setelah DevStack dijalankan Horizon bisa diakses via localhost"
msgid ""
"After the training students have the possibility to sign up for a longer "
"term mentoring to further stregthen the skills they've learned during the "
msgstr ""
"Setelah pelatihan, siswa memiliki kemungkinan untuk mendaftar untuk "
"pendampingan jangka panjang untuk lebih jauh memperkuat keterampilan yang "
"mereka pelajari selama pelatihan."
msgid "Agreeable : 2-3"
msgstr "Agreeable : 2-3"
msgid ""
"Ahead of time: ensure the existing Lego buildings are set out on a table, "
"but not connected to each other. All the unsorted bricks should be available "
"in several smaller boxes in a different part of the room, for participants "
"to use. There is no need to display the boxes or instruction manuals."
msgstr ""
"Menjelang waktu: pastikan bangunan Lego yang ada diatur di atas meja, tetapi "
"tidak terhubung satu sama lain. Semua batu bata tidak disortir harus "
"tersedia dalam beberapa kotak kecil di bagian yang berbeda dari ruangan, "
"untuk peserta menggunakannya. Tidak perlu untuk menampilkan kotak atau "
"manual instruksi."
msgid "Aim to become a major contributor and demonstrate your mad skills!"
msgstr ""
"Bertujuan untuk menjadi kontributor utama dan menunjukkan keterampilan gila "
"(mad skills) Anda!"
msgid "Alternatively, you can use your virtual machine on a public cloud."
msgstr ""
"Atau alternative, Anda dapat menggunakan mesin virtual Anda pada public "
msgid ""
"And then open the `Introductions <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"common/introduction.html>`_ chapter."
msgstr ""
"Dan kemudian buka bab `Introductions <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/common/introduction.html>` _."
msgid "Anne Gentle – Cisco"
msgstr "Anne Gentle – Cisco"
msgid "Answer other's questions or help direct them to those who can"
msgstr ""
"Menjawab pertanyaan orang lain atau membantu mengarahkan mereka ke orang "
"yang bisa"
msgid "Appropriate Fixes"
msgstr "Appropriate Fixes (perbaikan yang tepat)"
msgid ""
"Apr 28: `Open Infrastructure Summit Denver <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"denver-2019/>`_ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgstr ""
"Apr 28: `Open Infrastructure Summit Denver <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"denver-2019/>`_ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgid "Archive"
msgstr "Archive (arsip)"
msgid "Archive of additional training activities"
msgstr "Arsip kegiatan pelatihan tambahan"
msgid "Archived exercises"
msgstr "Latihan yang diarsipkan"
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Arsip"
msgid ""
"Article: `Get up to speed with the OpenStack Upstream Institute <https://"
msgstr ""
"Artikel: `Get up to speed with the OpenStack Upstream Institute <https://"
msgid ""
"Aside from the sections above, we will cover everything else that is in `the "
"Contributor Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/>`_ during the "
msgstr ""
"Selain dari bagian-bagian di atas, kami akan membahas semua hal lain yang "
"ada di `the Contributor Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/>` _ "
"selama kelas."
msgid "Ask a mentor to break the *tested* code of one test case"
msgstr "Meminta mentor untuk memecahkan kode *tested* untuk satu batu ujian"
msgid "Ask how you can help the project"
msgstr "Tanyakan bagaimana Anda dapat membantu proyek ini"
msgid "Ask questions in the channel or send direct messages"
msgstr "Mengajukan pertanyaan di channel atau mengirim pesan langsung"
msgid "Ask the mentors questions"
msgstr "Ajukan pertanyaan mentor"
msgid ""
"Ask the students questions to make sure they are engaged and understand the "
msgstr ""
"Ajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa untuk memastikan mereka terlibat dan mengerti "
msgid "At the end of the four sprints, ensure you take a group photo!"
msgstr "Pada akhir empat sprint, pastikan Anda mengambil foto grup!"
msgid "Attend the meetings"
msgstr "Menghadiri pertemuan"
msgid "Attending regular meetings"
msgstr "Menghadiri pertemuan rutin"
msgid "Available metrics"
msgstr "Metrik yang tersedia"
msgid ""
"Be able to identify and start a task (bug fix, feature design and "
"implementation, Working Group activity and so forth)"
msgstr ""
"Dapat mengidentifikasi dan mulai tugas (bug fix, fitur desain dan "
"implementasi, kegiatan Working Group dan sebagainya)"
msgid "Be collaborative"
msgstr "Jadilah kolaboratif"
msgid "Be communicative"
msgstr "Harap komunikatif"
msgid "Be on top of people's comments"
msgstr "Berada di atas komentar orang"
msgid "Be patient"
msgstr "Harap sabar"
msgid "Be polite, be helpful"
msgstr "Bersikaplah sopan, membantu"
msgid ""
"Be prepared with the deep dives that attendees have very different level of "
"knowledge and experience"
msgstr ""
"Bersiaplah dengan penyelaman yang mendalam bahwa peserta memiliki tingkat "
"pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang sangat berbeda"
msgid "Be true to your role"
msgstr "Benar untuk peran Anda"
msgid "Being able to read and write English at a technical level"
msgstr "Mampu membaca dan menulis bahasa Inggris di tingkat teknis"
msgid "Board : 1"
msgstr "Board : 1"
msgid "Branching model"
msgstr "Pencabangan model"
msgid "Bug reports"
msgstr "Laporan bug"
msgid "Build a network"
msgstr "Membangun jaringan"
msgid ""
"Build a street out of Lego. All buildings must be connected by road and "
"sidewalk. The Foundation, TC, and Board must approve the overall design of "
"the street."
msgstr ""
"Membangun jalan keluar dari Lego. Semua bangunan harus terhubung oleh jalan "
"dan trotoar. Yayasan, Technical Committee, dan Dewan harus menyetujui desain "
"keseluruhan dari jalan."
msgid "Building Your Persona"
msgstr "Building Your Persona"
msgid "Building documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi pembangunan"
msgid "Building software in a community looks really complicated"
msgstr "Pembangunan perangkat lunak dalam komunitas terlihat benar-benar rumit"
msgid "CEO : 1"
msgstr "CEO : 1"
msgid "Changes to Nova's internal AMQP API"
msgstr "Perubahan API AMQP intern Nova"
msgid "Changes to the external HTTP APIs"
msgstr "Perubahan API HTTP eksternal"
msgid "Changes to the notification definitions"
msgstr "Perubahan definisi pemberitahuan"
msgid "Check that :command:`apt install` works on the virtual machine"
msgstr "Periksa ini :command:`apt install` bekerja pada mesin virtual"
msgid "Check that you can ssh from your laptop to the virtual machine"
msgstr "Periksa bahwa Anda bisa ssh dari laptop Anda ke mesin virtual"
msgid "Check whether the tests failed or not"
msgstr "Periksa apakah tes gagal atau tidak"
msgid "China"
msgstr "Cina"
msgid ""
"Choose a service and issue an API call or use its client to verify "
msgstr ""
"Pilih layanan dan keluarkan panggilan API atau gunakan klien untuk "
"memverifikasi fungsionalitas"
msgid "Choose a table and sit with the students to help"
msgstr "Pilih meja dan duduklah bersama siswa untuk membantu"
msgid "Choosing roles - Companies"
msgstr "Memilih peran - Perusahaan"
msgid "Choosing roles - Free agent contributors"
msgstr "Memilih peran - kontributor agent bebas"
msgid "Choosing roles - Upstream"
msgstr "Memilih peran - Hulu (Upstream)"
msgid "Chris Ricker (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Chris Ricker (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgid "Christian Berendt - Installation (mentoring, assistant)"
msgstr "Christian Berendt - Installation (mentoring, assistant)"
msgid "Christian Berendt – B1 Systems GmbH"
msgstr "Christian Berendt – B1 Systems GmbH"
msgid "Christophe Sauthier (training, assistant, mentoring, french, english)"
msgstr "Christophe Sauthier (training, assistant, mentoring, french, english)"
msgid "Cindy Pallares (assistant, english)"
msgstr "Cindy Pallares (assistant, english)"
msgid "Cleber Rosa (mentoring, assistant, portuguese)"
msgstr "Cleber Rosa (mentoring, assistant, portuguese)"
msgid "Clone DevStack to your vm"
msgstr "Clone DevStack ke vm mu"
msgid "Clone and be familiar with the code"
msgstr "Mengkloning dan mengenal kode"
msgid "Closing Exercises"
msgstr "Closing Exercises (latihan penutupan)"
msgid "Code Deep Dive"
msgstr "Code Deep Dive"
msgid ""
"Collects and processes development activity data and makes it possible to "
"visualize it in a convenient web dashboard"
msgstr ""
"Mengumpulkan dan memproses data aktivitas pengembangan dan memungkinkan "
"untuk memvisualisasikan dalam dasbor web mudah digunakan"
msgid "Comment on the open review"
msgstr "Komentar hasil penelahaan terbuka"
msgid "Communication"
msgstr "Communication (komunikasi)"
msgid "Community members will review your patch"
msgstr "Anggota masyarakat akan meninjau patch Anda"
msgid "Community metrics"
msgstr "Metrik komunitas"
msgid "Companies"
msgstr "Companies (perusahaan)"
msgid "Companies have to deliver value to their stakeholders."
msgstr "Perusahaan harus memberikan nilai kepada stakeholder mereka."
msgid ""
"Companies: big industrial items like a shopping mall, carpark, energy plant, "
"datacenter, and hospital."
msgstr ""
"Perusahaan: item industri besar seperti pusat perbelanjaan, carpark, "
"pembangkit energi, datacenter, dan rumah sakit."
msgid ""
"Compare the deadlines between two different project teams and discuss the "
"differences with your group"
msgstr ""
"Bandingkan tenggat waktu antara dua tim proyek yang berbeda dan bahas "
"perbedaan dengan kelompok Anda"
msgid "Complete content of Upstream Institute Training can be seen here:"
msgstr "Isi lengkap Upstream Institute Training dapat dilihat di sini:"
msgid ""
"Complete the ``Configure Git`` steps documented on the `Setup and Learn GIT "
"<https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/git.html>`_ page. If you "
"are not familiar with Git you may want to also read the content under the "
"``Learning Git`` section."
msgstr ""
"Selesaikan langkah ``Configure Git`` yang didokumentasikan pada `Setup and "
"Learn GIT <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/git.html> halaman` "
"_. Jika Anda tidak terbiasa dengan Git, Anda mungkin ingin juga membaca "
"konten di bawah bagian ``Learning Git``."
msgid "Configure your workspace"
msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi ruang kerja Anda"
msgid "Configuring Your Gerrit Account"
msgstr "Mengkonfigurasi Akun Gerrit Anda"
msgid "Connect: screen -R <session name>"
msgstr "Menghubungkan: screen -R <session name>"
msgid "Contribution Planning (2 hours)"
msgstr "Perencanaan kontribusi (2 jam)"
msgid "Contribution Simulation (2 hour)"
msgstr "Kontribusi Simulasi (2 jam)"
msgid "Contributor guide"
msgstr "Panduan kontributor"
msgid "Controversial : 1"
msgstr "Controversial : 1"
msgid "Core : 5"
msgstr "Core : 5"
msgid "Core team"
msgstr "Core team (tim inti)"
msgid ""
"Could be a short question as an IRC vote or something like as an exercise "
"between two blocks"
msgstr ""
"Bisa jadi pertanyaan singkat sebagai pemungutan suara IRC atau sesuatu "
"seperti latihan antara dua blok"
msgid ""
"Could be done before end of class, for instance during the deep dive blocks"
msgstr "Bisa dilakukan sebelum akhir kelas, misalnya saat mendalami dalam blok"
msgid "Could be emailed survey after the class - harder to get participation"
msgstr ""
"Bisa diemailkan survei setelah kelas - lebih sulit untuk mendapatkan "
msgid ""
"Create a blueprint based upon concrete activities, times and any other "
"details your group thinks are appropriate."
msgstr ""
"Buat blueprint berdasarkan aktivitas konkret, waktu dan rincian lainnya yang "
"menurut kelompok Anda sesuai."
msgid ""
"Create a board with at least two worklists (one manual and one automatic) "
"for organizing tasks you are going to create. For the automatic worklist, "
"give at least two criteria for the items that will go into the worklist."
msgstr ""
"Buat papan dengan setidaknya dua daftar kerja (satu manual dan satu "
"otomatis) untuk mengatur tugas yang akan Anda buat. Untuk daftar kerja "
"otomatis, berikan setidaknya dua kriteria untuk item yang akan masuk ke "
"dalam daftar kerja."
msgid "Create a draft .rst file with an outline for the itinerary."
msgstr "Buat file .rst draft dengan garis besar untuk rencana perjalanan."
msgid ""
"Create a new commit with the .rst file in openstack-dev/sandbox repository "
"and submit the commit to Gerrit when you are finished."
msgstr ""
"Buat komit baru dengan file .rst di repositori openstack-dev/sandbox dan "
"menyerahkan komitmen ke Gerrit setelah Anda selesai."
msgid ""
"Create a virtual machine on your laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 installed and 6+ "
"GB of RAM."
msgstr ""
"Buat mesin virtual pada laptop Anda dengan Ubuntu 16.04 yang telah terinstal "
"dan 6+ GB RAM."
msgid ""
"Create and register a blueprint against the sandbox repository. Include a "
"description and assign yourself."
msgstr ""
"Buat dan daftarkan blueprint terhadap repositori sandbox. Sertakan deskripsi "
"dan tentukan sendiri."
msgid ""
"Create and submit a bug to our sandbox repository. Include at least one tag "
"when creating your bug. Once it has been created, assign it to yourself."
msgstr ""
"Buat dan kirim bug ke repositori sandbox kami. Sertakan setidaknya satu tag "
"saat membuat bug Anda. Setelah dibuat, tetapkan untuk diri Anda sendiri."
msgid ""
"Create three stories for your worklists. At least one of them should meet "
"the criteria that enables it to appear in your automatic worklist. Each "
"story must have a minimum of two tasks that are named differently than the "
"story name."
msgstr ""
"Buat tiga cerita untuk daftar kerja Anda. Setidaknya satu dari mereka harus "
"memenuhi kriteria yang memungkinkannya muncul dalam daftar kerja otomatis "
"Anda. Setiap cerita harus memiliki minimal dua tugas yang diberi nama "
"berbeda dari nama cerita."
msgid "Create your commit and push upstream for review"
msgstr "Buat Anda berkomitmen dan mendorong hulu untuk peninjauan"
msgid ""
"Crews: `Beijing Crew <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
msgstr ""
"Crews: `Beijing Crew <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
msgid ""
"Crews: `Boston Crew <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
msgstr ""
"Crews: `Boston Crew <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
msgid "DB schema changes"
msgstr "Perubahan skema DB"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"
msgid "Date: February 11, 2017 (Sat)"
msgstr "Date: February 11, 2017 (Sat)"
msgid "Date: February 18, 2016 (Thu)"
msgstr "Date: February 18, 2016 (Thu)"
msgid "Day 1"
msgstr "Hari 1"
msgid "Day 2"
msgstr "Hari 2"
msgid "Day 3-4"
msgstr "Hari 3-4"
msgid "Day 5"
msgstr "Hari 5"
msgid ""
"Decide a country your group would like to visit with other groups for "
msgstr ""
"Tentukan negara dimana kelompok Anda ingin mengunjungi dengan kelompok lain "
"untuk tamasya."
msgid "Demo environment"
msgstr "Lingkungan demo"
msgid "Describe and contrast them"
msgstr "Jelaskan dan kontraskan mereka"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
msgid ""
"Design an 5-day travel itinerary with attractive places, foods, and "
msgstr ""
"Merancang jadwal perjalanan 5-hari dengan tempat menarik, makanan, dan "
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"
msgid "DevStack"
msgstr "DevStack"
msgid "DevStack Clone and Setup"
msgstr "DevStack Clone dan Setup"
msgid "DevStack exercise"
msgstr "Latihan DevStack"
msgid "DevStack services with Systemd"
msgstr "Layanan DevStack dengan Systemd"
msgid ""
"DevStack should already be installed in the VM image you downloaded. These "
"instructions are provided for future reference in the case that students "
"need to start from scratch."
msgstr ""
"DevStack seharusnya sudah terpasang di gambar VM yang Anda download. "
"Instruksi ini disediakan untuk referensi di kemudian hari dalam hal siswa "
"perlu memulai dari awal."
msgid ""
"Develop and maintain tools and processes to ensure quality, accurate "
msgstr ""
"Mengembangkan dan memelihara alat dan proses untuk memastikan kualitas, "
"dokumentasi yang akurat."
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Developers (pengembang)"
msgid "Developers/Software Engineers/Architects"
msgstr "Developers/Software Engineers/Architects"
msgid "Disconnect: <ctrl>-a d"
msgstr "Memutuskan: <ctrl>-a d"
msgid ""
"Discuss the problems and solutions and have them explain how they got there "
"or why they answered what they did"
msgstr ""
"Diskusikan masalah dan solusinya dan mintalah mereka menjelaskan bagaimana "
"mereka sampai di sana atau mengapa mereka menjawab apa yang mereka lakukan"
msgid ""
"Discuss with your table how you would determine you encountered one of these "
msgstr ""
"Diskusikan dengan meja Anda bagaimana Anda akan menentukan bahwa Anda "
"menemui salah satu bug ini"
msgid "Discuss your findings with your group"
msgstr "Diskusikan temuan Anda dengan kelompok Anda"
msgid "Distracted : 1"
msgstr "Distracted : 1"
msgid ""
"Do not change meeting name: *upstream training*. The meeting name is "
"reserved for upstream training activities."
msgstr ""
"Jangan mengubah nama memenuhi: *upstream training*. Nama rapat dicadangkan "
"untuk kegiatan pelatihan hulu."
msgid "Documentation Deep Dive"
msgstr "Documentation Deep Dive"
msgid "Documentation team structure"
msgstr "Struktur tim dokumentasi"
msgid "Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/"
msgstr "Dokumentasi: https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/"
msgid "Don't game the numbers"
msgstr "Jangan mainkan angka"
msgid "Don't give out VM image at the beginning of the first day"
msgstr "Jangan berikan image VM di awal hari pertama"
msgid ""
"Download the prepared virtual machine image and some environment for running "
"the image (We suggest VirtualBox):"
msgstr ""
"Unduh image mesin virtual (virtual machine image) yang disiapkan dan "
"beberapa lingkungan untuk menjalankan image (Kami sarankan VirtualBox):"
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Duration (lamanya)"
msgid ""
"During the final five minutes of the sprint (review time), ask everyone to "
"take their hands off the Lego, and gather around the in-progress street. At "
"this stage, upstream get to vote on the changes, and anything rejected gets "
"sent back to the contributing group to be fixed. Ensure upstream give good "
"reasons for rejections, along with suggestions for improvement. Encourage "
"Upstream to reject a few things early on, to try and ensure contributors "
"understand the need to have Foundation on board before they throw something "
"over the wall."
msgstr ""
"Selama lima menit terakhir dari sprint (waktu review), meminta semua orang "
"untuk melepaskan tangan mereka dari Lego, dan berkumpul di sekitar jalan in-"
"progress. Pada tahap ini, upstream sampai ke suara pada perubahan, dan apa "
"pun yang ditolak akan dikirim kembali ke kelompok berkontribusi untuk "
"diperbaiki. Pastikan upstream memberikan alasan yang baik untuk penolakan, "
"bersama dengan saran untuk perbaikan. Mendorong Upstream untuk menolak "
"beberapa hal awal, untuk mencoba dan memastikan bahwa kontributor memahami "
"kebutuhan untuk memiliki Foundation yang mampu mengatur sebelum mereka "
"mengalihkan masalah itu ke generasi berikutnya."
msgid "EOL documents"
msgstr "Dokumen EOL"
msgid ""
"EOL documents are not maintained in the documentation repositories, the "
"content is frozen, but published documents are accessible by `retention "
"policy <http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/queens/"
msgstr ""
"Dokumen EOL tidak disimpan dalam repositori dokumentasi, kontennya "
"dibekukan, tetapi dokumen yang dipublikasikan dapat diakses oleh `retention "
"policy <http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/queens/"
msgid "Each company has:"
msgstr "Setiap perusahaan memiliki:"
msgid "Each individual sets their own objective."
msgstr "Setiap individu menetapkan tujuan mereka sendiri."
msgid "Each project has its own purpose & culture."
msgstr "Setiap proyek memiliki tujuan & budaya sendiri."
msgid "Each student group prepares a presentation describing:"
msgstr "Setiap kelompok siswa mempersiapkan presentasi yang menjelaskan:"
msgid "Each student group presents its slides to the class"
msgstr "Setiap kelompok siswa menyajikan slide untuk kelas"
msgid "Edouard THULEAU (assistant, french, english)"
msgstr "Edouard THULEAU (assistant, french, english)"
msgid "Edouard Thuleau (assistant, french, english)"
msgstr "Edouard Thuleau (assistant, french, english)"
msgid ""
"Encourage use of IRC for answering questions or the training etherpad if an "
"exercise requires more space or IRC is not available"
msgstr ""
"Dorong penggunaan IRC untuk menjawab pertanyaan atau pelatihan etherpad jika "
"latihan membutuhkan lebih banyak ruang atau IRC tidak tersedia."
msgid ""
"Ensure you can use the ``openstack`` command to interact with the services "
"running on your VM"
msgstr ""
"Pastikan Anda dapat menggunakan perintah ``openstack`` untuk berinteraksi "
"dengan layanan yang berjalan di VM Anda"
msgid ""
"Ensure you have the DevStack repository cloned to the VM where you would "
"like to use it"
msgstr ""
"Pastikan Anda memiliki repositori DevStack yang dikloning ke VM dimana Anda "
"ingin menggunakannya"
msgid "Etherpad"
msgstr "Etherpad"
msgid ""
"Etherpad: `Etherpad for Upstream Training, Beijing, 2017 <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"Etherpad: `Etherpad for Upstream Training, Beijing, 2017 <https://etherpad."
msgid ""
"Etherpad: `Etherpad for Upstream Training, Boston, 2017 <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"Etherpad: `Etherpad for Upstream Training, Boston, 2017 <https://etherpad."
msgid "EunSeop Shin (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "EunSeop Shin (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Event"
msgid "Example Itinerary: Spain"
msgstr "Contoh rencana perjalanan: Spanyol"
msgid "Example of IRC meeting commands:"
msgstr "Contoh perintah pertemuan IRC:"
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "Contoh:"
msgid "Example: `Heat repository <https://opendev.org/openstack/heat/>`_"
msgstr "Contoh: `Heat repository <https://opendev.org/openstack/heat/>`_"
msgid ""
"Examples: You can ask a question about the issue or proposed feature. You "
"can confirm the issue and update its status to triaged."
msgstr ""
"Contoh: Anda dapat mengajukan pertanyaan tentang masalah atau fitur yang "
"diusulkan. Anda dapat mengkonfirmasi masalah dan memperbarui statusnya ke "
msgid "Exercise"
msgstr "Latihan"
msgid "Exercise 1"
msgstr "Latihan 1"
msgid "Exercise 2"
msgstr "Latihan 2"
msgid "Exercise 3"
msgstr "Latihan 3"
msgid "Exercise 4"
msgstr "Latihan 4"
msgid "Exercise 5"
msgstr "Latihan 5"
msgid "Exercise 6"
msgstr "Latihan 6"
msgid "Exercise: Step 1"
msgstr "Latihan: Langkah 1"
msgid "Exercise: Step 2"
msgstr "Latihan: Langkah 2"
msgid "Exercise: Step 3 and more"
msgstr "Latihan: Langkah 3 dan selanjutnya"
msgid "Explain what it means if they didn't"
msgstr "Jelaskan apa artinya jika mereka tidak berjalan"
msgid "Explain why you are interested and what are your strengths"
msgstr "Jelaskan mengapa Anda tertarik dan apa kekuatan Anda"
msgid "Face-to-face section: 1.5 days"
msgstr "Sessi face-to-face: 1.5 hari"
msgid "February 2 - 3, 2015 (Mon - Tue)"
msgstr "2-3 Februari 2015 (Senin - Selasa)"
msgid "Filing a blueprint/spec"
msgstr "Mengajukan cetak biru / spek"
msgid "Filing, fixing, and triaging bugs"
msgstr "Mengajukan, memperbaiki, memprioritaskan bug"
msgid "Find an open review which is less complex and download the patch"
msgstr "Cari kajian terbuka yang kurang kompleks dan download patch"
msgid ""
"Find how `rechecks <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-"
"documentation/elastic-recheck.html>`_ are categorized"
msgstr ""
"Temukan caranya `rechecks <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-"
"documentation/elastic-recheck.html>`_ dikategorikan"
msgid ""
"Find out what parameters were passed to that method by using the LOG messages"
msgstr ""
"Cari tahu apa parameter yang dilewatkan ke metode yang menggunakan pesan LOG"
msgid ""
"Find out what the modification is by running the test and analyzing the test "
msgstr ""
"Cari tahu apa modifikasi yang dijalankan tes dan penganalisaan output ujian"
msgid ""
"Find some of the feature proposal freeze deadlines in the current release "
msgstr ""
"Temukan beberapa usulan tenggat waktu pembekuan fitur dalam jadwal rilis "
"saat ini"
msgid "Find the current members of the Board of Directors"
msgstr "Temukan anggota saat ini Board of Directors"
msgid "Find the information that can be retrieved for each patch in a pipeline"
msgstr "Temukan informasi yang bisa diambil untuk setiap patch dalam pipeline"
msgid "Find the latest election results for the TC and UC."
msgstr "Temukan hasil pemilihan terbaru untuk TC dan UC."
msgid "Find the logs from the most recent meeting"
msgstr "Temukan log rapat terbaru"
msgid "Find the release week for the current release"
msgstr "Temukan minggu rilis untuk rilis saat ini"
msgid "Find where the currently released code is posted"
msgstr "Temukan dimana kode yang saat ini dirilis diposkan"
msgid "Fitting it all together"
msgstr "Pemasangan itu semuanya bersama-sama"
msgid "Follow logs with ``journalctl -f --unit devstack@$servicename.service``"
msgstr ""
"Ikuti log dengan ``journalctl -f --unit devstack@$servicename.service``"
msgid ""
"Following and participating in project related mail threads in the mailing "
msgstr ""
"Ikut dan berpartisipasi dalam rangkaian surat proyek terkait dalam milis"
msgid "For Trainees"
msgstr "Untuk Peserta Pelatihan"
msgid "For Trainers"
msgstr "Untuk Pelatih"
msgid ""
"For Working Group participation having at least 15-20% of your work time "
"allocated for community activities"
msgstr ""
"Untuk partisipasi Working Group memiliki setidaknya 15-20% dari waktu kerja "
"Anda yang dialokasikan untuk kegiatan masyarakat"
msgid ""
"For code and/or documentation contributions having at least 40% of your work "
"time dedicate to the project, be it through programming or through "
"interacting with the community"
msgstr ""
"Untuk kode dan / atau dokumentasi kontribusi memiliki setidaknya 40% dari "
"waktu kerja Anda mendedikasikan untuk proyek, baik melalui pemrograman atau "
"melalui berinteraksi dengan masyarakat"
msgid ""
"For example if you are a project or program manager it is very important for "
"you to understand how the OpenStack releases are structured in order to be "
"able to plan the roadmap for the product you are responsible for. You might "
"also be interested in participating in Working Groups to actively "
"participate in and influence the community in you areas of interest. The "
"training helps you to find the information entry points you need."
msgstr ""
"Misalnya jika Anda seorang proyek atau program manager sangat penting bagi "
"Anda untuk memahami bagaimana rilis OpenStack yang terstruktur agar mampu "
"merencanakan roadmap untuk produk Anda bertanggung jawab untuk. Anda mungkin "
"juga akan tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam Working Groups untuk "
"berpartisipasi aktif dalam dan mempengaruhi masyarakat dalam Anda bidang "
"minat. Pelatihan ini membantu Anda untuk menemukan entry point informasi "
"yang Anda butuhkan."
msgid ""
"For more information about the past trainings and the local upstream "
"trainings, see :doc:`upstream-archives`."
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang pelatihan masa lalu dan pelatihan hulu "
"lokal, lihat :doc:`upstream-archives`."
msgid ""
"For the cores you found earlier, figure out what time zone they are probably "
msgstr ""
"Untuk inti dimana Anda temukan sebelumnya, mencari tahu apa zona waktu "
"dimana mereka mungkin berada."
msgid "Forbidden"
msgstr "Forbidden (terlarang)"
msgid "Foundation, technical committee, and board members"
msgstr "Yayasan, panitia teknis, dan anggota dewan"
msgid "Four sprints of 30 mins:"
msgstr "Empat semangat 30 menit:"
msgid "François Bureau (assistant, french, english)"
msgstr "François Bureau (assistant, french, english)"
msgid ""
"Free agents: community items like vegetable patches, bicycle paths, public "
"artworks, playgrounds. For the controversial agent, problematic items such "
"as a jail, skate bowl, and dog park."
msgstr ""
"Agen bebas: item komunitas seperti petak sayuran, jalur sepeda, karya seni "
"publik, taman bermain. Untuk agen kontroversial, barang bermasalah seperti "
"penjara, skate bowl, dan taman anjing."
msgid "Functional"
msgstr "Functional (fungsional)"
msgid "Further trainers/coaches"
msgstr "Further trainers/coaches"
msgid "General Contribution Workflow"
msgstr "General Contribution Workflow (alur kerja kontribusi umum)"
msgid "General tips for Trainers and Coaches"
msgstr "General tips for Trainers and Coaches"
msgid "Gergely Csatári – Nokia"
msgstr "Gergely Csatári – Nokia"
msgid "Get ready to go through the exercises"
msgstr "Bersiaplah untuk melakukan latihan"
msgid ""
"Get started on time even if there aren't many people in the room, just go "
"slowly to give people more time to show up, while still holding the interest "
"of the students that are there"
msgstr ""
"Mulailah tepat waktu meski tidak banyak orang di ruangan itu, cukup pelan-"
"pelan memberi lebih banyak waktu kepada orang untuk hadir, sambil tetap "
"memegangi minat para siswa yang ada disana."
msgid "Get to know the code"
msgstr "Kenali kode"
msgid "Get to know the technical tools"
msgstr "Kenali alat teknis"
msgid "Getting to Know Your Project"
msgstr "Getting to Know Your Project"
msgid "Ghanshyam Mann – NEC"
msgstr "Ghanshyam Mann – NEC"
msgid ""
"Give each person a nametag to wear, with their first name and their role "
"written on it. For free agents, don't disclose who is distracted, "
"controversial, or agreeable. The community will need to work this out on "
"their own."
msgstr ""
"Berikan setiap orang nametag untuk memakai, dengan nama pertama mereka dan "
"peran mereka tertulis di atasnya. Untuk agen bebas, jangan mengungkapkan "
"siapa yang terganggu, kontroversial, atau sejalan. Masyarakat perlu bekerja "
"untuk menghasilkan keluaran dari diri sendiri."
msgid "Give out swag and use competition to help keep interest and attention"
msgstr ""
"Berikan swag (hadiah) dan gunakan kompetisi untuk membantu menjaga "
"ketertarikan dan perhatian"
msgid ""
"Go post comments on a bug or add some ideas on a blueprint's whiteboard that "
"was created by someone in your group."
msgstr ""
"Kirim komentar pada bug atau tambahkan beberapa ide di blueprint's "
"whiteboard yang dibuat oleh seseorang di grup Anda."
msgid ""
"Go to the `Account Setup <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"accounts.html>`_ page and complete the steps documented there to setup your "
"OpenStack Foundation Account and accounts for accessing OpenStack's bug and "
"task tracking systems."
msgstr ""
"Buka halaman `Account Setup <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"accounts.html>` _ dan selesaikan langkah-langkah yang didokumentasikan di "
"sana untuk mengatur OpenStack Foundation Account Anda dan akun untuk "
"mengakses bug dan sistem pelacakan tugas OpenStack ."
msgid ""
"Go to the `Setting Up Your Gerrit Account <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/common/setup-gerrit.html>`_ page and follow the steps for "
"``Sign Up``, ``Individual Contributor License Agreement``, and optionally, "
"the ``Setup SSH Keys``."
msgstr ""
"Buka halaman `Setting Up Your Gerrit Account <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/common/setup-gerrit.html>` _ dan ikuti langkah-langkah untuk "
"``Sign Up``, ``Individual Contributor License Agreement``, dan secara "
"opsional, ``Setup SSH Keys``."
msgid "Group exercise"
msgstr "Latihan kelompok"
msgid "Haikel Guemar (assistant, mentor, french, english)"
msgstr "Haikel Guemar (assistant, mentor, french, english)"
msgid "Help fix the documentation"
msgstr "Membantu memperbaiki dokumentasi"
msgid "Hopefully we end up with a unique Lego creation!"
msgstr "Mudah-mudahan kita berakhir dengan penciptaan Lego yang unik!"
msgid "How OpenStack is Made"
msgstr "Bagaimana OpenStack dibuat"
msgid ""
"How do you handle dependent changes in the same or multiple repositories?"
msgstr ""
"Bagaimana Anda menangani perubahan dependen di repositori yang sama atau "
msgid "How do you initialize your local repo with git review?"
msgstr "Bagaimana Anda menginisialisasi repo lokal Anda dengan ulasan git?"
msgid "How many OpenStack releases are currently maintained by the community?"
msgstr "Berapa banyak rilis OpenStack yang saat ini dikelola oleh komunitas?"
msgid "How many SIGs are there? Name two."
msgstr "Ada berapa banyak SIG? Sebutkan dua."
msgid "How many gate and check jobs are running"
msgstr "Berapa banyak gerbang dan pekerjaan cek yang sedang berjalan"
msgid ""
"How many of each type of member are there? (Platinum, Gold, and Individual)"
msgstr ""
"Berapa banyak dari masing-masing jenis anggota yang ada? (Platinum, Gold, "
"dan Individual)"
msgid "How many release models are there?"
msgstr "Berapa banyak model rilis yang ada?"
msgid "How to deploy OpenStack"
msgstr "Cara mengerahkan OpenStack"
msgid "How to prepare"
msgstr "Bagaimana mempersiapkan"
msgid "How to prepare for different exams"
msgstr "Cara mempersiapkan berbagai ujian "
msgid "How to use OpenStack"
msgstr "Cara menggunakan OpenStack"
msgid "Hyeunjee Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Hyeunjee Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "IRC client: HexChat"
msgstr "IRC client: HexChat"
msgid "Ian Y. Choi (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Ian Y. Choi (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Identify common characteristics of these cycles"
msgstr "Mengidentifikasi karakteristik umum dari siklus ini"
msgid ""
"If contributing code, being technically proficient enough to carry out "
"simple bug fixes in the project"
msgstr ""
"Jika akan kontribusi kode, secara teknis cukup mahir untuk melaksanakan "
"perbaikan bug sederhana dalam proyek"
msgid ""
"If contributing documentation, being able to produce documents in the "
"project's chosen infrastructure"
msgstr ""
"Jika akan kontribusi dokumentasi, mampu menghasilkan dokumen dalam "
"infrastruktur yang dipilih proyek"
msgid ""
"If people know you, you have a better chance at your code getting attention."
msgstr ""
"Jika orang kenal Anda, Anda memiliki kesempatan yang lebih baik di kode Anda "
"mendapatkan perhatian."
msgid ""
"If there aren't enough mentors or every table has one already, float around "
"the room checking in on people, especially during exercises"
msgstr ""
"Jika tidak ada cukup mentor atau setiap meja yang sudah ada, mengapung di "
"sekitar ruangan yang memeriksa orang, terutama saat latihan"
msgid ""
"If you are a developer we help you to find your way into the community to "
"get your bug fix or feature accepted in the OpenStack project in a minimum "
"amount of time."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda seorang pengembang, kami membantu Anda untuk menemukan jalan ke "
"masyarakat untuk mendapatkan memperbaiki bug atau fitur diterima dalam "
"proyek OpenStack dalam jumlah minimal waktu."
msgid ""
"If you are attempting the steps above in the week before the OpenStack "
"Upstream Institute class and need assistance you can find mentors in the "
"#openstack-upstream-institute channel on irc.freenode.net."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mencoba langkah-langkah di atas dalam seminggu sebelum kelas "
"OpenStack Upstream Institute dan membutuhkan bantuan Anda dapat menemukan "
"mentor di saluran #openstack-upstream-institute di irc.freenode.net."
msgid "If you are not presenting, remain engaged with the class"
msgstr "Jika Anda tidak hadir, tetaplah terlibat dengan kelas"
msgid "If you feel the community needs consensus, call a midcycle!"
msgstr "Jika Anda merasa kebutuhan masyarakat konsensus, sebut midcycle!"
msgid ""
"If you're joining the training activities as a trainer, coach, or if you "
"hold training sessions locally you can refer to this document to find some "
"tips and best practices to consider before hosting the class."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan sebagai trainer, coach, atau jika "
"Anda mengikuti sesi pelatihan secara lokal, Anda dapat merujuk ke dokumen "
"ini untuk menemukan beberapa tip dan praktik terbaik yang harus "
"dipertimbangkan sebelum menjadi tuan rumah kelas."
msgid "Ildiko Vancsa - ildikov - Telemetry (mentoring, assistant)"
msgstr "Ildiko Vancsa - ildikov - Telemetry (mentoring, assistant)"
msgid "Ildiko Vancsa: ildiko@openstack.org"
msgstr "Ildiko Vancsa: ildiko@openstack.org"
msgid "Ildikó Váncsa – The OpenStack Foundation"
msgstr "Ildikó Váncsa – The OpenStack Foundation"
msgid "Image: http://bit.ly/vm-2019-denver-v1"
msgstr "Image: http://bit.ly/vm-2019-denver-v1"
msgid "Implementing a blueprint/spec"
msgstr "Menerapkan cetak biru / spek"
msgid ""
"In case there are no events planned, how about organizing one in your area?"
msgstr ""
"Jika tidak ada acara yang direncanakan, bagaimana dengan mengorganisirnya di "
"daerah Anda?"
msgid "In this example, we use Lego to represent a software project"
msgstr ""
"Dalam contoh ini, kita menggunakan Lego untuk mewakili sebuah proyek software"
msgid ""
"In your interactions with the students, do not be afraid to provoke some "
"issues. For example, bring up the idea of an API (a way of connecting the "
"buildings to each other) with individual companies, but don't mention it to "
"upstream, so that upstream are finally faced with the challenge of "
"standardizing the API. You could also, in the second or third sprint, "
"encourage one group to call for a meeting off the sprint cycle to sort the "
"problem out."
msgstr ""
"Dalam interaksi Anda dengan siswa, jangan takut untuk memprovokasi beberapa "
"masalah. Misalnya, memunculkan ide tentang API (cara menghubungkan bangunan "
"satu sama lain) dengan masing-masing perusahaan, tetapi tidak menyebutkan "
"itu ke hulu (upstream), sehingga hulu akhirnya dihadapkan dengan tantangan "
"standardisasi API. Anda juga bisa, di sprint kedua atau ketiga, mendorong "
"satu kelompok untuk memanggil pertemuan siklus sprint untuk memilah masalah."
msgid "Incentivize participation"
msgstr "Insentif partisipasi"
msgid "Incompatible config file changes"
msgstr "Perubahan file konfigurasi tidak kompatibel"
msgid "Infrastructure"
msgstr "Infrastruktur"
msgid "Installs services from source"
msgstr "Menginstal layanan dari sumber"
msgid "Integration"
msgstr "Integration (integrasi)"
msgid ""
"Interact with services using commands like ``sudo systemctl <start|stop|"
"restart> devstack@$servicename.service``"
msgstr ""
"Berinteraksi dengan layanan yang menggunakan perintah seperti ``sudo "
"systemctl <start|stop|restart> devstack@$servicename.service``"
msgid "Interacting with the Project"
msgstr "Berinteraksi dengan Proyek"
msgid "Interactive, hands-on class"
msgstr "Kelas langsung, interaktif"
msgid ""
"Introduce yourself to the others at your table! Who you are, what experience "
"you have with OpenStack if any, what company you are at and what your role "
"is there, why you are attending the course, etc."
msgstr ""
"Perkenalkan diri Anda kepada yang lain di table! Who you are Anda, "
"pengalaman apa yang Anda miliki dengan OpenStack jika ada, perusahaan Anda "
"dan peran Anda di sana, mengapa Anda mengikuti kursus, dll."
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Pengantar"
msgid "Irena Berezovsky (assistant, mentor, english)"
msgstr "Irena Berezovsky (assistant, mentor, english)"
msgid "It is about"
msgstr "Ini tentang"
msgid "It is not about"
msgstr "Ini bukan tentang"
msgid "Japan OpenStack User Group has held the Upstream Training in Japan."
msgstr ""
"Japan OpenStack User Group telah mengadakan Upstream Training di Japan."
msgid "Jay Bryant – IBM"
msgstr "Jay Bryant – IBM"
msgid "Jieun Kim (assistant)"
msgstr "Jieun Kim (assistant)"
msgid "Jirayut Nimsaeng- Kaidee"
msgstr "Jirayut Nimsaeng- Kaidee"
msgid "Join the IRC channel of the class and participate during the training"
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan saluran IRC di kelas dan ikuti selama pelatihan"
msgid "Join the channel of the project(s) you are interested in"
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan saluran proyek yang Anda minati"
msgid "Join the openstack-discuss mailing list"
msgstr "Bergabunglah dengan milis openstack-discuss"
msgid "Join the project's IRC channel"
msgstr "Bergabung saluran IRC proyek"
msgid ""
"Jul 27-28: OpenStack Days Brazil 2018 - `Etherpad <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"Jul 27-28: OpenStack Days Brazil 2018 - `Etherpad <https://etherpad."
msgid "Julie Pichon (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Julie Pichon (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgid "July 6 - 7, 2016 (Wed - Thu)"
msgstr "July 6 - 7, 2016 (Wed - Thu)"
msgid "July 9 - 10, 2015 (Thu - Fri)"
msgstr "July 9 - 10, 2015 (Thu - Fri)"
msgid "Jump on etherpad"
msgstr "Lompat di etherpad"
msgid ""
"Jun 11-12: `OpenStack Days Poland <http://www.openstackday.pl/>`__ - "
"`Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-institute-"
msgstr ""
"Jun 11-12: `OpenStack Days Poland <http://www.openstackday.pl/>`__ - "
"`Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-institute-"
msgid ""
"Jun 28-29: `Open Infra Days Korea <https://www.openinfradays.kr/2018/>`__ - "
"`Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-institute-korea-2018>`__"
msgstr ""
"Jun 28-29: `Open Infra Days Korea <https://www.openinfradays.kr/2018/>`__ - "
"`Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-institute-korea-2018>`__"
msgid "Jungsu Han (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Jungsu Han (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Junsik Shin (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Junsik Shin (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "KATO Tomoyuki (assistant, Japanese)"
msgstr "KATO Tomoyuki (assistant, Japanese)"
msgid "Kato Tomoyuki- Fujitsu"
msgstr "Kato Tomoyuki- Fujitsu"
msgid "Kendall Nelson – The OpenStack Foundation"
msgstr "Kendall Nelson – The OpenStack Foundation"
msgid "Kendall Nelson: knelson@openstack.org"
msgstr "Kendall Nelson: knelson@openstack.org"
msgid "Kill and restart a service: <ctrl>-c , <up arrow> to retrieve command"
msgstr ""
"Matikan dan restart layanan: <ctrl> -c, <up arrow> untuk mengambil perintah"
msgid "Know where to find information, where and how to get help if needed"
msgstr ""
"Tahu dimana menemukan informasi, dimana dan bagaimana untuk mendapatkan "
"bantuan jika diperlukan"
msgid "LOG message exercise"
msgstr "Latihan pesan LOG"
msgid "Lana Brindley (assistant, mentoring, English)"
msgstr "Lana Brindley (assistant, mentoring, English)"
msgid "Lana Brindley - Docs (mentoring, assistant)"
msgstr "Lana Brindley - Docs (mentoring, assistant)"
msgid "Large and diverse community"
msgstr "Komunitas besar dan beragam"
msgid "Learn about the community"
msgstr "Pelajari tentang masyarakat"
msgid "Learn how to participate in OpenStack"
msgstr "Pelajari cara untuk berpartisipasi dalam OpenStack"
msgid "Learning Exercise"
msgstr "Latihan Belajar"
msgid "Lego applied to Free Software contributions"
msgstr "Lego yang diterapkan untuk kontribusi Free Software"
msgid "Lego applied to Free Software contributions (15 min)"
msgstr "Lego yang diterapkan pada kontribusi Free Software (15 min)"
msgid "Let the PTL know you are interested in participating in the project"
msgstr ""
"Biarkan PTL tahu bahwa Anda tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini"
msgid "Let's play!"
msgstr "Mari main!"
msgid "Like OpenStack, there are:"
msgstr "Seperti OpenStack, ada:"
msgid "Like any software project, there are:"
msgstr "Seperti proyek software, ada:"
msgid ""
"List at least three of the nine services that make up OpenStack's core "
msgstr ""
"Daftar setidaknya tiga dari sembilan layanan yang membentuk fungsionalitas "
"inti OpenStack."
msgid "List sessions: screen -ls"
msgstr "Daftar sesi: screen -ls"
msgid "Listen when people talk"
msgstr "Mendengarkan ketika orang berbicara"
msgid "Local Upstream Trainings"
msgstr "Local Upstream Trainings"
msgid ""
"Locate the archives for the openstack-discuss ML. What email thread has the "
"most responses this month?"
msgstr ""
"Temukan arsip untuk openstack-discuss ML. Utas email apa yang paling banyak "
"merespons bulan ini?"
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Location"
msgid "Loic Dachary (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english)"
msgstr "Loic Dachary (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english)"
msgid "Loic Dachary (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english) - lead"
msgstr "Loic Dachary (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english) - lead"
msgid "Look at open reviews"
msgstr "Lihat ulasan terbuka"
msgid "Look at the `Zuul <http://status.openstack.org/zuul>`_ status page"
msgstr "Lihatlah halaman `Zuul <http://status.openstack.org/zuul>` _ status"
msgid ""
"Look up an OpenStack Days event close to where you live that you would be "
"interested in attending"
msgstr ""
"Mencari sebuah acara OpenStack Days dekat dengan tempat tinggal Anda dimana "
"Anda akan tertarik untuk menghadiri"
msgid "Look up the location and dates of the next PTG"
msgstr "Mencari lokasi dan tanggal dari PTG berikutnya"
msgid "Look up the location and dates of the next Summit/Forum"
msgstr "Cari lokasi dan tanggal KTT / Forum berikutnya"
msgid ""
"Look up the project you are most interested in and find the three most "
"active core reviewers (people that would be good to know for review help and "
"getting your patches merged)."
msgstr ""
"Mencari proyek yang paling tertarik dan menemukan tiga pengulas inti yang "
"paling aktif (masyarakat akan baik untuk mengetahui untuk bantuan ulasan dan "
"mendapatkan patch gabungan Anda)."
msgid ""
"Look up the release schedule for the current and past two OpenStack release "
"cycles & share links"
msgstr ""
"Cari jadwal rilis untuk dua siklus rilis & tautan OpenStack saat ini dan "
"yang lalu"
msgid ""
"Look up when the next meeting is for the project who's channel you joined"
msgstr ""
"Cari tahu kapan rapat berikutnya adalah untuk proyek siapa saluran yang Anda "
msgid "Loïc Dachary (Training, mentoring, assistant, english and french)"
msgstr "Loïc Dachary (Training, mentoring, assistant, english and french)"
msgid "Make a new branch in your local repository"
msgstr "Membuat cabang baru di repositori lokal Anda"
msgid ""
"Make any local configurations changes (set passwords, IP addresses, etc.)"
msgstr ""
"Buat perubahan konfigurasi lokal (tetapkan kata sandi, alamat IP, dll.)"
msgid "Make changes and push new patchsets"
msgstr "Melakukan perubahan dan mendorong patchset baru"
msgid "Make code changes"
msgstr "Membuat perubahan kode"
msgid ""
"Make sure you `RSVP <https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-"
msgstr ""
"Pastikan Anda `RSVP <https://www.openstack.org/summit/shanghai-2019/summit-"
msgid "Make sure you have a wifi enabled laptop with you."
msgstr "Pastikan bahwa Anda memiliki laptop wifi diaktifkan dengan Anda."
msgid "Managers"
msgstr "Managers (manajer)"
msgid "Mark Korondi (mentoring, assistant)"
msgstr "Mark Korondi (mentoring, assistant)"
msgid "Marton Kiss (training, mentoring, assistant)"
msgstr "Marton Kiss (training, mentoring, assistant)"
msgid ""
"Meaningful: anyone may submit a correction that will adjust the influence of "
"appropriate statistical data"
msgstr ""
"Bermakna: siapa pun dapat mengajukan koreksi yang akan menyesuaikan dampak "
"data statistik yang sesuai"
msgid "Melvin Hillsman – OSIC"
msgstr "Melvin Hillsman – OSIC"
msgid "Metrics"
msgstr "Metrics (metrik)"
msgid "Minimize database queries"
msgstr "Minimalkan query database"
msgid "Mission"
msgstr "Mission (tugas)"
msgid "Module - contributors"
msgstr "Modul - kontributor"
msgid "Module - more views"
msgstr "Modul - lebih banyak tampilan"
msgid ""
"More details: `Developing with Devstack <https://docs.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Keterangan lebih lanjut: `Developing with Devstack <https://docs.openstack."
msgid ""
"More details: `Using Systemd in DevStack <https://docs.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Keterangan lebih lanjut: `Using Systemd in DevStack <https://docs.openstack."
msgid "More information: http://openstackdays.com/archive/2015/feature/"
msgstr "Informasi lebih lanjut: http://openstackdays.com/archive/2015/feature/"
msgid "More information: http://sdndev.net/10"
msgstr "More information: http://sdndev.net/10"
msgid "More information: http://sdndev.net/11"
msgstr "Informasi lebih lanjut: http://sdndev.net/11"
msgid ""
"More information: https://www.meetup.com/Japan-OpenStack-User-Group/"
msgstr ""
"Informasi lebih lanjut: https://www.meetup.com/Japan-OpenStack-User-Group/"
msgid ""
"More information: https://www.meetup.com/Japan-OpenStack-User-Group/"
msgstr ""
"Informasi lebih lanjut: https://www.meetup.com/Japan-OpenStack-User-Group/"
msgid "More information: https://www.openstack.org/blog/?p=6622"
msgstr "Informasi lebih lanjut: https://www.openstack.org/blog/?p=6622"
msgid "More than 20 million lines of code"
msgstr "Lebih dari 20 juta baris kode"
msgid "More than 20,000 patches"
msgstr "Lebih dari 20,000 patches"
msgid ""
"Most of the course content is being moved to `the Contributor Guide <https://"
"docs.openstack.org/contributors/>`_. In the future, all that will live here "
"are exercises that accompany the Guide."
msgstr ""
"Sebagian besar konten kursus sedang dipindahkan ke `the Contributor Guide "
"<https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/>`_. In the future, all that will "
"live here are exercises that accompany the Guide."
msgid "Most recent (\"Ocata\") release stats:"
msgstr "Statistik rilis terbaru (\"Ocata\"):"
msgid "Move between services: <ctrl>-a n , <ctrl>-a p"
msgstr "Bergerak di antara layanan: <ctrl>-a n , <ctrl>-a p"
msgid "Márk Korondi – IBM Research Zürich"
msgstr "Márk Korondi – IBM Research Zürich"
msgid "Márton Kiss – Aptira"
msgstr "Márton Kiss – Aptira"
msgid "Namgon Lucas Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Namgon Lucas Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "New features"
msgstr "Fitur baru"
msgid ""
"Nov 04-05: `OpenStack Summit Sydney <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"sydney-2017/>`_ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgstr ""
"Nov 04-05: `OpenStack Summit Sydney <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"sydney-2017/>`_ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgid ""
"Nov 11-12: `OpenStack Summit Berlin <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"berlin-2018/>`_ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgstr ""
"Nov 11-12: `OpenStack Summit Berlin <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"berlin-2018/>`_ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgid "November 2 -3, 2019"
msgstr "2 - 3 November 2019"
msgid "Numbers should not be used as an indication for competition"
msgstr "Angka tidak boleh digunakan sebagai indikasi persaingan"
msgid "Objectives"
msgstr "Objectives (sasaran)"
msgid ""
"Oct 18: `OpenStack Days Nordic <https://openinfranordics.com/openstack-days-"
"nordic-2017/>`__ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgstr ""
"Oct 18: `OpenStack Days Nordic <https://openinfranordics.com/openstack-days-"
"nordic-2017/>`__ - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
msgid ""
"Oct 9: `OpenStack Days Nordics <http://stockholm.openstacknordic.org/>`__ - "
"`Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-institute-"
msgstr ""
"Oct 9: `OpenStack Days Nordics <http://stockholm.openstacknordic.org/>`__ - "
"`Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-institute-"
msgid "October 10 - 11, 2014 (Fri - Sat)"
msgstr "10-11 Oktober 2014 (Jumat - Sabtu)"
msgid "October 2, 2019"
msgstr "October 2, 2019"
msgid ""
"Once the students are separated into their new roles, and have an "
"understanding of the project, begin the timer for the first sprint. During "
"the five minutes planning time, encourage each group to get together and "
"think about their project. If possible, give each group a corner of the room "
"and access to a whiteboard or flipchart. For companies, ensure the CEO sets "
"a direction, and the team is on board. Their responsibility is to deliver "
"value to their stakeholders. For upstream, have them think about the "
"community standards they want to set: they are responsible for the quality "
"of the finished product. For free agent contributors, use this time to get "
"them to understand their role in the simulation: explain their part as "
"agents of chaos. They can get straight to work as soon as they understand "
"their role, no need to wait for the timer to go off. The free agents should "
"not be forced to coordinate among themselves: there are better results if "
"they find out how hard it is to accomplish anything without coordinating "
"with others. In theory, the free agents can decide to demolish things, too: "
"try suggesting this option to one of them, see what happens."
msgstr ""
"Setelah siswa dipisahkan ke dalam peran baru mereka, dan memiliki pemahaman "
"tentang proyek, mulai timer untuk sprint (bertindak cepat) pertama. Selama "
"lima menit waktu perencanaan, mendorong setiap kelompok untuk bersama-sama "
"dan berpikir tentang proyek mereka. Jika memungkinkan, berikan masing-masing "
"kelompok sudut ruangan dan akses ke papan tulis atau flipchart. Bagi "
"perusahaan, pastikan CEO menetapkan arah, dan tim ini di papan. Tanggung "
"jawab mereka adalah untuk memberikan nilai bagi stakeholder mereka. Untuk "
"hulu (upstream), mereka berpikir tentang standar komunitas mereka ingin "
"mengatur: mereka bertanggung jawab atas kualitas produk jadi. Untuk "
"kontributor agen bebas, menggunakan waktu ini untuk mendapatkan mereka untuk "
"memahami peran mereka dalam simulasi: menjelaskan bagian mereka sebagai agen "
"chaos (campus aduk). Mereka bisa mendapatkan langsung bekerja segera setelah "
"mereka memahami peran mereka, tidak perlu menunggu timer untuk pergi. Para "
"agen bebas tidak boleh dipaksa untuk mengkoordinasikan antara mereka: ada "
"hasil yang lebih baik jika mereka tahu betapa sulitnya untuk mencapai apa "
"pun tanpa koordinasi dengan orang lain. Secara teori, agen bebas jugo dapat "
"memutuskan untuk menghancurkan hal-hal: mencoba menyarankan opsi ini untuk "
"salah satu dari mereka, melihat apa yang terjadi."
msgid "Online Communication"
msgstr "Komunikasi secara online"
msgid "Open Infra Days Nordics"
msgstr "Open Infra Days Nordics"
msgid "Open Infra Summit Shanghai"
msgstr "Open Infra Summit Shanghai"
msgid "Open Infrastructure Summit Shanghai"
msgstr "Open Infrastructure Summit Shanghai"
msgid ""
"Open an *upstream training* IRC meeting and make consensus from various "
"travel plans."
msgstr ""
"Buka pertemuan IRC *upstream training* IRC dan membuat konsensus dari "
"berbagai rencana perjalanan."
msgid "Open collaboration"
msgstr "Terbuka kolaborasi"
msgid ""
"Open reviews, contribution for the latest 30 or 90 days, activity report, "
msgstr ""
"Ulasan terbuka, kontribusi untuk 30 atau 90 hari terakhir, laporan "
"aktivitas, dll"
msgid "Open the Contributor Guide"
msgstr "Buka Contributor Guide (panduan kontributor)"
msgid ""
"Open the `Accounts Setup <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"accounts.html#>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Accounts Setup <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"accounts.html#>`_ pada Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Checking Status in Zuul <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"common/zuul-status.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Checking Status in Zuul <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/common/zuul-status.html>`_ dari Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Communication <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"communication.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka `Communication <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"communication.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Events <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/events."
"html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Events <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/events."
"html>`_ dari Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `How to Become a Patch Guru? <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/code-and-documentation/patch-best-practices.html>`_ section of "
"the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `How to Become a Patch Guru? <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/code-and-documentation/patch-best-practices.html>`_ pada "
"Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `OpenStack Governance <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"common/governance.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `OpenStack Governance <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"common/governance.html>`_ dari Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Releases <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/releases."
"html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Releases <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"releases.html>` _ pada Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Setting Up Your Gerrit Account <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/common/setup-gerrit.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Setting Up Your Gerrit Account <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/common/setup-gerrit.html>`_ pada Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Setup IRC <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/irc."
"html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Setup IRC <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/irc."
"html>` _ pada Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Setup and Learn GIT <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"common/git.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Setup and Learn GIT <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"common/git.html>`_ dari Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Task Tracking <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/task-"
"tracking.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Task Tracking <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/"
"task-tracking.html>`_ dari Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Using Elastic Recheck <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"code-and-documentation/elastic-recheck.html>`_ section of the Contributor "
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Using Elastic Recheck <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"code-and-documentation/elastic-recheck.html>`_ pada Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `Using Gerrit <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-"
"documentation/using-gerrit.html>`_ section of the Contributor Guide"
msgstr ""
"Buka bagian `Using Gerrit <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-"
"documentation/using-gerrit.html>`_ dari Contributor Guide"
msgid ""
"Open the `training etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-"
"institute-berlin-2018>`_ for team work"
msgstr ""
"Buka `training etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-institute-"
"berlin-2018>`_ untuk kerja tim"
msgid "OpenInfra Days Nordics"
msgstr "OpenInfra Days Nordics"
msgid "OpenInfra Days Vietnam"
msgstr "OpenInfra Days Vietnam"
msgid "OpenStack Days Tokyo"
msgstr "OpenStack Days Tokyo"
msgid "OpenStack Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasi OpenStack"
msgid "OpenStack Events"
msgstr "OpenStack Events (kegiatan OpenStack)"
msgid "OpenStack Governance"
msgstr "OpenStack Governance (tata kelola OpenStack)"
msgid "OpenStack Project Status and Zuul"
msgstr "OpenStack Project Status dan Zuul"
msgid "OpenStack Release Cycle"
msgstr "OpenStack Release Cycle (siklus rilis OpenStack)"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Institute"
msgstr "OpenStack Upstream Institute"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Institute Class Details"
msgstr "OpenStack Upstream Institute Class Details"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Institute Trainees' Guide"
msgstr "OpenStack Upstream Institute Trainees' Guide"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Institute Trainers' Guide"
msgstr "OpenStack Upstream Institute Trainers' Guide"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Institute Training Content"
msgstr "OpenStack Upstream Institute Training Content"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Training"
msgstr "OpenStack Upstream Training (pelatihanOpen Stack Upstream)"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Training Archives"
msgstr "OpenStack Upstream Training Archives (arsip pelatihan hulu OpenStack)"
msgid "OpenStack Upstream Training Introductions"
msgstr "Pengenalan pelatihan hulu OpenStack"
msgid "OpenStack sandbox environment: DevStack"
msgstr "OpenStack sandbox environment: DevStack"
msgid "Organize the tables according to project interest - especially on day 2"
msgstr "Atur tabel sesuai dengan kepentingan proyek - terutama pada hari ke 2"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Lainnya"
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Ikhtisar"
msgid "Overview of the contribution process"
msgstr "Ikhtisar proses kontribusi"
msgid "PTL : 1"
msgstr "PTL : 1"
msgid "PTLs"
msgstr "PTLs"
msgid "Part of the OpenStack project's functional testing"
msgstr "Bagian dari uji fungsional proyek OpenStack"
msgid "Patch Guru"
msgstr "Patch Guru"
msgid "Patrick East – PureStorage"
msgstr "Patrick East – PureStorage"
msgid ""
"Pause to ask students if they have questions on the material throughout your "
msgstr ""
"Jeda untuk bertanya kepada siswa apakah mereka memiliki pertanyaan tentang "
"materi selama presentasi Anda"
msgid "Pay attention to who is an expert in what area"
msgstr "Perhatikan ahli di bidang apa"
msgid "Peter Ko (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Peter Ko (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Pick a task (bug, trivial fix, documentation, implementation)"
msgstr "Memilih tugas (bug, perbaikan biasa, dokumentasi, implementasi)"
msgid ""
"Pick your favorite project and report how many jobs it has running in IRC"
msgstr ""
"Pilih proyek favorit Anda dan laporkan berapa banyak pekerjaan yang telah "
"berjalan di IRC"
msgid "Please note that the language of the training is English."
msgstr "Harap dicatat bahwa bahasa untuk pelatihan ini adalah bahasa Inggris."
msgid "Post the information on the IRC channel"
msgstr "Poskan informasi di saluran IRC"
msgid "Prepare an environment by yourself from scratch:"
msgstr "Siapkan sendiri lingkungan dari awal:"
msgid "Prepare git in the virtual machine that was created above:"
msgstr "Siapkan git di mesin virtual yang dibuat di atas:"
msgid "Prerequisite and best practice guide for trainees:"
msgstr "Panduan prasyarat dan terbaik bagi peserta pelatihan:"
msgid "Prerequisites to attend the class"
msgstr "Prasyarat untuk menghadiri kelas"
msgid "Previous trainings"
msgstr "Pelatihan sebelumnya"
msgid ""
"Prior to the Summits promote Project Onboarding and other related conference "
msgstr ""
"Sebelum KTT mempromosikan Project Onboarding dan sesi konferensi terkait "
msgid "Product owners"
msgstr "Product owners (pemilik produk)"
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Kemajuan"
msgid "Project repos have installation tutorials and developer documentation"
msgstr "Repos proyek memiliki tutorial instalasi dan dokumentasi pengembang"
msgid "Project/Program managers/Product owners"
msgstr "Project/Program managers/Product owners"
msgid "Promote ideas for next steps after training is done; for example"
msgstr ""
"Promosikan gagasan untuk langkah selanjutnya setelah pelatihan selesai; "
"sebagai contoh"
msgid "Provide documentation for core OpenStack projects to promote OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan dokumentasi untuk proyek inti OpenStack untuk mempromosikan "
msgid ""
"Provides transparent and meaningful statistics regarding contributions to "
"both OpenStack itself and projects related to OpenStack"
msgstr ""
"Menyediakan statistik transparan dan bermakna mengenai kontribusi untuk "
"OpenStack sendiri maupun proyek yang terkait dengan OpenStack"
msgid "Publicly available statistics about the community"
msgstr "Statistik umum tentang masyarakat"
msgid ""
"REMEMBER: This is open source. Things happen on the community's schedule, "
"not yours."
msgstr ""
"INGAT: Ini adalah open source. Sesuatu terjadi pada kegiatan masyarakat, "
"bukan milikmu."
msgid ""
"Read and complete the `Setup IRC <https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/"
"common/irc.html>`_ guide."
msgstr ""
"Baca dan selesaikan panduan `Setup IRC <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"contributors/common/irc.html>` _."
msgid "Read the material"
msgstr "Baca materinya"
msgid ""
"Ready, set, go to `The OpenStack Contributor Guide <https://docs.openstack."
msgstr ""
"Siap, atur, buka `The OpenStack Contributor Guide <https://docs.openstack."
msgid "Recommendations to become an active community member"
msgstr "Rekomendasi untuk menjadi anggota komunitas yang aktif"
msgid "References"
msgstr "Referensi"
msgid ""
"Register the blueprint : `Blueprints for openstack-dev-sandbox <https://"
msgstr ""
"Daftarkan blueprint: `Blueprints for openstack-dev-sandbox <https://"
msgid "Relevant actors"
msgstr "Aktor yang relevan"
msgid "Remove the code changes and run the tests"
msgstr "Keluarkan perubahan kode dan jalankan tes"
msgid ""
"Repeat sending out a reminder to the attendees including the prerequisites "
"and details about the timing and venue the day before the training"
msgstr ""
"Ulangi mengirimkan pengingat kepada peserta termasuk prasyarat dan rincian "
"tentang waktu dan tempat sehari sebelum pelatihan"
msgid "Reply to comments"
msgstr "Membalas komentar"
msgid "Repositories"
msgstr "Repositories (repositori)"
msgid "Resolve merge conflicts"
msgstr "Menyelesaikan konflik penggabungan"
msgid ""
"Restart the corresponding service in your DevStack environment and find the "
"new message in the logs"
msgstr ""
"Restart layanan yang sesuai di lingkungan DevStack Anda dan temukan pesan "
"baru di log"
msgid "Review"
msgstr "Ulasan"
msgid "Review other's code"
msgstr "Mengulas kode milik lain"
msgid "Review three patches in the sandbox environment:"
msgstr "Mengulas tiga patch di lingkungan sandbox:"
msgid "Reviewing"
msgstr "Reviewing (mengkaji)"
msgid "Revise the original patch according to discussion results."
msgstr "Merevisi patch asli menurut hasil diskusi."
msgid "Rodolphe Quiedeville (training, mentoring, assistant, french)"
msgstr "Rodolphe Quiedeville (training, mentoring, assistant, french)"
msgid "Rohit Agarwalla (assistant)"
msgstr "Rohit Agarwalla (assistant)"
msgid "Rossella Sblendido (assistant, Italian, English)"
msgstr "Rossella Sblendido (assistant, Italian, English)"
msgid "Run DevStack"
msgstr "Menjalankan DevStack"
msgid "Run one test case"
msgstr "Menjalankan satu batu ujian"
msgid "Run only one test class and not the whole suite"
msgstr "Hanya menjalankan satu kelas tes dan bukannya seluruh suite"
msgid "Run tests (unit, functional, etc.)"
msgstr "Menjalankan tes (unit, fungsional, dll)"
msgid "Run the tests"
msgstr "Menjalankan tes"
msgid "Running services in DevStack"
msgstr "Menjalankan layanan di DevStack"
msgid "Sahid Ferdjaoui (assistant, french, english)"
msgstr "Sahid Ferdjaoui (assistant, french, english)"
msgid ""
"Screen is going away in Queens : http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/"
msgstr ""
"Screen akan pergi di Queens:http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-"
msgid "See EOL status at: https://releases.openstack.org"
msgstr "Lihat status EOL di: https://releases.openstack.org"
msgid "See YOU in Stockholm!"
msgstr "Lihat ANDA di Stockholm!"
msgid "See YOU in Tokyo!"
msgstr "See YOU in Tokyo!"
msgid "See YOU in Vietnam!"
msgstr "See YOU in Vietnam!"
msgid ""
"See this web page and the schedule of the upcoming class for more details "
"and registration."
msgstr ""
"Lihat halaman web ini dan jadwal kelas yang akan datang untuk lebih jelasnya "
"dan registrasi."
msgid "Self-contained"
msgstr "Serba lengkap"
msgid "SeongSoo Cho (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "SeongSoo Cho (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Seoul, Korea"
msgstr "Seoul, Korea"
msgid ""
"Sep 26: OpenStack Days UK 2017 - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/"
msgstr ""
"Sep 26: OpenStack Days UK 2017 - `Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/"
msgid ""
"Services in DevStack are running as ``systemd`` units named devstack@"
msgstr ""
"Layanan di DevStack dijalankan sebagai unit ``systemd`` yang dinamai "
msgid "Setting Up IRC"
msgstr "Menyiapkan IRC"
msgid "Setup git & Commit Messages"
msgstr "Mempersiapkan git & Commit Messages"
msgid "Setup the Development Environment"
msgstr "Mempersiapkan Development Environment"
msgid "Shanghai,"
msgstr "Shanghai,"
msgid "Share both in our IRC channel."
msgstr "Bagikan keduanya di saluran IRC kami."
msgid "Share something you find interesting from the proposed agenda"
msgstr "Bagikan sesuatu yang Anda anggap menarik dari agenda yang diusulkan"
msgid ""
"Share the commit message with one or two people at your table. Give them "
"feedback on their commit messages."
msgstr ""
"Bagikan pesan komit dengan satu atau dua orang di meja Anda. Beri mereka "
"umpan balik tentang pesan komit mereka."
msgid ""
"Share your board with your group. Assign yourself to three tasks on other "
"people's stories. Comment on one story."
msgstr ""
"Bagikan papan Anda dengan grup Anda. Tetapkan diri Anda untuk tiga tugas di "
"cerita orang lain. Komentar satu cerita."
msgid "Shinobu KINJO (mentoring, assistant, japanese)"
msgstr "Shinobu KINJO (mentoring, assistant, japanese)"
msgid "Single and multi node setup"
msgstr "Tunggal dan multi pengaturan nodus"
msgid "Sites"
msgstr "Sites (situs)"
msgid ""
"Slides are made with `Hieroglyph <http://hieroglyph.io>`_. To skim through "
"slides quickly to find something, or jump ahead or back, use *Slide table* "
"(press :command:`t` in the browser). Some slides include additional "
"explanation in the *Presenter notes* (press :command:`c` to see them)."
msgstr ""
"Slide dibuat dengan `Hieroglyph <http://hieroglyph.io>`_. Untuk melihat "
"secara sekilas slide cepat untuk menemukan sesuatu, atau melompat ke depan "
"atau belakang, menggunakan *Slide table* (press :command:`t` in the "
"browser). Beberapa slide termasuk penjelasan tambahan di *Presenter notes* "
"(press :command:`c` untuk melihat mereka)."
msgid ""
"Someone left a print statement that was used for testing during development "
"that is being added to the logs"
msgstr ""
"Seseorang meninggalkan pernyataan cetak (print statement) yang digunakan "
"untuk pengujian selama pengembangan yang ditambahkan ke log"
msgid "Specialty teams"
msgstr "Tim khusus"
msgid "Speeding the Acceptance"
msgstr "Mempercepat penerimaan"
msgid "Stable branches"
msgstr "Stable branches (cabang stabil)"
msgid "Stackalytics"
msgstr "Stackalytics"
msgid "Stackalytics Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Stackalytics"
msgstr "Stackalytics Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Stackalytics"
msgid "Staff"
msgstr "Staff"
msgid "Start DevStack in a VM on your laptop or in public cloud"
msgstr "Mulai DevStack di VM pada laptop atau di cloud publik"
msgid "Start a new session: screen -C devstack/stack-screenrc"
msgstr "Mulai sesi baru: screen -C devstack/stack-screenrc"
msgid ""
"Start the timer for building time, and allow everyone to start work. During "
"each building phase, have mentors wander around the groups listening in and "
"making suggestions, without actually doing any of the work or giving "
"answers. The role of the mentors is to ask questions to orient the "
"conversations among the teams. For example, during the first sprint it is "
"common that the CEO and the PTL will face incompatibility of their plans. "
"Mentors should ask the teams how to address those issues."
msgstr ""
"Mulai timer untuk membangun waktu, dan mengizinkan semua orang untuk mulai "
"bekerja. Selama setiap tahap pembangunan, mentor berkeliaran di sekitar "
"kelompok mendengarkan dan membuat saran, tanpa benar-benar melakukan setiap "
"pekerjaan atau memberikan jawaban. Peran mentor adalah dengan mengajukan "
"pertanyaan untuk mengarahkan percakapan antara tim. Sebagai contoh, selama "
"sprint pertama itu adalah umum bahwa CEO dan PTL akan menghadapi "
"ketidakcocokan rencana mereka. Mentor harus meminta tim bagaimana mengatasi "
"masalah itu."
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
msgid "Stefano Maffulli (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Stefano Maffulli (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgid "Stephan Ahn (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Stephan Ahn (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Stockholm,"
msgstr "Stockholm,"
msgid ""
"Students can use a different editor instead of nano with their own "
"preferences (e.g. vi, emacs, or whatever they want)."
msgstr ""
"Siswa dapat menggunakan editor yang berbeda, bukan nano dengan preferensi "
"mereka sendiri (misalnya vi, emacs, atau apapun yang mereka inginkan)."
msgid ""
"Students will play with the image instead of paying attention to the class"
msgstr "Siswa akan bermain dengan image daripada memperhatikan kelas"
msgid "Subscribe to the openstack-discuss mailing list."
msgstr "Berlangganan ke mailing list openstack-discuss."
msgid "Suggestions of projects to work on:"
msgstr "Saran dari proyek untuk bekerja pada:"
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Ringkasan"
msgid "Sungjin Kang (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Sungjin Kang (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Sungjin Kang (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Sungjin Kang (training, assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Swami Redydy (mentoring, assistant)"
msgstr "Swami Redydy (mentoring, assistant)"
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Sweden"
msgid "Syed Armani (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Syed Armani (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgid "Sylvain Bauza (assistant, mentoring, training, french, english)"
msgstr "Sylvain Bauza (assistant, mentoring, training, french, english)"
msgid "System administrators"
msgstr "Administrator sistem"
msgid "Taehee Jang (assistant, mentoring - Ubuntu Korea Community)"
msgstr "Taehee Jang (assistant, mentoring - Ubuntu Korea Community)"
msgid "Tags: [management] [new_dev] [dev]"
msgstr "Tags: [management] [new_dev] [dev]"
msgid "Tags: [new_dev]"
msgstr "Tags: [new_dev]"
msgid "Tags: [operator] [user] [new_dev] [dev]"
msgstr "Tags: [operator] [user] [new_dev] [dev]"
msgid "Takashi Torii (assistant, japanese)"
msgstr "Takashi Torii (assistant, japanese)"
msgid ""
"Talk slowly when you are presenting - English may not be their first language"
msgstr ""
"Bicara perlahan saat Anda mempresentasikan - Bahasa Inggris mungkin bukan "
"bahasa pertama mereka"
msgid "Talking in the IRC channel"
msgstr "Berbicara dalam saluran IRC"
msgid "Target Audience"
msgstr "Target Audience (khalayak target)"
msgid "Task Tracking"
msgstr "Pelacakan Tugas"
msgid "Team members : 3-5"
msgstr "Anggota tim : 3-5"
msgid "Technical committee : 1"
msgstr "Technical committee : 1"
msgid "Terminal emulator: Xfce4-terminal"
msgstr "Terminal emulator: Xfce4-terminal"
msgid "Test coverage exercise"
msgstr "Latihan cakupan tes"
msgid "Test suites"
msgstr "Rangkaian pengujian"
msgid "Testing"
msgstr "Testing (pengujian)"
msgid "Testing exercise"
msgstr "Latihan pengujian"
msgid "Testing framework"
msgstr "Kerangka pengujian"
msgid "Text editor: Geany"
msgstr "Text editor: Geany"
msgid ""
"The Contributor Guide contains all the information you need to know to be "
"able to start contributing to OpenStack."
msgstr ""
"Panduan Kontributor berisi semua informasi yang perlu Anda ketahui untuk "
"dapat mulai berkontribusi pada OpenStack."
msgid "The OpenStack Community in numbers"
msgstr "Komunitas OpenStack dalam angka"
msgid "The data can be collected and analyzed by anyone"
msgstr "Data dapat dikumpulkan dan dianalisis oleh siapa saja"
msgid ""
"The group is split into their new 'teams' at this stage. Facilitators can "
"choose any way they prefer to do this (selecting teams, or allowing students "
"to self-select). The recommended numbers are in the slides, but can be "
"changed to suit the number of participants in the room. For a very large "
"group, consider separating into two 'communities', which then have to fit "
"their streets together to complete the session. Having more communities "
"requires an extra level of coordination to reach `interoperability` between "
"the results of their work."
msgstr ""
"Kelompok ini dibagi menjadi 'teams' baru mereka pada tahap ini. Fasilitator "
"dapat memilih cara apapun yang mereka suka melakukan hal ini (memilih tim, "
"atau mengizinkan siswa untuk self-select). Nomor yang direkomendasikan "
"adalah di slide, tetapi dapat diubah sesuai jumlah peserta di dalam ruangan. "
"Untuk kelompok yang sangat besar, pertimbangkan memisahkan menjadi dua "
"'communities', yang kemudian harus sesuai jalan bersama mereka untuk "
"menyelesaikan sesi. Memiliki masyarakat lebih membutuhkan tingkat koordinasi "
"tambahan untuk mencapai `interoperability` antara hasil kerja mereka."
msgid ""
"The live one and a half day class teaches the students how to navigate the "
"intricacies of the project's technical tools and social interactions and "
"shows how they can collaborate with the community and find their place in "
"the ecosystem."
msgstr ""
"Kelas langsung satu dan setengah hari mengajarkan siswa bagaimana untuk "
"menavigasi seluk-beluk alat teknis proyek dan interaksi sosial dan "
"menunjukkan bagaimana mereka dapat berkolaborasi dengan masyarakat dan "
"menemukan tempat mereka dalam ekosistem."
msgid "The metrics should be used within context"
msgstr "Metrik harus digunakan dalam konteks"
msgid ""
"The students prepare a 5-minute presentation of their planned contribution."
msgstr ""
"Para siswa mempersiapkan presentasi 5 menit dari kontribusi yang "
"direncanakan mereka."
msgid ""
"The training blocks will guide you through the chapters to get to know the "
"community, tools and processes that we are using."
msgstr ""
"Blok pelatihan akan memandu Anda melalui bab-bab untuk mengenal komunitas, "
"alat, dan proses yang kami gunakan."
msgid ""
"The training has a modular structure by which it gives room to attendees "
"with different job roles."
msgstr ""
"Pelatihan ini memiliki struktur modular yang memberikan ruang bagi peserta "
"dengan peran pekerjaan yang berbeda."
msgid ""
"The upcoming `Open Infrastructure Summit <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"shanghai-2019>`_ will be in Shanghai in November with a full training "
"running prior to the event."
msgstr ""
"Mendatang `Open Infrastructure Summit <https://www.openstack.org/summit/"
"shanghai-2019>`_ akan berada di Shanghai pada bulan November dengan "
"pelatihan penuh berjalan sebelum acara."
msgid ""
"There are unused arguments being passed into a method that is used in "
"several different files"
msgstr ""
"Ada argumen yang tidak digunakan yang dilewatkan ke dalam metode yang "
"digunakan dalam beberapa file berbeda"
msgid ""
"There is a Forum session in Boston about the future of Stackalytics as there "
"are issues with the tool. As we don't have a replacement as of now we can "
"still share info about the currently available tool."
msgstr ""
"Ada sesi Forum di Boston tentang masa depan Stackalytics karena ada masalah "
"dengan alat ini. Karena kita tidak memiliki pengganti seperti sekarang kita "
"masih bisa berbagi info tentang alat yang ada saat ini."
msgid ""
"There will also be office hours from 4 to 6 pm at the Former Saint Craft "
"Kitchen and Taps in the Hyatt on Saturday, April 27th, 2019."
msgstr ""
"Juga akan ada jam kantor dari jam 4 sampai 6 sore di Former Saint Craft "
"Kitchen and Taps di Hyatt pada hari Sabtu, 27 April 2019."
msgid ""
"These slides prepare students for the Lego activity, and ensure they "
"understand the metaphors in use. The Lego in the exercise represents the "
"code of a software project, in this case OpenStack. The students all take on "
"roles that represent various facets of the OpenStack community, including "
"upstream roles like Foundation and TC, and contributors like corporations, "
"and unaffiliated individuals animated by unknown motives (free agents)."
msgstr ""
"Slide ini mempersiapkan siswa untuk kegiatan Lego, dan memastikan mereka "
"memahami metafora yang digunakan. Lego dalam latihan merupakan kode dari "
"proyek software, dalam hal ini OpenStack. Para siswa semua mengambil peran "
"yang mewakili berbagai aspek dari masyarakat OpenStack, termasuk peran hulu "
"(upstream) seperti Foundation (yayasan) dan TC, dan kontributor seperti "
"perusahaan, dan individu yang tidak terafiliasi yang digerakkan oleh motif "
"yang tidak diketahui (agen bebas)."
msgid ""
"This guide provides detailed instructions on the contribution workflow and "
"conventions to be considered by all documentation contributors."
msgstr ""
"Panduan ini memberikan petunjuk rinci tentang alur kerja kontribusi dan "
"konvensi yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh semua kontributor dokumentasi."
msgid ""
"This slide is for reference links in case people want to get more "
"information later. Presenters do not need to spend time on this."
msgstr ""
"Slide ini untuk link referensi jika orang ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak "
"informasi nantinya. Presenter tidak perlu meluangkan waktu untuk ini."
msgid "Those who forgot can still prepare"
msgstr "Mereka yang lupa masih bisa mempersiapkannya"
msgid ""
"Those who haven't seen the previous notification get a chance to prepare"
msgstr ""
"Mereka yang belum melihat pemberitahuan sebelumnya mendapat kesempatan untuk "
msgid "Tim Freund (assistant, english)"
msgstr "Tim Freund (assistant, english)"
msgid "Tim Freund (training, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Tim Freund (training, assistant, english)"
msgid "Tim Freund (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgstr "Tim Freund (training, mentoring, assistant, english)"
msgid "Timing"
msgstr "Pemilihan waktu"
msgid ""
"Tips and best practices guide for trainers, coaches and mentors holding the "
"training locally:"
msgstr ""
"Kiat dan panduan praktik terbaik untuk pelatih, pelatih, dan mentor yang "
"mengikuti pelatihan secara lokal:"
msgid "Tips for Exercises"
msgstr "Tips untuk Latihan"
msgid "Tips for the Class"
msgstr "Tips untuk Kelas"
msgid "To understand how it all fits together, we use a hands on example"
msgstr ""
"Untuk memahami bagaimana semua itu cocok untuk bersama-sama, kita membantu "
"dengan contoh"
msgid ""
"To use ``screen`` explicitly set ``USE_SCREEN=True`` option in ``local.conf``"
msgstr ""
"Untuk menggunakan ``screen`` secara eksplisit tetapkan opsi ``USE_SCREEN = "
"True`` di ``local.conf``"
msgid "Tokyo, Japan"
msgstr "Tokyo, Japan"
msgid "Tools pre-packaged in a VM image"
msgstr "Alat yang sudah dikemas dalam VM image"
msgid "Tox"
msgstr "Tox"
msgid "Training Content"
msgstr "Konten Pelatihan"
msgid "Training organizers"
msgstr "Training organizers"
msgid "Trainings"
msgstr "Pelatihan"
msgid ""
"Transparency: the community can have confidence that all calculations are "
"correct and fair"
msgstr ""
"Transparansi: masyarakat dapat memiliki keyakinan bahwa semua perhitungan "
"yang benar dan adil"
msgid "Treat documentation like OpenStack code."
msgstr "Buat dokumentasi seperti kode OpenStack."
msgid "Trust that you are consistent and reliable and come back regularly"
msgstr ""
"Percayalah bahwa Anda konsisten dan dapat diandalkan dan kembali secara "
msgid "Trust that you can write and review code"
msgstr "Percayalah bahwa Anda dapat menulis dan meninjau kode"
msgid ""
"Trust that you understand or have the willingness to understand the "
msgstr ""
"Percayalah bahwa Anda mengerti atau memiliki kemauan untuk memahami "
msgid "Trust that your comments are valid"
msgstr "Percayalah bahwa komentar Anda valid"
msgid "Trust within the community"
msgstr "Kepercayaan dalam masyarakat"
msgid ""
"Try to find things to make comments on even if they are just asking a "
"question and not pointing out an issue, don't just +1 three different "
msgstr ""
"Cobalah untuk menemukan hal-hal untuk membuat komentar bahkan jika mereka "
"hanya mengajukan pertanyaan dan tidak menunjukkan isu, jangan hanya +1 tiga "
"patch yang berbeda."
msgid "Unaffiliated contributors (free agents)"
msgstr ""
"Unaffiliated contributors (free agents) (kontributor yang tidak terafiliasi "
"- agen bebas)"
msgid "Understand the OpenStack contribution workflow and social norms"
msgstr "Memahami alur kerja kontribusi OpenStack dan norma-norma sosial"
msgid ""
"Understand the OpenStack release cycle to the level of being able to "
"sychronize and integrate it with your product's roadmap"
msgstr ""
"Memahami siklus rilis OpenStack ke tingkat yang dapat melakukan sinkronisasi "
"dan mengintegrasikannya dengan roadmap produk Anda"
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unit (satuan)"
msgid "Upcoming Trainings"
msgstr "Pelatihan Mendatang"
msgid "Update and add tests (unit, functional, etc.)"
msgstr "Memperbarui dan menambahkan tes (unit, fungsional, dll)"
msgid "Upstream Institute Training Other Events"
msgstr "Upstream Institute Training Other Events"
msgid "Upstream Training in Japan"
msgstr "Upstream Training in Japan (pelatihan hulu di Jepang)"
msgid "Upstream is responsible for the finished product."
msgstr "Hulu bertanggung jawab untuk produk jadi."
msgid ""
"Upstream: consider guidelines around consistency in the bricks used, how to "
"connect the road and sidewalk between the buildings, the kinds of buildings "
"they should request the community to make, and the things they simply will "
"not accept. Make them understand that they are responsible for the finished "
msgstr ""
"Upstream: mempertimbangkan pedoman sekitar konsistensi dalam batu bata "
"(brick) yang digunakan, bagaimana menghubungkan jalan dan trotoar antara "
"bangunan, jenis bangunan mereka harus meminta masyarakat untuk membuat, dan "
"hal-hal mereka tidak akan menerima. Membuat mereka mengerti bahwa mereka "
"bertanggung jawab untuk produk jadi."
msgid "Use \"Implements: [blueprint name]\" in commit messages"
msgstr "Gunakan \"Implements: [blueprint name]\" pada pesan komit"
msgid ""
"Use ``systemctl status devstack@*`` to ensure devstack is running on your "
"VM. If it is not started, start it with ``systemctl start devstack@*``"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan ``systemctl status devstack @ * `` untuk memastikan devstack "
"berjalan pada VM Anda. Jika belum dimulai, mulailah dengan ``systemctl start "
"devstack @ * ``"
msgid "Use every opportunity to receive feedback, for example:"
msgstr "Gunakan setiap kesempatan untuk menerima umpan balik, misalnya:"
msgid ""
"Use round tables if available as opposed to traditional classroom style setup"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan meja bundar jika tersedia dibandingkan dengan pengaturan gaya kelas "
msgid ""
"Use the ``journalctl`` command to view output from your favorite service"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan perintah ``journalctl`` untuk melihat output dari layanan favorit "
msgid "Used as"
msgstr "Digunakan sebagai"
msgid "Useful screen commands:"
msgstr "Perintah screen yang berguna:"
msgid "Using Lego to represent the community"
msgstr "Menggunakan Lego untuk mewakili masyarakat"
msgid ""
"VM image and instructions: https://github.com/openstack/upstream-institute-"
msgstr ""
"Image VM dan instruksi: https://github.com/openstack/upstream-institute-"
msgid "Validate the services are running"
msgstr "Validasi layanan yang berjalan"
msgid ""
"Victoria Martinez de la Cruz - vkmc - Trove/Zaqar (mentoring, assistant)"
msgstr ""
"Victoria Martinez de la Cruz - vkmc - Trove/Zaqar (mentoring, assistant)"
msgid "Victoria Martinez de la Cruz – Red Hat"
msgstr "Victoria Martinez de la Cruz – Red Hat"
msgid "Victoria Martínez de la Cruz (assistant, english)"
msgstr "Victoria Martínez de la Cruz (assistant, english)"
msgid ""
"We are also bringing a one day long version of the training to some of the "
"local OpenStack Days events and other industry events. Keep a look out for "
"updates about these events in the `Upcoming Trainings`_ section."
msgstr ""
"Kami juga membawa versi pelatihan satu hari yang panjang ke beberapa acara "
"OpenStack Days dan acara industri lainnya. Lihat pemutakhiran tentang acara "
"ini di bagian `Upcoming Trainings`_."
msgid ""
"We are providing a virtual machine with the necessary tools pre-installed in "
"it. For further information about the system requirements on it please see "
"the :doc:`upstream-trainees-guide` section."
msgstr ""
"Kami menyediakan mesin virtual dengan alat yang diperlukan pra-instal di "
"dalamnya. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang persyaratan sistem di "
"atasnya, silakan lihat bagian :doc:`upstream-trainees-guide`."
msgid ""
"We have collected the suggestions based on our experiences from previous "
"Upstream Institute trainings."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah mengumpulkan saran berdasarkan pengalaman kami dari pelatihan "
"Upstream Institute sebelumnya."
msgid ""
"We held the first OpenStack Upstream Training in Atlanta, before OpenStack "
"Summit Atlanta 2014. Since Atlanta, we have held the training before every "
"OpenStack Summit. Besides this \"official\" event, some user groups hold the "
"local Upstream trainings."
msgstr ""
"Kami mengadakan OpenStack Upstream Training yang pertama di Atlanta, sebelum "
"OpenStack Summit Atlanta 2014. Sejak Atlanta, kami telah mengadakan "
"pelatihan sebelum setiap OpenStack Summit. Selain itu acara \"official\", "
"beberapa kelompok pengguna mengadakan pelatihan Upstream lokal."
msgid "We run the full training prior to each OpenStack Summit."
msgstr "Kami menjalankan pelatihan penuh sebelum setiap OpenStack Summit."
msgid ""
"We will go into this later on in more detail so hold off on answering "
"detailed questions for now."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan pergi ke hal ini nanti secara lebih rinci sehingga menunda "
"menjawab pertanyaan rinci untuk saat ini."
msgid ""
"We will introduce ourselves first and then turn it over to them to talk to "
"each other at their tables."
msgstr ""
"Kami akan memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu dan kemudian menyerahkannya "
"kepada mereka untuk saling berbicara di meja mereka."
msgid "We will take on roles to show how each community member interacts"
msgstr ""
"Kami akan mengambil peran untuk menunjukkan bagaimana setiap berinteraksi "
"anggota masyarakat"
msgid ""
"We've designed a training program to provide an interactive environment to "
"newcomers where they can learn they ways of collaborating with our "
"community. We are relying on the principles of open collaboration and "
"describe and show how the ``Four Opens`` work in OpenStack in practice."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah merancang program pelatihan untuk menyediakan lingkungan yang "
"interaktif bagi pendatang baru di mana mereka dapat belajar cara mereka "
"berkolaborasi dengan komunitas kami. Kami mengandalkan prinsip-prinsip "
"kolaborasi terbuka dan menggambarkan dan menunjukkan bagaimana ``Four "
"Opens`` bekerja di OpenStack dalam praktek."
msgid ""
"We've designed a training program to share knowledge about the different "
"ways of contributing to OpenStack like providing new features, writing "
"documentation, participating in working groups, and so forth. The "
"educational program is built on the principle of open collaboration and will "
"teach the students how to find information and navigate the intricacies of "
"the project's technical tools and social interactions in order to get their "
"contributions accepted. The live one and a half day class is focusing on "
"hands-on practice like the students can use a prepared development "
"environment to learn how to test, prepare and upload new code snippets or "
"documentation for review. The attendees are also given the opportunity to "
"join a mentoring program to get further help and guidance on their journey "
"to become an active and successful member of the OpenStack community."
msgstr ""
"Kami telah merancang program pelatihan untuk berbagi pengetahuan tentang "
"berbagai cara berkontribusi di OpenStack seperti menyediakan fitur baru, "
"menulis dokumentasi, berpartisipasi dalam kelompok kerja, dan sebagainya. "
"Program pendidikan dibangun berdasarkan prinsip kolaborasi terbuka dan akan "
"mengajarkan siswa bagaimana menemukan informasi dan menavigasi seluk-beluk "
"alat teknis proyek dan interaksi sosial untuk mendapatkan kontribusi mereka "
"diterima. Kelas satu setengah hari yang hidup berfokus pada praktik langsung "
"seperti para siswa dapat menggunakan lingkungan pengembangan yang disiapkan "
"untuk belajar bagaimana menguji, menyiapkan dan mengunggah cuplikan kode "
"baru atau dokumentasi untuk ditinjau. Para peserta juga diberikan kesempatan "
"untuk bergabung dengan program mentoring untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan "
"bimbingan lebih lanjut dalam perjalanan mereka untuk menjadi anggota "
"komunitas OpenStack yang aktif dan sukses."
msgid "Web browser: Firefox"
msgstr "Web browser: Firefox"
msgid ""
"What are some of the different freeze dates for different activities in the "
msgstr ""
"Apa saja tanggal pembekuan yang berbeda untuk berbagai kegiatan dalam rilis?"
msgid "What are the Four Opens?"
msgstr "Apa Four Opens itu?"
msgid "What can individual Foundation members do that community members can't?"
msgstr ""
"Apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh setiap anggota Foundation yang anggota "
"komunitas tidak dapat lakukan?"
msgid "What command do you use to modify a patch within a chain?"
msgstr ""
"Perintah apa yang Anda gunakan untuk memodifikasi tambalan (patch) di dalam "
msgid "What does ICLA stand for? What is it?"
msgstr "Apa singkatan ICLA ? Apa itu?"
msgid "What else can you do with a OpenStack Foundation membership?"
msgstr ""
"Apa lagi yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan keanggotaan OpenStack Foundation?"
msgid "What happens if you click on a patch under test"
msgstr "Apa yang terjadi jika Anda klik pada patch yang sedang diuji"
msgid "What is the difference between ATC, AUC, and APC?"
msgstr "Apa perbedaan antara ATC, AUC, dan APC?"
msgid "What is the significance of the dots, lines and colors"
msgstr "Apa pentingnya titik, garis dan warna"
msgid "When possible, sit at a table and build connections with attendees"
msgstr "Bila mungkin, duduklah di meja dan bangun koneksi dengan peserta"
msgid "Where can you find a list of all of the OpenStack irc channels?"
msgstr "Di mana Anda dapat menemukan daftar semua saluran irc OpenStack?"
msgid ""
"Where is the meeting is conducted (#openstack-meeting, #openstack-meeting-3, "
msgstr ""
"Di mana pertemuan dilakukan (# openstack-meeting, # openstack-meeting-3, "
msgid ""
"Which members of these groups will be up for reelection during the next "
msgstr ""
"Siapa anggota kelompok-kelompok ini yang akan dipilih kembali selama putaran "
msgid "Who spoke the most during that meeting?"
msgstr "Siapa yang paling banyak berbicara selama pertemuan itu?"
msgid "Why are there different dates for some teams?"
msgstr "Mengapa ada tanggal yang berbeda untuk beberapa tim?"
msgid "Why is there a whole week and not a single day planned?"
msgstr ""
"Mengapa ada satu minggu penuh dan tidak ada satu hari pun yang direncanakan?"
msgid ""
"With over 6,000 developers from over 300 different organizations worldwide, "
"OpenStack is one of the largest collaborative software-development projects. "
"Because of its size, it is characterized by a huge diversity in social norms "
"and technical conventions. These can significantly slow down the speed at "
"which newcomers are successful at integrating their own roadmap into that of "
"the OpenStack project."
msgstr ""
"Dengan lebih dari 6.000 pengembang dari lebih dari 300 organisasi yang "
"berbeda di seluruh dunia, OpenStack adalah salah satu proyek pengembangan "
"perangkat lunak kolaboratif terbesar. Karena ukurannya, itu ditandai oleh "
"keragaman besar dalam norma-norma sosial dan konvensi teknis. Ini dapat "
"secara signifikan memperlambat kecepatan di mana pendatang baru berhasil "
"mengintegrasikan peta jalan mereka sendiri ke dalam proyek OpenStack."
msgid "Workflow and Tools for Participation"
msgstr "Alur kerja dan Alat untuk Partisipasi"
msgid ""
"Write a commit message body to expand on each of the following summary "
"lines. Feel free to make up details to make the context more realistic. "
"Share your favorite in IRC."
msgstr ""
"Tuliskan pesan komit untuk memperluas masing-masing baris ringkasan berikut. "
"Jangan ragu untuk membuat rincian untuk membuat konteks lebih realistis. "
"Bagi favorit Anda di IRC."
msgid ""
"Write a commit message for the bug you created during our earlier exercise. "
"Include a summary line, body, and the required exernal references along with "
"any optional external references you think it may benefit from."
msgstr ""
"Tulis pesan komit untuk bug yang Anda buat selama latihan sebelumnya. "
"Sertakan baris ringkasan, tubuh, dan referensi exernal yang dibutuhkan "
"bersama dengan referensi eksternal opsional yang menurut Anda mungkin "
msgid "Write a summary line for each of the following scenarios:"
msgstr "Tulislah baris ringkasan untuk masing-masing skenario berikut ini:"
msgid "Xavier Antoviaque (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english)"
msgstr "Xavier Antoviaque (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english)"
msgid "Xing Yang – Dell EMC"
msgstr "Xing Yang – Dell EMC"
msgid ""
"You can find the list of trainers/coaches on the `training occasions "
"<https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_Upstream_Institute_Occasions>`_ "
"wiki page."
msgstr ""
"Anda dapat menemukan daftar pelatih / pelatih di halaman wiki `training "
"occasions <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
"OpenStack_Upstream_Institute_Occasions>`_ ."
msgid ""
"You do not have to setup the IRC client locally, there is an IRC client on "
"the VM image that you can use"
msgstr ""
"Anda tidak harus mengatur klien IRC secara lokal, ada klien IRC pada image "
"VM yang dapat Anda gunakan"
msgid "Young-Kyun Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Young-Kyun Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Youngwoo Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgstr "Youngwoo Kim (assistant, mentoring)"
msgid "Your Patch Upstream"
msgstr "Patch hulu Anda"
msgid "Your mission, should you choose to accept it"
msgstr "Misi Anda, sebaiknya Anda memilih untuk menerimanya"
msgid "Zuul and vendor CIs will review your patch"
msgstr "Zuul dan vendor CI akan meninjau patch Anda"
msgid "\\"
msgstr "\\"
msgid "`Accounts <workflow-accounts.html>`_"
msgstr "`Accounts <workflow-accounts.html>`_"
msgid "`Branching model <archive-branching-model.html>`_"
msgstr "`Branching model <archive-branching-model.html>`_"
msgid "`Closing Exercise <archive-closing-exercise.html>`_"
msgstr "`Closing Exercise <archive-closing-exercise.html>`_"
msgid "`Code exercises <code-exercises.html>`_"
msgstr "`Code exercises <code-exercises.html>`_"
msgid "`Communication <howitsmade-communication.html>`_"
msgstr "`Communication <howitsmade-communication.html>`_"
msgid "`Complete index in slide format only <slide-index.html>`_"
msgstr "`Complete index in slide format only <slide-index.html>`_"
msgid "`Configuring Gerrit <workflow-configuring-gerrit.html>`_"
msgstr "`Configuring Gerrit <workflow-configuring-gerrit.html>`_"
msgid "`Demo environment <code-devstack.html>`_"
msgstr "`Demo environment <code-devstack.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Developer documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/heat/>`_ is published "
"from doc directory in master branch"
msgstr ""
"`Developer documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/heat/>`_ diterbitkan "
"dari direktori doc di master branch"
msgid ""
"`Docs cores <https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/30,members>`_ and "
"separate core teams for `docs-specs <https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/"
"groups/384,members>`_ , `contributor-guide <https://review.opendev.org/#/"
"admin/groups/1841,members>`_ , `security-doc <https://review.opendev.org/#/"
"admin/groups/347,members>`_ , `training-guides <https://review.opendev.org/#/"
"admin/groups/360,members>`_ , and `training-labs <https://review.opendev.org/"
msgstr ""
"`Docs cores <https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/30,members>`_ dan "
"pisahkan tim inti untuk `docs-specs <https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/"
"groups/384,members>`_ , `contributor-guide <https://review.opendev.org/#/"
"admin/groups/1841,members>`_ , `security-doc <https://review.opendev.org/#/"
"admin/groups/347,members>`_ , `training-guides <https://review.opendev.org/#/"
"admin/groups/360,members>`_ , dan `training-labs <https://review.opendev.org/"
msgid "`Documentation Deep Dive <docs.html>`_"
msgstr "`Documentation Deep Dive <docs.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Documentation cross-project liaisons <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
"CrossProjectLiaisons#Documentation>`_ for questions, reviews, doc bug "
"triaging, and patching docs"
msgstr ""
"`Documentation cross-project liaisons <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/"
"CrossProjectLiaisons#Documentation>`_ for questions, reviews, doc bug "
"triaging, and patching docs"
msgid "`Environment Setup <development-environment-setup.html>`_"
msgstr "`Environment Setup <development-environment-setup.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for OpenInfra Days Nordics Upstream Institute <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for OpenInfra Days Nordics Upstream Institute <https://etherpad."
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for OpenInfra Days Vietnam Upstream Institute <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for OpenInfra Days Vietnam Upstream Institute <https://etherpad."
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for OpenStack Days Tokyo Upstream Institute <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for OpenStack Days Tokyo Upstream Institute <https://etherpad."
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Barcelona, 2016 <https://etherpad.openstack."
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Barcelona, 2016 <https://etherpad.openstack."
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Korea, 2016 <https://etherpad.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Korea, 2016 <https://etherpad.openstack.org/"
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Korea, 2017 <https://etherpad.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Korea, 2017 <https://etherpad.openstack.org/"
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Vancouver, 2015 <https://etherpad.openstack."
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for Upstream Training, Vancouver, 2015 <https://etherpad.openstack."
msgid ""
"`Etherpad for the Shanghai Upstream Collaboration Training <https://etherpad."
msgstr ""
"`Etherpad for the Shanghai Upstream Collaboration Training <https://etherpad."
msgid ""
"`Installation Tutorial (Ocata) <https://docs.openstack.org/project-install-"
"guide/orchestration/ocata/>`_ is published from install-guide directory in "
"stable/ocata branch"
msgstr ""
"`Installation Tutorial (Ocata) <https://docs.openstack.org/project-install-"
"guide/orchestration/ocata/>`_ diterbitkan dari direktori install-guide di "
"cabang stabil/ocata"
msgid "`Introduction <intro-introduction.html>`_"
msgstr "`Introduction <intro-introduction.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`June 14-15 in parallel to the conference part of the OPNFV Summit 2017 "
msgstr ""
"`June 14-15 in parallel to the conference part of the OPNFV Summit 2017 "
msgid ""
"`Lego applied to Free Software contributions <archive-training-agile-for-"
msgstr ""
"`Lego applied to Free Software contributions <archive-training-agile-for-"
msgid "`Metrics <workflow-metrics.html>`_"
msgstr "`Metrics <workflow-metrics.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Official deliverables with repositories <https://governance.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"`Official deliverables with repositories <https://governance.openstack.org/"
msgid "`OpenInfra Days Nordics <https://openinfranordics.com/>`_ event site"
msgstr "`OpenInfra Days Nordics <https://openinfranordics.com/>`_ event site"
msgid "`OpenInfra Days Vietnam <http://day.vietopeninfra.org/>`_ event site"
msgstr "`OpenInfra Days Vietnam <http://day.vietopeninfra.org/>`_ event site"
msgid "`OpenStack Days Tokyo <https://openstackdays.com/>`_ event site"
msgstr "`OpenStack Days Tokyo <https://openstackdays.com/>`_ event site"
msgid "`OpenStack Events <howitsmade-events.html>`_"
msgstr "`OpenStack Events <howitsmade-events.html>`_"
msgid "`OpenStack Governance <howitsmade-governance.html>`_"
msgstr "`OpenStack Governance <howitsmade-governance.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Upstream Training in Atlanta A Big Success <https://www.openstack."
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack Upstream Training in Atlanta A Big Success <https://www.openstack."
msgid ""
"`OpenStack Upstream Training in Paris <https://www.openstack.org/blog/?"
msgstr ""
"`OpenStack Upstream Training in Paris <https://www.openstack.org/blog/?"
msgid ""
"`Overview of the contribution process <workflow-training-contribution-"
msgstr ""
"`Overview of the contribution process <workflow-training-contribution-"
msgid "`Patch Gurus! <workflow-patch-gurus.html>`_"
msgstr "`Patch Gurus! <workflow-patch-gurus.html>`_"
msgid "`Project Status and Zuul <workflow-project-status-and-zuul.html>`_"
msgstr "`Project Status and Zuul <workflow-project-status-and-zuul.html>`_"
msgid "`Release cycle <howitsmade-release-cycle.html>`_"
msgstr "`Release cycle <howitsmade-release-cycle.html>`_"
msgid "`Reviewing & Using Gerrit <workflow-reviewing.html>`_"
msgstr "`Reviewing & Using Gerrit <workflow-reviewing.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`Setting Up Git & Commit Messages <workflow-setup-git-and-commit-messages."
msgstr ""
"`Setting Up Git & Commit Messages <workflow-setup-git-and-commit-messages."
msgid "`Setup IRC <howitsmade-irc.html>`_"
msgstr "`Setup IRC <howitsmade-irc.html>`_"
msgid "`Stackalytics Wiki <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Stackalytics>`_"
msgstr "`Stackalytics Wiki <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Stackalytics>`_"
msgid "`Task Tracking <workflow-task-tracking.html>`_"
msgstr "`Task Tracking <workflow-task-tracking.html>`_"
msgid ""
"`What’s new with OpenStack Upstream Training <https://superuser.openstack."
msgstr ""
"`What’s new with OpenStack Upstream Training <https://superuser.openstack."
msgid "``git config``"
msgstr "``git config``"
msgid ""
"``screen`` command was used to access the virtual terminals running the "
"installed services"
msgstr ""
"Perintah ``screen`` digunakan untuk mengakses terminal virtual yang "
"menjalankan layanan yang terinstal"
msgid "``screen`` use is now deprecated"
msgstr "Penggunaan ``screen` sekarang tidak berlaku lagi"
msgid "``systemd`` is the replacement for ``screen``"
msgstr "``systemd`` adalah pengganti ``screen``"
msgid "and whom they will be working with"
msgstr "dan dengan siapa mereka akan bekerja"
msgid "checkout the latest stable branch"
msgstr "pemeriksaan cabang stabil terbaru"
msgid "fix is already on master"
msgstr "perbaikan sudah pada master"
msgid "from git master by default"
msgstr "dari master git secara default"
msgid "from stable branches by configuration, e.g. stable/newton"
msgstr "dari cabang stabil dengan konfigurasi, misalnya stabil / newton"
msgid "how it contributes to the company's agenda"
msgstr "bagaimana berkontribusi untuk agenda perusahaan"
msgid "how they will engage with the Upstream"
msgstr "bagaimana mereka akan terlibat dengan Upstream"
msgid "http://localhost/"
msgstr "http://localhost/"
msgid "http://stackalytics.com"
msgstr "http://stackalytics.com"
msgid "https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-dev-sandbox"
msgstr "https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-dev-sandbox"
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-site"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-site"
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-dev-sandbox/+filebug"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-dev-sandbox/+filebug"
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals"
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-training-guides"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-training-guides"
msgid "https://developer.openstack.org"
msgstr "https://developer.openstack.org"
msgid "https://docs.openstack.org"
msgstr "https://docs.openstack.org"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid "https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/docs-builds.html"
msgstr "https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/docs-builds.html"
msgid "https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/index.html"
msgstr "https://docs.openstack.org/doc-contrib-guide/index.html"
msgid "https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/dashboard/"
msgstr "https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/dashboard/"
msgid "https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/913"
msgstr "https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/913"
msgid "https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC"
msgstr "https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC"
msgid "install git review"
msgstr "instal git review"
msgid "macJack (assistant, English, Chinese)"
msgstr "macJack (assistant, English, Chinese)"
msgid "nvie inspired"
msgstr "nvie yang terinspirasi"
msgid "risk of regression"
msgstr "risiko regresi"
msgid "the contribution they plan to work on during the online sessions"
msgstr "kontribusi dimana mereka berencana untuk bekerja selama sesi online"
msgid "user visible benefit"
msgstr "manfaat terlihat pengguna"