This patch introduces two new tags to the table: New Developer and Developer. The patch also tags all relevant modules and adds descriptions of the taged groups. Change-Id: I122ac120cbc4ec84db3b3579d75184b393f60987
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OpenStack as Community
Tags: [management] [user] [new_dev]
OpenStack as a Community
- Mission
To produce a ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that is
easy to use, simple to implement, interoperable between deployments,
works well at all scales, and meets the needs of users and operators
of both public and private clouds.
Four "open"s
- Open Source
- Open Design
- Open Development
- Open Community
- More information: Governance page
- Ecosystem for collaboration
- Infrastructure for
- Review
- Testing
- CI
- Version control
- Documentation frameworks
- Collaboration tools
- Wiki
- Etherpad/Ethercalc
Life in and around OpenStack
- Official & Unofficial Projects
- Working groups
- User groups
- Events
- Summits/Forums
- Project Teams Gatherings (PTGs)
- Operators' meet ups
- OpenStack Days
- Agile
- Who's familiar with the term?
- Manifesto for Agile Software Development
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
- Principles behind the manifesto
OpenStack and Agile
- Exercise - Collect answers/ideas within your group to the two
questions below:
- Why Agile methodologies are a good fit to a community like OpenStack?
- Why they are not a good fit?
- Discuss the answers with the class