This patch introduces two new tags to the table: New Developer and Developer. The patch also tags all relevant modules and adds descriptions of the taged groups. Change-Id: I122ac120cbc4ec84db3b3579d75184b393f60987
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Task Tracking
Tags: [operator] [user] [new_dev] [dev]
Tracked Items
- Bugs:
- Issues with current code
- Items that need to be changed or updated
- New Features:
- Specs are formal write ups of implementations that affect the whole project
- Specs live in a per project repository
We go into blueprints in the next few slides, so just mention them for now.
- Task tracking tool most widely used in the community
- Being phased out over the next few releases
- Tasks are classified as blueprints or bugs
Launchpad uses blueprints and bugs as the trackable items work supplemented with specs.
- A place for listing and planning specifications for work to be done
- A blueprint is a description of a solution
- Blueprints can have an associated spec
- Filed against a specific OpenStack project(s)
- Statuses: New, Incomplete, Confirmed, Triaged, In Progress, Fix Committed, Fix Released, Invalid, Opinion, Won't Fix
- Tags: low-hanging-fruit, documentation, security, other per project tags
- Assignee: the developer working on the fix
- Gerrit will automatically set the status
- Importance and Milestones can only be set by cores of the project
Create and submit a bug or blueprint to our sandbox repository. Include at least one tag when creating your bug. Once it has been created, assign it to yourself.
- New, open-source task tracking tool
- API first implementation
- Several projects have already migrated
- More kanban style structure
- Better for cross project coordination
Storyboard uses worklists, boards, stories, and tasks as the items for organizing and tracking work.
Worklists & Boards
- Worklists are user defined groupings of stories and tasks that aid in the organization of work
- Each item on a worklist is placed on a 'card' in the worklist
- A board is a collection of worklists
- A possible setup could be a board is a project and the worklists on the board could be different releases or bugs versus implementations
Stories & Tasks
- A story is a work item such as a bug or a new feature
- Stories can have tags to make them more searchable/filterable
- Tasks are the steps required to complete the story
- Tests
- Patches
- Documentation
- Tasks have statuses similar to Launchpad items
Create a worklist, with a story that has at least two tasks in the sandbox enivronment. After it's been created assign the tasks to yourself.