Pranav Salunke f1e4bfeca8 Porting presentations to Sphinx/Hieroglyph
modifided tox.ini and requirements.txt to install
hieroglyph, added some changes in the styles
of the individual .rst files to support hiero

Change-Id: Id2674e593857470cf4efa0706a4fbda33813f374
2015-03-26 14:33:38 +01:00
2014-10-29 12:46:58 +01:00

Slides for Upstream Training

The files are based on teaching material provided originally by Loic Dachary as ODP files. Converted to RST text in order to be converted by landslide in convenient html5 slides.

Documentation for landslide on

Install landslide

Install the latest stable version of Landslide with a python package manager like pip:

  $ pip install landslide

To build a presentation

  $ landslide -r -d <presentation.html> <presentation.rst>

To build all presentations

  $ ./