Replace URLs for workflow documentation to appropriate parts of the OpenStack Project Infrastructure Manual. Change-Id: I7a8a3877aa56aae5ab2e7b9f5ea278ea22d8043b
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Contributing to training-labs scripts
Contributing code to training-labs scripts follows the usual OpenStack process as described in How To Contribute in the OpenStack wiki. Our main blueprint contains the usual links for blueprints, bugs, etc.
Getting started
The main script is osbash.sh. It will call libraries and other scripts to build the training-labs setup. The setup can be customized in labs/config where all scripts keep their configuration files.
The labs scripts are designed to have minimal dependencies: bash and VirtualBox. To support OS X, we keep the host-side scripts compatible with bash 3.2 (don't use features not present in that somewhat dated version).
For testing the generated Windows batch scripts, any supported version of Windows (Vista and later) will do. After having created the batch files using osbash.sh, just copy the whole labs directory to Windows. If you don't have access to that operating system, comparing the output in labs/wbatch will tell you how your changes affect behavior on that platform.
Coding style
We follow the conventions of other OpenStack projects. Since labs scripts are currently all written in bash, the examples to follow are this project and devstack.
DevStack bash style guidelines can be found at the bottom of: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/HACKING.rst
osbash/wbatch copy shell scripts (*.sh) into this directory to have them automatically executed (and removed) upon boot.
Contains the configuration files for all the scripts. The setup can be customized here.
By default osbash will put into this directory its base disk images (base-*-<distro>.vdi), the VM export images (oslabs-<distro>.ova), and all installation ISO images it may download.
This directory contains bash libraries used by scripts.
Contains the log files written (and removed) by osbash/wbatch and the scripts running within the VMs.
All scripts in this directory run within the VMs.
Files in this directory are Windows batch files generated by osbash to configure host-only networks, produce a base disk, and build OpenStack training-labs VMs as configured when osbash created them.
The labs scripts don't have automated tests yet. Patch submitters should be aware of their responsibility for ensuring that their code works and can be tested by reviewers.
Useful tools for checking scripts:
- bashate (must pass)
- shellcheck (optional)
Submitting patches
These documents will help you submit patches to OpenStack projects (including this one):
- http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#development-workflow
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages
If you change the behavior of the scripts as documented in the training-guides, add a DocImpact flag to alert the documentation team. For instance, add a line like this to your commit message:
DocImpact new option added to osbash.sh
Learn how to review (or what to expect when having your patches reviewed) here: - http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#development-workflow
Etherpad: - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/training-guides-developing-topics
Anything not covered here
Check README.md and get in touch with other scripts developers.