Vigneshvar.A.S 8a58c765de Minor changes on README
* Corrected minor details on how to ssh for specific nodes.

Change-Id: I7f637146f281b07a892307108ebdea0325b63ef3
2015-01-29 16:26:21 +00:00

201 lines
4.0 KiB

Training Labs
Training Labs will provide scripts to automate the creation of the Training
**Note:** Training Labs are specifically meant for OpenStack Training and are
specifically tuned as per Training Manuals repo.
* Download and install [VirtualBox](
How to run the scripts
1. Clone the training-guides repo which contains scripts in the labs section that will install multi-node OpenStack automatically.
$ git clone git://
2. Go to the labs folder
$ cd training-guides/labs
3. Run the script:
$ ./osbash -b cluster
This will do the complete installation for all the nodes - Controller, Compute and Network.
For more help you can check
$ ./osbash --help
This will take some time to run the first time.
What the script installs
Running this will automatically spin up 3 virtual machines in VirtualBox:
* Controller node
* Network node
* Compute node
Now you have a multi-node deployment of OpenStack running with the below services installed.
OpenStack services installed on Controller node:
* Keystone
* Horizon
* Glance
* Nova
* nova-api
* nova-scheduler
* nova-consoleauth
* nova-cert
* nova-novncproxy
* python-novaclient
* Neutron
* neutron-server
* Cinder
Openstack services installed on Network node:
* Neutron
* neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
* neutron-l3-agent
* neutron-dhcp-agent
* neutron-metadata-agent
Openstack Services installed on Compute node:
* Nova
* nova-compute
* Neutron
* neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
How to access the services
There are two ways to access the services:
* OpenStack Dashboard (horizon)
You can access the dashboard at:
Admin Login:
*Username:* `admin`
*Password:* `admin_pass`
*Demo User Login:*
*Username:* `demo`
*Password:* `demo_pass`
You can ssh to each of the nodes by:
# Controller node
$ ssh osbash@
# Network node
$ ssh osbash@
# Compute node
$ ssh osbash@
Credentials for all nodes:
*Username:* `osbash`
*Password:* `osbash`
After you have ssh access, you need to source the OpenStack credentials in order to access the services.
Two credential files are present on each of the nodes:
Source the following credential files
For Admin user privileges:
$ source
For Demo user privileges:
$ source
Now you can access the OpenStack services via CLI.
* Training Manuals :
* Training Labs :
Mailing Lists, IRC
* To contribute please hop on to IRC on the channel `#openstack-doc` on IRC freenode
or write an e-mail to the OpenStack Manuals mailing list
**NOTE:** You might consider registering on the OpenStack Manuals mailing list if
you want to post your e-mail instantly. It may take some time for
unregistered users, as it requires admin's approval.
Sub-team leads
Feel free to ping Roger or Pranav on the IRC channel `#openstack-doc` regarding
any queries about the Labs section.
* Roger Luethi
** Email: ``
** IRC: `rluethi`
* Pranav Salunke
** Email: ``
** IRC: `dguitarbite`
To follow the weekly meetings for OpenStack Training, please refer
to the following link.
For IRC meetings, refer to the wiki page on training manuals.
Follow various links on OpenStack Training Manuals here: