Add script launch_instance.sh for basic instance VM tests. The script tries to deal with a number of failures that have turned up in testing (e.g., services failing to start, instance not launching). The changeset includes three scripts in a new tools directory. 1) To run a test once, use test-once.sh: $ ./tools/test-once.sh scripts/test/launch_instance.sh 2) To restore (and boot) the cluster to an earlier snapshot, use restore-cluster.sh. The argument selects the snapshot used for the controller node VM. To select the most recently used snapshot: $ ./tools/restore-cluster.sh current To select the controller snapshot, "controller_node_installed": $ ./tools/restore-cluster.sh controller_node_installed 3) To run the same test repeatedly, use repeat-test.sh. The test script name is hard-coded (launch_instance.sh). The argument determines whether the cluster is rebuilt for each test or if a snapshot of the cluster is restored. The controller snapshot is hardcoded (controller_node_installed); this particular snapshot is of interest because it does not seem to result in a reliable cluster. Log files are stored in log/test-results. Repeat-test.sh also saves log files from each node's /var/log/upstart to help with analyzing failures. $ ./tools/repeat-test.sh restore After running a number of tests, you can get some simple stats using a command like this: $ grep -h SUM log/test-results/*/test.log|LC_ALL=C sort|uniq -c Co-Author: Pranav Salunke <dguitarbite@gmail.com> Change-Id: I20b7273683b281bf7822ef66e311b955b8c5ec8a
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The tools in this directory are for advanced users and developers. They can be used to test changes in the training-cluster.