Update URLs for the OpenDev changes, we now use opendev.org as git server and review.opendev.org. Change-Id: I2946d2134d6e840fbd32356398e424270793d2cc
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Overview of the contribution process
Getting to Know Your Project
- Clone and be familiar with the code
$ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/<your_project>
- Example:
$ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/training-guides
- Run the tests
- Join the project's IRC channel
- Look at open reviews
- Join the openstack-discuss mailing list
Each project has its own purpose & culture.
Interacting with the Project
- Talking in the IRC channel
- Following and participating in project related mail threads in the mailing list
- Attending regular meetings
- Filing, fixing, and triaging bugs
- Filing a blueprint/spec
- Implementing a blueprint/spec
Building Your Persona
- Review other's code
- Help fix the documentation
- Answer other's questions or help direct them to those who can
- Attend the meetings
- Let the PTL know you are interested in participating in the project
- Explain why you are interested and what are your strengths
- Ask how you can help the project
Building Your Persona
- Build a network
- Pay attention to who is an expert in what area
- Ask questions in the channel or send direct messages
- Trust within the community
- Trust that your comments are valid
- Trust that you can write and review code
- Trust that you understand or have the willingness to understand the technology
- Trust that you are consistent and reliable and come back regularly
If people know you, you have a better chance at your code getting attention.
General Contribution Workflow
- Pick a task (bug, trivial fix, documentation, implementation)
- Make a new branch in your local repository
- Make code changes
- Update and add tests (unit, functional, etc.)
- Run tests (unit, functional, etc.)
- Create your commit and push upstream for review
We will go into this later on in more detail so hold off on answering detailed questions for now.
Your Patch Upstream
- Zuul and vendor CIs will review your patch
- Community members will review your patch
- Reply to comments
- Make changes and push new patchsets
- Resolve merge conflicts
Speeding the Acceptance
- Be on top of people's comments
- Be patient
- Be communicative
- Be collaborative
REMEMBER: This is open source. Things happen on the community's schedule, not yours.