manchandavishal 598b3d5c7b Migrate to AngularJS v1.8.2
This patch aligns current code with AngularJS v1.8.2 requirements.

Change-Id: I6ec4eaac5096564393f1cd388e28c15a20bb4033
2022-06-28 23:07:09 +05:30

139 lines
4.3 KiB

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use self file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc factory
* @name horizon.dashboard.admin.pool-flavors.actions.delete.service
* @Description
* Brings up the delete pool flavors confirmation modal dialog.
* On submit, delete given pool flavors.
* On cancel, do nothing.
.factory('horizon.dashboard.admin.pool-flavors.actions.delete.service', deleteService);
deleteService.$inject = [
function deleteService(
$q, policy, zaqar, resourceType, actionResult, gettext, $qExtensions,
deleteModal, toast
) {
var scope, context;
var notAllowedMessage = gettext("You are not allowed to delete pool flavors: %s");
var service = {
initAction: initAction,
allowed: allowed,
perform: perform
return service;
function initAction() {
context = { };
function perform(items, newScope) {
scope = newScope;
var flavors = angular.isArray(items) ? items : [items];
context.labels = labelize(flavors.length);
context.deleteEntity = deleteFlavor;
return $qExtensions.allSettled(;
function allowed() {
return policy.ifAllowed({ rules: [['pool_flavor', 'delete_flavor']] });
function checkPermission(flavor) {
return {promise: allowed(), context: flavor};
function afterCheck(result) {
var outcome = $q.reject().catch(angular.noop); // Reject the promise by default
if ( > 0) {
toast.add('error', getMessage(notAllowedMessage,;
outcome = $q.reject(;
if (result.pass.length > 0) {
outcome =,, context).then(createResult);
return outcome;
function createResult(deleteModalResult) {
var result = actionResult.getActionResult();
deleteModalResult.pass.forEach(function markDeleted(item) {
result.deleted(resourceType, getEntity(item).name);
}); markFailed(item) {
result.failed(resourceType, getEntity(item).name);
return result.result;
function labelize(count) {
return {
title: ngettext(
'Confirm Delete Pool Flavor',
'Confirm Delete Pool Flavors', count),
message: ngettext(
'You have selected "%s". Deleted Pool Flavor is not recoverable.',
'You have selected "%s". Deleted Pool Flavors are not recoverable.', count),
submit: ngettext(
'Delete Pool Flavor',
'Delete Pool Flavors', count),
success: ngettext(
'Deleted Pool Flavor: %s.',
'Deleted Pool Flavors: %s.', count),
error: ngettext(
'Unable to delete Pool Flavor: %s.',
'Unable to delete Pool Flavors: %s.', count)
function deleteFlavor(flavor) {
return zaqar.deleteFlavor(flavor, true);
function getMessage(message, entities) {
return interpolate(message, [", ")]);
function getName(result) {
return getEntity(result).name;
function getEntity(result) {
return result.context;