Better config schema collector

Current schema collector implementation has issues. When it extracts
option information from source files, it imports them into python
runtime. If imported module has third-party dependencies, they are
also imported thus making it a requirement to have third-party
libraries installed on the system where schema collection is
executed. Also, there are situations when option group guessing
is inaccurate.
New schema collector uses code analysis and rewriting techniques
to extract just enough code to collect configuration option data.
Then it evals it, causing configuration options to be added to
vanilla oslo.config subsystem. Then this information gets dumped.
Implementation uses various heuristics but is more accurate than
existing one. Was tested on 'nova' and 'cinder' projects.

Change-Id: I0bd2e93288478e7a3db273055597b7bedfbf0625
This commit is contained in:
Maxim Kulkin 2013-11-21 17:44:05 +04:00
parent 4bbe6ffb9d
commit 5d9a7d3b04

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import argparse
from copy import copy
import imp
from lib2to3.pgen2 import driver
from lib2to3.pgen2 import token
from lib2to3.pygram import python_grammar, python_symbols as py
from lib2to3.pytree import Node, Leaf
import os
import re
import sys
@ -187,10 +190,198 @@ OPT_TYPE_MAPPING = {
OPTION_REGEX = re.compile(r"(%s)" % "|".join(OPT_TYPE_MAPPING.keys()))
def convert(gr, raw_node):
type, value, context, children = raw_node
# if has children or correspond to nonterminal
if children or type in gr.number2symbol:
return Node(type, children, context=context)
return Leaf(type, value, context=context)
def walk_tree(root):
while True:
yield root
# Optimize traversing single-child nodes
if len(root.children) == 1:
root = root.children[0]
for child in copy(root.children):
for node in walk_tree(child):
yield node
def extract_config_from_file(path):
with open(path) as f:
contents =
d = driver.Driver(python_grammar, convert=convert)
tree = d.parse_string(contents)
def mark_stmt(node):
n = node
while n:
if n.type == py.stmt:
n.marked = True
n = n.parent
fullnames = {}
# Process imports and renames
for node in walk_tree(tree):
if node.type == py.import_from:
mod = str(node.children[1]).strip()
for node2 in walk_tree(node.children[3]):
if node2.type == py.import_as_name:
n = str(node2).strip()
f = '.'.join([mod, n])
fullnames[n] = f
elif node.type == py.expr_stmt:
if len(node.children) > 1 and node.children[1].type == token.EQUAL:
lhs = str(node.children[0]).strip()
rhs = str(node.children[2]).strip()
if re.match('\S+(\.\S+)*', rhs):
parts = rhs.split('.')
if parts[0] in fullnames:
rhs = '.'.join([fullnames[parts[0]]] + parts[1:])
fullnames[lhs] = rhs
if any([rhs.startswith(s) for s in ['oslo.', 'oslo.config.', 'oslo.config.cfg.']]):
# Process all callsites CONF.register*
for node in walk_tree(tree):
if node.type == py.power and node.children[0].children[0].type == token.NAME:
s = str(node.children[0]).strip()
if s in fullnames:
s = fullnames[s]
cs = node.children
i = 1
while i < len(cs) and cs[i].type == py.trailer:
c = cs[i]
if c.children[0].type != token.DOT:
s += '.' + c.children[1].value
i += 1
if i < len(cs) and cs[i].type == py.trailer and cs[i].children[0].type == token.LPAR:
# call site
if s.startswith('oslo.config.cfg.CONF.'):
rest = s[len('oslo.config.cfg.CONF.'):]
if rest.startswith('register_'):
if s.startswith('oslo.config.cfg.'):
rest = s[len('oslo.config.cfg.'):]
if rest.endswith('Opt'):
# Traverse code and find all var references
seen_vars = set()
referenced_vars_queue = []
def find_definition(tree, name):
for node in walk_tree(tree):
if node.type == py.classdef and node.children[1].value == name:
return node
elif node.type == py.funcdef and node.children[1].value == name:
return node
elif node.type == py.import_name:
imported_name = str(node.children[1]).strip()
if imported_name == name:
return node
elif node.type == py.import_from:
for n in walk_tree(node):
if n.type == py.import_as_name:
i = 0
if len(n.children) == 3:
i = 2
if n.children[i].value == name:
return node
elif node.type == py.expr_stmt:
if len(node.children) > 1 and node.children[1].type == token.EQUAL:
for n in walk_tree(node):
if n.type == py.power:
assignment_name = str(n.children[0]).strip()
if assignment_name == name:
return node
return None
def collect_refs(root):
for n2 in walk_tree(root):
if n2.type == py.power and n2.children[0].children[0].type == token.NAME:
name = n2.children[0].children[0].value
x = 1
while (x < len(n2.children) and
n2.children[x].type == py.trailer and
n2.children[x].children[0].type == token.DOT):
name += str(n2.children[x]).strip()
x += 1
if '.' not in name:
isKWArgName = False
n = n2
while n.parent:
if n.parent.type == py.argument:
arg = n.parent
if len(arg.children) > 1 and arg.children[1].type == token.EQUAL and n == arg.children[0]:
isKWArgName = True
n = n.parent
if isKWArgName:
if name in dir(__builtins__):
if name not in seen_vars:
for node in tree.children:
if node.type == py.stmt and (hasattr(node, 'marked') and node.marked):
for name in referenced_vars_queue:
node = find_definition(tree, name)
if node:
while '.' in name:
name = '.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1])
node = find_definition(tree, name)
if node:
# Remove all unmarked top-level statements
for node in walk_tree(tree):
if node.type == py.stmt and node.parent.type == py.file_input:
if not (hasattr(node, 'marked') and node.marked):
code = str(tree)
exec code in {'__file__': path}
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write("Error processing file %s\n" % path)
def generate_schema_from_code(project, version, module_path, writer):
old_sys_path = copy(sys.path)
mods_by_pkg = dict()
filepaths = []
module_directory = ''
@ -223,119 +414,19 @@ def generate_schema_from_code(project, version, module_path, writer):
for filepath in filepaths:
pkg_name = filepath.split(os.sep)[1]
mod_path = filepath
if module_directory != '':
mod_path = filepath.replace(module_directory + '/', '', 1)
mod_str = '.'.join(['.'.join(mod_path.split(os.sep)[:-1]),
mods_by_pkg.setdefault(pkg_name, list()).append(mod_str)
pkg_names = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.py'), mods_by_pkg.keys())
ext_names = filter(lambda x: x not in pkg_names, mods_by_pkg.keys())
# opts_by_group is a mapping of group name to an options list
# The options list is a list of (module, options) tuples
opts_by_group = {'DEFAULT': []}
for pkg_name in pkg_names:
mods = mods_by_pkg.get(pkg_name)
for mod_str in mods:
if mod_str.endswith('.__init__'):
mod_str = mod_str[:mod_str.rfind(".")]
mod_obj = _import_module(mod_str)
if not mod_obj:
sys.stderr.write("Unable to import module %s" % mod_str)
for group, opts in _list_opts(mod_obj):
opts_by_group.setdefault(group, []).append((mod_str, opts))
print_group_opts(writer, 'DEFAULT', opts_by_group.pop('DEFAULT', []))
for group, opts in opts_by_group.items():
print_group_opts(writer, group, opts)
print_group_opts(writer, 'DEFAULT', cfg.CONF._opts.values())
for group_name in cfg.CONF._groups:
print_group_opts(writer, group_name, cfg.CONF._groups[group_name]._opts.values())
sys.path = old_sys_path
def _import_module(mod_str):
if mod_str.startswith('bin.'):
imp.load_source(mod_str[4:], os.path.join('bin', mod_str[4:]))
return sys.modules[mod_str[4:]]
return sys.modules[mod_str]
except ImportError:
# sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(ie))
return None
except Exception:
return None
def _is_in_group(opt, group):
"Check if opt is in group."
for key, value in group._opts.items():
if value['opt'] == opt:
return True
return False
def _guess_groups(opt, mod_obj):
# is it in the DEFAULT group?
if _is_in_group(opt, cfg.CONF):
return 'DEFAULT'
# what other groups is it in?
for key, value in cfg.CONF.items():
if not isinstance(value, cfg.CONF.GroupAttr):
if _is_in_group(opt, value._group):
# raise RuntimeError(
# "Unable to find group for option %s, "
# "maybe it's defined twice in the same group?"
# %
# )
return 'DEFAULT'
def _list_opts(obj):
def is_opt(o):
return (isinstance(o, cfg.Opt) and
not isinstance(o, cfg.SubCommandOpt))
opts = list()
for attr_str in dir(obj):
attr_obj = getattr(obj, attr_str)
if is_opt(attr_obj):
elif (isinstance(attr_obj, list) and
all(map(lambda x: is_opt(x), attr_obj))):
ret = {}
for opt in opts:
ret.setdefault(_guess_groups(opt, obj), []).append(opt)
return ret.items()
def print_group_opts(writer, group, opts_by_module):
def print_group_opts(writer, group, opts):
for mod, opts in opts_by_module:
writer.comment("Options defined in %s" % mod)
for opt in opts:
print_opt(writer, opt)
for opt in opts:
print_opt(writer, opt['opt'])
def print_opt(writer, opt):