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Using Ansible to update images

This is a new approach to updating an in-place TripleO cloud with new images. We have chosen Ansible as it allows fine grained control of the work-flow without requiring one to write any idempotent bash or python. There are components that are bash or python scripts, and we are working hard not to replace the whole of TripleO with Ansible, but just the pieces that make updates more complicated than they need to be.

In general this update process works in the following manner:

  • Gather inventory and facts about the deployed cloud from Heat and Nova
  • Quiesce the cloud by shutting down all OpenStack services on appropriate nodes
  • Nova-Rebuild nodes using requested image ids
  • Disable os-collect-config polling of Heat
  • Push Metadata from Heat to rebuilt nodes using Ansible and manually trigger os-collect-config
  • Start OpenStack services

Installing Ansible

Ideally the node Ansible is to be executed from was built with the following disk image elements:

  • ansible
  • tripleo-ansible

Systems that the playbooks are brining up should ideally have the following disk image elements:

  • restore-ssh-host-keys
  • disable-os-collect-config

If Ansible is not preloaded, it can be installed via pip install ansible Ansible 1.8.1 or later is required.

If you have manually installed Ansible, see the section on "Setting the OS Environment" for details on ensuring your dependencies are met.

Executing Scripts and Playbooks

All Ansible playbooks and scripts have been written to be run directly from the tripleo-ansible folder.

An ansible.cfg file is provided. If you have a systemwide (/etc/ansible/ansible.conf) or user-specific ( ~/.ansible.cfg) Ansible config file, then Ansible will not utilize the provided configuration file.

Pre-flight check

A playbook exists that can be used to check the controllers prior to the execution of the main playbook in order to quickly identify any issues in advance.

All controller nodes must be in a healty state (ACTIVE) for the pre flight checks to pass. We CANNOT proceed with an update if a controller node is down.

ansible-playbook -vvvv -M library/cloud -i plugins/inventory/heat.py -u heat-admin playbooks/pre-flight_check.yml

Running the updates

You will want to set your environment variables to the appropriate values for the following: OS_AUTH_URL, OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, and OS_TENANT_NAME

source /root/stackrc

Your new images will need to be uploaded to glance, such that an instance can be booted from them, and the image ID will need to be provided to the playbook as an argument.

You can obtain the ID with the glance image-list command, and then set them to be passed into ansible as arguments.

glance image-list

Upon execution, you will see output along these lines:

ID Name Disk Format Container Format Size Status
4ba4c941-2065-4925-8ddc-328d813051c3 b0379d39-b73e-459e-a22d-a79645b83995 b89342a9-94f7-4e19-a179-6b0d67a857a1 f25cc0d7-ff6f-4beb-9456-e24b06f5a2e4 cbdccc2e-aaf0-4080-88bb-57656f31e747 a5b85458-f355-49e0-bdc9-29824f2429d5 642f4197-5d4e-4e10-b466-188df9ac2915 9c386c74-66d8-4937-9438-d00c9740670d f52e97c6-e91a-4885-94be-97ea324f6c06 1fd49eff-bdbc-4176-b4f5-3779848c5894 50aaab4b-8085-470c-9cc9-9fbfb9891071 bm-deploy-kernel bm-deploy-ramdisk overcloud-compute overcloud-compute-initrd overcloud-compute-vmlinuz overcloud-control overcloud-control-initrd overcloud-control-vmlinuz overcloud-swift overcloud-swift-initrd overcloud-swift-vmlinuz aki ari qcow2 ari aki qcow2 ari aki qcow2 ari aki aki ari bare ari aki bare ari aki bare ari aki 3194080 24962351 706412544 10557800 3194080 1210996736 11652799 3194080 440991744 10557940 3194080 active active active active active active active active active active active

It may be possible to infer the image IDs using the script "populate_image_vars". It will try to determine the latest image for each image class and set it as a group variable in inventory. For this to function correctly, the new images in glance must have the same names that the previous images had, which match the node type name, such as undercloud, swift, compute, control.


Upon execution, you will see output that indicates the ID values that have been stored for the image variable. Example output below:

"nova-compute": {

"buildnum": null, "id": "b89342a9-94f7-4e19-a179-6b0d67a857a1"

}, "swift-storage": { "buildnum": null, "id": "f52e97c6-e91a-4885-94be-97ea324f6c06" }, "controller": { "buildnum": null, "id": "a5b85458-f355-49e0-bdc9-29824f2429d5" },

} ... Creating plugins/inventory/group_vars/nova-compute ... Creating plugins/inventory/group_vars/swift-storage ... Creating plugins/inventory/group_vars/controller

After the populate_image_vars script runs, inspect the output, example above, and if the data is what you expect, you can omit the image ids from the ansible command line below. Note, the undercloud is not shown in this list as this documentation is geared for overcloud updates, however when you utilize the update for the undercloud, the variable that needs to be set is undercloud_rebuild_image_id.

Once you are ready to execute the update, below is an example command for updating the overcloud, showing all of the disk image IDs being defined on the command line.

ansible-playbook -vvvv -u heat-admin -i plugins/inventory/heat.py -e nova_compute_rebuild_image_id=1ae9fe6e-c0cc-4f62-8e2b-1d382b20fdcb -e controller_rebuild_image_id=2432dd37-a072-463d-ab86-0861bb5f36cc -e swift_storage_rebuild_image_id=2432dd37-a072-463d-ab86-0861bb5f36cc playbooks/update_cloud.yml

If you have set the image ids in group vars or via the populate_image_vars script:

ansible-playbook -vvvv -u heat-admin -i plugins/inventory/heat.py playbooks/update_cloud.yml

Below, we break down the above command so you can see what each part does:

  • -vvvv - Make Ansible very verbose.
  • -u heat-admin - Utilize the heat-admin user to connect to the remote machine.
  • -i plugins/inventory/heat.py - Sets the inventory plugin.
  • -e nova_compute_rebuild_image_id=1ae9fe6e-c0cc-4f62-8e2b-1d382b20fdcb - Sets the compute node image ID.
  • -e controller_rebuild_image_id=2432dd37-a072-463d-ab86-0861bb5f36cc - Sets the controller node image ID.
  • -e swift_storage_rebuild_image_id=2432dd37-a072-463d-ab86-0861bb5f36cc - Sets the swift storage node image ID.
  • playbooks/update_cloud.yml is the path and file name to the ansible playbook that will be utilized.

Upon a successful completion, ansible will print a summary report:

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** : ok=18 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=19 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=18 changed=8 unreachable=0 failed=0


As ansible utilizes SSH, you may encounter ssh key errors if the IP address has been re-used. The fact that SSH keys aren't preserved is a defect that is being addressed. In order to avoid problems while this defect is being fixed, you will want to set an environment variable of "ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False", example below.

ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -vvvv -M library/cloud -i plugins/inventory/heat.py -e controller_rebuild_image_id=4bee1a0a-2670-48e4-a3a4-17da6be795cb -e nova_compute_rebuild_image_id=bd20e098-0753-4dc8-8dba-2f739c01ee65 -u heat-admin playbooks/update_cloud.yml

Python, the language that ansible is written in, buffers IO output by default. This can be observed as long pauses between sudden bursts of log entries where multiple steps are observed, particullarlly when executed by Jenkins. This behavior can be disabled by passing setting the an environment variable of "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1", examble below.

PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -vvvv -M library/cloud -i plugins/inventory/heat.py -e controller_rebuild_image_id=4bee1a0a-2670-48e4-a3a4-17da6be795cb -e nova_compute_rebuild_image_id=bd20e098-0753-4dc8-8dba-2f739c01ee65 -u heat-admin playbooks/update_cloud.yml

For more information about Ansible, please refer to the documentation at http://docs.ansible.com/

Failure Handling

Ansible has tunable options to abort the execution of a playbook upon encountering a failure.

The max_fail_percentage parameter allows users to define what percentage of nodes can fail before the playbook stops executing. This setting is pre-defined in the playbook file playbooks/update_cloud.yml. The default value is zero, which causes the playbook to abort execution if any node fails. You can read about this option at: http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_delegation.html#maximum-failure-percentage

Additionally, it should be noted that the any_errors_fatal variable, when set to a value of True, will result in ansible aborting upon encountering any failures. This variable can be set by adding '-e any_errors_fatal=True' to the command line.

Additional Options

The plugins/inventory/group_vars/all file has the following options in order to tune behavior of the playbook execution. These options can be enabled by defining the variable name that they represent on the ansible comamnd line, or by uncommenting the appropriate line in the plugins/inventory/group-vars/all file.

  • force_rebuild - This option overrides the logic that prevents an instance from being rebuilt if the pre-existing image id maches the id being deployed. This may be useful for the purposes of testing. Example command line addition: -e force_rebuild=True
  • wait_for_hostkey - This option causes the playbook to wait for the SSH host keys to be restored. This option should only be used if the restore-ssh-host-keys element is built into the new image.
  • single_controller - This option is for when a single controller node is receiving an upgrade. It alters the logic so that mysql checks operate as if the mysql database cluster is being maintained online by other controller nodes during the upgrade. IF you are looking at this option due to an error indicating "Node appears to be the last node in a cluster" then consult Troubleshooting.rst.
  • ssh_timeout - This value, defaulted to 900 [seconds], is the maximum amount of time that the post-rebuild ssh connection test will wait for before proceeding.
  • pre_hook_command - This, when set to a command, such as /bin/date, will execute that command on the host where the playbook is run before starting any jobs.
  • post_hook_command - Similar to the pre_hook_command variable, when defined, will execute upon the completion of the upgrade job.
  • online_upgrade - This setting tells the script to attempt an online upgrade of the node. At present this is only known to work on compute nodes.

Online Upgrade

When an upgrade does not require a kernel update, the Online Upgrade feature can be utilized to upgrade compute nodes while leaving their virtual machines in a running state. The result is a short one to two minute loss of network connectivity for the virtual machines as os-refresh-config stops and restarts key services which causes the loss in network connectivity.

This operation is performed by uploading the new image to the /tmp folder on the node, syncing file contents over while preserving key files, and then restarting services. This is only known to work on compute nodes.

Nova Powercontrol

A module named nova_powercontrol has been included which is intended to utilize nova for all instance power control operations. This utility module also records the previous state of the instance and has a special flag which allows the user to resume or restart all virtual machines that are powered off/suspended upon the completion of the upgrade if the module is utilized to shut down the instances.

To Use:

From the tripleo-ansible folder, execute the command:

bash scripts/retrieve_oc_vars

The script will then inform you of a file you need to source into your current user environment, it will contain the overcloud API credentials utilizing modified variable names which the playbook knows how to utilize.

source /root/oc-stackrc-tripleo-ansible

Now that the environment variables are present, add the following to the ansible-playbook command line for the playbooks to utilize the nova_powercontrol module:

-e use_nova_powercontrol=True

RETIRED, Update a TripleO installation using Ansible.
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