Update Nova NIC boot options to reflect the CLI Nova option names. That patch keep precedent attribute name to preserve compatibility with old template. Signed-off-by: Édouard Thuleau <edouard.thuleau@cloudwatt.com> Change-Id: I9b4a939a2ced4e9157df8685052cbe7594061ac8
Warm - To setup simple OpenStack environments from template =========================================================== Warm exposes APIs on Yaml files to be reused. I's good tool to setup small environement on OpenStack. Please report me any bug or feature. I will be happy to work on it. Note: Warm mixup names and ids, It does not recreate resource already exists with a same name/id. How to use it ============= - To install Warm use pip (don't forget to check for dependances). $ pip install warm - We are assuming your env OS_* are already configured. $ export | grep OS_ declare -x OS_AUTH_URL="https://identity/v2.0" declare -x OS_PASSWORD="*******" declare -x OS_TENANT_ID="ea262aa012f244f8af2d1687977aaa81" declare -x OS_TENANT_NAME="my-project" declare -x OS_USERNAME="sferdjaoui" - You are now ready to create your first template. $ cat > my-tpl.yaml <<EOF server: - name: srv flavor: m1.small image: cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec EOF - You can now run warm. $ warm my-tpl.yaml To get more information about a template syntax, see config.yaml.sample or you can check the repositoy https://github.com/sahid/warm-templates to find more examples. Build Prerequisites =================== debian-based ------------ The list of debian package dependencies can be found in deps.deb.txt: $ sudo apt-get install `cat deps.deb.txt` rpm-based --------- The list of RPM package dependencies can be found in deps.rpm.txt: $ sudo yum install `cat deps.rpm.txt` Roadmap ======= Add floating-ip pylint, pep8