Vincent Fournier 5d87fdaacd Improve code naming
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2015-08-24 20:33:27 -04:00

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'use strict';
angular.module('bansho.table', ['bansho.datasource',
.directive('banshoTable', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
options: '='
templateUrl: 'components/custom_directive/table/table.html',
controller: ['$scope', '$window', 'headerFollow', 'datasource', 'templateManager',
function ($scope, $window, headerFollow, datasource, templateManager) {
// Manage attributes.
$scope.datasourceId = $scope.options.attributes.datasourceId;
$scope.checkColumn = $scope.options.attributes.checkColumn;
$scope.pagingbar = $scope.options.attributes.pagingbar;
if ($scope.options.attributes.headerFollow) {
} else {
$scope.cellUrls = $scope.options.attributes.cellUrls;
// Handle components.
$scope.columns = [];
angular.forEach($scope.options.components, function (cell) {
type: cell.type,
title: cell.attributes.title,
attributes: cell.attributes
// Add table configuration.
datasource.addTable($scope.datasourceId, {
columns: $scope.columns,
inputSource: $scope.options.attributes.inputSource,
pagingbar: $scope.options.attributes.pagingbar
datasource.registerDataChanged($scope.datasourceId, function (data, isCheckAll) {
$scope.isCheckAll = isCheckAll;
$scope.entries = data;
templateManager.addInterval(function refreshTable () {
// Table functions.
$scope.createUrl = function (entry, attributes) {
if (attributes.url) {
var url = "#/view?view=" + attributes.url.view;
angular.forEach(attributes.url.params, function (value) {
url += '&' + value.urlParam + '=' + entry[value.entryKey];
$window.location = url;
$scope.onClick = function () {
$scope.isCheckAll = !$scope.isCheckAll;
datasource.setAllCheckTable($scope.datasourceId, $scope.isCheckAll);
$scope.entryOnClick = function () {
$scope.isCheckAll = datasource.isAllCheckedTable($scope.datasourceId);
.directive('banshoCell', ['$http', '$compile', 'tableGlobalConfig',
function ($http, $compile, tableGlobalConfig) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
var attributes = attrs.attributes,
template = 'components/custom_directive/table/';
if (!attrs.type) {
throw new Error('Directive bansho-cell "type" attribute must be defined');
if (!attributes) {
throw new Error('Directive bansho-cell "attributes" attribute must be defined');
if (attrs.type == 'cell-single') {
template += 'cell_single/cell_single.html';
scope.attributes = attributes;
tableGlobalConfig[attrs.title] = scope.entryKey;
} else if (attrs.type == 'cell-other-fields') {
template += 'cell_other_fields/cell_other_fields.html';
scope.attributes = attributes;
} else {
var templateName = "cell_" + attrs.type.substring(5).replace(/-/g, "_");
template += templateName + '/' + templateName + '.html';
$http.get(template, { cache: true })
.success(function (data) {
.filter('wrappableStyle', ['datasource', 'tableGlobalConfig', function (datasource, tableGlobalConfig) {
return function (input, scope) {
var last = '',
entry = {},
parent_found = false,
class_name = ['', ''],
fieldToWrap = tableGlobalConfig.cellWrappableField[datasource.getConfig(scope.datasourceId).noRepeatCell];
if (fieldToWrap === undefined) {
return input;
if (datasource.getConfig(scope.datasourceId).isWrappable) {
class_name = ['state--hasChild', 'state--isChild'];
for (i = 0; i < input.length; i += 1) {
entry = input[i];
if (entry[fieldToWrap] === last) {
if (!input[i - 1].has_child && !parent_found) {
input[i - 1].has_child = 1;
input[i - 1].child_class = class_name[0];
entry.child_class = class_name[1];
parent_found = true;
} else {
entry.is_child = 1;
entry.child_class = class_name[1];
} else {
parent_found = false;
last = entry[fieldToWrap];
return input;
.filter('noRepeat', ['datasource', 'tableGlobalConfig', function (datasource, tableGlobalConfig) {
return function (items, scope) {
var newItems = [],
fieldToCompare = tableGlobalConfig.cellWrappableField[datasource.getConfig(scope.datasourceId).noRepeatCell],
newAttr = datasource.getConfig(scope.datasourceId).noRepeatCell + "_additionnalClass";
angular.forEach(items, function (item) {
if (previous === item[fieldToCompare]) {
item[newAttr] = 'state--rmChild';
} else {
previous = item[fieldToCompare].slice(0);
if (!!item[newAttr]) {
item[newAttr] = item[newAttr].replace("state--rmChild", "");
return newItems;
.service('headerFollow', ['$window', function ($window){
var isFollowing = false, staticHead, followingHead, actionBar = false, actionBarEl, staticActionBar,
staticActionBarYOffset, staticHeadYOffset, yThreshold, yOffset;
function enableFollowingMode() {
isFollowing = true;
function setFollowingModeCss() {
// We need to show moving head
followingHead.css("display", "table-header-group");
// Resize thead col width
var thList = staticHead.children("tr").children("th");
angular.forEach(thList, function(th, key) {
$(followingHead.children("tr").children("th")[key]).css("width", $(th).css("width"));
// If we have an actionbar
if (actionBar) {
// Set actionbar css
staticActionBar.css("top", "0");
staticActionBar.css("position", "fixed");
if (followingHead.css("width") != "0px") {
staticActionBar.css("width", followingHead.css("width"));
// Set top css to moving head
followingHead.css("top", staticActionBar.css("height"));
function disableFollowingMode(){
isFollowing = false;
function setStaticModeCss(){
// We need to hide moving head
followingHead.css("display", "none");
// Resize thead col width
var thList = staticHead.children("tr").children("th");
angular.forEach(thList, function(th, key) {
$(followingHead.children("tr").children("th")[key]).css("width", "auto");
// If we have an actionbar
if (actionBar) {
// We need to fix moving actionbar
staticActionBar.css("position", "relative");
if (followingHead.css("width") != "0px") {
staticActionBar.css("width", "auto");
function calculateThreshold() {
// Get YThreshold
if ($(staticHead) && $(staticHead).position()) {
staticHeadYOffset = $(staticHead).position().top;
if (actionBar) {
yThreshold = Math.min(staticActionBarYOffset, staticHeadYOffset);
else {
yThreshold = staticHeadYOffset;
function scrollEvent() {
yOffset = $window.pageYOffset;
if (!isFollowing) {
// Get init data
staticHead = $("thead.static-thead");
followingHead = $(staticHead).parent().children("thead.moving-thead");
// Prepare action bar
if (actionBar) {
staticActionBar = actionBarEl.children("menu");
staticActionBarYOffset = $(staticActionBar).position().top;
if (yOffset >= yThreshold){
else {
this.activate = function () {
// Handle header fixed
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
// Prepare action bar
actionBarEl = $("bansho-table-actionbar");
if (actionBarEl.length > 0) {
actionBar = true;
// Handle scroll event
angular.element(document).on("scroll", scrollEvent);
// Handle resize event
$($window).resize(function() {
if (isFollowing) {
else {
this.deactivate = function () {
angular.element(document).off("scroll", scrollEvent);