136 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
136 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
JSON 2 HTML convertor
(c) Varun Malhotra 2013
Source Code: https://github.com/softvar/json2html
1. Michel Müller(@muellermichel), patch #2 - https://github.com/softvar/json2html/pull/2
import json
import ordereddict
class JSON:
def convert(self, **args):
convert json Object to HTML Table format
# table attributes such as class
# eg: table_attributes = "class = 'sortable table table-condensed table-bordered table-hover'
global table_attributes
table_attributes = ''
if 'table_attributes' in args:
table_attributes = args['table_attributes']
# by default HTML table border
table_attributes = 'border="1"'
if 'json' in args:
self.json_input = args['json']
self.json_input = json.dumps(self.json_input)
raise Exception('Can\'t convert NULL!')
ordered_json = json.loads(self.json_input, object_pairs_hook=ordereddict.OrderedDict)
return self.iterJson(ordered_json)
def columnHeadersFromListOfDicts(self, ordered_json):
If suppose some key has array of objects and all the keys are same,
instead of creating a new row for each such entry, club those values,
thus it makes more sense and more readable code.
jsonObject = {"sampleData": [ {"a":1, "b":2, "c":3}, {"a":5, "b":6, "c":7} ] }
<table border="1"><tr><th>1</th><td><table border="1"><tr><th>a</th><th>c</th><th>b</th></tr><tr><td>1</td><td>3</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>7</td><td>6</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>
@contributed by: @muellermichel
if len(ordered_json) < 2:
return None
if not isinstance(ordered_json[0],dict):
return None
column_headers = ordered_json[0].keys()
for entry in ordered_json:
if not isinstance(entry,dict):
return None
if len(entry.keys()) != len(column_headers):
return None
for header in column_headers:
if not header in entry:
return None
return column_headers
def iterJson(self, ordered_json):
Iterate over the JSON and process it to generate the super awesome HTML Table format
def markup(entry, parent_is_list = False):
Check for each value corresponding to its key and return accordingly
return unicode(entry)
if(isinstance(entry,int) or isinstance(entry,float)):
return str(entry)
if(parent_is_list and isinstance(entry,list)==True):
#list of lists are not accepted
return ''
if(isinstance(entry,list)==True) and len(entry) == 0:
return ''
return '<ul><li>' + '</li><li>'.join([markup(child, parent_is_list=True) for child in entry]) + '</li></ul>'
return self.iterJson(entry)
#safety: don't do recursion over anything that we don't know about - iteritems() will most probably fail
return ''
convertedOutput = ''
global table_attributes
table_init_markup = "<table %s>" %(table_attributes)
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + table_init_markup
for k,v in ordered_json.iteritems():
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '<tr>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '<th>'+ str(k) +'</th>'
if (v == None):
v = unicode("")
column_headers = self.columnHeadersFromListOfDicts(v)
if column_headers != None:
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '<td>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + table_init_markup
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '<tr><th>' + '</th><th>'.join(column_headers) + '</th></tr>'
for list_entry in v:
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '<tr><td>' + '</td><td>'.join([markup(list_entry[column_header]) for column_header in column_headers]) + '</td></tr>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '</table>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '</td>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '</tr>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '<td>' + markup(v) + '</td>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '</tr>'
convertedOutput = convertedOutput + '</table>'
return convertedOutput
json2html = JSON() |